


October 2016


A Message from our Headteacher

Dear Parents/Carers .

Our students have got their heads down well into their studies this half term and have made an excellent start to the year. They have also been involved in a very wide range of activities, you will hear more of these in this newsletter.

Our science department hosted the Institute of Physics lecture this week, the lecture focused on wave and tidal renewable energy (appropriate for Guernsey) and was inspirational as well as educational.

Staff have been considering the new Big Picture curriculum that is being developed in Guernsey and what this means for them, in our school this will be mainly at KS3. KS4 will still be based around GCSE examinations.

Rehearsals for ‘Alice’ our school production this year, are in full swing and the show promises to be a great hit.

Our PTA have just run a very successful quiz night, they are also organising a Table Top sale in the run up to Christmas.

We had a very busy Open Evening for new Yr6 students at the beginning of this month, staff and students were really keen to showcase their school- they made me a very proud Headteacher!

Best wishes

Annabel Bolt


English Department News from Mrs Appelqvist

The English Department are incredibly pleased with the students’ first half term, and it had certainly been busy one!

Our new Year 7 students were welcomed into their new school, and we’ve been so proud of how well they have all started! We were particularly proud of their behaviour and attitudes during our resent year group trip, to Les Beaucamps. We were all lucky enough to be able to hear a hugely hilarious talk from TV comedian and author David O’Doherty. He spoke to us about the comical dangers we might find in school, and his book series “Danger is Everywhere”; all students were incredibly excited by his presentation and I know have been keen to read his books!

Our other KS3 students have also impressed us, this half term with their poetry. Two Year 9 students’ (Aaron Wilson and Jack Smith) poems for this year’s National Poetry Day, were selected as winning entries. Aaron was the overall KS3 winner, and Jack the runner up. Both students were photographed for the Guernsey Press, and Aaron’s poem was included in the article! Both students also read their poems for our new department Facebook page.

Two Year 10 students were also in the Guernsey Press for their impressive poetry skills. Holly-Anne Langlois and Mille Le Patourel were also selected as winners for the poetry competition, with holly taking the overall prize for KS4 winner. Holly’s poem was included in the Guernsey press article, alongside Aaron’s.

Our KS4 students are all busily preparing for their upcoming exams in November and January, and we wish them well in their half term revision.

Finally, we would like to share our newest department initiative: our Wednesday videos, “More @ Four”. Each week, we have been uploading a new video to our department Facebook page, which explores the activities and learning happening in our department. Please follow and share our page for further information

SSHS Year group facebook & Twitter Pages

The Heads of year have set up Facebook & Twitter pages for their individual year groups. Here you can find regular updates of success, photographs and useful information.



Creative Arts News:

Music Exam Results

Congratulations to the following students who have recently passed music examinations:

Ellie Saunders (7) Bronze music medal in Keyboard with distinction

Lily Rose Buskell (7) Bronze music medal in keyboard with distinction

Charlotte Lythgoe (8) Gold Music medal in keyboard with distinction

Duke of Edinburgh

As a Trustee and a Gold Award holder, The Earl of Wessex has championed the DofE for many years. He visited the Bailiwick on Thursday 22nd and Friday 23rd September. While in the islands His Royal Highness met young islanders taking part in The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, including many who are undertaking a special Diamond Challenge to mark the 60th anniversary of the Award.

Our students had an amazing day taking part in the DofE Diamond Anniversary challenge and celebrations.

They did us proud all day, whether talking to HRH the Earl of Wessex, the Ltd. Governor, the Bailiff or the press!


There are more photos on twitter – especially our school DofE twitter: @sshsdofe

Science department news:

Institute Of Physics Lecture

Jodi Walsh is a physics/engineering research scientist at the University of Exeter Renewable Energy Group. Her project also works very closely with the University Of Bath Department Of Physics where she completed her Masters in physics two years ago. Jodi is passionate about using science to help the world and hence her research uses acoustics to make marine renewable energy a more viable option for future energy generation.

Jodi gave an interesting talk to a selection of year 10 and 11 students on Wednesday 12th October, on an applied area of physics research with real-world benefits. She showed the students how physics learnt at school is the building blocks to understanding and manipulating the world around us. The students got an insight into the life of a university researcher and a unique opportunity to be able to ask a physics researcher about their career.


Business Challenge

On the 14th November the official school launch takes place for the Channel Islands Student Business Challenge. Students will be able to find out about the challenge and our sponsors will be in school to support and assist (EY, Ogier, Barclays and Sure).

Years 7- 10 will have the chance to take part in a session of Entrepreneurial activities and then come up with their own Business initiative if they decide to take part. Start thinking now as it promises to be another very exciting year ahead for the Challenge!

Barclays Life Skills and Preparation for Working Life

We have been very lucky to have Barclays Life Skills representatives (Amanda and Steve) coming into lessons again this term and assisting students with employability skills. Year 9 have learnt about budgeting! All of these skills will go towards the new qualification Year 9 are undertaking Preparation for Working Life short course (equivalent to ½ GCSE to go with ½ RS).

Year 10 will also undertake the Preparation for Working Life short course this year. The exam will be in May 2017 and all coursework will need to be submitted before Christmas. Students will have this outlined on Show My Homework and Google Classroom.

Congratulations go to the three students who piloted this qualification in May last year and passed! Charley Allen, Chloe Barnaby & Chris Fielding

Year 9 Army Day:

A fantastic Army Day took place on Monday 10th Oct for current Year 9. We were very lucky to have team building activities in place for Year 9 throughout the day. Students took part in problem solving and communication and listening activities. It was a superb day and all the tutor groups worked extremely well.

Oxbridge Talks

Some of our Year 11 students interested in University attended the Oxbridge talks at the 6th Form Centre at the start of term. They were informed of entrance requirements to Oxford University and understood general information about Uni too. A Higher Education Fair involving lots of other universities will take place next year and students will be informed.

Carers Twitter [pic]

Follow Ms Kaufman on Twitter to find out what is going on in the Careers Department and Careers in school – SSHSRKN. Please keep on looking at and go to the Careers page for up to date information and advice and guidance on Careers. We post current vacancies there too!

New careers newsletter for Parents & Carers

Click on the link below for the new careers newsletter for parents & carers produced by Careers Guernsey.  This is the first edition of termly newsletters designed for parents & carers of students in Years 9-11.  Features in this edition include, what next after Year 11, looking to the future, engineering careers, careers that use maths and other useful information for parents & carers.  We hope you find it useful and we welcome any feedback on how we can improve the content of future newsletters.

Careers Advice Services

You can search information about lots of things relating to careers; how to apply for a job, finding a job and help with CVs to name but a few. Contact details below:-

|Contact: Sean Parry, Careers Adviser for St Sampson’s |

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|T: 733024 E: W: New and Improved website! |

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|You will find us in the Education Department at the top of the Grange. |

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|Opening hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am – 5.00pm including school holidays |

Careers newsletter for Parents & Carers

Click this link for the autumn edition of the careers newsletter for parents & carers of students in Years 7–11, produced by Careers Guernsey.  Features in this edition include: Post-16 options information, work experience for Year 10, new careers lesson for Years 7-9, changes to GCSE grading and University points and the feature career is Graphic Design.  We hope you find it useful and we welcome any feedback on how we can improve the content of future newsletters.  Our next newsletter will be available in February.


To celebrate its landmark 40th anniversary, organisers of the Skipton Swimarathon have chosen 40 local good causes to benefit from the fundraising in 2016.The Lions Club of Guernsey and The Guernsey Round Table distribute the funds annually and have this year hope to make a £1,000 donation to each of the 40 Guernsey based charities. The remainder of the funds raised will be shared among the two clubs.

Here at St Sampson’s 101 competitors took part in the Swimarathon on Friday 7th October, 47 from Brecqhou, 25 from Lihou & 28 from Jethou.

Laps swum:

Brecqhou: 273

Lihou: 173

Jethou: 165

Top fundraisers:

Jethou: Cyrus Martel 9GWT with £69.20

Brecqhou: Tayah Wood 7MIE with £69

Lihou: Ciaran Macarthur 7BKT with £67

Money raised:

Brecqhou: £1077

Jethou: £610.12

Lihou: £469.75

Overall House points:

Brecqhou: 1350

Jethou: 775

Lihou: 64

Total amount raised: 2089.87!

SSHS PE Department

Students’ sport report & Sporting Results Sept-Oct 2016…

Please continue to follow the PE dept on Twitter @sshspedept

Football Leagues

Year 7 – beat LMDC 3-1, beat LMDC 8-3 (B Team), beat ECA 10-0, beat ECB 6-2, lost GS 3-2, beat LBHS 3-2

Year 8 – beat LMDC 6-1, beat LMDC 3-1 (B Team), drew 4-4 ECA, beat ECB 4-2, beat GS 12-0, lost LBHS 6-4

Year 9 – beat LMDC 9-2, beat LMDC 4-1 (B Team), beat ECA 5-2, beat GS 5-1, beat LBHS 6-2

Year 10 – beat LMDC 4-0, beat ECA 2-0, beat ECB 8-2, beat GS 7-0,

Football Cups

Year 7/8 Kinder – beat LMDC 4-0, beat GS 5-3. Final: St Sampson’s vs Elizabeth College

Year 9 Sigma – beat College 6-3, beat LMDC 9-2. Final: St Sampson’s vs Les Beaucamps High School

Year 10/11 Spiller – beat LMDC 4-0, beat EC 4-3. Final: St Sampson’s vs Les Beaucamps High School

Netball Leagues

Year 7 – beat LBHS 22-0, beat LBHS 16-2 (B Team), lost Ladies 19-3, beat Ladies 8-7 (B Team), lost LMDC 9-8, beat LMDC 8-1 (B Team)

Year 8 – lost LBHS 19-16, beat LBHS 6-2 (B Team), lost 4-2 Ladies College, lost 7-0 Ladies College (B Team), beat LMDC 15-4

Year 9 – lost LBHS 20-8, lost Ladies 30-2, lost LMDC 6-2

Year 10 – beat LBHS 22-2, beat Ladies College 16-8

Year 11 – beat LMDC 14-13


Brad Smith WON the combined year 7/8 race for boys – over 120 runners in this category!

Summer Woodhead came 2nd in the combined year 7/8 race for girls

Georgia Dame was the first SSHS girl to cross the line in years 9/10

Reese Jackson & Joe Welsh both finished in the TOP 5 for the year 9/10 combined boys race

Year 7

|School |Played |

|Monday 24th - Friday 28th October |Half Term |

|Tuesday 20th December |Term Ends |

|2017 Spring Term |  |

|Wednesday 4th January |Term Starts (Staff) |

|Thursday 5th January |Term Starts (Pupils) |

|Monday 20th - Friday 24th February |Half Term |

|Friday 7th April |Term Ends |

|Friday 14th April |Good Friday |

|Monday 17th April |Easter Monday |

|Summer Term |  |

|Monday 24th April |Term Starts (Staff) |

|Tuesday 25th April |Term Starts (Pupils) |

|Monday 1st May |May Day Holiday |

|Tuesday 9th May |Liberation Day |

|Monday 29th May to Friday 2nd June |Half Term |

|Friday 21st July |Term Ends |

GCSE Exams

There will be some GCSE exams in November & January for some Yr9, Yr10 & Yr11 students:


AQA English Language GCSE

Paper 1                   8:45am               Tuesday 1st November

Paper 2                 13:00pm               Friday 4th November


Edexcel Maths GCSE

Paper 1                 8:45am                 Monday 9th January       

Paper 2                 8:45am                 Tuesday 17th January

Edexcel English Language

Paper 1                   8:45am               Monday 16th January

Paper 2                 13:00pm               Tuesday 24th January

Mock Exams: Year 11 Mock Exams will take place week beginning 9th January




Our school Facebook page for parents/carers is:

St Sampson’s High School, Guernsey.

We aim to keep Parents/carers up-to date with all the latest news and events, posting any last minute messages where possible. Parents/carers may find it useful to ask non urgent questions on here, of a general nature, which staff may be able to answer.

Our Facebook page for parents/carers now has PE department Twitter feeds.


epartment Twitter feeds.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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