How to open android studio in ubuntu


How to open android studio in ubuntu

How to open emulator in android studio ubuntu. How to open android studio in ubuntu without terminal. How to open android studio in ubuntu terminal. How to open android studio in ubuntu 18.04. Android Studio is the official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) to develop Android apps by Google. It is based on the JetBrains Idea Intellij Intellij software and has many amazing features that help developers create Android apps. Android Studio is available for free download on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. Here we will share many guides, tips, tricks and shortcuts for Android Studio to help the developer to easily understand the instrument. Eclipse vs Android Studio Android Development Studio is mostly done in two IDE i.e Eclipse and Android Studio. Previously Eclipse IDE was the famous but now Android the study found. ? This is because Google has ended support for Eclipse and now focused on Android Studio. Google has also advised the developer to import projects and use their Android Android Studio. ? ? ? "We are focused on Android Studio so that our team can offer you a great experience on a unified development environment. The Android tools within Eclipse will continue to live in the open source community through the Eclipse Foundation. ? "Prerequisites for Android Studio learning: there are two prerequisites for learning the tips for the Android study: system requirements ? ? ?" First your operating system, the system must be Windows, Max OS X or Linux with lower requirements: Microsoft Windows 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / 2003 / XP (32 or 64 bit) Mac OS X 10.8.5 or higher, up to 10.10 uP 10.10.2 10.10.3 to 10.10.5 ( Yosemite) Gnome or KDE or Unity Desktop Ubuntu or Fedora or Debian GNU / Linux minimum RAM: 2 GB RAM recommended RAM: 4 GB disk Space: 500 MB disk Space Android SDK Space reqirement: 1 GB for Android SDK Emulator System Images and Caches JDK: Java Development Kit (JDK) 7 or higher resolution of sc hermo: 1280? -800 Screen resolution minimum Prefer a faster processor based on your Android Studio budget: the second thing you need is to download Android Studio your system and install it. It's available for free download on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux OS. Android Studio Tutorials for Beginners ? ? ? "Step by Step: Below are the links-tutorials on Android Studio: what is the next step in the tutorial Studio Android to run Android in WSL image Studio is needed enable WSL2 which is currently under Windows Insider Preview Builds. Please note that the GUI applications are not officially supported by Microsoft, but it works and does not cause any filesystem problem in my case. you can find a full guide for launch GUI applications, including enabling WSL2 here: everything you need to do is install VCSRV or any alternative on the Windows side (recommend the paid X410 as an alternative to UX) and XFCE4 with a UNIX side and then configure UNIX dISPLAY to show in Windows by displaying Export = [UNIX] IP: 0 After you set up you Can download and install Android Studio from you can deal with an error during installation: "Can not run mksdcard SDK Tool". - See a question related to stack overflow. However, if you manually install the missing libraries, will complete the installation. I tried and it works. Install the missing libraries with a recommended response: sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1.0 lib32stdc ++ 6 for information on connecting to the USB device See this problem microsoft/wsl2-linux-kernel/issues/23 Referencing this Guide: RPasek/USBIP-WSL2-Structions one limitation is that WSL2 does not support nested virtualization at this time, so you may not be able to emulate a virtual Android device. On the eve of 2018, the More voted is still fantastic, but it looks a bit obsolete, and while I recently we have decided to share my new experience here. 1. Install Java since Android Studio 2.2 was released You don't need to install any JDK alone in most cases, since he brought with the IDE. Reference For more details 2. Installing the prerequisite software The following command command run in the first place, so we can avoid some problems in the future with the AVD tool: sudo apt-get install libc6: i386 libstdcses5: libstdc ++ 6 i386: i386 lib32z1 libbz2-1.0: i386 Reference for details 3. Download and unpackaging Android Studio you can get Android Studio Archive here. Nothing special, just waiting for the upload is finished :) Google is a registered provider Lanaana, so to comply with the FSH Linux Contract (Part 3.13 / opt) I would suggest to unpack the archive folder to the Google / Android-Studio: sudo decompression ~ / download / -d / opt / google / 3.1 [optional] Change write permission for Android Studio folder you can find the write permissions setting for all users affordable when it comes to Android Studio update. However it is not widely used, and it seems to violate the principle of least privilege. However, in case if you like this way better to simply run: sudo chmod o + w / opt / google / android-studio / or you can always run Android-Studio for the root account and performs all updates you need without this step involved. 4. Creation of the Android SDK directory does not embrace the idea that each person should have their own copy of the Android SDK tools (construction tools, source code, system images, etc.). But Android Studio works exactly like this (is likely due to the issue of permits). We do use another shared folder among all users in the system. 4.1 Create directory Make the android-sdk folder for future use: sudo mkdir / opt / google / android-sdk sudo chmod o + w / opt / google / android-sdk The last command changes the permissions so that each user in system is able to change this Android-SDK folder (installation and removal of packages). 4.2 Setting environment variables Android Studio is still stating your location at this time. To make Studio install Android SDKs in the shared folder, we have to specify environment variables. Currently there are two variables that point to the SDK directory: Android_Home and Android_SDK_Root. The first is deprecated, but Android Studio won - Use Android_SDK_Root when you start the first time even if it is specified, then I would recommend you to specify both variables. To keep things consistent and clear, it has done so in a separate shell to Android-Studio in Profilo.D folder (so you can remove more later in the case of Android Studio removal): sudo -i cd / etc / Profilo.D / Echo Export Android_SDK_Root = / opt / Google / Android-SDK /> Echo Export Android_Home = / opt / Google / Android-SDK / >> 4.2.1 Setting Java_Home variable If you plan on using commands through GRADLEW CLI, will be useful to add Java_Home pointing to Java embedded (otherwise Gradle will not be able to locate it) ECHO EXPORT JAVA_HOME = / opt / Google / Android-Studio / JRE >> Android_Studio.SH now you you need to log off and log back on to apply this new script. Reference for details 5. Installing SDK ? Since we changed permissions to the SDK folder (/ opt / google / android-sdk /), you don? ? t need special permissions to write to it. Just run Android-study on behalf of your current user: /opt/google/android-studio/bin/ Now follow the instructions of the wizard configuration. In the end, hit the download of the component window. It may be necessary for a while 'until the required components are installed. As we have taken care of all libraries and software required for a long starting from the (part 2) Process should be finished without any error. At the first Android Studio launch install only the last SDK platform (at the time of API writing 27). To make your tool set is valid, you need to install at least 2-3 more old SDK platforms (here you can find the dashboard that shows the actual demand for the different APIS version). In order to take them, from the Android Studio Cozy screen, click ? ? ?,? "Configure" and choose the SDK Manager option. From here you can choose everything you need to develop Android apps. P.S. You can actually install everything from the list (also (also (also Packages), but it will take you downtime. 6. The creation of a desktop input currently Android Studio offers built-in functionality to create desktop input. We have to perform study with root permissions, so you can do it for all the users of the system ,: sudo -e /opt/google/android-studio/bin/ p.s. -E option is necessary to keep our environment variables (Android_Home / Android_SDK_ROOT) available during sudoing. You will need to switch the same Setup Wizard again (it was run for the root user now) and once the reception screen is hit, you can find the option Create the desktop input from ? ? ?,? ? "configure ? ?,? Menu: In the box dialog which opens, make sure that - ? ? ?,? ? "Create the check box for all users, the check box is selected and click OK. Now you can close Android Studio and open from Unity Launcher! P.S. For those interested in where the voice was created and what is inside, you can find it in /usr/share/applications/jetrbrains-studio.desktop: [desktop input] version = 1.0 type = application name = Android studio icon = /opt/google/android-studio/bin/studio.png exec = "/ opt / google / android-studio / bin /"% f comment = the unit to develop categories = development; IDE; Terminal = false startupwmclass = jetbrains-studio A. [bonus] uninstall the script and for sweets I have prepared a shell script that you can use to remove your Android Studio, including the SDK folder, settings, emulators and the Cache folders from all users. It is customized for steps above, but the paths are at the top of the file, so you can easily adapt it to your configuration. Here we go: #! / Bin / bash ########################################### # # Android Studio uninstalling script # #################################### # Make sure root permissions if [$ (Whhami)! = 'root']; So echo "must be root to run $ 0" output 1; Fi # Studio_folders ( = "/ opt / google / android-sdk /" env_variables = "/ etc / profile.d /" # functions functions deletefolder () {local name_expression = (-name "$ {studio_folders [0]}" ) For ((i = 1; i

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