Michigan Family to Family – Health Information Center

Ideas for Self-Care During COVID-19It is important to recognize that we are currently in an unprecedented time that can be immensely stressful for families. It is very important during this time to recognize that it is okay to admit that we are struggling, that we are humans and we can’t expect ourselves to balance everything, that we need to focus on doing what we can with what we physically and mentally are able to and that other things can wait. Below is a list of ideas for taking care of yourself and your family during this time.FaceTime/call/text your loved ones.?Take breaks from social media and news.Be as forgiving, understanding, and kind to yourself as you would be to others.Acknowledge that it is okay if you can’t balance everything every day. Focus on what needs your immediate attention and let other things go. If you function best with a set schedule, create a routine for yourself that is realistic.Say no to things that you are not able to take on right now (whether they are for work, to others, or just to yourself).Plan/finish projects that you have been wanting to do forever.Try a new hobby.Allow yourself to eat foods that make you happy. Let your kids watch tv or play on electronics to allow yourself time to work/clean/take a mental break.Checkout your local library’s online resources (audiobooks, ebooks, movies, etc.)Binge a new show on Netflix.Try to eat healthy meals.Try to get plenty of sleep.In the morning, listen to music that inspires and motivates you.Go for a walk and wave to your neighbors. For fun, dress your pet in a silly costume and take them on the walk with you.Check in with elderly and/or at risk neighbors/loved ones and support them in ways that you are able to (mentally and/or physically).Cuddle with a pet.Allow yourself to feel- don’t try to keep it all inside.Keep a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings during this time. Reach out to friends/loved ones for music/book/movie recommendations.Vent to your friends/loved ones about how you are feeling and listen to how they are feeling.Create something for no practical purpose such as a song, a poem, an essay, a painting, a drawing, a comic strip, a collage, etc.Check in with yourself a few times each day and take a moment to process your thoughts and emotions. Don’t let them build up.Call your friend or sibling when you know they can’t answer and tell a funny joke as your voicemail. You’ll spread a little laughter while also laughing in the process.Have a movie night at home- make popcorn, eat candy, drink soda and watch a movie you and/or your loved ones will enjoy.Tell your pet all of your deepest, darkest secrets. His or her nonchalance and snuggles will remind you that you’re okay.Take a nap or sleep in later than mit to posting mostly or only positive things on your favored social media site for a while. Edit your social media feeds, and take out any negative or upsetting posts. Write an online review of a business you like. Send that positive energy into the universe and share some love for your favorite local places!Listen to an album you loved when you were younger but haven’t heard in a long time.Make a playlist or mixtape about your current mood. Give yourself permission to make one that expresses how you feel, or maybe even how you’d like to feel.Find a lesser-known book by one of your favorite writers and dive into the pages.Learn a new board game you’ve never played such as chess, backgammon, or Othello.Build something spectacular with Legos, either from a kit or from your imagination.Take an Epsom salt bath in total darkness and silence, or perhaps with just a candle or two.Try a new recipe. Watch a couple episodes of a feel-good sitcom for a few giggles. Touch nature every single day. Hug a tree, pick a flower, or run your fingers through some grass.Go outside on a clear night and look at the stars.Write a limerick or a haiku!Drink more water. The benefits are endless.Write positive affirmations or inspirational quotes on small pieces of paper and put them up in random places in your home to find.Workout to a workout video on Youtube.Dance around the house with your kids and/or family members.Get fifteen minutes of sun, especially if you’re in a cold climate. (Use sunscreen if appropriate.)Go camping in your living room! Sleep in sleeping bags, make smores and tell ghost or silly stories.Reminisce with a friend or loved one in person or over the phone talking about memories from the past that make you happy or make you anize all those pictures that you’ve been meaning to and never got around to. Create a photo book or scrapbook while enjoying the memories. ................

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