Personal Philosophy Statement

The Personal Philosophy Statement activity will have you answer such questions as: "What do I believe is important?", "What do I believe is possible?", and "What is my strategy for living?" The elements of your Personal Philosophy are centered around your beliefs, concepts, ideas, and attitudes.  It is a declaration of your set of standards that will help you endure the curves, dips and twists of your life.  Think of your personal philosophy as a map designed just for you. It’s your compass, your true north star. Only you can understand it. Only you can navigate it.  Ultimate, your Personal Philosophy Statement is how you define how you want to become the best version of yourself.  Treat it as the most indispensable tool to make better choices and lead a more inspired life.

For this activity, you will construct a Personal Philosophy Statement, a statement that describes the specific strategies on how you will live your life every day. To develop your Personal Philosophy, you will use four categories – Personal Lens, Practice, Style, and Intention – as the areas to develop your statement, as explained below:

• Personal Lens - The things that define who you are. They include your values, attitudes, belief systems, priorities, mindset, and assumptions. May include quotes, scriptures, and/or words of wisdom.

• Practice - The people, activities, and personal experiences that contributes the most positive energy and provides the most meaning in your life. The people who bring out the best in you and the times when you’re at your best.

• Style - The things that you do that make you uniquely you – both positive and negative. Include such things as creativity, curiosity, passion, strengths, talents, gifts, energy, emotions, and habits.

• Intention - The things you want to achieve and accomplish, as well as those that motivate you to get out of bed in the morning. The areas you want to grow and develop to become the best version of you.

Use the Personal Philosophy Statement Worksheet on the next page to construct your statement; use your answers from the four categories to write your statement, which must be defined in 50 words or less. Create a statement that's easy to remember. Your statement can be a sentence/paragraph, a bulleted list, or a combination of the two. Just make sure that it’s a statement that's truly resonates with you.

Additional rules for writing your Personal Philosophy Statement

• Write your statement in the present tense. Instead of saying, "I want to...", "I hope to ..,”, "I plan to...", or "I wish to...", use words such as "I will...", "I have...", and "I am..." Write and say your statement as if it already exists.

• Focus your statement on "being" and "doing," not "trying" and "wanting."

• Ensure that your statement reflects on your most deeply held values and beliefs, so that it powerfully creates alignment with your soul.

• Create a statement that focuses on the elements and experiences that will make life meaningful for YOU on a personal level.

• Create a statement that connects and is congruent with both your personal and professional life. You want to create a statement that guides all aspects of your life.

Living Your Personal Philosophy

Once you create your statement:

• Take time each day to reflect on your statement; examine the times during the day when you are living your statement and when you are challenged to do so.

• Refine your statement as you see fit, especially as your life changes. Your statement is a living, breathing document that may constantly change.

• Use your statement for maintaining personal integrity in all aspects of your life.

• Make a public commitment and declare your statement to at least one significant person in your life, someone who can hold you accountable for living your statement.

• Live it!

Don't live your life based on what society defines who you should be. You must recognize who you are and live out that identity without reservation or regret.

Personal Philosophy Statement Worksheet

|Personal Lens - The things that define who you are. They include your |Practice - The people, activities, and personal experiences that contributes|

|values, attitudes, belief systems, priorities, mindset, and assumptions. |the most positive energy and provides the most meaning in your life. The |

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|Style - The things that you do that make you uniquely you - good and bad. |Intention - The things you want to achieve and accomplish, as well as those |

|Include such things as creativity, curiosity, passion, strengths, talents, |that motivate you to get out of bed in the morning. The areas you want to |

|gifts, energy, and habits. |grow and develop. |

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|Personal Philosophy Statement |

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Personal Philosophy Statement Worksheet

|Personal Lens - The things that define who you are. They include your |Practice - The people, activities and personal experiences that contributes |

|values, attitudes, belief systems, priorities, mindset, and assumptions. |the most positive energy and provides the most meaning in your life. The |

|May include quotes, scriptures, and/or words of wisdom. |people who bring out the best in you and the times when you’re at your best.|

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|Values: fitness/health, wisdom, spirituality, harmony, family/friends/tribe.|Presenting at professional conferences on Life Design. |

|Character Strengths: love of learning, creativity, gratitude, hope, |Facilitating Life Design Catalyst Coach Training at UNCG and other |

|spirituality |institutions across country. |

|Engagement Strengths: maximizer, futuristic, relator, belief, activator |Working with adults at a crossroads in life. |

|Life Mottos |Watching others achieve more than they ever thought possible, whether it’s |

|Dream Big. Live with Purpose. Inspire Others. |athletically, personally, or professionally. |

|Striving to be 1% better every day. |Creating tools that people can use to create a life of meaning and |

|Believe that in every moment of the day I have an opportunity choose whether|significance. |

|to move forward into growth (+1) or backward into safety (-1). |Watching people have “A-Ha” moments for something I did/share. |

|Simple Rules for Success: |Driven by purpose, meaning, mission, and vision, not by money or fame. |

|Know Yourself. |Feed off energy of people in room but need alone time to recharge and |

|Serve Profoundly. |regroup. |

|Find MY right pond. |Watching inspirational movies where characters overcome obstacles. |

|Quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't |Tony Robbins’ documentary, “I Am Not Your Guru.” |

|matter and those who matter don't mind.” - Bernard Baruch |Brian Johnson’s “Philosopher’s Notes.” |

|Focused on self-actualization and self-transcendence. | |

|Style - The things that you do that make you uniquely you – both positive |Intention - The things you want to achieve and accomplish, as well as those |

|and negative. Include such things as creativity, curiosity, passion, |that motivate you to get out of bed in the morning. The areas you want to |

|strengths, talents, gifts, energy, emotions, and habits. |grow and develop. |

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|Playing sports, mostly golf and tennis. |To do the work necessary to be husband of the year and dad of the year. |

|Obsessed with working out. |Create an “entity/business” where I get to facilitate workshops and create |

|Spending time with my wife Rebecca, our dog Laci, and my daughters Amanda |new tools/activities on a daily basis. |

|and Bethany. |Develop better eating habits/diet to maintain tennis and running weight. |

|Spending time with my tribe of Life Design Catalyst Coaches. |Continue to take medicine and monitor blood clots, since I’ve had two major |

|Minimizing my “Sheldon Cooper” quirky tendencies. |life-threatening clotting episodes since August 2016. |

|Holding grudges FOREVER!!! Time to let them go. |Enhance spiritual practice by incorporating regular meditation and yoga |

|Voracious reader, using acquired knowledge to share with others. |sessions and to live mindfully. |

|Needs to adopt a “win or learn” mentality – no such thing as failure. |To put in the time and work to break 80 in golf and to win a tennis |

| |tournament after 50. |

|Personal Philosophy Statement (50 words) |

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|Live with exceptional health. Be 1% better every day. Dream big, live with purpose, inspire others. Optimize lives, actualize potential. Contribute to|

|something bigger than yourself. Treat relationships with grace and integrity. Be grateful for the gifts God has given me and for keeping me around to |

|live another day. |

Example Personal Philosophy Statements

• Bill’s Example: Live with exceptional health. Be 1% better every day. Dream big, live with purpose, inspire others. Optimize lives, actualize potential. Contribute to something bigger than yourself. Treat relationships with grace and integrity. Be grateful for the gifts God has given me and for keeping me around to live another day. (50 words)

• There are many paths to success; there is no one path. Realizing that frees me to move fast and get things done in the best way that I can. Do no harm to others. Leave the world better than I found it. Enjoy the journey, each and every day! (49 words)

• Live in the present, learn from the past and plan for the future. Enjoy the company of family as it is now, think about the morals and ethics that were set forth eons ago, and gain wisdom and knowledge from your future experiences. (43 words)

• Life is God's gift - be grateful for it. Even if I face a lot of adversities, I know that God will always and forever be there for me. My mission is to live through God's plan for my life and stay true to HIS course. (46 words)

• Be kind, generous, helpful, and honest. I love to work with people and help others grow and develop into the people they choose to be in their lives. Life is about growing, changing, and continually trying to find out who is in their lives. (44 words)

• My family is most important. It is my duty to raise healthy happy children. I have grown, struggled, and been very joyful in my marriage. I believe a relationship commitment is one of the most important elements to have in ones live to fulfill the growth process. (47 words)

• I intentionally cultivate self-worth and I see that reflected in all that I do. I commit to living the best version of myself every day. Initiate positive attitudes and share my never-say-die spirit. Inspire and motivate others to discover and develop their potential and live life to fullest. (48 words)

• Grow very close to God and help people that are in dire need. Appreciate the challenges of life and be a good ambassador to my generation. Serving children and families through art, play, and gardening to encourage positivity and to inspire curiosity, creativity, and hope for a better future. (49 words)

• Laugh loud. Spend time in nature. Serve others. Continue to grow and expand. Live my truth and with integrity. Love freely and accept love. Be a motivational leader and help all the people who come to me. Be a truthful, family-oriented loving person, travel the world, and enjoy life. (49 words)

• I believe the children are our future. I believe that every child has the potential to bring something unique and special to the world. I will help children to develop their potential by believing in them as capable individuals. I will assist children in discovering who they are. (48 words)

• Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow already know who and what you truly want to become. (46 words)

• I will stay connected to my Higher Source to guide my actions and lead with more intention. By bringing full presence to each interaction, I am able to stay focused on my real purpose for every interaction. Mindfulness will help me succeed in almost every dimension of my life. (49 words)

• I love my life. I will share my love and gratitude with every person I meet. I will give my best, even if I face impossible odds. My dog is the most precious member of my family. Live for the moment and, at the same time, enjoy the journey. (49 words)


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