TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0


TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0

Committee Specification Draft 01

27 March 2014

Specification URIs

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Technical Committee:

OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC


Paul Lipton (paul.lipton@), CA Technologies

Simon Moser (smoser@de.), IBM


Derek Palma (dpalma@), Vnomic

Matt Rutkowski (mrutkows@us.), IBM

Thomas Spatzier (thomas.spatzier@de.), IBM

Related work:

This specification is related to:

• Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications Version 1.0. Edited by Derek Palma and Thomas Spatzier. 25 November 2013. OASIS Standard. .

Declared XML namespace:


This document defines a simplified profile of the TOSCA version 1.0 specification in a YAML rendering which is intended to simplify the authoring of TOSCA service templates. This profile defines a less verbose and more human-readable YAML rendering, reduced level of indirection between different modeling artifacts as well as the assumption of a base type system.


This document was last revised or approved by the OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC on the above date. The level of approval is also listed above. Check the “Latest version” location noted above for possible later revisions of this document.

Technical Committee members should send comments on this specification to the Technical Committee’s email list. Others should send comments to the Technical Committee by using the “Send A Comment” button on the Technical Committee’s web page at .

For information on whether any patents have been disclosed that may be essential to implementing this specification, and any offers of patent licensing terms, please refer to the Intellectual Property Rights section of the Technical Committee web page (.

Citation format:

When referencing this specification the following citation format should be used:


TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0. Edited by Derek Palma, Matt Rutkowski, and Thomas Spatzier. 27 March 2014. OASIS Committee Specification Draft 01. . Latest version: .


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Table of Contents

1 Objective 7

2 Summary of key TOSCA concepts 8

3 A “hello world” template for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML 9

3.1 Requesting input parameters and providing output 9

4 TOSCA template for a simple software installation 11

5 Overriding behavior of predefined node types 13

6 TOSCA template for database content deployment 14

7 TOSCA template for a two-tier application 16

8 Using a custom script to establish a relationship in a template 19

9 Using custom relationship types in a TOSCA template 21

9.1 Definition of a custom relationship type 22

10 Defining generic dependencies between nodes in a template 23

11 Defining requirements on the hosting infrastructure for a software installation 24

12 Defining requirements on a database for an application 25

13 Grouping node templates 26

Appendix A. TOSCA Simple Profile definitions in YAML 29

A.1 TOSCA namespace and alias 29

A.2 Parameter and property types 29

A.2.1 Referenced YAML Types 29

A.2.2 TOSCA Types 29

A.2.3 version 30

A.3 TOSCA Entity and element definitions (meta-model) 30

A.3.1 Description element 30

A.3.2 Constraint clause 31

A.3.3 Constraints element 33

A.3.4 Operation definition 34

A.3.5 Artifact definition 35

A.3.6 Artifacts element 36

A.3.7 Interface definition 37

A.3.8 Interfaces element 38

A.3.9 Property definition 38

A.3.10 Properties element 39

A.3.11 Capability definition 40

A.3.12 Capabilities element 41

A.3.13 Requirements element 42

A.3.14 Artifact Type 44

A.3.15 Capability Type 45

A.3.16 Requirement Type 46

A.3.17 Relationship Type 47

A.3.18 Node Type 48

A.3.19 Node Template 49

A.4 Service Template 51

A.4.1 Keynames 51

A.4.2 Grammar 52

A.4.3 Top-level key definitions 53

A.5 Service Template-level functions 60

A.5.1 Property functions 61

A.5.2 Navigation functions 61

Appendix B. TOSCA normative type definitions 62

B.1 Assumptions 62

B.2 Requirement Types 62

B.3 Capabilities Types 62

B.3.1 tosca.capabilities.Root 62

B.3.2 tosca.capabilities.Feature 62

B.3.3 tosca.capabilities.Container 62

B.3.4 tosca.capabilities.Endpoint 63

B.3.5 tosca.capabilities.DatabaseEndpoint 64

B.4 Relationship Types 64

B.4.1 tosca.relationships.Root 64

B.4.2 tosca.relationships.DependsOn 64

B.4.3 tosca.relationships.HostedOn 65

B.4.4 tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo 65

B.5 Interfaces 65

B.5.1 Notes 66

B.5.2 tosca.interfaces.node.Lifecycle 66

B.5.3 tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure 66

B.6 Node Types 67

B.6.1 tosca.nodes.Root 67

B.6.2 tosca.pute 68

B.6.3 tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent 69

B.6.4 tosca.nodes.WebServer 70

B.6.5 tosca.nodes.WebApplication 71

B.6.6 tosca.nodes.DBMS 71

B.6.7 tosca.nodes.Database 72

B.6.8 tosca.nodes.ObjectStorage 73

B.6.9 tosca.nodes.BlockStorage 74

B.6.10 75

B.7 Artifact Types 76

B.7.1 tosca.artifacts.Root 76

B.7.2 tosca.artifacts.File 76

B.7.3 Implementation Types 76

Appendix C. Non-normative type definitions 78

C.1 Capability Types 78

C.1.1 tosca.capabilities.DatabaseEndpoint.MySQL 78

C.2 Node Types 78

C.2.1 tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL 78

C.2.2 tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL 78

C.2.3 tosca.nodes.WebServer.Apache 79

C.2.4 tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress 79

Appendix D. Use Cases 81

D.1 Application Modeling Use Cases: 81

D.1.1 Virtual Machine (VM), single instance 81

D.1.2 WordPress + MySQL, single instance 83

D.1.3 WordPress + MySQL + Object Storage, single instance 87

D.1.4 WordPress + MySQL + Block Storage, single instance 87

D.1.5 WordPress + MySQL, each on separate instances 88

D.1.6 WordPress + MySQL + Network, single instance 88

D.1.7 WordPress + MySQL + Floating IPs, single instance 88

Appendix E. Notes and Issues 90

E.1 Known Extensions to TOSCA v1.0 90

E.1.1 Model Changes 90

E.1.2 Normative Types 90

E.1.3 Functions 91

E.2 Issues to resolve in future drafts 91

Appendix F. References 93

F.1 Terminology 93

F.2 Normative References 93

F.3 Non-Normative References 93

Appendix G. Acknowledgments 94

Appendix H. Revision History 95

Table of Figures

Example 1 - TOSCA Simple "Hello World" 9

Example 2 - Template with input and output parameter sections 9

Example 3 - Simple (MySQL) software installation on a TOSCA Compute node 11

Example 4 - Node Template overriding its Node Type's "configure" interface 13

Example 5 - Template for deploying database content on-top of MySQL DBMS middleware 14

Example 6 - Basic two-tier application (web application and database server tiers) 16

Example 7 – Providing a custom script to establish a connection 19

Example 8 – A web application Node Template requiring a custom database connection type 21

Example 9 - Defining a custom relationship type 22

Example 10 - Simple dependency relationship between two nodes 23

Example 11 - Grouping Node Templates with same scaling policy 26


The TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML specifies a rendering of TOSCA which aims to provide a more accessible syntax as well as a more concise and incremental expressiveness of the TOSCA DSL in order to minimize the learning curve and speed the adoption of the use of TOSCA to portably describe cloud applications.

This proposal describes a YAML rendering for TOSCA. YAML is a human friendly data serialization standard () with a syntax much easier to read and edit than XML. As there are a number of DSLs encoded in YAML, a YAML encoding of the TOSCA DSL makes TOSCA more accessible by these communities.

This proposal prescribes an isomorphic rendering in YAML of a subset of the TOSCA v1.0 ensuring that TOSCA semantics are preserved and can be transformed from XML to YAML or from YAML to XML. Additionally, in order to streamline the expression of TOSCA semantics, the YAML rendering is sought to be more concise and compact through the use of the YAML syntax.

Summary of key TOSCA concepts

The TOSCA metamodel uses the concept of service templates to describe cloud workloads as a graph of node templates modeling the components a workload is made up of and as relationship templates modeling the relations between those components. TOSCA further provides a type system of node types to describe the possible building blocks for constructing a service template, was well as relationship type to describe possible kinds of relations. Both node- and relationship types may define lifecycle operations to implement the behavior an orchestration engine can invoke when instantiating a service template. For example, a node type for some software product might provide a ‘create’ operation to handle the creation of an instance of a component at runtime, or a ‘start’ or ‘stop’ operation to handle a start or stop event triggered by an orchestration engine. Those lifecycle operations are backed by implementation artifacts such as scripts or Chef recipes that implement the actual behavior.

An orchestration engine processing a TOSCA service template uses the mentioned lifecycle operations to instantiate single components at runtime, and it uses the relationship between components to derive the order of component instantiation. For example, during the instantiation of a two-tier application that includes a web application that depends on a database, an orchestration engine would first invoke the ‘create’ operation on the database component to install and configure the database, and it would then invoke the ‘create’ operation of the web application to install and configure the application (which includes configuration of the database connection).

The TOSCA simple profile assumes a number of base types (node types and relationship types) to be supported by each compliant environment such as a ‘Compute’ node type, a ‘Network’ node type or a generic ‘Database’ node type (see Appendix B). Furthermore, it is envisioned that a large number of additional types for use in service templates will be defined by a community over time. Therefore, template authors in many cases will not have to define types themselves but can simply start writing service templates that use existing types. In addition, the simple profile will provide means for easily customizing existing types, for example by providing a customized ‘create’ script for some software.

A “hello world” template for TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML

As mentioned before, the TOSCA simple profile assumes the existence of a base set of node types (e.g., a ‘Compute’ node) and other types for creating TOSCA Service Templates. It is envisioned that many additional node types for building service templates will be created by communities. Consequently, a most basic TOSCA template for deploying just a single server would look like the following:

Example 1 - TOSCA Simple "Hello World"

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying a single server with predefined properties. |

| |

|node_templates: |

|my_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# compute properties |

|disk_size: 10 |

|num_cpus: 2 |

|mem_size: 4 |

|# host image properties |

|os_arch: x86_64 |

|os_type: linux |

|os_distribution: rhel |

|os_version: 6.5 |

The template above contains the definition of one single ‘Compute’ node template with predefined (hardcoded) values for number of CPUs, memory size, etc. When instantiated in a provider environment, the provider would allocate a physical or virtual server that meets those specifications. The set of properties of any node type, as well as their schema definition, is defined by the respective node type definitions, which a TOSCA orchestration engine can resolve to validate the properties provided in a template.

1 Requesting input parameters and providing output

Typically, one would want to allow users to customize deployments by providing input parameters instead of using hardcoded values inside a template. In addition, it is useful to pass output that describes the deployed environment (such as the IP address of the deployed server) to the user. A refined service template with corresponding inputs and outputs sections is shown below.

Example 2 - Template with input and output parameter sections

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying a single server with predefined properties. |

| |

|inputs: |

|cpus: |

|type: integer |

|description: Number of CPUs for the server. |

|constraints: |

|- valid_values: [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ] |

| |

|node_templates: |

|my_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# Compute properties |

|num_cpus: { get_input: cpus } |

|mem_size: 4 |

|disk_size: 10 |

|# host image properties |

|os_arch: x86_32 |

|os_type: linux |

|os_distribution: ubuntu |

|os_version: 12.04 |

| |

|outputs: |

|server_ip: |

|description: The IP address of the provisioned server. |

|value: { get_property: [ my_server, ip_address ] } |

Note that the inputs section of a TOSCA template allows for defining optional constraints on each input parameter to restrict possible user input. Further note that TOSCA provides for a set of intrinsic functions like get_input or get_property to reference elements within the template or to retrieve runtime values.

TOSCA template for a simple software installation

Software installations can be modeled in TOSCA as node templates that get related to the node template for a server on which the software shall be installed. With a number of existing software node types (e.g. either created by the TOSCA work group or a community) template authors can just use those node types for writing service templates as shown below.

Example 3 - Simple (MySQL) software installation on a TOSCA Compute node

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying a single server with MySQL software on top. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|mysql: |

|type: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL |

|properties: |

|dbms_root_password: { get_input: my_mysql_rootpw } |

|dbms_port: { get_input: my_mysql_port } |

|requirements: |

|- host: db_server |

| |

|db_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

The example above makes use of a node type tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL for the mysql node template to install MySQL on a server. This node type allows for setting a property dbms_root_password to adapt the password of the MySQL root user at deployment. The set of properties and their schema has been defined in the node type definition. By means of the get_input function, a value provided by the user at deployment time is used as value for the dbms_root_password property. The same is true for the dbms_port property.

The mysql node template is related to the db_server node template (of type tosca.pute) via the requirements section to indicate where MySQL is to be installed. In the TOSCA metamodel, nodes get related to each other when one node has a requirement against some feature provided by another node. What kinds of requirements exist is defined by the respective node type. In case of MySQL, which is software that needs to be installed or hosted on a compute resource, the node type defines a requirement called host, which needs to be fulfilled by pointing to a node template of type tosca.pute.

Within the requirements section, all entries contain the name of a requirement as key and the identifier of the fulfilling entity as value, expressing basically a named reference to some other node. In the example above, the host requirement is fulfilled by referencing the db_server node template.

Overriding behavior of predefined node types

Node types in TOSCA have associated implementations that provide the automation (e.g. in the form of scripts or Chef recipes) for lifecycle operations of a node. For example, the node type implementation for MySQL will provide the scripts to configure, start, or stop MySQL at runtime.

If it is desired to use a custom script for one of the operation defined by a node type in the context of a specific template, the default implementation can be easily overridden by providing a reference to the own automation in the template as shown in the following example:

Example 4 - Node Template overriding its Node Type's "configure" interface

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying a single server with MySQL software on top. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|mysql: |

|type: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL |

|properties: |

|dbms_root_password: { get_input: my_mysql_rootpw } |

|dbms_port: { get_input: my_mysql_port } |

|requirements: |

|- host: db_server |

|interfaces: |

|Lifecycle: |

|configure: scripts/ |

| |

|db_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

In the example above, an own script for the configure operation of the MySQL node type’s lifecycle interface is provided. The path given in the example above is interpreted relative to the template file, but it would also be possible to provide an absolute URI to the location of the script.

Operations defined by node types can be thought of as hooks into which automation can be injected. Typically, node type implementations provide the automation for those hooks. However, within a template, custom automation can be injected to run in a hook in the context of the one, specific node template (i.e. without changing the node type).

TOSCA template for database content deployment

In the example shown in section 4 the deployment of the MySQL middleware only, i.e. without actual database content was shown. The following example shows how such a template can be extended to also contain the definition of custom database content on-top of the MySQL DBMS software.

Example 5 - Template for deploying database content on-top of MySQL DBMS middleware

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying MySQL and database content. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|my_db: |

|type: tosca.nodes.Database.MySQLDatabase |

|properties: |

|db_name: { get_input: database_name } |

|db_user: { get_input: database_user } |

|db_password: { get_input: database_password } |

|db_port: { get_input: database_port } |

|artifacts: |

|- db_content: files/my_db_content.txt |

|type: tosca.artifacts.File |

| |

|requirements: |

|- host: mysql |

| |

|mysql: |

|type: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL |

|properties: |

|dbms_root_password: { get_input: mysql_rootpw } |

|dbms_port: { get_input: mysql_port } |

|requirements: |

|- host: db_server |

| |

|db_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

In the example above, the my_db node template or type tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL represents an actual MySQL database instance managed by a MySQL DBMS installation. In its artifacts section, the node template points to a text file (i.e., my_db_content.txt) which can be used to help create the database content during deployment time. The requirements section of the my_db node template expresses that the database is hosted on a MySQL DBMS represented by the mysql node.

Note that while it would be possible to define one node type and corresponding node templates that represent both the DBMS middleware and actual database content as one entity, TOSCA distinguishes between middleware node types and application layer node types. This allows at the one hand to have better re-use of generic middleware node types without binding them to content running on top, and on the other hand this allows for better substitutability of, for example, middleware components during the deployment of TOSCA models.

TOSCA template for a two-tier application

The definition of multi-tier applications in TOSCA is quite similar to the example shown in section 4, with the only difference that multiple software node stacks (i.e., node templates for middleware and application layer components), typically hosted on different servers, are defined and related to each other. The example below defines a web application stack hosted on the web_server “compute” resource, and a database software stack similar to the one shown earlier in section 6 hosted on the db_server compute resource.

Example 6 - Basic two-tier application (web application and database server tiers)

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying a two-tier application servers on two |

| |

|inputs: |

|# Admin user name and password to use with the WordPress application |

|wp_admin_username: |

|type: string |

|wp_admin_password: |

|type string |

|wp_db_name: |

|type: string |

|wp_db_user: |

|type: string |

|wp_db_password: |

|type: string |

|wp_db_port: |

|type: integer |

|mysql_root_password: |

|type string |

|mysql_port: |

|type integer |

| |

|node_templates: |

|wordpress: |

|type: tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress |

|properties: |

|admin_user: { get_input: wp_admin_username } |

|admin_password: { get_input: wp_admin_password } |

|db_host: { get_property: [ db_server, ip_address ] } |

|requirements: |

|- host: apache |

|- database_endpoint: wordpress_db |

|interaces: |

|Lifecycle: |

|inputs: |

|db_host: { get_property: [ db_server, ip_address ] } |

|db_port: { get_property: [ wordpress_db, db_port ] } |

|db_name: { get_property: [ wordpress_db, db_name ] } |

|db_user: { get_property: [ wordpress_db, db_user ] } |

|db_password: { get_property: [ wordpress_db, db_password ] } |

| |

|apache: |

|type: tosca.nodes.WebServer.Apache |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: web_server |

| |

|web_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|wordpress_db: |

|type: tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL |

|properties: |

|db_name: { get_input: wp_db_name } |

|db_user: { get_input: wp_db_user } |

|db_password: { get_input: wp_db_password } |

|db_port: { get_input: wp_db_port } |

|requirements: |

|- host: mysql |

| |

|mysql: |

|type: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL |

|properties: |

|dbms_root_password: { get_input: mysql_rootpw } |

|dbms_port: { get_input: mysql_port } |

|requirements: |

|- host: db_server |

| |

|db_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

The web application stack consists of the wordpress, the apache and the web_server node templates. The wordpress node template represents a custom web application of type tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress which is hosted on an Apache web server represented by the apache node template. This hosting relationship is expressed via the host entry in the requirements section of the wordpress node template. The apache node template, finally, is hosted on the web_server compute node.

The database stack consists of the wordpress_db, the mysql and the db_server node templates. The wordpress_db node represents a custom database of type tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL which is hosted on a MySQL DBMS represented by the mysql node template. This node, in turn, is hosted on the db_server compute node.

The wordpress node requires the wordpress_db node, since the WordPress application needs a database to store its data in. This relationship is established through the database entry in the requirements section of the wordpress node template. For configuring the WordPress web application, information about the database to connect to is required as input to the configure operation. Therefore, the respective input parameters (as defined for the configure operation of node type tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress – see section 6) are mapped to properties of the wordpress_db node via the get_property function.

Note: besides the configure operation of the wordpress node template, more operations would be listed in a complete TOSCA template. Those other operations have been omitted for the sake of brevity.

Using a custom script to establish a relationship in a template

In previous examples, the template author did not have to think about explicit relationship types to be used to link a requirement of a node to another node of a model, nor did the template author have to think about special logic to establish those links. For example, the host requirement in previous examples just pointed to another node template and based on metadata in the corresponding node type definition the relationship type to be established is implicitly given.

In some cases it might be necessary to provide special processing logic to be executed when establishing relationships between nodes at runtime. For example, when connecting the WordPress application from previous examples to the MySQL database, it might be desired to apply custom configuration logic in addition to that already implemented in the application node type. In such a case, it is possible for the template author to provide a custom script as implementation for an operation to be executed at runtime as shown in the following example.

Example 7 – Providing a custom script to establish a connection

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying a two-tier application on two servers. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|wordpress: |

|type: tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: apache |

|- database: wordpress_db |

|interfaces: |

|tosca.interfaces.relationships.Configure: |

|pre_configure_source: scripts/ |

| |

|wordpress_db: |

|type: tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for the sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: mysql |

| |

|# other resources not shown for this example ... |

From metadata in the node type definitions of WordPress and MySQL it is clear that a ConnectsTo relationship will be used to establish the link between the wordpress node and the wordpress_db node at runtime. The ConnectsTo relationship type (see B.4.4) defines an interface with operations that get executed when establishing the relationship. For one of those operations – pre_configure_source – a custom script is provided. In this example, it is assumed that this script is located at a location relative to the referencing service template, perhaps provided in some application packaging format (e.g., the TOSCA Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) format).

This approach allows for conveniently hooking in custom behavior without having to define a completely new derived relationship type.

Using custom relationship types in a TOSCA template

In the previous section it was shown how custom behavior can be injected by specifying scripts inline in the requirements section of node templates. When the same custom behavior is required in many templates, it does make sense to define a new relationship type that encapsulates the custom behavior in a re-usable way instead of repeating the same reference to a script (or even references to multiple scripts) in many places.

Such a custom relationship type can then be used in templates as shown in the following example.

Example 8 – A web application Node Template requiring a custom database connection type

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for deploying a two-tier application on two servers. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|wordpress: |

|type: tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: apache |

|- database: wordpress_db |

|relationship_type: my.types.WordpressDbConnection |

| |

|wordpress_db: |

|type: tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for the sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: mysql |

| |

|# other resources not shown here ... |

In the example above, a special relationship type my.types.WordpressDbConnection is specified for establishing the link between the wordpress node and the wordpress_db node through the use of the relationship_type (keyword) attribute in the database reference. It is assumed, that this special relationship type provides some extra behavior (e.g., an operation with a script) in addition to what a generic “connects to” relationship would provide. The definition of this custom relationship type is shown in the following section.

1 Definition of a custom relationship type

The following YAML snippet shows the definition of the custom relationship type used in the previous section. This type derives from the base “ConnectsTo” and overrides one operation defined by that base relationship type. For the pre_configure_source operation defined in the Configure interface of the ConnectsTo relationship type, a script implementation is provided. It is again assumed that the custom configure script is located at a location relative to the referencing service template, perhaps provided in some application packaging format (e.g., the TOSCA Cloud Service Archive (CSAR) format).

Example 9 - Defining a custom relationship type

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Definition of custom WordpressDbConnection relationship type |

| |

|relationship_types: |

|my.types.WordpressDbConnection: |

|derived_from: tosca.relations.ConnectsTo |

|interfaces: |

|Configure: |

|pre_configure_source: scripts/ |

In the above example, the Configure interface is the specified alias or shorthand name for the TOSCA interface type with the full name of tosca.interfaces.relationship.Configure which is defined in the appendix.

Defining generic dependencies between nodes in a template

In some cases it can be necessary to define a generic dependency between two nodes in a template to influence orchestration behavior, i.e. to first have one node processed before another dependent node gets processed. This can be done by using the generic dependency requirement which is defined by the TOSCA Root Node Type and thus gets inherited by all other node types in TOSCA (see section B.6.1).

Example 10 - Simple dependency relationship between two nodes

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template with a generic dependency between two nodes. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|my_app: |

|type: my.types.MyApplication |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- dependency: some_service |

| |

|some_service: |

|type: some.type.SomeService |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

As in previous examples, the relation that one node depends on another node is expressed in the requirements section using the dependency requirement that exists for all node types in TOSCA. Even if the creator of the MyApplication node type did not define a specific requirement for SomeService (similar to the database requirement in the example in section 8), the template author who knows that there is a timing dependency and can use the generic dependency requirement to express that constraint using the very same syntax as used for all other references.

Defining requirements on the hosting infrastructure for a software installation

Instead of defining software installations and the hosting infrastructure (the servers) in the same template, it is also possible to define only the software components of an application in a template and just express constrained requirements against the hosting infrastructure. At deployment time, the provider can then do a late binding and dynamically allocate or assign the required hosting infrastructure and place software components on top.

The following example shows how such generic hosting requirements can be expressed in the requirements section of node templates.

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template with requirements against hosting infrastructure. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|mysql: |

|type: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.pute |

|constraints: |

|- num_cpus: { in_range: { 1, 4 } } |

|- mem_size: { greater_or_equal: 2 } |

|- os_arch: x86_64 |

|- os_type: linux |

|- os_distribution: ubuntu |

In the example above, it is expressed that the mysql component requires a host of type Compute. In contrast to previous examples, there is no reference to any node template but just a specification of the type of required node. At deployment time, the provider will thus have to allocate or assign a resource of the given type.

In the constraints section, the characteristics of the required compute node can be narrowed down by defining boundaries for the memory size, number of CPUs, etc. Those constraints can either be expressed by means of concrete values (e.g. for the os_arch attribute) which will require a perfect match, or by means of qualifier functions such as greater_or_equal.

Defining requirements on a database for an application

In the same way requirements can be defined on the hosting infrastructure for an application, it is possible to express requirements against application or middleware components such as a database that is not defined in the same template. The provider may then allocate a database by any means, e.g. using a database-as-a-service solution.

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template with a database requirement. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|my_app: |

|type: my.types.MyApplication |

|properties: |

|admin_user: { get_input: admin_username } |

|admin_password: { get_input: admin_password } |

|db_endpoint_url: { get_ref_property: [ database, db_endpoint_url ] } |

|requirements: |

|- database: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL |

|constraints: |

|- mysql_version: { greater_or_equal: 5.5 } |

In the example above, the application my_app needs a MySQL database, where the version of MySQL must be 5.5 or higher. The example shows an additional feature of referencing a property of the database to get the database connection endpoint URL at runtime via the get_ref_property intrinsic function. In contrast to the get_property function used in earlier examples, which assumes that a node template in the same service template is referenced, the get_ref_property function allows for getting a property via a reference expressed in the requirements section. The first argument is the name of a reference – database in the example above – and the second argument is the name of the property of the referenced node, which must be defined by the respective node type tosca.types.nodes.MySQLDatabase.

Grouping node templates

In designing applications composed of several interdependent software components (or nodes) it is often desirable to manage these components as a named group. This can provide an effective way of associating policies (e.g., scaling, placement, security or other) that orchestration tools can apply to all the components of group during deployment or during other lifecycle stages.

In many realistic scenarios it is desirable to include scaling capabilities into an application to be able to react on load variations at runtime. The example below shows the definition of a scaling web server stack, where a variable number of servers with apache installed on them can exist, depending on the load on the servers.

Example 11 - Grouping Node Templates with same scaling policy

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template for a scaling web server. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|apache: |

|type: tosca.types.nodes.ApacheWebserver |

|properties: |

|http_port: 8080 |

|https_port: 8443 |

|requirements: |

|- host: server |

| |

|server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|group: |

|webserver_group: |

|members: [ apache, server ] |

|policies: |

|- my_scaling_policy: |

|# Specific policy definitions are considered domain specific and |

|# are not included here |

The example first of all uses the concept of grouping to express which components (node templates) need to be scaled as a unit – i.e. the compute nodes and the software on-top of each compute node. This is done by defining the webserver_group in the groups section of the template and by adding both the apache node template and the server node template as a member to the group.

Furthermore, a scaling policy is defined for the group to express that the group as a whole (i.e. pairs of server node and the apache component installed on top) should scale up or down under certain conditions.

In cases where no explicit binding between software components and their hosting compute resources is defined in a template, but only requirements are defined as has been shown in section 11, a provider could decide to place software components on the same host if their hosting requirements match, or to place them onto different hosts.

It is often desired, though, to influence placement at deployment time to make sure components get collocation or anti-collocated. This can be expressed via grouping and policies as shown in the example below.

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: Template hosting requirements and placement policy. |

| |

|inputs: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

| |

|node_templates: |

|wordpress: |

|type: tosca.types.nodes.Wordpress |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.pute |

|constraints: |

|mem_size: { greater_or_equal: 2 } |

|os_arch: x86_64 |

|os_type: linux |

| |

|mysql: |

|type: tosca.types.nodes.MySQL |

|properties: |

|# omitted here for sake of brevity |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.pute |

|constraints: |

|disk_size: { greater_or_equal: 10 } |

|arch: x86_64 |

|os_type: linux |

| |

|groups: |

|my_collocation_group: |

|members: [ wordpress, mysql ] |

|policies: |

|- my_anti_collocation_policy: |

|# Specific policy definitions are considered domain specific and |

|# are not included here |

In the example above, both software components wordpress and mysql have identical hosting requirements. Therefore, a provider could decide to put both on the same server. By defining a group of the two components and attaching an anti-collocation policy to the group it can be made sure, though, that both components are put onto different hosts at deployment time.

A. TOSCA Simple Profile definitions in YAML

This section describes all of the YAML block structure for all keys and mappings that are defined for the TOSCA Version 1.0 Simple Profile specification that are needed to describe a TOSCA Service Template (in YAML).

1. TOSCA namespace and alias

The following table defines the namespace alias and (target) namespace values that SHALL be used when referencing the TOSCA Simple Profile version 1.0 specification.

|Alias |Target Namespace |Specification Description |

|tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 | |The TOSCA Simple Profile v1.0 (YAML) target |

| | |namespace and namespace alias. |

2. Parameter and property types

This clause describes the primitive types that are used for declaring normative properties, parameters and grammar elements throughout this specification.

1. Referenced YAML Types

Many of the types we use in this profile are built-in types from the YAML 1.2 specification (i.e., tag:,2002).

The following table declares the valid YAML type URIs and aliases that SHALL be used when possible when defining parameters or properties within TOSCA Service Templates using this specification:

|Valid aliases |Type URI |

|string |tag:,2002:str (default) |

|integer |tag:,2002:int |

|float |tag:,2002:float |

|boolean |tag:,2002:bool |

|timestamp |tag:,2002:timestamp |

|null |tag:,2002:null |

1. Notes

• The “string” type is the default type when not specified on a parameter or property declaration.

• While YAML supports further type aliases, such as “str” for “string”, the TOSCA Simple Profile specification promotes the fully expressed alias name for clarity.

2. TOSCA Types

This specification defines the following types that may be used when defining properties or parameters.

3. version

TOSCA supports the concept of “reuse” of type definitions, as well as template definitions which could be version and change over time. It is important to provide a reliable, normative means to represent a version string which enables the comparison and management of types and templates over time. Therefore, the TOSCA TC intends to provide a normative version type (string) for this purpose in future Working Drafts of this specification.

3. TOSCA Entity and element definitions (meta-model)

This section defines all modelable entities that comprise the TOSCA Version 1.0 Simple Profile specification along with their key names, grammar and requirements.

1. Description element

This optional element provides a means include single or multiline descriptions within a TOSCA Simple Profile template as a scalar string value.

1. Keyname

The following keyname is used to provide a description within the TOSCA Simple Profile specification:

|description |

2. Grammar

The description element is a YAML string.

|description: |

3. Examples

Simple descriptions are treated as a single literal that includes the entire contents of the line that immediately follows the description key:

|description: This is an example of a single line description (no folding). |

The YAML “folded” style may also be used for multi-line descriptions which “folds” line breaks as space characters.

|description: > |

|This is an example of a multi-line description using YAML. It permits for line |

|breaks for easier readability... |

| |

|if needed. However, (multiple) line breaks are folded into a single space |

|character when processed into a single string value. |

4. Notes

• Use of “folded” style is discouraged for the YAML string type apart from when used with the description keyname.

2. Constraint clause

A constraint clause defines an operation along with one or more compatible values that can be used to define a constraint on a property or parameter’s allowed values when it is defined in a TOSCA Service Template or one of its entities.

1. Operator keynames

The following is the list of recognized operators (keynames) when defining constraint clauses:

|Operator |Type |Value Type |Description |

|equal |scalar |any |Constrains a property or parameter to a value equal to (‘=’) the value declared. |

|greater_than |scalar |comparable |Constrains a property or parameter to a value greater than (‘>’) the value |

| | | |declared. |

|greater_or_equal |scalar |comparable |Constrains a property or parameter to a value greater than or equal to (‘>=’) the |

| | | |value declared. |

|less_than |scalar |comparable |Constrains a property or parameter to a value less than (‘=0 |Size of the local disk, in Gigabytes (GB), available to |

| | | | |applications running on the Compute node. |

|mem_size |No |integer |>= 0 |Size of memory, in Megabytes (MB), available to applications |

| | | | |running on the Compute node. |

|os_arch |Yes |string |None |The host Operating System (OS) architecture. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Examples of valid values include: |

| | | | |x86_32, x86_64, etc. |

|os_distribution |No |string |None |The host Operating System (OS) distribution. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Examples of valid values for an “os_type” of “Linux” would |

| | | | |include: debian, fedora, rhel and ubuntu. |

|os_version |No |string |None |The host Operating System version. |

|ip_address |No |string |None |The primary IP address assigned by the cloud provider that |

| | | | |applications may use to access the Compute node. |

| | | | |Note: This is used by the platform provider to convey the primary |

| | | | |address used to access the compute node. Future working drafts |

| | | | |will address implementations that support floating or multiple IP |

| | | | |addresses. |

2. Definition

|type: tosca.pute |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root |

|properties: |

|# compute properties |

|num_cpus: |

|type: integer |

|constraints: |

|- greater_or_equal: 1 |

|disk_size: |

|type: integer |

|constraints: |

|- greater_or_equal: 0 |

|mem_size: |

|type: integer |

|constraints: |

|- greater_or_equal: 0 |

| |

|# host image properties |

|os_arch: |

|type: string |

|os_type: |

|type: string |

|os_distribution: |

|type: string |

|os_version: |

|type: string |

| |

|# Compute node’s primary IP address |

|ip_address: |

|type: string |

|capabilities: |

|host: |

|type: Container |

|containee_types: [tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent] |

3. Additional Requirements

• Please note that the string values for the properties “os_arch”, “os_type” and “os_distribution” SHALL be normalized to lowercase by processors of the service template for matching purposes. For example, if an “os_type” value is set to either “Linux”, “LINUX” or “linux” in a service template, the processor would normalize all three values to “linux” for matching purposes.

3. tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent

The TOSCA SoftwareComponent node represents a generic software component that can be managed and run by a TOSCA Compute Node Type.

|Shorthand Name |SoftwareComponent |

|Type Qualified Name |tosca:SoftwareComponent |

|Type URI |tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent |

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|version |no |string |None |The software component’s version. |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent: |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root |

|properties: |

|# software component version |

|version: |

|type: string |

|required: false |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.pute |

3. Additional Requirements

• Nodes that can directly be managed and run by a TOSCA Compute Node Type SHOULD extend from this type.

4. tosca.nodes.WebServer

This TOSA WebServer Node Type represents an abstract software component or service that is capable of hosting and providing management operations for one or more WebApplication nodes.

|Shorthand Name |WebServer |

|Type Qualified Name |tosca:WebServer |

|Type URI |tosca.nodes.WebServer |

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|None |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.WebServer |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent |

|capabilities: |

|http_endpoint: tosca.capabilites.Endpoint |

|https_endpoint: tosca.capabilities.Endpoint |

|host: |

|type: Container |

|containee_types: [ tosca.nodes.WebApplication ] |

3. Additional Requirements

• None

5. tosca.nodes.WebApplication

The TOSCA WebApplication node represents a software application that can be managed and run by a TOSCA WebServer node. Specific types of web applications such as Java, etc. could be derived from this type.

|Shorthand Name |WebApplication |

|Type Qualified Name |tosca: WebApplication |

|Type URI |tosca.nodes.WebApplication |

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|None |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.WebApplication: |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.nodes.WebServer |

3. Additional Requirements

• None

6. tosca.nodes.DBMS

The TOSCA DBMS node represents a typical relational, SQL Database Management System software component or service.

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|dbms_root_password |yes |string |None |The DBMS server’s root password. |

|dbms_port |no |integer |None |The DBMS server’s port. |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.DBMS |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.SoftwareComponent |

|properties: |

|dbms_root_password: |

|type: string |

|description: the root password for the DBMS service |

|dbms_port: |

|type: integer |

|description: the port the DBMS service will listen to for data and requests |

|capabilities: |

|host: |

|type: Container |

|containee_types: [ tosca.nodes.Database ] |

3. Additional Requirements

• None

7. tosca.nodes.Database

Base type for the schema and content associated with a DBMS.

The TOSCA Database node represents a logical database that can be managed and hosted by a TOSCA DBMS node.

|Shorthand Name |Database |

|Type Qualified Name |tosca:Database |

|Type URI |tosca.nodes.Database |

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|db_user |yes |string |None |The special user account used for database administration. |

|db_password |yes |string |None |The password associated with the user account provided in the |

| | | | |‘db_user’ property. |

|db_port |yes |integer |None |The port the database service will use to listen for incoming data |

| | | | |and requests. |

|db_name |yes |string |None |The logical database Name |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.Database: |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root |

|properties: |

|db_user: |

|type: string |

|description: user account name for DB administration |

|db_password: |

|type: string |

|description: the password for the DB user account |

|db_port: |

|type: integer |

|description: the port the underlying database service will listen to data |

|db_name: |

|type: string |

|description: the logical name of the database |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.nodes.DBMS |

|capabilities: |

|- database_endpoint: tosca.capabilities.DatabaseEndpoint |

3. Additional Requirements

• None

8. tosca.nodes.ObjectStorage

The TOSCA ObjectStorage node represents storage that provides the ability to store data as objects (or BLOBs of data) without consideration for the underlying filesystem or devices.

|Shorthand Name |ObjectStorage |

|Type Qualified Name |tosca:ObjectStorage |

|Type URI |tosca.nodes.ObjectStorage |

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|store_name |yes |string |None |The logical name of the object store (or container). |

|store_size |no |integer |>=0 |The requested initial storage size in Gigabytes. |

|store_maxsize |no |integer |>=0 |The requested maximum storage size in Gigabytes. |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.ObjectStorage |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root |

|properties: |

|store_name: |

|type: string |

|store_size: |

|type: integer |

|constraints: |

|- greater_or_equal: 0 |

|store_maxsize: |

|type: integer |

|constraints: |

|- greater_or_equal: 0 |

3. Additional Requirements

• None

4. Notes:

• Subclasses of the ObjectStorage node may impose further constraints on properties such as store_name, such as minimum and maximum lengths or include regular expressions to constrain allowed characters.

9. tosca.nodes.BlockStorage

The TOSCA BlockStorage node currently represents a server-local block storage device (i.e., not shared) offering evenly sized blocks of data from which raw storage volumes can be created.

Note: In this draft of the TOSCA Simple Profile, distributed or Network Attached Storage (NAS) are not yet considered (nor are clustered file systems), but the TC plans to do so in future drafts.

|Shorthand Name |BlockStorage |

|Type Qualified Name |tosca:BlockStorage |

|Type URI |tosca.nodes.BlockStorage |

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|store_mount_path |yes |string |min_length: 1 |The relative directory on the file system, which provides the root|

| | | | |directory for the mounted volume. |

|store_fs_type |no |string |None |The type of disk file system. |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Examples include: ext2, ext3, reiser, etc. |

2. Definition

|type: tosca.nodes.BlockStorage |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root |

|properties: |

|store_fs_type: |

|type: string |

|store_mount_path: |

|type: string |

|constraints: |

|- min_length: 1 |

3. Additional Requirements

• None


The TOSCA Network node represents a simple, logical network service.

Note: This base Node Type will be further developed in future drafts of this specification.

|Shorthand Name |Network |

|Type Qualified Name |tosca:Network |

|Type URI | |

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|TBD |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

| |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Root |

3. Additional Requirements


7. Artifact Types

TOSCA Artifacts represent the packages and imperative used by the orchestrator when invoking TOSCA Interfaces on Node or Relationship Types. Currently, artifacts are logically divided into three categories:

• Deployment Types: includes those artifacts that are used during deployment (e.g., referenced on create and install operations) and include packaging files such as RPMs, ZIPs, or TAR files.

• Implementation Types: includes those artifacts that represent imperative logic and are used to implement TOSCA Interface operations. These typically include scripting languages such as Bash (.sh), Chef and Puppet.

• Runtime Types: includes those artifacts that are used during runtime by a service or component of the application. This could include a library or language runtime that is needed by an application such as a PHP or Java library.

Note: Normative TOSCA Artifact Types will be developed in future drafts of this specification.

1. tosca.artifacts.Root

This is the default (root) TOSCA Artifact Type definition that all other TOSCA base Artifact Types derive from.

1. Definition

|tosca.artifacts.Root: |

|description: The TOSCA Artifact Type all other TOSCA Artifact Types derive from |

2. tosca.artifacts.File

This artifact type is used when an artifact definition needs to have its associated file simply treated as a file and no special handling/handlers are invoked.

1. Definition

|tosca.artifacts.File: |

|derived_from: tosca.artifacts.Root |

3. Implementation Types

1. Script Types

1. tosca.artifacts.impl.Bash

This artifact type represents a Bash script type that contains Bash commands that can be executed on the Unix Bash shell.

2. Definition

|tosca.artifacts.impl.Bash: |

|derived_from: tosca.artifacts.Root |

|description: Script artifact for the Unix Bash shell |

|properties: |

|mime_type: application/x-sh |

|file_ext: [ sh ] |

| |

| |

| |

C. Non-normative type definitions

This section defines non-normative types used in examples or use cases within this specification.

1. Capability Types

1. tosca.capabilities.DatabaseEndpoint.MySQL

This type defines a custom MySQL database endpoint capability.

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|None |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

|tosca.capabilities.DatabaseEndpoint.MySQL: |

|derived_from: tosca.capabilities.DatabaseEndpoint |

2. Node Types

1. tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|None |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL: |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.Database |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL |

|capabilities: |

|database_endpoint: tosca.capabilities.DatabaseEndpoint.MySQL |

2. tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|None |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL: |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.DBMS |

|properties: |

|dbms_port: |

|description: reflect the default MySQL server port |

|default: 3306 |

|capabilities: |

|host: |

|type: Container |

|containee_types: [ tosca.nodes.Database.MySQL ] |

3. tosca.nodes.WebServer.Apache

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|None |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.WebServer.Apache: |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.WebServer |

4. tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress

1. Properties

|Name |Required |Type |Constraints |Description |

|None |N/A |N/A |N/A |N/A |

2. Definition

|tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress: |

|derived_from: tosca.nodes.WebApplication |

|properties: |

|admin_user: |

|type: string |

|admin_password: |

|type: string |

|db_host: |

|type: string |

|requirements: |

|- host: tosca.nodes.WebServer |

|- database_endpoint: tosca.nodes.Database |

|interfaces: |

|Lifecycle: |

|inputs: |

|db_host: string |

|db_port: integer |

|db_name: string |

|db_user: string |

|db_password: string |

D. Use Cases

1. Application Modeling Use Cases:

|Short description |Interesting Feature |Description |

|Virtual Machine (VM), single |Introduces the TOSCA base Node Type|TOSCA simple profile ates how to stand up a single instance of a |

|instance |for “Compute”. |Virtual Machine (VM) image using a normative TOSCA Compute node. |

|WordPress + MySQL, single |Introduces the TOSCA base Node |TOSCA simple profile service showing the WordPress web application |

|instance |Types of: “WebServer”, |with a MySQL database hosted on a single server (instance). |

| |“WebApplication”, “DBMS” and | |

| |“Database” along with their | |

| |dependent hosting and connection | |

| |relationships. | |

|WordPress + MySQL + Object |Introduces the TOSCA base Node Type|TOSCA simple profile service showing the WordPress web application |

|Storage, single instance |for “ObjectStorage”. |hosted on a single server (instance) with attached (Object) |

| | |storage. |

|WordPress + MySQL + Block |Introduces the TOSCA base Node Type|TOSCA simple profile service showing the WordPress web application |

|Storage, single instance |for “BlockStorage” (i.e., for |hosted on a single server (instance) with attached (Block) storage.|

| |Volume-based storage). | |

|WordPress + MySQL, each on |Instantiates 2 tiers, 1 for |Template installs two instances: one running a WordPress deployment|

|separate instances |WordPress, 1 for DMBS and |and the other using a specific (local) MySQL database to store the |

| |coordinates both. |data. |

|WordPress + MySQL + Network, |Introduces the TOSCA base Node Type|TOSCA simple profile service showing the WordPress web application |

|single instance |for a simple “Network”. |and MySQL database hosted on a single server (instance) along with |

| | |demonstrating how to define associate the instance to a simple |

| | |named network. |

|WordPress + MySQL + Floating IPs,|Connects to an external |TOSCA simple profile service showing the WordPress web application |

|single instance |(relational) DBMS service |and MySQL database hosted on a single server (instance) along with |

| | |demonstrating how to create a network for the application with |

| | |Floating IP addresses. |

1. Virtual Machine (VM), single instance

1. Description

This use case demonstrates how the TOSCA Simple Profile specification can be used to stand up a single instance of a Virtual Machine (VM) image using a normative TOSCA Compute node. The TOSCA Compute node is declarative in that the service template describes both the processor and host operating system platform characteristics (i.e., properties) that are desired by the template author. The cloud provider would attempt to fulfill these properties (to the best of its abilities) during orchestration.

2. Features

This use case introduces the following TOSCA Simple Profile features:

• A node template that uses the normative TOSCA Compute Node Type along with showing an exemplary set of its properties being configured.

• Use of the TOSCA Service Template inputs section to declare a configurable value the template user may supply at runtime. In this case, the property named “cpus” (of type integer) is declared.

o Use of a property constraint to limit the allowed integer values for the “cpus” property to a specific list supplied in the property declaration.

• Use of the TOSCA Service Template outputs section to declare a value the template user may request at runtime. In this case, the property named “instance_ip” is declared

o The “instance_ip” output property is programmatically retrieved from the Compute node’s “ip_address” property using the TOSCA Service Template-level get_property function.

3. Logical Diagram


4. Sample YAML

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 |

| |

|description: > |

|TOSCA simple profile that just defines a single compute instance. Note, this example does not include default values on inputs properties. |

| |

|inputs: |

|cpus: |

|type: integer |

|description: Number of CPUs for the server. |

|constraints: |

|- valid_values: [ 1, 2, 4, 8 ] |

| |

|node_templates: |

|my_server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# compute properties |

|disk_size: 10 # in GB |

|num_cpus: { get_input: cpus } |

|mem_size: 4 # in MB |

|# host image properties |

|os_arch: x86_64 |

|os_type: linux |

|os_distribution: ubuntu |

|os_version: 12.04 |

| |

|outputs: |

|instance_ip: |

|description: The IP address of the deployed instance. |

|value: { get_property: [my_server, ip_address] } |

5. Notes

• This use case uses a versioned, Linux Ubuntu distribution on the Compute node.

2. WordPress + MySQL, single instance

1. Description

TOSCA simple profile service showing the WordPress web application with a MySQL database hosted on a single server (instance).

This use case is built upon the following templates fro, OpenStack Heat’s Cloud Formation (CFN) template and from an OpenStack Heat-native template:

However, where the CFN template simply connects to an existing Relational Database Service (RDS) our template below will also install a MySQL database explicitly and connect to it.

2. Logical Diagram


3. Sample YAML

|tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_1.0 |

| |

|description: > |

|TOSCA simple profile with WordPress, a web server, mMySQL DBMS and mysql database on the same server. Does not have input defaults or |

|constraints. |

| |

|inputs: |

|cpus: |

|type: number |

|description: Number of CPUs for the server. |

|db_name: |

|type: string |

|description: The name of the database. |

|db_user: |

|type: string |

|description: The username of the DB user. |

|db_pwd: |

|type: string |

|description: The WordPress database admin account password. |

|db_root_pwd: |

|type: string |

|description: Root password for MySQL. |

|db_port: |

|type:integer |

|description: Port for the MySQL database |

| |

|node_templates: |

|wordpress: |

|type: tosca.nodes.WebApplication.WordPress |

|requirements: |

|- host: webserver |

|- database_endpoint: mysql_database |

|interfaces: |

|create: |

|configure: |

|implementation: |

|input: |

|wp_db_name: { get_property: [ mysql_database, db_name ] } |

|wp_db_user: { get_property: [ mysql_database, db_user ] } |

|wp_db_password: { get_property: [ mysql_database, db_password ] } |

|# goto requirement, goto capability, goto port property |

|wp_db_port: { get_ref_property: [ database_endpoint, database_endpoint, port ] } |

| |

|mysql_database: |

|type: tosca.nodes.Database |

|properties: |

|db_name: { get_input: db_name } |

|db_user: { get_input: db_user } |

|db_password: { get_input: db_pwd } |

|capabilities: |

|database_endpoint: |

|properties: |

|port: { get_input: db_port } |

|requirements: |

|- host: mysql_dbms |

|interfaces: |

|configure: |

| |

|mysql_dbms: |

|type: tosca.nodes.DBMS |

|properties: |

|dbms_root_password: { get_input: db_root_pwd } |

|dbms_port: { get_input: db_root_pwd } |

|requirements: |

|- host: server |

|interfaces: |

|create: |

|start: |

|configure: mysql_dbms_configure |

|input: |

|db_root_password: { get_property: [ mysql_dbms, dbms_root_password ] } |

| |

|webserver: |

|type: tosca.nodes.WebServer |

|requirements: |

|- host: server |

|interfaces: |

|create: |

|start: |

| |

|server: |

|type: tosca.pute |

|properties: |

|# compute properties (flavor) |

|disk_size: 10 |

|num_cpus: { get_input: cpus } |

|mem_size: 4096 |

|# host image properties |

|os_arch: x86_64 |

|os_type: Linux |

|os_distribution: Fedora |

|os_version: 17 |

| |

|outputs: |

|website_url: |

|description: URL for Wordpress wiki. |

|value: { get_property: [server, ip_address] } |

4. Sample scripts

Where the referenced implementation scripts in the example above would have the following contents


|yum -y install wordpress |


|sed -i "/Deny from All/d" /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf |

|sed -i "s/Require local/Require all granted/" /etc/httpd/conf.d/wordpress.conf |

|sed -i s/database_name_here/db_name/ /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php |

|sed -i s/username_here/db_user/ /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php |

|sed -i s/password_here/db_password/ /etc/wordpress/wp-config.php |

|systemctl restart httpd.service |


|# Setup MySQL root password and create user |

|cat ................

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