Inspirational Quote Project

Inspirational Quotation Project


1) Log onto one of the two Internet sites listed below:

or click on the links at the bottom of my Schoolnotes page.

a. Select THREE inspirational quotations that reflect a positive aspect about your goals, personality, abilities, etc. or provide motivation/inspiration for the future.

b. For example,

i. “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” ~Vince Lombardi (Retrieved from )

ii. “Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others; it is the only means.” ~Albert Einstein (Retrieved from )

iii. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt (Retrieved from )

2) Provide the following information on the attached form:

a. the quotation,

b. the author of the quotation, and

c. the URL (web address) for each of the three quotations.

3) Place the quotations in the order of preference (i.e., first, second, and third).

4) The quotation will appear next to your name in the yearbook.

5) Submit the quotation to Mrs. Buonpane by Monday, October 26, 2015.

6) Preference of quotations will be given based on the order in which they are received.

7) This assignment will count as a grade for both Library and Health.


Inspirational Quote Project

First Choice Quote:

Author of Quote:__________________________________________

URL (Web Address):______________________________________

Second Choice Quote:

Author of Quote:__________________________________________

URL (Web Address):______________________________________

Third Choice Quote:

Author of Quote:__________________________________________

URL (Web Address):______________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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