Setting speed limits, issues, anecdotes, challenges etc.

Mena Lockwood, P.E. Safety Summit, May 23, 2018

VDOT Speed Limit Setting

OBJECTIVE: To set speed limits that promote the safe and efficient flow of traffic."

? Process ? Rules and Regulations ? Study Considerations ? Issues ? USLIMITS2 Experience

Virginia Department of Transportation

Setting Speed Limits - Process

? Speed limit changes done locally, by respective VDOT District Traffic Engineer

? Decision to review/study speed limit based on VDOT criteria such as type of roadway and changes to roadside development, roadway improvements, safety issues or incidents, traffic etc.

? Various laws, VDOT processes govern speed limit changes

Virginia Department of Transportation

Setting Speed Limits ? Process & Prescriptions

? Engineering study required for speed limit changes by VA law

? VDOT requires studies to be signed & sealed, using standard Study template

Virginia Department of Transportation

Most requests come from citizens, state and local police

COV 46.2-878 requires an engineering study prior to change in speed limit.

DTE reviews; VODT requires studies be signed and sealed

COV grants approval to Commissioner who has delegated to DTE and for Interstate to the DTE and STE

COV 46.2-878 says speed limit changes are effective only after a study and when signs are posted

Speed limit changes are kept on file in the VDOT State Highway Engineer's Office as required by Section 46.2-878.

Speed Limit Study Template

Virginia Department of Transportation


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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