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SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKINGIntroduction to OpenDaylight ControllerAgenda Introduction Installing OpenDaylightRunning OpenDaylightInstalling MininetUsing OpenDaylight with MininetAssignmentsLearn More1. IntroductionOPENDAYLIGHT:OpenDaylight (ODL) is a popular open-source SDN controller framework. To learn more about OpenDaylight, it is helpful to use it to manage an emulated network of virtual switches and virtual hosts. Most people use the Mininet network emulator to create a virtual SDN network for OpenDaylight to control. It is one of the open source SDN project aimed at enhancing software-defined-networking which is hosted by Linux Foundation. It is offering a community-led and industry-supported framework for ODL controller which has been renamed as “Open Daylight Platform”.ODL is implemented solely in software and is kept within its own Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is open to anyone, including the end users and customers and it provides a shared platform for those with SDN goals to work together to find new solutions. Basically, it is exposed on the northbound APIs, which are used by the applications.MININET:Mininet is a network emulator, or perhaps more precisely a network emulation. It runs a collection of end-hosts, switches, routers, and links on a single Linux kernel. It uses lightweight virtualization to make a single system look like a complete network, running the same kernel, system, and user code. A Mininet host behaves just like a real machine; you can?ssh?into it (if you start upsshd?and bridge the network to your host) and run arbitrary programs (including anything that is installed on the underlying Linux system.) The programs you run can send packets through what seems like a real Ethernet interface, with a given link speed and delay. Packets get processed by what looks like a real Ethernet switch, router, or middlebox, with a given amount of queueing. When two programs, like an?iperf?client and server, communicate through Mininet, the measured performance should match that of two (slower) native machines.In short, Mininet's virtual hosts, switches, links, and controllers are the real thing – they are just created using software rather than hardware – and for the most part their behavior is similar to discrete hardware elements. It is usually possible to create a Mininet network that resembles a hardware network, or a hardware network that resembles a Mininet network, and to run the same binary code and applications on either platform.2. InstallationOpenDaylight can be installed in your system by the following ways:We can install ODL by using SDN HubWe can install ODL from the OpenDaylight website.NOTE: In this tutorial we will be installing the controller on UBUNTU operating system by using the second method.Step 1: Open a new terminal using the following command.Ctrl + Alt + tStep 2: OpenDaylight is a java based application and it requires JAVA JDK to run.To check if java JDK is already installed in your system, execute the following command in the terminal.java<space>–version(The above command will show you the java version installed in your system along with its mode)javac<space>–version(The above command will show you the java version installed in your system)As shown above if you can see the java version in terminal skip to step number 4 or follow step number 3 for installing java.Step 3:Install Javasudo<space>apt-get<space>install<space>openjdk-7-jre(The above command will install the java version 7 in your system)Step 4: Install OpenDaylight controller from the following websitewget (The above command will install the tar file)Step 5: Extract the tar filetar -xvf distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium.tar.gz(The above command will extract all the files from that tar file.)3. Running OpenDaylightStep 1: Open a new terminal:Ctrl + Alt + t(The above command will open a new terminal)Step 2: Specify the path of the controller: cd<space>distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium (The above command will take to the path of the controller)Step 3: Run the Controller./bin/karaf(The above command will connect the ODL controller to the bin karaf.)(The above figure depicts the running of ODL controller) Step 4: Verify if OpenDaylight controller is active and running above command will open the GUI of OpenDaylight controller in the default browser. Make sure your giving the proper port number.)(The above figure is the OpenDaylight controller GUI of Dlux karaf)STEP 5: Enter username and password. Type the username and password as admin. Further, it takes you to the homepage of ODL.IMPORTANT NOTE:If you are not aware of the port number then, open a new terminal in your UBUNTU and type the command ifconfig follow the eth0 inet addr number. That is your port number. STEP 6: Install all the important features which are required for the ODL. Few of the feature installation commands are as below:1) feature:install<space>odl-dlux-node2) feature:install<space>odl-dlux-core3) feature:install<space>odl-dlux-yangui4) feature:install<space>odl-dlux-yangvisualizer5) feature:install<space>odl-restconf6) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-switch7) feature:install<space> odl-l2switch-switch-ui8) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-switch-rest9) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-hosttracker10) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-addresstracker11) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-packethandler12) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-arphandler13) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-loopremover14) feature:install<space>odl-l2switch-all15) feature:install<space>odl-dlux-all16) feature:install<space>odl-restconf<space>odl-l2switch-switch<space>odl-mdsal-apidocs odl-dlux-allSTEP 7: In order to have a look of features, which are been installed onto the system. Please type the following command.feature:list<space>--installed4. Installing MininetStep 1: Open a new terminal.Ctrl + Alt + t(above command will open a new terminal)Step 2: Install GITsudo<space>apt-get<space>install<space>git(The above command will install git version control in your machine)Step 3: Clone Mininet from gitgit clone git://mininet/mininet(The above command will clone into the mininet and make sure all the required packages are been cloned.)Step 4: After installation cd mininet(The above command will change the directory path)Step 5: List all the available versions of gitgit tag #(The command will all the versions of the git)Step 6: Install any version of your wish with the help of following commandgit checkout -b 2.2.1<space>2.2.1Step 7: After the installation has completed, test the basic Mininet functionalitysudo<space>mn<space>--test<space>pingall(The above command will ping the hosts and switches, which tells about the correct installation of the Mininet)5. Running OpenDaylight controller with MininetThis section will help you to understand how to configure your Mininet tool to work with floodlight controller instead of the default controller of Mininet.Step 1:Open a new terminal.Ctrl + Alt + t(above command will open a new terminal)Step2: Run the ODL controller as we did earlierStep 3: Open another new terminal and connect with the Mininetcd mininet(above command will change directory path to mininet )Step 4: Connect Mininet VM using SSH ssh<space>-X<space> above command will start the remote session and ask for your password.)Step 5: Before running any code for topology, run the following codesudo mn -c(The above command will perform the clean up process)Step 6: Now type the topology codeSingle topology creation:sudo<space>mn<space>--controller=remote,ip=<space>--topo=single,4Test the network with this command: pingallsudo<space>mn<space>--controller=remote,ip=<space>--topo=single,24linear topology creation:sudo<space>mn<space>--controller=remote,ip=<space>--topo=linear,5(The above command will create a linear topology)(The above figure shows how the linear topology looks like.)Tree topology creation: sudo<space>mn<space>--controller=remote,ip=<space>--topo=tree,4,2Torus topology creation:<space>mn<space>--controller=remote,ip=<space>--topo=torus,3,3(The above picture depicts the Torus topology before pingall command)Step 7: View the topology Click on the browser and view the topologies in the ODL controller.6. AssignmentsDemonstrate the following topologies and obtain the topology designs from the controllers GUITopology with depth and fanout.Work with the “Torus” topology.Tree Topology of 600 host and 60 switches7. Learn More ................

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