CREATIVE LIFE SPIRITUAL CENTER Our 29th year! Jesse Jennings, Marsha Lehman and Debra Morwood, Ministers

Your Guide to

Creative Life

monthly mini-workshop

Here's a short workshop

with founding minister Jesse Jennings that's especially for those new to CLC and/or to what we teach, and a prerequisite for anyone wishing to become a member who has not yet completed Heartfelt Living -- plus it's a useful introduction to that class, which will be starting FEBRUARY 2 (see page 2). We'll discuss the basics of our philosophy and way of life; how the Center came to be, and how it's cared for and supported; our classes and programs; and what membership means. There will be plenty of time for questions plus you'll get printed materials to take home. No charge, and donations are welcome. SUNDAY, JANUARY 4, 1:00-2:30PM, and offered again on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Please sign up in Builders' Hall or by e-mail to info@

This Thing Called You

book study

A beloved classic that has awakened generations to the

There is a Universal Wholeness seeking expression through everything. We are calling it simply Life. The religionist calls it God. The philosopher calls it Reality.

Life is infinite energy couple with limitless creative imagination. It is the invisible essence and substance of every visible form... Our highest satisfaction comes from a sense of conscious union with this invisible

Life. All human endeavor is an attempt to get back to first principles, to find such an inward wholeness that all sense of fear, doubt and uncertainty


power within, Ernest Holmes's

This Thing Called You tells how to fulfill the longing, within all of

Sit, Stay, Heal! Ego Training 101

us, to live more fully. The book


includes many inspirations,

Are you tired of the constant conflict with that voice in

meditations, and prayers you

your head? You know the one -- it urges you to stay in

Peggy Engelhardt can apply, revealing the unlim-

misery, fear the future, and dwell on lack. It throws

ited potential of the spiritual psychology that

objections and negativity across your path and holds

Holmes founded. Starting JANUARY 25 you

your joy hostage. If you'd like to explore the possibility

can participate in a four-week book study,

of your ego becoming your companion instead of your

led by practitioner Peggy Engelhardt, that Valinda Omaat nemesis, join us for an eight-week discussion on training

can give structure and added meaning to

the ego to contribute to our quality of life, rather than holding us

your personal reading of the work, and assist back. It's eight THURSDAYS, 7-9PM, starting JANUARY 15. The event is

in your application of its principles in your created and led by practitioner Valinda Omaat. Suggested offering

daily life. All are welcome; cost is $40 plus is $10 per session; any contribution is gratefully accepted. No pre-

the book. sUNDAYS, 1:00-2:30PM. Please sign requisites or supplies required. Course materials will be provided.

up in Builders' Hall or by e-mail to

Please sign up in Builders' Hall and with questions e-mail...



5326 Spring-Stuebner Road Spring, Texas 77389-4574 info@ (281) 350-5157

MLK Day of Service donation drive

To help the homeless

LGBT youth of Houston,

we are collecting...

? snack packs

? individual serving-size

beef jerky

? full-size deodorant

? flashlights with batter-


? travel-sized baby wipes ? new or gently used

Last year's Grace Place workday was a huge success. Join us on January 19!


? sleeping bags ? winter accessories such as hand and feet warmers,

gloves, scarves, and warm hats (no red or blue colors, please) ? new and

unopened underwear and socks (all sizes for teens) ? small spiral note-

books ? refillable water bottles ? small first-aid kits and contents ? insect

repellent ? and sun block.

On MONDAY, JANUARY 19 a CLC team will go to Montrose Grace Place to

assemble these care bags and help paint the room the youth use there.

To join that team, use the signup sheet in Builders' Hall, or e-mail coordina-

tor Zanne Dawson at zanne.dawson@

Foundational Science of Mind Course

The best of your life is about to begin!

Discover how thoughts and feelings combine to form beliefs-- which shape our experiences and fashion our future...

Learn how to do spiritual mind treatment (affirmative prayer), and see how well it works, in every area of life...

Feel how the universe is a whole, intelligent, hospitable system... Explore affirmation, visualization, meditation, visioning,

and similar spiritual tools for greater clarity and enhanced joy... Discuss your goals, challenges, and questions in a nurturing, nonjudgmental, mutually supportive atmosphere...

Connect with other like-hearted people to form lifelong friendships... Share your creativity in an artistic, musical or literary project during the closing celebration...

It's MONDAY evenings with minister Jesse Jennings and practitioner Ruth Catalogna. Tuition is $250 (may be paid in installments) plus books:

The Science of Mind, on sale now, and a workbook available the week before class. Graduates from any CSL center may retake at no cost (unless a new certificate of completion is desired, for $45).

11 Mondays 7:00-9:30pm starting February 2

E-mail info@ to enroll or with questions. There is also a sign-up sheet in Builders' Hall.

Minimum of 6 first-time students required for the course to make.

Sunday morning


"...Sit and rest and refresh your soul. Eat of the fruit and drink the wine.

All, all is yours, and you are welcome."

--The Science of Mind text

The Sunday morning meditation is actually an awesome extra to Sunday celebrations. Led by practitioner Malen? Njeri, it lasts for 35 minutes, ending Malen? Njeri in time to comfortably get into the 11am celebration. There is music to enhance as you are guided into a restful state, and inspirational readings to tap into your spiritual center. Most sessions will end with a spiritual mind treatment based on the theme of the readings. Don't be concerned about being late. There is an easy way to quickly get into the flow. Stand a moment outside the door and bring yourself to complete silence. Maintain that silence as you enter. You'll find yourself suddenly present in the meditation and all is well. SUNDAYS 10:15-10:50AM, upstairs in the Learning Center. mnjeri208@

Grief & Loss group

This group's focus is educational and supportive for those everyone who desires to learn life-affirming ways to cope with feel- ings and emotions asso- ciated with life transi- tions. Anyone who has experienced the loss of a beloved person or pet, a relationship, a job, or any other life-altering event, is invited to join us. Minister Debra Morwood and practitioner Ruth Catalogna -- both longtime hospice workers -- lead the group SUNDAYS, 12:30-1:30PM through JANUARY 4, in the Learning Center. Appreciative giving. More info: rcatalogna@

Wisdom of

the Universe

weekly discussions

We are studying

Our midweek celebrations in the Great Hall feature a talk by Jesse Jennings or a guest, plus live music, poetry, prayer support, and fun surprises!

the confluence of metaphysics and

Our usual practitioners on duty are David Dewhurst and Lisa Ryan, while Lorraine Sasser staffs the bookstore. Want to gift us with your music on

science to help us better understand

a Wednesday night? E-mail Nancy at bonillamay@ for details.

Dick & Denese

how the world of consciousness gives

rise to our world of form. Using

books, speakers and various forms of

media, we bring current information

forward for open discussion.

WEDNESDAYS, 12-2PM, led by Denese

& Dick Schmelzkopf, who also teach

at the Academy of Lifelong Learning

at Lone Star College (Montgomery). All are welcome and you may join anytime. Appreciative giving.

with music by David Mayes

with music by with verse by with music by Jimmy Prince Dick Schmelzkopf Michele Macias

For more information: denese28@

Our Creatyve Lyfe Bookseller volunteers worked in heat and cold, dry and wet, day and night, greeting

A Course in Miracles

weekly discussions

A Course in Miracles is

customers and selling products hand over fist, in our 22nd season at the Texas Renaissance Festival! Grateful huzzahs to our fantastic 2014 crew:


Lisa & Tom Ryan

"a unique, universal, self- study spiritual thought system that teaches the way to Love and Inner Bill Peace is through forgiveness." ()

Shoppe staff

Chip Carney ? Gary Clark ? Katie & Sean Kenneth Connelly Seth & Sherrie Evett ? Jennifer "Sah" Gray ? Diane Holmes ? Vickie Holt

Tom & Leslie Hooper ? John Jetton ? Valinda Omaat ? Richard Pace Jeffrey Powell ? Lilia Reade-Pellicano ? Tori Rock ? Dana Wagner

The Course states, " not to change the world,

Next season (our 23rd!) runs from OCTOBER 10 through NOVEMBER 27, again including two school days and the Friday after Thanksgiving.

but choose to change your mind about the world." Cathy The group is now in its 11th year of weekly meetings at CLC, led by Bill and practitioner Cathy

Intermediate Science of Mind Course

Troward: Spirit in Motion

MacKenzie, 7PM THURSDAYS, in the McTaggart Library, upstairs. All are welcome; join anytime. Appreciative giving. For more information...

billmackz@ ?

"The spiritual kingdom is within us, and as we realize it there, so it becomes to us a reality... the laws of Nature do not act vindictively; and through all theological formularies and traditional interpretations let us realize that what we are dealing with is the supreme law of our own being."

--Thomas Troward (1847-1916)


For Heartfelt Living graduates, here's a life-changing eight-

CODA meetings

week course drawn from the work of Judge Thomas Troward, one of the modern-era pioneers of our teaching and a

We now host weekly open

profound influence on our founder, one who so artfully describes the

meetings of Codependents Anony- creative process of mind that you'll slap your head and say, "Now I get it!"

mous, SATURDAYS, 5-6PM, in the McTaggart Library, upstairs. For

Tuition is $200 (may be paid in installments) plus The Edinburgh and Dor? Lectures and a workbook. Led by ministers Jesse Jennings and Debra

more information please e-mail

Morwood, SATURDAYS, 10-1PM, starting JANUARY 24. Please sign up in Builders'

Lisa C. at lcuccerre@ Hall or to info@

Martin, who has

Raised in the small upstate New York town of Monroe,

produced five CDs--

folk rock singer/songwriter Brian Dunne's music has won the

Moon, Scrapbook,

attention and praise of many. With his sharp lyrical prowess

Mockingbird, American

and country-influenced vocals, Brian has played in the U.S.

Seeds and BearNaked

folk scene far and wide. Citing influences such as Bob Dylan,

-- is simply an

The Band, and Bruce Springsteen, one can hear his roots

astounding musician with a comfort- winding through the sound and style of his songwriting and performing.

able presence, a powerful voice and After graduating from the Berklee College of Music in 2011, Brian moved to

creative guitar skills. He is a Kerrville New York City where he currently resides, and has spent much of the last

New Folk Finalist and Festival per- year supporting his newest release, The Brooklyn Bridge EP, which charted

former and led workshops and per- on the US iTunes singer/songwriter charts and received praise from artists

formances at Boston Folk Festival. such as John Mayer amongst many others. When asked about his goals

He was featured on the Kerrville 2000 pertaining to his music, he says, "I would like nothing more than to spend

and 2001 and other compilation CDs. my time sharing this music with people. Above all else."

Martin was opening feature at the

Maine Governor's "Arts in the Capi-

Born and raised in London, Ontario, Ken Yates

tol" series and annually emcees a

moved to Boston to study songwriting at

stage on the Maine State Capitol

Berklee College of Music. It was there

lawn. He sings the national anthem

that he developed his skills as a songwriter,

for the State Senate and has

releasing his first album, The Backseat EP, and

performed at L.L. Bean's "Discovery received the opportunity to play a song for one of his biggest influences,

Park" and at their flagship store.

John Mayer. Mayer then posted a full-page blog about Yates's ability as a

He makes this fourth visit to CLC at writer, stating, "Ken Yates wrote a song called `I Don't Wanna Fall In

9:30 and 11AM on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1. Love'... this song moved me when I first heard it and still does today."

Yates's EP received high critical acclaim, leading to a slew of online covers

from fans. He has toured with many notable names including veteran singer/

songwriter and mentor, Livingston Taylor, Sister Hazel, Peter Katz, and Liz

Award-winning singer/ songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Hans York is an extraordinary guitarist and strong, engaging

Longley, and has songs in heavy rotation on Sirius XM's "The Coffee House," where he was nominated for the Coffee House Songwriter Discovery of the Year. He was recently chosen as the 2014 Colleen Peterson Award winner by the Ontario Arts Council for his song, "The One That Got Away."

Brian and Ken will perform at both services on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8. ?

performer with a distinctive style and an irrepressibly

Bardic Circle

Dance Fusion class

delightful and approachable manner.

If you have felt the calling

CLCers Jeffrey Powell,

He accompanied Robert Palmer on

of the Bard, be it to sing,

Melodie Tipton and Nancy

German TV, toured as bassist with

dance, write or tell stories,

Bonilla-May invite you to

the New York Broadway Ensemble,

then come to the monthly

a creative dance fusion

played throughout Europe with

Bardic Circle! Here we

troupe! Come learn dance

master harp player R?diger Opper-

meet in the Circle to share

basics through choreo-

mann, performed a concerto as

our talents and to be honored and graphy and various types of dance

soloist on fretless bass with the Ars blessed for doing so. All forms of styles from around the world, in a

Quittilinga Chamber Orchestra, and creative expression are welcomed. fusion of mind, body and spirit.

co-founded the German Worldmusic The meetings are led by David "Great Jeffrey has taught and danced

cult band Moka Efti, recording three Bear" Mayes, a long-time student of professionally in the styles of jazz,

CDs with them. Hans blends jazz, folk Pagan and Native American spiritual ballet and tap. Nancy teaches and classical European styles into a traditions, who tells stories, sings and Zumba? and Melodie has choreo-

sound both familiar and unique, and plays his handmade flutes. Next is graphed and danced professionally.

makes his seventh visit to CLC at

TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 7-9PM, in Kather- Meets in Katherman Hall; resuming

both services on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15. man Hall. Appreciative giving. Info: soon. Appreciative giving to CLC.



children & youth

Children begin their Sunday learning adventures in the registration area in the youth foyer, then move to their class- rooms, returning to the Great Hall to be Rev. Debra reunited with their parents in time for the closing song. Some Sundays we offer special theme workshops for the kids, too. We are devoted to providing a safe

T what we do his is the secret: we must enter

into the Spirit of Life, into the

joy of living, into the usefulness of creative endeavor. No one need grow old in attitude if he has faith, purpose and enthusiasm. If we

The CLC Children's and Youth Services Department is devoted to celebrating the spiritual

feel, then, that we are simply onlookers development of each child we teach.

and not participants in the game of life, All age groups are involved in various

we should rediscover the youthful spirit of that childlike joy which gave to us the energy, happiness, security

and faith we had as children.

activities, workshops, and special projects incorporating the teachings of Science of Mind. We strive to

--from Help for Today, ERNEST HOLMES

create an atmosphere of love and

kindness in our words and actions

toward each other and to recognize

and honor the diversity of every


Toddlers (up to age 3) are

environment for our happy children!

lovingly cared for by our toddler

CLC's Youth Director, minister Debra

teachers. In their very artistically

Morwood, reminds parents that when your children are returned to the Great Hall on Sunday, please

This is a sampling of the notes of encouragement that designed Discovery Room, the

were folded into the care packs for homeless LGBT youth at last year's MLK Day of Service event.

children are encouraged to interact

and experience their world as only a

note it is the policy of the Center that

toddler can. They are offered games,

each child, no matter the age, must

toys, books and other age-

be supervised by their adult care-

appropriate activities in a safe,

giver. The children are not allowed

secure and loving environment.

to be outside their classrooms unless accompanied.

If you have any questions or con- cerns about our classes, Debra is in the youth lobby from 10:15-11AM on SUNDAYS, or call her at (281) 651-9295 or connect by e-mail to


Curriculum and all materials are provided! Come help, in a delightful

atmosphere, among a team of mutually supportive teachers, and the most wonderful kids imaginable! Heartfelt Living gradu-

3-6 age group. Beginning

around the age of 3, our toddlers are moved to the Ingenuity Room. This group begins to learn the basics of Treatment and the value of giving a smile and a kind word. Our creative teachers provide age-appropriate instruction and activities.

news & notes

? The JANUARY theme for the children is Jesus' Parables. ? Many thanks to Tori Rock and Jeffrey Powell for appearing on behalf of Santa and his elf at the children's Christmas party, and Mau- reen Cramer and Lisa & Tom Ryan for all their help with crafts and snacks! ? For parents: age-appropriate

ates, practitioners, and those in training are especially invited to

seize this outstanding service opportunity! It this speaks to you, please contact our youth director,

minister Debra Morwood, at debramorwood@

7-10 age group are in the

Quimby Room, regularly practicing the steps of Treatment presented in a manner appropriate to their age group. The teachers provide learning tools, creative projects, workshops and other teaching methods to engage each child's learning of the principles of Science of Mind.

11-15 age group meet on the

prayer/treatment opens all the

second floor of the Learning Center

classes, and for each class there is

in the Hopkins classroom. They are

age-appropriate discussion of the

engaged in special projects, work-

monthly theme and creative projects

shops, have guest speakers and are

to enhance the learning.

involved in several volunteer service

? Just after noon all the teachers

endeavors at CLC. The teachers

and children gather in the reception

working with this group encourage

area of the Learning Center for our

their talents, keep them engaged in

closing prayer circle. Following this, Here's a photo taken in our garden learning Science of Mind principles

the teachers will bring the children by a CLC teen during a photography and we throw in a bit of fun along

to you in the Great Hall.


the way!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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