

TEACHER’S NAME: Shoshana Schachter

| |Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS|Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| | |(Focuses on the unit’s student | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play |

| | |outcomes- lesson) | |Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting, |activities (aka learning |

| | | | |Library) |centers)] |

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|ACTIVITIES | | | | | |

| |Monday | |Create an ant. You can use an egg|MATH- |Pretend you are an ant and |

| |Date: |Remind your child what makes an |carton. Cut the carton so you |Number of the week 14 |crawl around your house. Try |

| |April 27 |insect an insect. |only have three parts of the ant |Take a handful of Legos and count them. |to pick up an item pretend-ing|

| | |6 legs |body. Decorate the body; add 6 |Then take more until you nave 14 Legos. |you are as strong as an ant. |

| | |3 parts to their body-head, thorax|legs and 2 antennas, eyes and |See what you can build with 14 Legos. |If you can go outside and dig |

| | |and abdomen. |mouth. Or you can use whatever |Directional concept Activity |in the soil like an ant and |

| | |2 antennas |materials you have available in | an anthill. |

| | |2-4 wings |your house. |03/directional-concept-activity.pdf |The Ants Go Marching One by |

| | |Today we will focus on the ant. | |LITERACY- |One Song |

| | |Children Learn About The Ant |[pic] |Review uppercase letters of the month P, |

| | |[pic] |V, I, A, G, N, X. then write trace the |v=Pjw2A3QU8Qg |

| | |UCUvcscXs |Write/trace the word- |uppercase letters | |

| | | |ant |P | |

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| | | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | | |Trace writing your name. Use different | |

| | | | |writing implements such as a pen, pencil, | |

| | | | |marker and crayon. | |

| | | | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 7 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |03/handwriting.pdf | |



| | | | |WEBSITE | |

| |Tuesday |Today you will remind your child |Create a worm. Lace beads, paper |MATH- |Take the worms you created in |

| |Date: |that soil is important for plants |or cut up straws to create a |Review number 14 |math and ask a family member |

| |April 28 |to grow. Then you will discuss |worm. Use different colors so you|With paper create 14 worms, count them. |to hide them around the house.|

| | |what else you might find in the |can create a pattern such as a |Then play |Then ask that family member to|

| | |soil, worms. Next watch the video |red, blue, red, and blue and so | |give you hints so you can find|

| | |together to learn all about worms.|on. Then either draw on an eye or|review math concepts- |the worms. |

| | |Worms - Invertebrate animals for |create one from paper and glue it|comparing shapes |Take the worms and play with |

| | |kids - Natural Science for kids |on. | in soil or pretend soil. |

| | |[pic] |LITERACY- |Wiggly Woo |

| | |b6HlBhkfQ |[pic] |Review lowercase letters of the month p, |

| | | | |v, i, a, g, n, x. then write trace the |v=vdWsez-CD5o |

| | | |[pic] |lowercase letters | |

| | | | |p | |

| | | |Write/trace the word- worm | | |

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| | | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | | |Look in your refrigerator. Chose your | |

| | | | |favorite fruits and vegetables such as | |

| | | | |apples, cucumber, pepper, mango… that have| |

| | | | |seeds in eat. Then trace or write their | |

| | | | |names. | |

| | | | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 8 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |03/handwriting.pdf | |



| | | | |WEBSITE | |

| |Wednesday | | |MATH- |With Lego try to create |

| |Date: | | |Make 2 different color apples (i.e. green |different apple trees. |

| |April 29 |Today you will remind your child |Facts about the Apple Tree. |and red apple). Then color 7 seeds onto |With blocks create an apple |

| | |what you learned about seeds and | apple. Then take the other apple and |orchard. Use your cars and |

| | |what they need to grow. Then you |2utWW5Fb4cgreen |continue counting until you drew 14 seeds |pretend your family is going |

| | |will discuss the different parts | |altogether. |on a trip to the apple |

| | |of a plant. |Then create an apple tree. Take a|LITERACY- |orchard. |

| | |Roots-to hold the plant in place |toilet paper roll. Take a green |Review uppercase letters of the month P, |Fruit for Kids with Blippi | |

| | |Stem-to bring nutrients and water |paper or color a paper green. |V, I, A, G, N, X. their sound and name |Apple Fruit Factory Tour |

| | |to the plant |Color or paint red or yellow |them. Then take each letter and find one |

| | |Leaves-uses sun light to make food|apple on the tree. Then add the |thing in your house that either starts or |v=Ff1ecYv24-E |

| | |for the plant |paper to the top of the tree. |ends with that letter. | |

| | |Petal-to attract insects who then |Afterwards point out what is the |HANDWRITING- | |

| | |help produce new plants |stem (the trunk), leaves and |Ask family members their favorite fruit. | |

| | |While a flower is one type of |fruit. |Then write or trace the word. Then ask | |

| | |plant there are many other types | |them their favorite vegetable. Then write | |

| | |such as a fruit that grows from a |[pic] |or trace the word. Last color a picture | |

| | |plant. One type of this is an |Write/trace the word- |showing the fruit and vegetable that they | |

| | |apple tree. |Apple tree |chose. | |

| | | | |Then use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 9 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |03/handwriting.pdf | |



| | | | |WEBSITE | |

| |Thursday | |Strawberry facts |MATH- |Use play-doh and create |

| |Date: | | math 14 |different size strawberries |

| |April 30 |Today you will remind your child |NmljKjRoik |Create and cut out 14 apples and oranges. |Try to dress like a |

| | |what you learned about seeds and |Where do strawberries grow? Do |Then take the apples and strawberries and |strawberry. Find red clothing |

| | |what they need to grow. Then you |they grow on a tree like an |follow a pattern. The pattern can be AB |and then add black seeds. |

| | |will discuss the different parts |apple? (no, a plant) |such as |Learn Fruits and Vegetables |

| | |of a plant. |What is a strawberry? (a fruit) |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] |for Kids : The Strawberries |

| | |Roots-to hold the plant in place |What do strawberries look like? |Or ABB pattern |

| | |Stem-to bring nutrients and water |Where are the seeds? (on the |[pic][pic][pic][pic][pic][pic] |v=Tpmp7-B5pDY |

| | |to the plant |outside of the strawberry) | |

| | |Leaves-uses sun light to make food| |03/math-concept-patterns.pdf | |

| | |for the plant |Create a strawberry |LITERACY- | |

| | |Petal-to attract insects who then | |Use stencils to write the letters of the | |

| | |help produce new plants | |month. | |

| | |While a flower is one type of |[pic] |P, V, I, A, G, N, X. | |

| | |plant there are many other types | |Then color each letter a different color. | |

| | |such as a fruit that grows from a |[pic] |HANDWRITING- | |

| | |plant. One type of this is a |Write/trace the word- |Use handwriting resources | |

| | |strawberry tree. |strawberry |Page 10&11 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |03/handwriting.pdf | |



| | | | |WEBSITE | |

| |Friday | |Kids vocabulary - Fruits & |MATH- |Create a delicious fruit |

| |Date: | |Vegetables 1 - Learn English for |Review number 14 |salad. Take different types|

| |May 1 |Today you will remind your child |kids - English educational video |Create a big number 14. Then |and color fruits. Peel the |

| | |what you learned about seeds and | on 14 stickers or draw 14 |fruit. Then wash all the |

| | |what they need to grow; soil, |twgf_G91Eo |circles in the 14. |fruits. Take ne fruit at a |

| | |water, sun, space and air. Then |Today you should celebrate all |[pic] |time a cut it up and place |

| | |you will discuss the different |that you learned this month about| |in a bowl. As you add the |

| | |parts of a plant. |plants, seeds and insects. |LITERACY- |fruit say the name. After |

| | |Roots-to hold the plant in place |Congratulations you did a |Review uppercase and lowercase |you cut all the fruit eat |

| | |Stem-to bring nutrients and water |wonderful job. |letters of the month P, V, I, A, |and enjoy your yummy fruit |

| | |to the plant |Create a paper plate fruit salad|G, N, X & p v i a g n x. |salad. |

| | |Leaves-uses sun light to make food|basket. First look in your |Write uppercase on one side and |Look in magazines or |

| | |for the plant |refrigerator or fruit book or |he lowercase on the other side. |circulars for fruits and |

| | |Petal-to attract insects who then |circular. Find your favorite |Then match the letters. |vegetables. Cut them out |

| | |help produce new plants |fruits. Next, color the fruits |P |then separate the fruits |

| | |While a flower is one type of |that you like. Then past them on |a |and vegetable into two |

| | |plant there are many other types |the plate. Afterwards add a | |piles. |

| | |such as a fruit and vegetables |handle. | |Where Do Fruits and |

| | |that grow from a plant. | |V |Vegetables Come From? |

| | | |[pic] |p |

| | | |Write/trace the word- | |ch?v=CdPRZ3wjCxA |

| | | |fruits | | |

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| | | | |HANDWRITING- | |

| | | | |Use handwriting resources | |

| | | | |Page 12&13 | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |com/2020/03/handwriting.pdf | |


| | | | |20 MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A | |


Social/ Emotional- Week to Review # 3

Monday- Your child is learning how to focus his or her attention by making an attent-o-scope. It helps shut out things that can take attention away. Focused attention helps your child learn at school and at home. To make and use an attent-o-scope, children do the following: • Circle their hands around their eyes • Use their eyes, ears, and brain to stay focused • Take away their hands but pretend they are still there

Tuesday- create your own attent-o-scope. Take 2 toilet paper rolls. Color them and decorate as you want. Then put them side by side. Now you have your own attent-o-scope.

Wednesday- look at the picture of Alex and his teacher. Alex is focusing his attention on his teacher as he explains how to do a sponge painting. Ask your child about this story. • What do you see in this photo? • Show me what Alex is doing to focus his attention. • Point to examples of how Alex is following the Listening Rules to help focus his attention. Let’s practice making an attent-o-scope to focus our attention. Practice making an attent-o-scope with your child.

Thursday- take a few items from around your house. Tell your child to focus and use their attent-o-scope and look carefully at the items. Now tell them to close their eyes. Take out one item. Now tell your child to open their eyes. Can they tell you what’s missing? Enjoy the game!

Friday-Pay Attention Emily Brown (read aloud)

DOMAIN2.PK.PDH.5. Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills.

Domain 1.PK.AL.5. Demonstrates persistence

Domain3.PK.SEL.1. Regulates responses to needs, feelings, and events

Domain 4B.PK.ELAL.7. Developed and answers questions about characters, major events, and pieces of information in a text


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