Jason Azim Resume - Improve Code

SUMMARY :EDUCATION: MSc. Computer Science with G.P.A of 3.5. Thesis done with NASA on compiler design.EXPERIENCE: 22 years total. 15 years as an Architect. Worked for 36 companies.INDUSTRY: Aviation, Energy, Oil, HealthCare, Insurance, Pharma, Security, Government and Logistics. INVENTOR: Worked as an Architect for 15 companies. Served on the Architecture Council for numerous fortune 500 companies. Listed with US Copyright as an Inventor for a suite of commercially sold applications related to cyber security. Author of a secure document management system for .DEVOPS: TFS, Jenkins, TeamCity Artifactory, APIGEE, JFROG, Bitnami.CLOUD: Build Core Typescript React Apps with Azure, AWS and IBM Cloud. Work with NGINX, DEBIAN, UBUNTU, RED HAT, MongoDB, Google Cloud Platform, RavenDB. IaaS, PaaS, Azure ML Learning Studio. Azure Shell, Spanner, DynamoDB, Chef, Puppet, Salt, Powershell etc.METHODOLOGY: Familiar with MSF, ALM, Water Fall, RUP, Agile, SCRUM, CMMI etc.DESIGN PATTERNS: Expert with Microsoft & Java development technologies. Worked with MVC, MVP and MVVM. Experience with PRISM, MVVM Light, Unity, MEF, Structure Map, Ninject and WPF Toolkit.TOOLS: Experience with SPA Templates for Knockout, BreezeJS, Durandal, EmberJS, Hot Towel WIJMO, AngularJS, ExtJS and AMD Framework.Worked with MVC5 Web API 2, WebStorm & Intellij.APPLE: Used Apache, WebStorm, PHP, AngularJS and mySql to build web Apps. Supported 50 computer Mac Lab at university. Build Apps using XCode. Jailbreak IPad for development. Build model view controller apps for Iphone and RESKit to connect to JSON data. PEERS: Worked with numerous Microsoft and IBM employees and MVPs.SECURITY: Worked for Chief Security Officer. HP Fortify, IBM AppScan and WhiteHat Tools.ARCHITECTURE: In depth knowledge of architectural patterns, frameworks (Zachman, MODAF, TOGAF, Kruchten's 4+1 View Model, RM-ODP), and paradigms(Object-oriented architecture (OOA), component-based architecture (CBA), and service-based architecture (SBA))Skills Matrix [Links below are clickable]SERVER:YearsFRAMEWORK / Tools:YearsLanguage / Packages:YearsWindows Server 2019SQL Server 2005 - 2019Oracle 7,8,9,10,11,12SharePoint & Power BITeam Foundation ServerMS CRM server 2 / 3Crystal Reports 10 ServerLiveLink LAPI APIMicroservices & DockerIPhone, IPAD, Mac MiniGITLAB GIT & TeamCity SQL Reporting ServicesBizTalk 2004 & 2006DNN, FileNetWorkflows, Infopath, K2XCode, OS X EL CapitanNServiceBus & MuleSoft2016159102744371254352 .NET Framework 1 to 4.8VB .NET,C# & F# ASP, Visual Basic 6.0C / C++ / VC 6.0 & MFCPower BI, HadoopIIS 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8Compact Framework SDKESRI WebPart, Web ADFJava, Apache Tomcat, HP Fortify, WhiteHatJavascript, vbscriptPerl 4 and 5PowerShell & MSBuildESRI Desktop, ArcViewEnterprise libraryosisoft PI-System1314149621423253126351WPF & Silverlight PRISM , MEFMVC, MVP & MVVMElster Itron Meter ReadingLINQ, Entity, Unity & Blend, RIA, LOBPython Anaconda, RKeras, TensorFlowInfragistics, Telerik, IBM AppScanVMWare, Virtual BoxCloud, SQL AzureGruntJS & BowerNodeJS & ExtJS SenchaPHP, CakePHP, SymfonyRequireJS , AngularJS 8RequireJS , React 853445331172762253EducationGraduated 1997Master of Science, Computer Science, University of Houston, TexasBachelor of Science, Computer Science, University of Houston, TexasMy Projects are shown below: Consulting Agencies are highlighted in yellow. Full time positions don’t have an agency.Decision Frameworks Architect9/2019 to currentMigrate 10 apps to Azure Dev Ops and setup build agent virtual machine to pull code from git and compile it and encrypt the code using Smart Assembly. Utilize Smart Assembly error reporting capabilities to send user errors. Write YAML scripts and copy tasks. Setup git branches. Utilize Team City and Jenkins Server Blue Ocean. We have a 150 clients using our products and the DTrio app had an annual license of $2500 so this is really specialized software with a lot of demand from Society of Decision Professionals and petroleum industry. Work with large clients like BHP, OXY, Shell Oil, Intel and Exxon to provide software support and custom coding.Work on LIMA which is a license management application for storing and scripting corporate licenses in the cloud. It utilizes a telemetry database to collect user usage statistics. Setup microsoft partner network.Work with DTrio application which is a graphical tool similar to visio. It utilizes the memento design pattern and has an undo redo manager to build graphical diagrams similar to Visio. Work with Excel Add ins and VBA to automate macros for building tree diagrams inside excel. The product is called TreeTop and it is used to do Tree analysis.Install Ubuntu Linux Desktop and Server and setup Apache Spark/Hadoop on it and write programs with Python Data Science Toolkit , Python Navigator, Dynamo DB and AWS Lamda APIs.ABS Architect4/2019 to 8/2019IS&T 10 screens digital dashboard monitoring center for tracking vessels using MarineTraffic SDK, Spire SDK, Bing Maps, ESRI Maps, C#, MVC, .NET Core SDK 2.2, Angular 8 client, Azure Web Jobs, Azure DevOps pipelines and Git. Provide support for 5 azure Apps. Work with Data Factories, Automation, Logic Apps, Service BUS. Work on setting up azure tenants, active directory, single sign on, security etc.Working with Machine Learning and Python and building bots and natural language processing. IOT Hub, Cosmos and Storage APIs used also. Support running of algorithms by Data Scientists. Work with the Chief Data Scientist and the Deputy CIO to move apps to PI. Provide support for customer portal written in REACT.Installed OSISoft PI System, Data Archive on single server and multi server topologies in the azure cloud. Configured UFL to ingest PI data as CSV. Wrote Xml to CSV converter ETLEngine using ServiceStack, Talend and other Big Data Technologies to ingest large files with millions of records of ship tracking sensor data related to engine temperatures and fuel consumption.Create Developer documentation to transition 150 Azure Apps / Assets from Tech Mahindra and Cap Gemini to in house developers. Create diagrams using Visio, Data Flow Diagrams for Azure SQL Server.CPAT Aviation Training Architect10/2018 to 4/2019Full Time PositionBuild applications with Angular 6.4 , Angular CLI & TypeScript. The admin panel application is used to manage online training courses. The student panel application is used to take online training courses. Work with Azure QueueClient, Topic, Subscription Client, Microsoft Vault, Microsoft Graph API, Azure Activity Directory, Storage, Storage Queue, Document DB, Cosmo DB key values based caching of session. Write Job Host for triggering dispatch and processing of azure messages. All code is written in .NET Core version 2.2. Write applications for Ipad, Android tablet and Apple. Pure cross platform development environment with code running on slots on Azure and Linux VMs and Docker containers. Products are used by 150 airlines with 40K users.Write Azure Functions, Azure SQL Stored Procedures and Functions. Use modernizer to support multiple browsers. Azure SQL Data Warehouse. Use latest SQL Management Studio 17. Use Visual Studio 2017. All applciations built with Node and deployed with Jenkins and source control with GIT. Write CQRS Azure Bus message handlers using Greg Young’s CQRS pattern. Use Service Bus explorer to fix and resubmit messages.Setup application security using AspNet Core Authentication and Authorization namespaces with OAuth, Saml and OpenID authentication providers. Use Graph API retrive users list from Azure Active Directory. Sync Azure AD with Local AD. Setup on premise report server using JSReports, use JSReport and SSRS Clients and plugins for generating PDF reports with Angular. Use Azure Data Factories and build Azure App Services and WebJobs for sending notification emails via SEND GRID Mail API. Texas Secretary State Architect8/2018 to 10/2018Mobilis Technology Work with OpenText, Process 360 Document Management System. Build document migrator tool to migrate 11 million documents to custom document management system written in .NET. The new system had to be deployed and missing components were completed. Build custom BPM / Workflow management for storing documents and searching and archiving them. Build worker processes and scheduling and asynchronous Task / Threading.Prototype software with Azure, WPF, Windows Universal, Web API. Create database diagrams using Dataedo. Write code using Visual studio 2017. Create Remote COM Interop to call API from VB6. We had 3 million lines of code written in VB6. Use F Sharp 4.0 to come up with a threading / microservices architecture.Empyrean Benefits Cloud Architect1/2018 to 7/2018Full Time PositionWork with Amazon S3, TeamCity, GITHUB, ServiceStack, PHP 7, Python, C#, Bootstrap, MVC, SignalR, Angular, Boxstarter Chocolatey Powershell and Aurelia to support 5 large applications called Compass, Core Gateway, Red Beans, Meridian, MA. Continous integration was used with AWS / REDIS Cache.Create C# console application to query TeamCity REST API for buildtype definitions and when something is committed in GITHUB then it triggers a compare of ServiceStack schema definitions between the different environments. App generates a comparison report for metadata changes and operations api. Goal was to write Plugins for TeamCity. Perform DLL dependency analysis to detect circular references in TeamCity Projects.Support 70 microservices for data retrieval and security. The database had 500 tables and was large with complex payroll and accounting rules for managing benefits setup for 30 clients. Prototype Google Cloud Platform.VALIC Architect(Enterprise Architect)6/2016 to 1/2018Full Time PositionWork as Program Architect for Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule project. Serve as architect for two departments i.e. Group Retirement and Business Intelligence / Big Data. Group Retirement used an application called AGILENet to manage corporate group plans. Work with Advisors tools and Perform feasibilitiy study for offshore development team from Mphasis and Cognizant. Approve SOWs, BRDs and FSDs for the project. This initiative involved 200 people with 12 project managers, 6 Architects. Work directly with four Vice Presidents. I had four architects reporting to me in this role. Won Galaxy Award. Setup architecture for migration of applications to Azure. Lead two POCs with IBM and Microsoft. The POC with IBM was related to Enterprise Service Bus and the one with Microsoft was related to Azure Cloud technologies. Worked with cloud architects from IBM and Microsoft. Use WebJobs and Back office Jobs to process data. Integrate with WCF and REST Based services.Mentor development team in new technologies like Microservices, Cloud Native, Jenkins, Continous Integration, DevOps setup, Docker, Core Cross Platform Development, Xamarin Development. Setup training for Visual Studio 2017 and .NET Framework 4.6.1 for building SPA applications using handlebars, angular js 2.. Work with SharePoint Online Portal, Hadoop, PIG, MapReduce, HUE, Sqoop, Python, HBase, Hive, Power BI Desktop. Create PowerBI Service and WebParts. Evaluate Talend, Tableu,Spark, MuleSoft, IBM ODM, IBM Service Bus, IBM MDM. Create Data Lake strategy to house and transform data for Business Object Reports.Automation of security scans using IBM AppScan REST API and Jenkins. Security remediation work with WhiteHat, HP Fortify etc. Develop code for SingleSignOn using SAML2 authentication. HP Architect3/2016 to 6/2016Aquent Develop ImageDropBox application for Nestle on the Azure Resource Portal. Work with cloud engineers from HP to upload images into Azure Storage using a WPF Application called HP Image Builder written using the CODE magazine Framework for building Metro applications. The application used Entity Framework with SQL Server as the back end data store. Setup one click deployment for the application. Use Azure Resource Manager to setup server to deploy application assets.Work on Virtual Lab application written with angular js and mvc web api application. The Virtual Lab application is used by HP Desktop Imaging Labs to keep track of server configurations in a portal consisting of 800K lines of code. Work on upgrading application to Aurelia Skeleton with TypeScript. University of Texas Architect9/2015 to 3/2016Full Time PositionProvide support for Allegro Accounting System consisting of 900 tables. Build codesmith templates to generate class events using Visual Studio 2013. Use SpiceWorks ticket system to handle tickets. Provide support for Compass Oil / Gas Accounting Application which is used by 1700 companies to report Lease, Permit and Royalties to University Lands. See here for more info applications using bootstrap, , WPF 5, SQL Server 2008 R2, PHP, Python 3.4, Angular JS, Django, PIP, Rest Framework, Anaconda, Node.JS, PHP Tools for Visual Studio 2015 etc.Build applications with WebStorm on OS X El Capitan using MySQL, SQL Work Bench, WebStorm, AngularJS, PHP, JSON, Apache, Bootstrap 3, Home Brew, Bower, Grunt, SASS, Express, NodeJS etc.FMC Technologies Stack Developer7/2015 to 9/2015GHG Corporation IntelliJ IDEA 14.0.4, Mercurial 3.4 and MongoDB 3.03 to build MEAN application to interface with Elastic Search and Siemens Team System. Use SASS, JADE Templating Engine, Node JS Tools, express framework. Use Maven and Apache webserver along with mondo DB to store elastic search objects and serve the searches as HTML5 REST based messages. Use packages available on NPM, grunt, bower etc.Write COM Interop application to generate word documents. Data was retrieved from database and then inserted into word. Build microsoft word Add-Ins for Team System. Use Visual Studio Tools for Office.Apache Corporation Stack Developer7/2014 to 6/2015ISphere Capital Accrual SAP Data Management Web Application using Telerik RadControls 2015. Wrote 10K lines of Javascript code for UI Layer. Use One visual studio 2013 with MVC5, WebForms, ExtJS, RequireJS, AMD Modules, Jquery, AngularJS. Build web pages using Twitter Bootstrap 3, JMenu, JTable.Build Mobile BI reports / dashboard using Sencha Touch, Android SDK. Automate subscription management of SSRS reports on Ipad and Iphone based drilling flowback application. Install ADT and Javascript Eclipse designer to build some prototype android mobile applications.Build new application templates for UI using requireJS, ExtJS, Jquery and AngularJS. Compile and install Ruby and its Gems for Sencha Cmd, SASS / LESS. Use knockout.js, require.js and ExtJS to consume data from webservices. Create user controls with ExtJS Panel and Grid.Support over 90+ Performance Point Reports running against analysis services cubes with well data from Oracle. Provide support for Scout data warehouse which integrates into FileNet and Cygnet. Use Javascript toolkit 4 to build tabbed pages. Work on makechart.vbs which is 3000 lines of vbscript for charting. Work on Well Portal SharePoint 2013 Digital Dashboard for managing Well Data.Universal Weather Mobile Developer4/2014 to 7/2014Matrix Resources model view controller UI for IPhone / IPad using XCode model view controller storyboard. Use RESKit to connect mobile devices to MVC 5 Web API 2 serving JSON data from a back end oracle database. JIRA Administration, setup GIT Server, Octopus / Tenticle for automated deployments. Lead offshore team of 5 developers. Reverse engineer existing Apps using NDepends and create documentation for 800K lines of code.Convert old MVC application using Oracle DevArt, Telerik and Enterprise Library to MVC 5 Web API 2 with asynchronous Tasks and Dapper Micro ORM to make database calls to SQL Server and Oracle.ION GEO .NET Architect1/2014 to 3/2014Full Time PositionCreate Project Plan for migrating 24 SharePoint 2007 sites to SharePoint 2013. Use Metalogix Content Matrix and Replicator. Setup fault tolerant DR SharePoint 2013 Farm. Audit migration plan and provide guidance.Develop SharePoint 2013 end user and site admin training.Build stock ticker web part, blog and news feeds. Use Feature Stapling, Design Manager, HTML5, JQuery and CSS3 to develop Responsive branding for sites. Gexa Energy SharePoint Consultant10/2013 to 12/2013ISphere SharePoint 2010 and 2013 virtual images using Virtual Box. Develop enrollment reject dashboard using InfoPath Forms, Web Parts, Power Pivot, Performance Point Server, Oracle 11 and SSRS Web Parts.Wrote a console application to connect to SharePoint using client object model and retrieve a count of list records and their status and generate an aging report using F# to import the data from CSV and use F# excel COM API to create charts and reports. Develop recommendations to migrate from SharePoint 2010 to 2013. Present demo and create training slides for SharePoint 2013. Teach and train developers and other senior staff. Develop comprehensive guidelines and governance for SharePoint. Define corporate standards and best practices. Fix existing SharePoint environment.HISCO Enterprise Architect7/2013 to 10/2013Burnett Staffing Windows Service Bus. Evaluate NServiceBus, .NET Service Bus, MuleSoft and Azure technologies. Develop KPI Data Entry app. Use Sencha ExtJS and AngularJS,Jasmine, Mocha, PhantomJS,UpshotJS.Work with EPICOR Warehouse Management System, Progress Service Bus and IBM MDM Server. Write taxonomy builder. The company had 70,000 products so we wanted to have a custom taxonomy of prices and generate the menu dynamically to provide integration with EPICOR using xml web services.Perform bug fixes for Silverlight Financial application which was 70K lines of code with 30 screens and many widgets and used MVVM light. Work with Mac Mini Server with OS X Maverick, Use Xcode and Xamarin studio to develop apps. Build web interface using Sencha ExtJS Framework.RealEC (LPS) Architect1/2013 to 6/2013Veredus for VP of Solution & Design as a Product Architect. LPS has a huge commercial Service Bus that they spend 2 Billion dollars to build. It is a large transaction processing system that processes millions of financial transactions per month. Write feature requests and technical specification documents. Coordinate and lead meetings for enhancing MVC and Service Bus Applications. Upgrade application from MVC3 to MVC4. Setup Windows 8 develop environment. Evaluate building Windows Store applications using WPF. Work as an Architect for Loan Quality Gateway which is 250K lines of code MVC3 application.Write F# application to traverse applications and plot application dependencies. Create Application catalog tool that traverses TFS directory structure and parses Visual Studio Solution files to extract application dependencies and publishes the data into an Application Catalog database. Reverse engineer 25 applications using this tool. Spark Energy Senior SOA Architect10/2012 to 1/2013CPSG Partners all Spark Energy IT applications and systems and provide a process improvement report to CIO. Present proposal on setting up a service bus and integration architecture for transaction processing, data warehouse, integration. Interview different departments. I was brought in to implement the SOA principles put in place by Udi Dahan who is the MVP for SOA . Developed 130 page report complete with code templates and 15 PowerPoint presentations on each aspect of SOA from middle ware to using Task Parallel Library. My proposal was code named Enterprise Asset Management (EAM). Evaluate MuleSoft, NServiceBus, SoftwareAG, Altova MapForce, Sonic MQ, Progress Software, Azure Service Bus, Cloud.Work on large MVC application made up of 500K lines of code written by up to 20+ developers. Work with customer portal written in Orchard and Umbraco CMS. Enbridge US Senior Developer4/2012 to 10/2012Jupiter Group Tariff Management System and Pipeline Information Management System. Upgrade existing system from WinForms to WPF. The old system used MVVM Light Toolkit which was replaced with PRISM with MEF. MEF was used for setting up the modules and boot strapper. Wrote 110K lines of code in 6 months and reverse engineered existing application using Visual Studio graphing tools. Application was written using Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5. Developed 35 WPF Views with document management features using Microsoft Office Word API and ASPOSE for converting word documents to PDF.Worked on IT Landscape application which is used to store IT Asset information. Worked with 4.5, JQuery, modernizer, HTML 5, Entity Framework 4.2, MVC 4, Rest API and DevExpress Suite.Apache Corporation Lead Developer12/2011 to 4/2012StoneBridge is a Microsoft managed partner specializing in Oil and Gas and GIS industry. They have Microsoft MVPs on staff and do cloud computing and GIS work.Develop code in .NET Framework 3.5, 4, Entity Framework 4, WCF web services, windows services, ComponentOne Studio for Ajax & Telerik Controls.Develop controls with bing maps that run in MVC 3. Develop Silverlight 4 custom controls for Well 360 and Asset 360 GIS based enterprise asset management application. Develop GIS dashboards for SharePoint 2010.ADP Architect7/2011 to 11/2011ClearbridgeADP has $10 billion in revenues and approximately 570,000 clients. ADP has 60 years of experience and they are the industry leader in human resources, payroll, tax and vehicle dealer services. Worked for the ADP Dealer Services department on the Vehicle Information System. Responsible for leading a team of 7 offshore developers and 4 local developers. Develop code for DotNetNuke, SharePoint, , MVC 3, Linq, WCF, MEF, Unity Interception, Entity Framework 4.1 etc. Interface with QA and Business Analyst and mentor junior developers.DuPontArchitect1/2010 to 6/2011Improve Code DuPont is a $30 billion fortune 100 company with 80 branches worldwide. DuPont was founded in 1802.Report to the Chief Security Officer. Develop custom document management system written using Visual Studio 2010 & SQL Server 2008 R2. The application consists of 250K lines of code with 120 reports written in SSRS. The database consists of 550 database objects. It is a suite of applications with a windows service for monitoring security and health of corporate systems and a web application for entering information and uploading documents related to security incidents, audit, training, drills and exercises, visitor log, facility information etc. First App of its kind to implement CFATS & Dept of Homeland Security RBPS standards using Software as Service design pattern. I am listed as the inventor for this application with U.S Patent Office. Build middle tier components using ESRI GIS Javascript API, Google Geocode API, MS Virtual Earth, Bing Maps SDK, Ajax Control Toolkit and Jquery. Use Microsoft Solutions Framework to design the application. Develop Alerts Manager application using WPF / Silverlight. Work with XAML. Create User Controls. Create WPF library of reusable components and widgets.CenterPoint Energy Application Architect3/2010 to 5/2010MRE ConsultingCenterPoint Energy holds disaster recovery exercises every year in which they test 200+ applications. I was hired as an application architect to audit this process and report my findings to the security, information technology, CIO, infrastructure, networking department executives. I was part of a six man architecture council that would analyze their existing systems and suggest ways to improve their processes.Work with AMS meter reading system, Smart Meter, ITRON, GAS Information System, Outage Analysis system. This was a very complex project because the Application Architect was required to have extensive knowledge of numerous systems like SAP, TFS, SQL Server, Oracle, Tivoli, FileNET, SIEBEL, Centrasite, IBM DataPower, IBM Websphere, Enterprise Application Integration, TIBCO etc.British Petroleum Principal Consultant10/2008 to 3/2010SAICSAIC is one of the biggest consulting firms in US with 45,000 employees and it provides services to government, defense and security organizations.Develop application using ESRI WEB ADF. The application displays a map of wells from ArcView 9.3 GIS server. The application is constructed as a GIS portal to allow different users to see different maps. The application uses GeoCortex, OpenSpirit, PPDM and Oracle. ESRI Silverlight API was used to tie things together and to call the map service. ESRI Map WebParts were used to display maps in MOSS.Develop Well Log DropBox application. The application is written using 3.5 / Silverlight 2.0 with Oracle 11. The purpose of the application is to upload documents and submit them for processing from remote locations to Finder, Petra, OpenWorks and other GIS unix systems. The File Upload is done using a custom Silverlight control which allows selecting multiple files for upload and it supports large files up to 2 GB in size.Develop application for processing Elster and Itron message formats for Meter Reading. A custom database was created to store and track the messages for asynchronous processing. Altova XML Spy Suite was used to generate .NET business objects to store and process messages. Wrote business objects for Elster / Itron data import. Spectra Energy .NET Architect4/2008 to 10/2008TeksystemsResponsible for Microsoft technologies and Java Applications. Support registries like SYSTINET and X-Broker / CentraSite Governance.Setup dual tier Team Foundation Server 2008 . Develop custom process guidance workflow using the process editor. Work with Team Explorer to setup workspaces and migrate existing code from VSS to TFS. Train staff in using TFS, Team System Web Access, Work Items and Reporting Services. Build User Controls for TFS. Work with TFS power Tools, admin tools. Develop TFS 2005 to TFS 2008 migration proposal and capacity planning. Setup a TFS build automation server. Write build scripts using MSBuild. Use work item type import and export to create custom process template. Worked with jdk-6u6-windows-i586-p , Java Tools bundle, apache-tomcat, apache-ant, jboss and jdk1.5.0_12. Worked with SharePoint, SCADA, CYGNET and FileNet development teams. Expert in developing custom applications using WSS 3.0, WebParts, Content Types, Features, Workflows and the SharePoint Object Model. Experience in installation, configuration, administration and customization of SharePoint Portal Server. Customize SharePoint Master pages using SharePoint designer. Work with SharePoint Application Templates. Define site Taxonomy and organize placement of content. Work with CAML and list query web services API.Experience in developing applications with Telerik Controls, Infragistic Controls, Component Source, RapTier, CodeSmith, Iron Speed Designer, Enterprise Library Application Blocks 3.0 etc. Strong knowledge of Agile, CMMI, Scrum and software patterns and practices.HCHDWeb Master / Manager3/2007 to 4/2008Full time positionHarris County Hospital District is the 4th biggest public hospital system in US with an operating budget of $2.5 billion per year. I was the web master for all their intranet / internet systems.Develop Organization Chart web application and console application for refreshing the Org Chart from PeopleSoft Oracle database. The application is written using Org Publisher 8.0 API.HCHD is a Microsoft development shop running systems like Biztalk 2006, SharePoint 2003 and 2007, SQL Server 2005, Oracle 10, SQL Server 2005 reporting services, Microsoft Project Server , Crystal reports and Cold Fusion etc. Write EDI 277 parser application that watches File System for new EDI documents. The console application converts documents to XML and cleans up the data so that it can be uploaded into EPIC clinical system. Lead the MOSS branding efforts for our corporate intranet / internet. Work with Microsoft employees and architects to develop site branding. Develop site taxonomy with the help of , and . Developed HCHD Branding and logo by modifying the SharePoint Master Page. Create new site Master Pages by customizing the Minimal Master Page. Allow integration of SharePoint with existing ERP systems like PeopleSoft and SAP. Pull data from PeopleSoft ERP system via web services into SharePoint. Setup GOOGLE Search / GOOGLE Mini server on our corporate intranet. Create custom front end Google search page using the Google API and XML editor. Tweak Google search so that it will bring up corporate policies and documents. Modify default google search page xml to display our site collections.Cameronc-a- SharePoint Architect8/2006 to 3/2007TeksystemsResponsible for mentoring 10 developers. Perform code reviews, signoff on code destined for production. Develop custom WebParts and classes that utilize the SharePoint object model. Evaluate/deploy SharePoint 2007 and migrate sites from SharePoint 2003 to 2007.Develop travel approval and management application. The application was written in 2.0 and SQL Server 2005. It interfaced with American Express and Orbitz travel sites. Wrote HTTP Handlers for interacting with external sites. Utilized AJAX and Atlas control toolkit for site development.EGLConsultant3/2006 to 8/2006RCGDevelop 2 based KPI App. Developed web pages using User Controls, GridView control, Menu Control etc. Developed custom KPI objects for storing and retrieving data from SQL Server 05.Develop document management applications for FileNet using FileNet P8 WebService APIs. Wrote applications for displaying multi page tiff images. Wrote business objects and webservices for retrieving images from FileNet server. Write objects for querying FileNet database and for searching for documents based on Document Types and other meta data.Convert FileNet Panagon IDM applications written in Visual Basic 6.0 as a desktop application to the new FileNet P8 applications. Create Document Loader for bulk uploading and indexing documents. Write automation objects.Hitachi ConsultingArchitect12/2005 to 3/2006Full time positionHitachi Consulting is the 3rd biggest Global IT firm. They are number 25 in the electronics industry.Write business proposals and architect solutions. I was part of the Architecture Council. Responsible for reviewing all .NET projects in North America. Wrote business proposal for Clear Channel Communications for a single shared security component for all their diverse applications.IFCO Systemsifco-Principal Architect5/2004 to 12/2005Full time positionSetup application coding guidelines, change control, source control and naming conventions. Perform code reviews and responsible for hiring 3 new developers and building a new team from scratch.Worked on POMS application which was used to create vouchers, accruals etc in Solomon using to insert data directly into the SQL server back end of Solomon. Worked with Solomon AP, AR and GL data. Worked with Microsoft CRM to upload data into CRM via the SQL server back end. The data had to be cleaned and normalized according to the CRM schema. Develop XML Web services to interact with CRM contact data. Explore Biztalk, SOAP and XML web services as a possible candidate for doing intercompany purchase orders. Explore the EDI interface as a possible solution. Interact with vendors to identify their EDI interfaces and provide ability to pull their EDI data into our financial systems in an automated manner. Train other team members in Biztalk. Worked as Biztalk developer. Created orchestrations, data mappers, functoids etc.Develop windows service application for sending emails, alerts and notifications when certain events occurred in Paltrax application. Paltrax is an ecommerce portal application. Paltrax is used to manage 130 customers.Perform software prototyping for mobile devices. The software used was Pocket PC and RIM and the hardware was Ipaq pocket PCs and Blackberry PDAs. The business need was related to bar coding and RFID data storing. I evaluated APP Forge CrossFire 5.0 but in the end we settled for using mobile internet toolkit. Create messaging application to request capital from the blackberry via the blackberry browser. Used compact framework sdk.El Paso energy .NET Lead8/2002 to 4/2004ECS JobsDevelop C# web application that uses Data Grid to manage Right of Way data. The application was made up of 25 WebForms and 88 tables running on SQL Server 2000. Developed document management plug in for the application that used LAPI 9.1 as a COM Interop to allow documents to be added/retrieved/deleted from LiveLink document management system. Developed C# windows application that served as an interface for traversing the LiveLink directory structure and for providing the ability to retrieve document ids from the document management system.Developed C# windows application for GIS integration with the GIS department. The GIS department had a spatial database engine and we had to have our properties appear in that database as graphics. Developed AutoCad based records in GIS SDE database to allow for GIS integration of pipeline data. Our database would feed the coordinate system to GIS database and the changes would then travel back to us via an automated SQL job that was run on a daily basis. Developed XML web service for querying GIS application Senior Developer1/2000 to 8/2002Spherion I worked for the Industry Standard Server Group (ISSG) division as a technical lead on the SmartStart software deployment product. Refer to for details.Performed software prototyping for VB .NET, Microsoft Mobile Internet Toolkit, Compact Framework, Remoting, Windows Services, Web Services, SOAP, User Controls development, etc. Develop MFC based DLLs for existing server deployment software called SmartStart. Provide deployment functionality for Microsoft and UNIX Servers using Visual C++ 6.0 as the main development tool. Provide system administration and source code control for ten Windows 2000 Advanced Servers which used batch scripting to compile and produce DLLs for Microsoft, UNIX and NetWare deployment environments. Design and develop code building strategy for Microsoft and UNIX. The code building required compiling various components written in Java for NetWare, Visual C++ MFC.Develop deployment strategies for the three areas namely Microsoft, Novell and UNIX server deployment. Train three developers to take up these positions. Serve as a mentor for five developers on questions related to different sections of the deployment software.ShellConsultant6/1998 to 1/2000Keane Design SQL database for storing Y2K vendor compliance information. Administer SQL server 6.5 & 7.0 servers for the finance department. Maintain data integrity and write stored procedures, triggers,Define indexes etc.Develop Data Warehousing application. Allow data to be shared between multiple office applications using HTML and JavaScript. Assist in application development activities like web/Java interface for databases. Develop ASP pages for database access using ADO 2.5 and Visual Interdev 6.0.Industrial InfoProgrammer Analyst5/1997 to 6/1998Full time positionDevelop GIS map data update application using Perl 5.0 for retrieving map data from . The data was used in GeoLocator App for plotting the locations of Mines, Petroleum, and Industries etc. The Perl application maintains state & connection information and it downloads geological data by regions.Support 70 computer Macintosh Network. Migrate Macintosh computers to Windows 95. Develop application and OS migration plan. Provide support for GIS development on Macintosh computers.Development using CGI, Perl, Java, C, C++, Visual Basic 5.0, MS Access, Oracle 8 & Universe regarding my Patent:Serial Number: 85351868 (For details visit )Name: CFATS MANAGERDescription: “CFATS MANAGER” for “software as a service (SAAS) services featuring software for management of site compliance activities.” CFATS is the acronym for “ Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards” and identifies a set of US government security regulations for high-risk chemical facilities such as chemical plants, electrical generating facilities, refineries, and pany logos – The icons below are clickable and point to company urls. Frequently Asked Questions1) Are you willing to travel? What percentage of travel can you do?Answer: I am only looking for work in Houston TX. However, I am okay with a few business trips once in a while.2) How far are you willing to commute for work? Where in Houston can you work?Answer: I live in Cypress and prefer working on the west/north of Houston. I am open to working in downtown.3) Do you prefer full time or contract? Are you a US Citizen?Answer: I prefer full time work but I am also open to contract / contract to hire. Yes I am US Citizen.4) How long have you been an architect or team lead or IT Manager?Answer: I have been an architect for 13 years. I have worked as an architect for 12 companies like BP, Spectra Energy, HCHD, Cameron, TekSystems, ADP, HISCO, IONGEO, Universtity Texas, AIG and Hitachi Consulting.5) How much project management and planning experience do you have?Answer: I have managed 50+ projects in my 20 year career. I am very familiar with project management methodologies like Six Sigma, Agile, CMMI, RUP, MSF, Waterfall and Scrum.6) Do you prefer Java or C#?Answer: I don't set any boundaries on myself and I have worked as both a Java Architect and a .NET Architect.7) Do you have cloud and DevOps experience?Answer: I have 4 years of cloud experience with Google, AWS, Azure and IBM Cloud Portals Administration.8) How much database experience do you have?Answer: I am an expert with database systems like Oracle, SQL Server and Sybase. I have 15 year’s experience.9) Do you have any ERP experience?Answer: Yes I have experience with many ERP systems like SAP, Solomon, PeopleSoft, ADP, Allegro & Ceridian.10) Do you have any CRM experience?Answer: Yes I have experience with CRM systems like Microsoft CRM, Goldmine etc.11) Are you a certified Architect? Explain what type of certifications?Answer: Yes I am a certified architect with a Patent for a Secure Document Management system.12) How much Enterprise Content Management and Document Management experience do you have?Answer: 9 years experience with ECM systems like LiveLink, FileNet, SharePoint, Documentum and DNN. 13) How many implementations of SharePoint have you done?Answer: I have done 7 implementations for Cameron, HCHD, Hess, ADP, HISCO, IONGEO and BP.14) Do you have any search engine experience?Answer: Yes I have setup search engines like Google Appliance, Autonomy and SharePoint Search.15) Do you have any mobile development experience?Answer: Yes using Mobile Internet Toolkit, Phone Gap, Apache Cordova, Andriod, IOS SDK.16) Do you have WCF experience?Answer: Yes I have experience with WCF 4, WCF Web Api, OData etc.17) Do you have HTML5, Javascript Frameworks / JQuery UI experience?Answer: Yes I have used AMD Framework, angular, sencha touch, ext js, PHP, Python etc.18) Do you have Machine Learning, Artifical Intelligence experience?Answer: Yes while working at ABS I did NLP, Chat Bots and worked with data scientists using miniconda. ................

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