Installers and Prerequisites

Huddle DESKTOP MSI Documentation for ENTERPRISE DEPLOYMENTThis document relates to the enterprise wide deployment of Huddle Desktop. This application supersedes and contains the combined functionality previous suite of desktop applications:Huddle for Windows / MacHuddle for OfficeHuddle for OutlookHuddle for Windows in particular has been enhanced to include a desktop user interface from which users can open and edit files they have recently accessed, and select up to 50 files for use offline.---- N.B. ----If you have previously rolled out Huddle for Office or Huddle for Outlook as separate installers, they have been installed on a per user basis. After installing Huddle Desktop (per machine) you must run this batch file per user to clean up the registry settings, else your users will see an error when they open Microsoft Office applications, where Office is looking for the now deleted applications.Cleanup_for_Huddle_for_Office_and_Outlook_Registry_Settings.bat - Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Installers and Prerequisites PAGEREF _Toc425268585 \h 2Prerequisites PAGEREF _Toc425268586 \h 2Installers designed for enterprise deployment PAGEREF _Toc425268587 \h 2Mac OSX deployment PAGEREF _Toc425268588 \h 2Executable Installer PAGEREF _Toc425268589 \h 3File storage on disk PAGEREF _Toc425268590 \h 3Access tokens and credentials PAGEREF _Toc425268591 \h 3Remote Wipe PAGEREF _Toc425268592 \h 3Standard method for enterprise deployment PAGEREF _Toc425268593 \h 3Proxy support PAGEREF _Toc425268594 \h 4Uninstallation PAGEREF _Toc425268595 \h 4Installation Switches PAGEREF _Toc425268596 \h 4Huddle parameters PAGEREF _Toc425268597 \h 4Non-interactive Installation PAGEREF _Toc425268598 \h 5Logging PAGEREF _Toc425268599 \h 5Examples: PAGEREF _Toc425268600 \h 5Other features PAGEREF _Toc425268601 \h 5Installation for All Users / Single User on Machine PAGEREF _Toc425268602 \h 5Administrative installation PAGEREF _Toc425268603 \h 5Advertisement PAGEREF _Toc425268604 \h 5Select features to install PAGEREF _Toc425268605 \h 6Specifying a Proxy Server Manually PAGEREF _Toc425268606 \h 6Enabling “Add Public Link” feature for Office for Outlook PAGEREF _Toc425268607 \h 7Windows Group Policy Method PAGEREF _Toc425268608 \h 7Registry entries PAGEREF _Toc425268609 \h 832-bit machines PAGEREF _Toc425268610 \h 864-bit machines PAGEREF _Toc425268611 \h 9Installers and 4.5 Full install (~50MB)Huddle’s Windows apps are built on top of the .NET framework (version 4.5). Please ensure the full package has been installed prior to Huddle Desktop. Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (~40MB)For machines running Office 2010, the Visual Studio Tools for Office are required to support our deep office integration. Machines with only some parts of Office 2013+ may also need these tools, so we recommend they are also installed as a prerequisite in all cases. Installers designed for enterprise deploymentOur enterprise installers are designed for GPO or Msiexec deployment. We produce Microsoft Installer (MSI) packages for this purpose, which are slightly different from our public EXE installation packages. The installation package is compatible with both x64 and x86 processor architectures.By default, the enterprise installers have auto-update turned OFF, and then install in a quiet mode. If you would like to change these defaults, switches are available in the later sections of this document.The latest enterprise installation packages are always available at the following links. Most of our customers will require the Global package, and the Huddle team will be able to confirm which is appropriate for you if you are unsure.Huddle Global:(This installer is designed for use by the vast majority of our global customers) Huddle US Government and Healthcare: The combined desktop installer is not yet available on our US Government instance.Mac OSX deploymentCustomers who wish to deploy our applications on their Mac ecosystem should either:Encourage users to self download and install the application from our Huddle Desktop marketing pageDownload the .dmg file from that marketing page, extract the .app(s) and deploy via application management software.Both of the above will leave auto-update capabilities enabled in the application, keeping users automatically updated with the latest features and bug fixes. If you need a build with auto-update disabled, or particular proxy settings preconfigured, we may be able to help you out with custom work. Please contact the Huddle Support team, or your account manager and explain your requirements.Executable Installer Our Huddle Desktop marketing page also offers an installer (HuddleSetup.exe) that provides a rich user interface for installation. It bundles the pre-requisites and will install them automatically if not found on the user’s machine.The installed applications will be identical to those installed via enterprise deployment, though configuration settings will be different. Specifically, auto-update will be enabled via this route, and proxy settings will be set to automatically discover and use the operating system defaults.File storage on diskIn order to allow users to open and edit Huddle content in their desktop applications, Huddle Desktop downloads those files to an obfuscated file location in the users %localappdata% folder. (~/.local/share/Huddle/Huddle/ on Mac)Huddle Desktop caches the latest version of a file for up to 28 days since that file was last opened before cleaning it up off the disk. Older versions are cleaned up once per day, every day, or when the Huddle Desktop app restarts (whichever is shorter)Files marked “Available Offline” by a user are kept in this same location on disk for the duration that the marking is set. If one of these files is updated in Huddle, that new version will be downloaded automatically and the previous versions will be cleaned up once per day, every day, or when the Huddle Desktop app restarts (whichever is shorter).Files on disk are therefore subject to the same level of encryption as the rest of the user’s local content.Access tokens and credentialsHuddle Desktop is an OAUTH 2.0 client of Huddle’s API. Username and password details are never stored, however temporary access and refresh tokens are. These are stored on disk and encrypted using Microsoft’s Data Protection API, or the Mac OSX keychain as appropriate.Remote WipeRevoking the OAUTH grant associated with an access token will automatically delete all local Huddle data (inc. file cache, metadata and authentication tokens) from disk as soon as the device is reconnected to the internet and the Huddle application run.If a device is lost or stolen, please contact Huddle Support to request a remote wipe.Standard method for enterprise deploymentWe expect that most enterprise deployments will be undertaken in quiet mode, that Windows default proxy settings will be sufficient for the applications to connect, and that the installation will be for all users of a machine.In this case, once the administrator is confident that prerequisites are installed to target systems, they will need to create a GPO to deploy Huddle Desktop.If using Msiexec, you can perform a non-interactive, quiet install as follows:msiexec /i Huddle.msi /qProxy supportHuddle Desktop will automatically discover the proxy configuration used by Windows. As a result there is usually no need to specify proxy settings during installation. We therefore recommend that installations use our default configuration if possible.In the event that a customer must specify a proxy server, there are a number of different capibilities that can be set via command line or GPO. These are detailed later in this document.UninstallationUninstallation will remove all Huddle components, Huddle files and Huddle metadata from the target machine.msiexec /x Huddle.msiIt is not necessary to have the MSI file available for uninstallation; alternatively, the package or product code can be specified. Installation SwitchesHuddle parametersAUTOUPDATEENABLEDEnable auto update by setting to 1, the default for enterprise deployment is 0. The user will need admin rights to be able to auto update.HAS_PROXYProxy parameters. Discussed laterPROXY_IS_SYS_DEFAULTProxy parameters. Discussed laterPROXY_USE_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALSProxy parameters. Discussed laterPROXY_MANUAL_ADDRESSProxy parameters. Discussed laterSSO_IDPSP initiated Single Sign-On (SSO). This should be set only for those Huddle accounts with SSO activated and the Identity provider is going to be accessible to users at the point they sign in.Non-interactive Installationmsiexec /i Huddle.msiAdditional parameters can be passed at the end of this command line: /q – No interfacemsiexec /i Huddle.msi /qLogging/l*v install.log – log everything to install.log filemsiexec /i Huddle.msi /q /l*v install.log Examples:I would like to install silently, without interactive installer, including logging, with auto-update enabled and to launch the application immediately after the installation finishes.msiexec /i Huddle.msi /q /l*v install.log AUTOUPDATEENABLED="1" AUTOSTART="1"I would like to install silently, without interactive installer, including logging, with SP initiated Single Sign On enabledmsiexec /i Huddle.msi /q /l*v install.log SSO_IDP="sso:IDP:name"Other featuresInstallation for All Users / Single User on MachineThe installation will always be for all users.Administrative installationmsiexec /a Huddle.msi TARGETDIR="Z:\software\Huddle"An "administrative" (network) installation can be initiated. The files get unpacked into the target directory (which should be a network directory), but no other modification is made to the local system. In addition, another (smaller) MSI file is generated in the target directory, which clients can then use to perform a local installation.Advertisementmsiexec /jm Huddle.msiIt is possible to "advertise" Huddle Desktop to a user on a machine. This would cause the icons to appear in the start menu, without the software actually being installed. The first usage of a Huddle for Windows would cause that Huddle for Windows to be installed.Select features to installmsiexec /i Huddle.msi ADDLOCAL= HuddleCore,OfficeIntegrationIt is possible modify the installation and add or remove features from Huddle for desktop. There are only two features available in Huddle for desktop:HuddleCoreOfficeIntegrationHuddleNoteHuddleCore is the main feature and will always be installed. OfficeIntegration and HuddleNote features can be selected or unselected.Office Integration represents productivity add-ins for Microsoft Word?, Excel?, PowerPoint? and Outlook?, so that users can save to and open from Huddle.HuddleNote is a standalone application which can open and view Huddle Note files (.hn) on or offline.For details please refer to Msiexec command-line options a Proxy Server ManuallyWe recommend that administrators do not set proxy settings using the following configuration files. It’s generally much simpler to let Huddle automatically discover proxy settings on the machine.In the event that a customer must specify a proxy server, there are a number of different settings can be used.Auto Proxy Server authenticated (via Group Policy, with default, integrated authentication)msiexec /i Huddle.msi /qAuto Proxy Server unauthenticated (via Group Policy, with default, no authentication)msiexec /i Huddle.msi PROXY_USE_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS="0"Manual Proxy Server authenticatedmsiexec /i Huddle.msi HAS_PROXY="1" PROXY_IS_SYS_DEFAULT="0" PROXY_USE_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS="1" PROXY_MANUAL_ADDRESS=""Manual Proxy Server unauthenticatedMsiexec /i Huddle.msi HAS_PROXY="1" PROXY_IS_SYS_DEFAULT="0" PROXY_USE_DEFAULT_CREDENTIALS="0" PROXY_MANUAL_ADDRESS=""Enabling “Add Public Link” feature for Office for OutlookHuddle for Outlook can allow you to add links to documents made public in Huddle. You will need to have this capability turned on by the Huddle support team in order to take advantage of this feature.To enable the feature on end user machines, you will need to edit the following config file:Huddle.OfficeOutlook.dll.configBy default, this setting is false. You can alter this config manually or using a script (i.e. powershell). Below is an example of an Add Public Link config. <appSettings> <add key="Domain" value="net" /> <add key="Prefix" value="my" /> <add key="EmailParagraphStyle" value=" style=&quot;font-size: 12pt; font-family: Calibri,sans-serif&quot; " /> <add key="InvitesOn" value="true" /> <add key="ClientId" value="huddlizer-outlook" /> <add key="RedirectUri" value="urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" /> <add key="MaxJsonLength" value="52428800" /> <add key="WebRequestTimeoutMs" value="600000" /> <add key="MessageSplit" value="From:" /> <add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" /> <add key="LogMaxDays" value="3" /> <add key="AttachSizeMaxInMegaBytes" value="20" /> <add key="CacheResponseLimit" value="200" /> <add key="AddPublicLinkFeatureOn" value="true" /> </appSettings>Windows Group Policy MethodWith Windows Group Policy, it is possible to automatically install Huddle for Windows on a group of machines. To do so, perform the following steps:Log on to the domain controllerCopy the MSI file into a folder that is shared with access granted to all target machines.Open the MMC snapin "Active Directory users and computers"Navigate to the group of computers that need Huddle for WindowsOpen PropertiesOpen Group PoliciesAdd a new policy, and edit itIn Computer Configuration/Software Installation, choose New/PackageSelect the MSI file through the network pathOptionally, select that you want the Huddle for Windows to be uninstalled if the computer leaves the scope of the policy.Group policy propagation typically takes some time. To reliably deploy the package, all machines should be rebooted.More details about group policy installation: a full list of Msiexec command-line options entriesHKLM\Software\Classes\HuddleHuddle for Windows registers a custom protocol huddle:// in the following registry root, running Huddle.exe to handle this protocol.HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATIONHKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\MAIN\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATIONThis setting of 0 prevents Internet Explorer emulating different browser characteristics for Huddle.exe.HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{024452F1-4DAB-4928-A327-B74E09BA9461}HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Low Rights\ElevationPolicy\{024452F1-4DAB-4928-A327-B74E09BA9461}This root key contains permission to ensure that when the huddle:// custom protocol is passed from the browser to Huddle.exe after the confirmation dialog, there is no additional dialog detailing the origin of Huddle.exe.HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunSets Huddle.exe to autostart, after installation completes, when AUTOSTART setting enabled.The registry entries inform office applications where they can find and load Huddle for Office. For 64bit machines, Manifest registry entries will be “C:\Program Files (x86)” instead of “C:\Program Files”32-bit machines[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Word""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Word.vsto|vstolocal[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Excel""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Excel.vsto|vstolocal[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\PowerPoint\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for PowerPoint ""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=":\Program File\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.PowerPoint.vsto|vstolocal"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Outlook""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Outlook plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Outlook.vsto|vstolocal64-bit machines[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Word""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Word.vsto|vstolocal[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Excel""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Excel.vsto|vstolocal[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\PowerPoint\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for PowerPoint ""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=":\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.PowerPoint.vsto|vstolocal"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Outlook""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Outlook plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Outlook.vsto|vstolocal[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Word""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Word.vsto|vstolocal[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\Excel\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Excel""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Excel.vsto|vstolocal[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Office\PowerPoint\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for PowerPoint ""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Office plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=":\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.PowerPoint.vsto|vstolocal"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432NodeMicrosoft\Office\Outlook\Addins\Huddle]"FriendlyName"="Huddle for Outlook""LoadBehavior"=dword:00000003"Description"="An Outlook plugin for Huddle""Manifest"=:\Program Files (x86)\Huddle\Huddle for Office\Huddle.Office.Outlook.vsto|vstolocal ................

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