The Wenatchee Valley Baptist Church Library is looking forward to another exciting year. Our wish is that everyone make the most of 2014, giving and caring that little bit more than we did last year. At this time of year we often make New Year's Resolutions in hopes that we can change or improve on things in our lives. Some wish to exercise more, others to lose weight. Many of us strive to be a little bit better than we have been in previous years.

We are asking that people share their resolutions with all of us. Who knows? It might just inspire us to try something new. Just what is it that you would like to do differently in 2014? Your name isn't necessary ... just your initials, or you may even remain anonymous. Stop by the library and post your resolution note to the wall. We welcome responses from people of all ages. Check back in from time to time and see what other people would like to change.

Here's just a few things that Book Worm and I would like to improve on:

Read more books.

Get organized.

Be a little nicer.

Cut back on snacks.

Pray more.

Be patient.

How do you want to change?


Keys for a Good Year

Check out a book today - available from the library display table outside the library door.

[pic] Prayer

Confessions of a Prayer Slacker,

By Diane Moody 248.3

Forty Loaves: Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day, By C.D. Baker 248.86

Transforming prayer: how everything

changes when you seek god's face,

by Daniel Henderson 248.3

[pic] Forgive

The Necessity of an Enemy,

by Ron Carpenter Jr. 248.86

High-Maintenance Relationships,

by Les Parrott, III 302


The Only Way To Happiness: The

Beatitudes, by John MACARTHUR 241.53

The Message of the Sermon on the

Mount, by John R.W. Stott 226.93


The reason for God: belief in an age of skepticism, by Timothy J. Keller 239


Small Things with Great Love: Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor,

by Margot Starbuck 248.4

Little One, God Loves You, by Amy Warren Hilliker 248.82


Twisting the Truth, by Andy Stanley- DVD 248.4

Kids' Ten Commandments: Toying with the Truth, Commandments 9 & 10 – DVD

Standing for Light and Truth,

by Adrian Rogers 248

Dare to Be Different: Truth or Dare;

All that Glitters. 2 Interactive Stories

in 1 (Scenarios for Girls),

by Nicole O'Dell Y


Fields of Gold, by Andy Stanley 248.6

The Treasure Principle, unlocking the secret of joyful giving, by Randy C. Alcorn 248.6


Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World,

by John MacArthur 248

How Good is Good Enough?

by Andy Stanley 234

Heaven, by Randy C. Alcorn 236.24


Need a bookmark?

Pick one up in the Library – Names of Jesus Bookmarks

Why Have a Church Library?  

Paul wrote to Timothy, "When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, also the books, and above all, the parchments." 2 Timothy 4:13. Paul had need of books: how much more the growing Christian of today needs the stimulus of books for reference, for Bible study, for inspiration in Christian living!

Spurgeon wrote of Paul, "He was inspired, and yet he wants books! He has been preaching for thirty years, and yet he wants books! He has seen the Lord, and yet he wants books! He has a wider experience than most men do, and yet he wants books! He had been caught up into the very heaven, and had heard things that it was not lawful for a man to utter, and yet he wants books! He had written the major part of the New Testament, and yet he wants books!" (Barton:100 Great Texts and Their Treatment, p.111.)

Book Drive

As the old year winds down and I look forward to the new year, I always look for opportunities to improve our library.  During the month of January we will have a book drive! If you have any books just sitting on shelves, never to be read again, I would gladly accept them as donations.  Books for juniors and youth are especially needed, but we need children and adult books, also. Just drop them off in the donation basket in the library. You can help!!!


If you have been feeling that there must be more to Christian Life than you have experienced up to now, you'll be happy to know, there is.

Welcome pilgrim, you have come to the right place!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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