Y2 T4 Inspirational People KO - Stanley Road Primary School

Y2 Term 4 History ? Inspirational People


Emily Davison

Annie Kenney

Rosa Parks


Something that you are entitled to.


Campaign Right to vote

Segregation Ancestors Race Gender Religion Governess Protest Vote Civil rights Boycott

A woman seeking the right to vote through an organised protest. E.g. Annie Kenney and Emily Davison An organised plan to achieve a goal. The idea that everyone no matter what their religion, race or gender should be allowed to vote. Enforced separation of different groups of people. Someone who was related to you a long time ago. A group of people who share the same culture. Being male (a man) or female (a woman). The belief in and worship of a god.

A woman employed to teach children in someone's house. Expressing that you do not agree with something. Being able to choose what you would prefer to happen. The rights of citizens for freedom and equality. When you refuse to use something as a form of protest.

Born: 1872 in London, England.

Born: 1879 in Springhead, Oldham.

Born: 1913 in Alabama, USA

Died: 1913

Died: 1953

Died: 2005

Emily Davidson was a governess and teacher, before she became a full-time worker for the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU).

Annie Kenney was employed as a weaver's assistant in a cotton mill before becoming involved in the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU).

Rosa Parks had several jobs including seamstress and working for a politician. She was also a campaigner for civil rights throughout her life.

Emily ran into the middle of an important horse race as part of a protest and was killed by a horse owned by King George V.

Edith Cavell, Emmeline Pankhurst and Annie Kenney lived at the same time as Emily Davidson.

Annie was sent to prison for her attempts at protesting for women's right to vote.

Emily Davison, Rosa Parks and Paul Klee all lived at the same time as Annie Kenney.

Rosa Parks was arrested when she refused to give up her seat on a bus for a white person which was the law at the time. She campaigned for a fair society and equal rights.

Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa all lived at the same time as Rosa Parks.


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