Notes Thunderbird Setup

Thunderbird Setup for Lotus Notes

IMPORTANT: Have users disable forwarding of their UMN email to @csom. To do so, visit: . Click the “Set E-mail Forwarding and Autoreply” link, remove the @csom address and select “Central Internet Account at Twin Cities.”

Once Thunderbird setup is complete, have users forward their @csom email to UMN.

You can download Thunderbird from the following site:

Install it using all the defaults, except when it asks to import settings and mail folders from Outlook, select “Don’t Import Anything”.

At the end of the install, do not select the “Show me Thunderbird”

Proceed to UMN Email setup instructions provided by ADCS. You only need to go through setting up the LDAP server; then proceed with Lotus Notes setup below. The Directory Searches information is for the user.

Note: You need user’s x.500 username and password to perform the install.

Say “Yes” to use Mozilla Thunderbird as default email program if users are ready to make the switch.

Setting up Thunderbird for Lotus Notes

After configuring your UMN email, you should set up your Lotus Notes account for Thunderbird. However, first make sure that your Lotus Notes account has been IMAP enabled. (In Lotus, Click File, Database, Properties, then click the "i" tab. The lower-left area of the dialog box indicates if it is IMAP enabled.)


1. In Thunderbird, go to Tools, Account Settings, click Add Account (button on lower-left)


2. Select Email Account and click Next.


3. Enter the username and email address similar to the example below.


4. Select IMAP and enter the server name as below and click Next.



5. The username displays; click Next. The full account name displays.


6. Click Next. A Congratulations confirmation screen displays your user information.

7. Click Finish.

Modify Server Settings.

Click Tools, Account Settings.


1. Click Advanced button.

• For Notes account, select Server supports folders that contain sub-folders.

• For UMN account, deselect that option.


2. Select Copies and Folders for CSOM Account


3. Select Outgoing Server (SMTP).


4. Select and click Edit. Makes changes if necessary as indicated below and click OK.


Both users now display from the Thunderbird Home Screen.


Select the Account you want to use and Click Read Messages.


Enter appropriate username and password.

Customizing Your Thunderbird Account

There are some settings you may wish to modify in your Thunderbird account.

Reply Options

By default, your reply will display below the original message. To modify this setting to display your reply at the top, as Lotus Notes did, follow these steps.

1. Click Tools, Account Settings.

2. Select Composition & Addressing.


3. In the Composition area, select Automatically quote the original message when replying. Then, “start my reply above the quote.”

Forwarding Options

By default, Thunderbird will send forwarded messages as an attachment. If you wish to change this setting to display the message as Lotus Notes did, follow these steps.

1. Click Tools, Options.

2. Select Composition.

3. From the General tab, select “Forward Messages Inline.”


Note: If desired, you can also change text behavior at this screen. You may want to experiment with desired formats to use the setting you prefer.

Setup CSOM LDAP Directory

Click Tools, Account Settings, Composition & Addressing.


Click Edit Directories; then click Add. Complete the General and Advanced tabs as below.



Send a message from each account to verify that each is working properly. A “Sent” box should display. IMPORTANT: All messages Sent via Thunderbird will now be saved in the UMN Sent box.

Provide users with documentation regarding moving messages and creating a signature file. Help them create a folder and move some messages from the @csom account to their UMN account.


Notes account



Change this to save everything in UMN account so you don’t have to move future sent messages


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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