Setting up an IPP Print Server using CUPS - Del Mar College

How-to’s ? Linux ? Step-by-Step IPP Based Print Server Using CUPS Setting up an IPP Print Server using CUPS?This tutorial describes how to install an IPP Linux print server with CUPS, install and configure printer drivers on the print server, and how to setup an IPP printer in Windows.Contents:Linux: IPP Print Server setupLinux: Installation/Configuration of Linux printer driversWindows: IPP Client (printer) setupLinux Files to be edited:/etc/cups/cupsd.conf/var/log/cups/error_log/etc/cups/mime.types/etc/cups/mime.convs1. Linux IPP Print Server setupStep #1 – Install the CUPS Service# su root# yum install cups*?Step #2 - Configure CUPSThe default CUPS configuration limits administration to the local machine. To open up access, edit the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf?file and comment out the lines reading:The Below lines restricts web administration access to localhostComment lines 842, 843, 844? so it should look like this:Order deny,allowDeny from allAllow from disable password authentication you need to edit the /etc/cups/cupsd.conf file and comment out the lines reading:The Below lines restricts the printer access to system usersComment lines 838, 839 so the user can print without authenticationAuthType BasicAuthClass System?Step #3 - Restart the CUPS server# service cups restart?Step #4 - Run the steps in Part 2. “Installation/Configuration of Linux printer drivers”?Step #5 - Restart the CUPS Service# service cups restart?– If required the CUPS can be managed with ?? ??? ?- on the local host??? or?? ?- on a remote host?? (Note the port designation :631)?Note: Here IP: is for the example, use your own IP-addressStep #6 – Run the steps in Part 3. “Windows IPP Client(printer) setup” if needed.Step #7 - Trouble shooting CUPSIf you find the error message in the log file /var/log/cups/error_log:print_job: Unsupported format 'application/octet-stream'!Hint: Do you have the raw file printing rules enabled?Solution: uncomment the line in the /etc/cups/mime.types file: application/octet-stream and in the /etc/cups/mime.convs file: application/octet-stream application/vnd.cups-rawIf the CUPS is installed with public IP-address: port 631 should be enabled on the proxy/squid/router levelIf the CUPS is installed with a private IP-address and you want to print from anywhere: configure port forwarding at the router and the router should configured with a public IP-address so that the print service can be controlled with a web-browser at address: and the router will forward packets to local-IP:631.2. Installation/Configuration of Linux Printer driversPrint Driver Installation for an HP LaserJet printer on Linux. Printer Model: HP LaserJet 1020Operating System: LinuxNote: Steps 1 to 9 differ from printer to printerStep #1# cd /tmp?Step #2?? ?- Download print driver for a HP LJ1020 (or your printer…)# wget -O foo2zjs.tar.gz go through the reference: for more information on different type of printers.Step #3?? ?- De-compress & Extract the files# tar -xvzf foo2zjs.tar.gz?Step #4?? ?- Compile it# cd foo2zjs# make?Step #6?? ?- Get the driver info for HP LaserJet 1020# ./getweb 1020?Step #7?? ?- Install the printer driver# make install?Step #8?? ?- Enable the USB hot plug feature# make install-hotplug?Step #9?? ?- Bind the HPLJ1020 printers drivers to CUPS# make cups?Step #10.a - Configure the printer using the Command Line Interface# lpadmin -p hplj1020 -E -v /dev/usb/lp0 -m \ /backup/downloads/foo2zjs/PPD/HP-LaserJet_1020.ppd - Set it as the default printer (if required)# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -d hplj1020 - Start printer services # /usr/bin/enable hplj1020 - Accept printing requests into the Print Queue# /usr/sbin/accept hplj1020Step #10.b - Configuration of printer using GUI Interface (Preferred)# printconf-guiOr we can choose it from ??? (GNOME)-> Applications -> System Settings -> Printing- Click [New] to set up a new Print Queue- Click [Forward]- Name = hplj1020???(choose your own)- Short description = HP LaserJet 1020 PostScript Printer (choose your own)- Select the printerNote: If the printer is not listed, click [Rescan devices] to list the printers- Review the Manufacturer/Model of the printer and name of the Print Queue- Click [Yes]? (to print a test page)- if the test print is OK,? Click [Yes]3. IPP Windows Client (printer) setupClient OS: Windows XP/Windows ServerStep #1 – Start -> Settings -> Printers and FaxesStep #2 - Click [Add a printer]- Click [Next]- Select option: (?) “A network printer, or a printer attached to another computer”- Select option: (?) “Connect to a printer on the Internet or a home or office network:” URL: Note: Specify the URL of the Linux CUPS/IPP print server- Choose the correct Printer Driver for the printer- Select option: (?) “Yes” (If you want to run this printer as default)Click [Finish] and test your Windows IPP client to Linux CUPS/IPP print server setup ................

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