Unit Assessment Guide (UAG)

Unit Code: BSBCRT401A Unit Name: Articulate, present and debate ideas

Unit purpose:

On completion of this unit you should be able to describe the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to articulate, present and debate ideas.

This unit focuses on the creative ways in which ideas can be presented to provoke response, reaction and critical debate. Risk taking, storytelling and participation in critical debate are key features of the unit. Ideas might be quite complex in nature and relate to new products, services, creative works or new ways of doing things.

More specifically, you should be able to:

1. Analyse ideas for communication to others

2. Provoke response and reaction

3. Debate and discuss ideas

Elements and performance criteria

1. Analyse ideas for communication to others

Distil key themes, messages and positions to aid in clarity of thought and presentation

Reflect on different ways of communicating ideas for different purposes and to different people

Identify the enabling skills and attributes of individuals who can effectively participate in discussions about ideas

2. Provoke response and reaction

Explore and use different techniques to engage, fascinate and involve others in the process of communication and exchange

Explore the ways that storytelling can be used to communicate ideas

Create innovative approaches to different communication challenges

Be prepared to take risks in the way ideas are presented

Identify specific ways to provoke and encourage response in particular individuals or groups

3. Debate and discuss ideas

Present and argue substantiated positions on ideas

Be open to critical analysis of own ideas and to the ideas of others

Identify and participate in conversations that challenge and explore different concepts and approaches, and generate new ideas

Respond to questions about ideas with confidence and relevant information

Reflect on and appraise the views of others, and use to refine ideas and to embrace new ideas

Pre-requisite units:


Proposed Delivery and Assessment Timetable (may be subject to change)

| Session 1 |Public Holiday |

|Session 2 |Introduce unit purpose and assessments |

| |Communication process: verbal and non- verbal skills; one way communication; barriers, written skills |

| | |

| | |

| |Be Clear: In teams, identify a range of mediums, audiences, purposes and opportunities for |

| |communicating ideas in the workplace. |

| |Be Organised: introduce ways to organise an effective workplace presentation using different |

| |structures (eg Point, Reason, Example, Point (PREP); Past/Present/Future) |

| |Be clear end organised: present H/W in small groups using a chosen structure |

| |Be Informed: introduce NC research tools-databases, catalogue, ebooks, weblinks |

| | |

| |H/W: research the techniques/strategies used by an engaging presenter |

|Session 3 |Be Passionate: Identify ways to deliver a convincing, persuasive presentation (eg What is wrong? Why is|

| |it wrong? How can it be corrected? What should we do?) |

| |Be constructive: introduce the role of self-reflection and peer-assessment. Practise giving |

| |constructive feedback |

| |Assessment 1- Two minutes PREP delivery-engaging presenters |

| |Give and respond to teacher feedback |

| | |

| |H/W: Brainstorm ideas for personal presentation |

|Session 4 |Show what you mean: Use a range of non-verbal techniques to enhance your presentations ( eg |

| |appearance, posture, gestures, body movements, eye contact and facial expressions). |

| |Pitch: hook, struggle, payoff. Use 3-slide approach to introduce film proposals |

| |Say what you mean: organise content in a film synopsis. Show sample and discuss features. Give detailed|

| |instructions in handout |

| |H/W: Prepare personal presentation |

|Session 5 (13/8) |Inspire your audience: use different strategies to enhance the persuasiveness of your presentations |

| |Speak with conviction: Use a range of techniques to enhance your delivery |

| | |

| |Assessment 2 Five minute presentation-film synopsis |

| |Assessment 3-Give and respond to teacher and peer feedback (oral and written) |

|Session 6 (20/8) |Use vocal variety: Use a range of vocal techniques to enhance your delivery (eg volume, pitch, pace, |

| |tone, vitality and articulation) |

| |Prior preparation prevents poor performance (PPPPP): introduce portfolio requirements for optional |

| |assessment task. All students need to use content in portfolio but not necessarily submit it for |

| |assessment. |

| | |

| |Assessment 2 Five minute presentation-film synopsis |

| |Assessment 3-Give and respond to feedback (oral and written) |

|Session 7 (27/8) |Assessment 3-Give and respond to teacher and peer feedback (oral and written). Use effective writing |

| |skills to summarise the changes you would make to enhance your verbal and non verbal presentation |

| |skills. Use topic sentences and closing sentences. Write a minimum of three paragraphs: clearly, |

| |concisely, coherently, correctly, concretely, consistently and completely. |

| |Speak with Knowledge: Introduce the next assessment ‘Present an IT concept’ to the class-software, |

| |hardware or an issue. Negotiate the topic with the teacher. Use a visual aid to support your delivery. |

| |Making it persuasive: use different strategies to enhance the persuasiveness of your presentations (eg |

| |attention, need, satisfaction, visualisation, action) |

| | |

| |H/W: PPPPP-prepare visual aids for ten minute industry presentation |

| |Graded students-prepare presentation portfolios |

|Session 8 (3/9) |Assessment 4 Ten minute presentation-industry standard software, hardware or issues |

|and |Assessment 3-Give and respond to feedback (oral and written) |

|Session 9 (10/9) | |

| | |

| |H/W(optional): prepare presentation portfolio |

|Session10 (17/9) |Assessment 5 (optional) Presentation Portfolio |

Assessment overview:

This is a graded unit and you must meet the criteria for competence but are not obliged to attempt the grading criteria. Your TAFE transcript will indicate the unit is graded and show your result but will not indicate whether you chose to attempt the grading criteria or not.

Your final result will be recorded as

o not competent (NC), achieved competence (AC), competent with credit (CC), competent with distinction (CD)

▪ This unit will be assessed through 4 events and one optional event. These include: a two-minute presentation, a five-minute presentation, a ten-minute presentation, giving and responding to feedback. The optional task (Event 5) is a presentation portfolio.

▪ Four assessment events must be successfully completed in order to demonstrate competence in this unit. Event 5 is optional.

▪ If you are absent on the day of an assessment you must notify the teacher as soon as possible. It may be possible to negotiate assessment on another occasion. However, this will depend on the nature of the assessment task.

▪ If you do not successfully complete an assessment event you may be given the opportunity to undertake another assessment. This must be negotiated with your teacher. Should you be unsuccessful in the 2nd attempt, you may need to re-enrol in the unit the following semester.

▪ You will receive feedback on each assessment provided it is submitted on or before the agreed due date. Assessments completed after the agreed due date will need to be approved by the Head teacher. In such cases, you will need to show cause as to why you are seeking a late attempt. If the employability skills associated with the unit include punctuality, the late submission may not be accepted. As soon as you become aware of circumstance that may prevent submission on time, notify your teacher to request an extension in time.

▪ If you want to view your results at any time, your teacher can provide you with instructions on how to access your student record via student e-Services

▪ All TAFE students are eligible to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). For more information go to

▪ If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully completing the assessment task(s) you should immediately talk with your teacher about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account your condition and may include providing a support person or extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered.

▪ If you do not agree with the mark/grade given for your assessment task, you may appeal the assessment decision. You should first discuss the assessment result with your teacher. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of that discussion you can access the appeal process through the staff in the campus administration office.

▪ For more information on assessment, refer to ‘Every Student's Guide to Assessment in TAFE NSW’ which is available on the TAFE internet site at:

Additional information

Assessment 1 Two minute presentation –Engaging presenters

Present your ideas on an inspiring presenter to your peers using the PREP structure. Remember the focus is on their presentation skills. What makes them an engaging presenter? Not why you like them!

Point: introduce your leader; their background; their passions

Reason: give reasons they are so engaging (specifically comment on their verbal and/or non-verbal skills they use to engage an audience)

Example: bring them to life using an example of their success (it can be in words, sound bites or visuals). What outcomes did they achieve through their voice and delivery? Eg humour, persuasion…

Point: restate why your audience should agree with your choice of engaging presenter

Assessment 2 Five minute presentation –Personal Presentation

Point: Present a summary of your skills and knowledge to a potential employer.

Reason: Be specific about why you are passionate about the industry.

Examples: Outline your education and employment history briefly. Use specific examples to highlight your attitude to work and your ethics.

Point: Restate your point-ie why you would be an asset to their organisation

Assessment 3 Give and respond to feedback (oral and written)

Actively seek oral feedback from two of your peers. Collect written teacher feedback. Use the feedback to self-reflect. Describe how you can tailor your techniques in future presentations to this audience. Specifically identify two improvement strategies in each of the following skills: verbal, non-verbal and use of visual aids. Each paragraph should include a topic and concluding sentence.

Staple the written feedback (teacher and peer) to your 3 paragraph reflection.

Assessment 4 Ten minute presentation –industry standard software, hardware or an issue

Research two alternate current industry options ( ie compare two software options; or compare two hardware options; or compare two perspectives on an industry issue). Be open to analyse two secondary sources (eg journal articles, internet articles) on each option. Compare your secondary source with a primary source (eg include details of your interview or survey). Summarise your findings in a handout and include in-text references. Include a Bibliography using the style outlined in North Coast TAFE’s Smart Study Guide. Confidently present your different perspectives to industry peers. Make your final position clear. Challenge and explore the audience’s response to your ideas through a two-minute question time.

Assessment 5 Presentation portfolio (preparation, aids, plan, feedback, review)

To achieve Credit criteria you need to achieve the requirements of Competent grade. In addition you need to demonstrate the following:

• research of a well-constructed arguments based on four documented secondary and two primary research sources

• develop effective visual and written aids to compare two options

• prepare an effective plan to implement a range of innovative presentation skills

• seek feedback from two sources

• respond to feedback in a constructive manner by identifying two improvements to content, verbal and non-verbal skills

To achieve Distinction criteria you need to achieve the requirements of a Credit grade. In addition you need to demonstrate the following:

• research of a well-constructed analytical arguments based on nine documented secondary and three primary research sources

• develop effective visual and written aids to compare three options

• prepare an effective plan and implement a range of innovative, confident presentation skills

• seek feedback from three sources

• respond to feedback in a constructive manner by identifying three improvements to content, verbal and non-verbal skills

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Assessment Event 1 of 5 – Two minute presentation-inspiring presenter

|Competency: BSBCRT401A Articulate, present and debate ideas |Course: Cert IV in Info Technology Support (Networking) 10311|

|Event No: 1 of 5 |Due: |Teacher: Steve Wigmore |

|Grading information: This unit is graded. Your final result will be recorded as (AC) achieved competence or (NC) not competent when all events |

|are successfully completed |

|Presentation requirements: |

|present at pre-arranged scheduled time Time: |

|Submission instructions: Students do not have to submit any documents |

|Teacher support and supervision: If you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment events please contact your teacher for guidance |

|Student collaboration: You will be required to give verbal feedback to some of your peers at the end of their presentations |

|Assessment attempts: Two attempts. See the UAG for additional information |

|Reasonable adjustment: If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully completing the assessment task(s) you |

|should immediately talk with your teacher about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account |

|your condition and may include providing a support person or extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered. |

|Reasonable Adjustment: Outline any reasonable adjust made for the student for this event. |

| |

|Result: Attempt 1 |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Result: Attempt 2 if required |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Returned to student via: |

|☐ TAFE email ☐ in person ☐ post on ____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

| |

|Presenter’s Name: ___________________________Student giving feedback________________ |

Assessment Event 1 Observation Checklist -Inspiring presenter

Student Name: ______________________________

• 2 minute presentation

• Delivers at specified time

Part 1 Point

• Introduces inspiring presenter

• Engages the audience

• Speaks clearly:

o Appropriate pace

o Clear, audible projection

o no mind chatter

• Uses non verbals to enhance verbal delivery

o Shares eye contact

o Confident posture

Part 2 Reason

• Transitions to next phase easily

• Explains one or more reasons why presenter is engaging:

o Verbal reason

o Non-verbal reason

• Uses appropriate language

Part 3 Example

• Transitions to next phase without prompting

• Outlines an engaging example

Part 4 Point

o Concludes restating positive point about inspiring leader

o Uses strong, positive tone

Comments ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessment Event 2 of 5 – Five minute personal presentation

|Competency: BSBCRT401A Articulate, present and debate ideas |Course: Cert IV in Info Technology Support (Networking) 10311|

|Event No: 2 of 5 |Due: |Teacher: Steve Wigmore |

|Grading information: This unit is graded. Your final result will be recorded as (AC) achieved competence or (NC) not competent when all events |

|are successfully completed |

|Presentation requirements: |

|present at pre-arranged scheduled time Time: |

|Submission instructions: Students do not have to submit any documents |

|Teacher support and supervision: If you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment events please contact your teacher for guidance |

|Student collaboration: You will be required to give verbal feedback to some of your peers at the end of their presentations |

|Assessment attempts: Two attempts. See the UAG for additional information |

|Reasonable adjustment: If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully completing the assessment task(s) you |

|should immediately talk with your teacher about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account |

|your condition and may include providing a support person or extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered. |

|Reasonable Adjustment: Outline any reasonable adjust made for the student for this event. |

| |

|Result: Attempt 1 |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Result: Attempt 2 if required |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Returned to student via: |

|☐ TAFE email ☐ in person ☐ post on ____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

| |

|Presenter’s Name: ___________________________Student giving feedback__________________ |

|Assessment Event 2 Personal Presentation-Observation Checklist Student Name: |

|Comments: |

| |

| |

• 5 minute presentation

• Delivers at specified time

Part 1 Point

• Introduces inspiring presenter

• Engages the audience

• Speaks clearly:

o Appropriate pace

o Clear, audible projection

o no mind chatter

• Uses non verbals to enhance verbal delivery

o Shares eye contact

o Confident posture

Part 2 Reason

• Transitions to next phase easily

• Explains one or more reasons why presenter is engaging:

o Verbal reason

o Non-verbal reason

• Uses appropriate language

Part 3 Example

• Transitions to next phase without prompting

• Outlines an engaging example

Part 4 Point

o Concludes restating positive point about inspiring leader

o Uses strong, positive tone

Assessment Event 3 Marking Guide -Give and respond to feedback

Student Name: ________________________

Written feedback attached

□ Teacher feedback

□ Peer feedback

Part 1 Content

|reflected on teacher feedback | |

|reflected on peer feedback | |

o describes two or more verbal techniques to more effectively present to class audience

o describes two or more non-verbal techniques to more effectively present to class audience

o describes two or more techniques to more effectively present to visual aids

o minimum 3 paragraphs


Part 2 Writing style

o Uses correct punctuation and grammar

o Uses correct spelling

o Includes clear sentence structure

o Includes logical paragraphing

o Opens each paragraph with a topic sentence

o Closes each paragraph with a closing sentence

o Purpose is achieved (to reflect on constructive feedback)

Comments __________________________________________________________________________

|Competency: BSBCRT401A Articulate, present and debate ideas |Course: Cert IV in Info Technology Support (Networking) 10311|

|Event No: 3 of 5 |Due: |Teacher: Steve Wigmore |

|Grading information: This unit is graded. Your final result will be recorded as (AC) achieved competence or (NC) not competent when all events |

|are successfully completed |

|Presentation requirements: |

|present at pre-arranged scheduled time |

|Submission instructions: Students do not have to submit any documents |

|Teacher support and supervision: If you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment events please contact your teacher for guidance |

|Student collaboration: You will be required to give verbal feedback to some of your peers at the end of their presentations |

|Assessment attempts: Two attempts. See the UAG for additional information |

|Reasonable adjustment: If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully completing the assessment task(s) you |

|should immediately talk with your teacher about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account |

|your condition and may include providing a support person or extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered. |

|Reasonable Adjustment: Outline any reasonable adjust made for the student for this event. |

|Result: Attempt 1 |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Result: Attempt 2 if required |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Returned to student via: |

|☐ TAFE email ☐ in person ☐ post on ____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

| |

|Presenter’s Name: ___________________________Student giving feedback__________________ |

|Competency: BSBCRT401A Articulate, present and debate ideas |Course: Cert IV in Info Technology Support (Networking) 10311|

|Event No: 4 of 5 |Due: |Teacher: Steve Wigmore |

|Grading information: This unit is graded. Your final result will be recorded as (AC) achieved competence or (NC) not competent when all events |

|are successfully completed |

|Presentation requirements: |

|present at pre-arranged scheduled time |

|Submission instructions: Students do not have to submit any documents |

|Teacher support and supervision: If you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment events please contact your teacher for guidance |

|Student collaboration: You will be required to give verbal feedback to some of your peers at the end of their presentations |

|Assessment attempts: Two attempts. See the UAG for additional information |

|Reasonable adjustment: If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully completing the assessment task(s) you |

|should immediately talk with your teacher about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account |

|your condition and may include providing a support person or extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered. |

|Reasonable Adjustment: Outline any reasonable adjust made for the student for this event. |

| |

|Result: Attempt 1 |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Result: Attempt 2 if required |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ |

|Feedback: |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|____________________Assessor signature |

| |

|____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

|Returned to student via: |

|☐ TAFE email ☐ in person ☐ post on ____ / ____ / 20____ |

| |

| |

|Presenter’s Name: ___________________________Student giving feedback__________________ |

Assessment Event 4 Observation Checklist Industry software/hardware/issue

Student Name: _________________

o 10 minute presentation

o Delivers at specified time

Part 1 Content of visuals

o Compares two options effectively

o Uses two secondary sources (eg journal or internet articles)

o Includes in-text referencing for all sources

o Includes Bibliographical references

o Writes text clearly

o Correct spelling

o Point form

o Maximum 5-7 points on a slide

o Uses enticing visuals

Part 2 Content of handout

o Compares two options effectively

o Uses two secondary sources (eg journal or internet articles)

o Includes in-text referencing for all sources

o Includes Bibliographical references

o Uses enticing visuals

o Writes text clearly

o Correct spelling and punctuation

o Clear sentence structure (one thought =one sentence)

o Effective paragraphing (one idea =one paragraph)

o Coherent argument

o Effective layout

o Correct use of point form when appropriate- introduces with a stem sentence, followed by consistent verb form (‘runs, uses and extends’ NOT ‘runs, uses and extending’)

Part 3 Delivery

o States purpose of presentation clearly

o Engages the specified audience with idea

o Speaks clearly:

o Appropriate pitch

o Engaging pace

o Clear articulation

o Audible projection

o Uses non verbals to enhance verbal delivery:

o Appropriate eye contact

o Effective hand gestures

o Confident posture

o Body position doesn’t block visuals

o Key ideas/action described in sequence

o Explores reasons for position

o Uses appropriate language

o Uses visual aids and support documents effectively (eg appropriate time, language

Part 4 Discussion

o Explores audience response in 2 minutes

o Purpose is achieved- to persuade

o Concludes with positive pitch explaining why software/hardware/issue should be supported

o Engages audience in a discussion that provokes a positive response to your idea


|Event 5 (optional) Graded Portfolio |

|Competency: BSBCRT401A Articulate, present and debate ideas |Course: Cert IV in Info Technology Support |

| |(Networking) 10311 |

|Event No: 1 of |Due: |Teacher: Steve Wigmore |

|Grading information: Grading is optional. It will be recorded as (CC) credit or (DC) Distinction |

|Submission requirements: You are required to submit the following documents by email: |

|Delivery plan |

|Handout –including in-text references |

|Bibliography |

|PowerPoint or visual aid- including in-text references |

|Written Review of teacher and peer feedback |

|Required resources: |

|Access to PowerPoint (Library or classroom computers) |

|Teacher feedback after presentation |

|Teacher support and supervision: If you are unclear about any aspect of the assessment events please contact your teacher for guidance |

|Student collaboration: Written Peer Feedback |

|Assessment attempts: Two attempts. See the UAG for additional information |

|Candidate instructions: |

|Always keep a backup copy of your assignment. Loss of your assignment by either yourself or the teacher will not be accepted as a valid reason |

|for non-submission. |

|Reasonable adjustment: |

|If you have a permanent or temporary condition that may prevent you successfully completing the assessment task(s) you should immediately talk |

|with your teacher about ‘reasonable adjustment’. This is the adjustment of the way you are assessed to take into account your condition and may |

|include providing a support person or extra time. The assessment criteria cannot be altered. |

Marking Guide- Presentation Portfolio Student Name: ____________________________

|Credit Grade |Distinction Grade |

|Achieved Competent Grade in Event 1-4 |Achieved Competent Grade in Event 1-4 |

|submits both handout and visual aid electronically |submits both handout and visual aid electronically |

|submits at specified time |submits at specified time |

|Presentation Skills |Presentation Skills |

|uses some innovative presentation skills at appropriate times eg |uses a range of innovative presentation skills eg questions/answers, |

|questions/answers, visua aids, handout, displays |visua aids, handout, displays |

|mostly uses language suitable to the audience |always uses language suitable to the audience |

|engages the audience with some options/viewpoints |engages the audience with all options/viewpoints |

|mostly uses effective non verbals |always uses effective non verbals |

|mostly introduces and concludes issue effectively |introduces and concludes issue effectively |

|Research Skills |Research Skills |

|Compares two popular options effectively |Compares three popular options effectively |

|Uses two industry-relevant, current secondary sources for each |Uses three industry-relevant, current secondary sources for each |

|option(eg journal or internet articles) in handout and in visual aid |option(eg journal or internet articles) in handout and in visual aid |

|Includes two primary sources (users &/or industry representatives) in |Includes three primary sources (users &/or industry representatives) |

|both mediums |in both mediums |

|Includes t in-text referencing for all six sources (4 secondary & 2 |Includes correct in-text referencing for all twelve sources (9 |

|primary) |secondary & 3 primary) |

|Includes mostly correct Bibliographical references for four secondary |Includes correct Bibliographical references for nine secondary sources|

|sources | |

|Aids |Aids |

|Compares two options effectively in handout and in visual aid |Compares three options effectively in handout and in visual aid |

|Uses enticing visuals for each option |Uses enticing visuals for each option |

|Writes text appropriately in handout and visual aid |Writes text appropriately in handout and visual aid |

|Correct spelling and punctuation |Correct spelling and punctuation |

|Mostly clear sentence structure (1 thought = 1sentence) |Perfect sentence structure (1 thought = 1 sentence) |

|Mostly effective paragraphing (1 idea = 1 paragraph) |Effective paragraphing (1 idea = 1 paragraph) |

|Coherent well-constructed argument |Coherent, critical and well analysed argument |

|Engaging layout |Engaging and convincing layout |

|Feedback |Feedback |

|Seeks written audience feedback (minimum two) on content |Seeks written audience feedback (minimum three) on content |

|Seeks audience feedback (minimum two) on verbal skills |Seeks written audience feedback (minimum three) on verbal skills |

|Seeks audience feedback (minimum two) on non-verbal skills |Seeks audience feedback (minimum three) on non-verbal skills |

| | |

|Delivery Plan |Delivery Plan |

|States purpose of presentation clearly |States and achieves purpose of presentation clearly |

|Organises 10 minute presentation into relevant sections |Organises and delivers10 minute presentation in relevant sections |

|Plans delivery of key ideas/action in sequence |Plans and executes delivery of key ideas/action in sequence |

|Plans creative introductory idea |Plans and delivers creative introduction |

|Plans non verbals to enhance verbal delivery: |Plans and uses non verbals to enhance verbal delivery: |

|Strategies for appropriate eye contact |Strategies for appropriate eye contact |

|Timing and use of effective hand gestures |Timing and use of effective hand gestures |

|Pre-determines body position at various stages of presentation |Pre-determines body position at various stages of presentation |

|Includes reasons for position |Includes extensive reasons for position |

|Identifies industry appropriate language |Identifies industry appropriate language |

|Plans visual aids and support documents effectively (eg appropriate |Plans and uses of visual aids and support documents effectively (eg |

|time, language) |appropriate time, language) |

| | |

|Review |Review |

|Identifies two strategies from audience feedback to improve content |Identifies three highly effective strategies from audience feedback to|

|Identifies two strategies from audience feedback to improve verbal |improve content |

|skills |Identifies three highly effective strategies from audience feedback to|

|Identifies two strategies from audience feedback to non-verbal content|improve verbal skills |

| |Identifies three highly effective strategies from audience feedback to|

| |non-verbal content |

|Self evaluates constructively in writing | |

| |Self evaluates constructively in writing |

|Result and Feedback |

|Reasonable Adjustment: Outline any reasonable adjust made for the student for this event. |

|Result: Attempt 1 |Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ | |

|Feedback: |___________________Assessor signature |

| | |

| |____ / ____ / 20____ |

|Result: Attempt 2 if required |Steve Wigmore Assessor name |

|Assessment successfully completed? Yes ☐ No ☐ | |

|Feedback: |____________________ Assessor signature |

| | |

| |____ / ____ / 20____ |

|Returned to student via: |☐ TAFE email ☐ in person ☐ post on ____ / ____ / 20____ |

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|Student Name: | |

|Assessor name: | |

|Employer (if applicable) | |

|Date: | |

|Please note: The Candidate must demonstrate a satisfactory result in all assessment activities in order to be assessed as competent in the |

|unit. |

|Attach the evidence of assessment to this report. This report must be retained by North Coast TAFE for one semester after the student |

|successfully completes this unit. |

|Assessment #1 [Assessment Method]. The candidate’s demonstrated knowledge and/or skill during the assessment was: |

|Satisfactory ( Not Satisfactory ( |

|Assessment #2 [Assessment Method]. The candidate’s demonstrated knowledge and/or skill during the assessment was: |

|Satisfactory ( Not Satisfactory ( |

|Assessment #3 [Assessment Method]. The candidate’s demonstrated knowledge and/or skill during the assessment was: |

|Satisfactory ( Not Satisfactory ( |

|Assessment #4 [Assessment Method] eg: Feedback from the candidate’s supervisor (if applicable) was: |

|Satisfactory ( Not Satisfactory ( |

|Overall Assessment. Overall the candidate is assessed as: |

|Competent ( Not Yet Competent ( |

|Feedback to the candidate on their performance and results. Mandatory field |

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|Assessor Signature: |Date student result was recorded in TAFE system |

| |____ / ____ / 20_____ |

|Student signature (if required) | |



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