Install Oracle Client: - Academics | WPI

Instruction for Oracle client installation on Windows Machine Feb.8th, 2006.

This document contains simple instruction for

1. installing Oracle client

2. how to configure naming service

3. connect to Oracle database using SQL*plus from your local machine.


This is for Windows machine only. Oracle client for linux/Mac is also available for download on .

I was performing this process on one of the TA machines which has already have .net framework installed. The installation is quite smooth. But if your machine doesn’t have that, you’ll need to install .net framework first to let the oracle client work properly. In the worst case, you still need ODBC data provider even after you install .net framework. That happened on my machine.

The installation for .net framework is dotnetfx.exe. And the installation for ODBC data provider is odbc_net.msi in the same .zip file.

Install Oracle Client:

Run oracle_client\Disk1\install\setup.exe




Next (


Install Administrator or Runtime. If you don’t need to do administrating work on database, Runtime should be enough for you to use.

Next -->




If the installation seems stop on the following screen, click “Stop”.



Exit and you are done with installation.


Configure Naming Service:

Use “Net manager” under “configuration and Migration Tools”.


Select “local”( Service naming.


In the menu, go to “Edit” ( “Create…” to create a service name. You can make up the service name for every service you are going to create. Since I am going to connect to database on nth6 with SID being BASE, I name the service “nth6-base”.


Click “Next”, and you’ll see


Choose “TCP/IP (internet protocol)” . It’s the first one in the list. And click “Next” to proceed.


Type in the host name on which the database installed. In my case, it is “”. You don’t need to change the port number. All our database for now are running on the default port number: 1521. Click “Next” to go on.


Provide the SID of the database you want to connect. SID for the database on is “BASE”, and SID for the one on is “MARVIN”.

Now you are ready to perform a test.


Click “Test…” button


Because by default, the net manager will use “scott/tiger” for testing. It is all right if the test does not succeed. Now click “Change Login…”, and type in our real database user and password. Anyone will work. Here the username I used is assistment_admin. Click “ok” to return to previous window and click “Test” to run your test again using this new user name and password.


You should be able to see the following message.


Click “Close” to close the window and click “finish” to finish your configuration. Now you can save your configuration and exit the net manager.

You can perform similar process to add another service naming in case you want to connect to more than one database at the same time.

Run a command using SQL*Plus:

After configuring service naming, you should be able to connect to desired database and run command to fetch data using SQL*Plus. There is a lot of things you can do using SQL*plus. To make full use of it, please refer to online help for this.

I installed client in “Runtime” mode. If you install it as “Administrator”, you will see another tool called “SQL worksheet”, which is more GUI-like than SQL*Plus.

Open SQL*Plus,


Type in database user name and password. And type in the service name you made up for your database connection as the “Host String”. Here since I called my service nth6-base, I put it in as the host string.


Click “OK” and you will see the command prompt. Now you can type in any query or SQL*plus command to run.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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