Installing Matplotlib Windows 10

[Pages:6]How to install Matplotlib on Windows 10

CS 177

Step 1: Know your operating system

Know what bit computer you have! It will either be 32-bit operating system or 64-bit operating system. You can find this under Settings System About "System Type"

Step 2: From there, go to the link they provide us & download the files

ht t p: / / l fd. uci .e du/ ~gohl ke/ pythonli bs / #mat pl ot li b For a 32-bit computer, use these names

numpy- 1. 11. 2+mk l- c p34- c p34m-win32. w hl s c ipy- 0. 18. 1- cp34- cp34m- win32. whl ma t plot lib- 1. 5. 3- c p34- c p34m-w in32. whl For a 64-bit computer, use these names numpy- 1. 11. 2+mkl- c p34- c p34m-win_ amd64. whl s c ipy- 0. 18. 1- cp34- cp34m- win_ amd64.w hl ma t plot lib- 1. 5. 3- c p34- c p34m-w in_a md64.whl

Step 3: Now you need to open cm d.exe, depending on where it is saved in your computer, you m ay have to make another copy in your P ython folder.

-Open the "Run" program by hitting the "Windows key + r" at the same time. You should get this :

-Now, type in cmd.exe, and it will open to a black screen like this

Notice the location of the cmd.exe file, mine was originally in C:\WINDOWS\system32. Well your P ython34 (or whatever version you have) is probably not going to be there, so the cmd file will not find the files you saved in that folder.

-Go to the file cmd is currently in (system 32 for me) and copy it and paste it into the P ython folder where your 3 downloaded files are.

Step 4: Cool. Now you can re-open the cmd.exe file. But when you type in the "Run" program type in the full location name like this :

Hit that "ok" button and Boom! You have the cmd.exe file open in the right place. Now you can begin installing the files!

Step 5: Begin installing the programs like so:

IMP ORTANT!! On the pdf the provided, they forgot a key thing when typing in the scripts provided. -When you are writing "python -m pip install c:\numpy....."

That is not correct unless you s aved those files directly in the C: drive! -You have to type the location the file is in (P ython 34 in my case). So for me, I would type this.

P ython -m pip install c:\Pyton34\numpy...

Opening screen Ex a mp l e

Type in the numpy file name first. Then hit "Enter". Your screen should look like the following for all 3 files

You see I ran numpy, than scipy, then matplotlib. There will be pauses when it is processin and installing the "package" and you will see the cursor flashing, don't worry! That means it's working. Just wait it o ut and it'll say it has installed the files. If it worked, Hoorah! You're done.

Pip Error

-You may encounter an error message that says "Storing debug long for failture in C:\Users\...\pip\pip.log" This means that pip is not thoroughly updated for your computer! On the next line, type in:

Ex) C:\P yton34> python -m pip ins tall --updrade pip -That will install pip for you. And Ins talling... should pop up in the process, which means you're good to start installing numpy, scipy, & matplot lib in that order once that's done updating pip.


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