System Requirements - Oceanwide

Document Configuration Reference GuideVersion 1.7-39370-508000 TOC \h \z \t "Heading 1,2,Section Header,1,Subsection Header,3" Introduction PAGEREF _Toc328126019 \h 2System Requirements PAGEREF _Toc328126020 \h 2Guide PAGEREF _Toc328126021 \h 2Getting Started PAGEREF _Toc328126022 \h 3About Mail Merge Syntax PAGEREF _Toc328126023 \h 3Installing the Oceanwide Word Ribbon PAGEREF _Toc328126024 \h 3Populating the Oceanwide Word Ribbon PAGEREF _Toc328126025 \h 4Fields PAGEREF _Toc328126026 \h 7Inserting Fields from Form Panels PAGEREF _Toc328126027 \h 7Inserting Fields from Grid Panels PAGEREF _Toc328126028 \h 8Triggers PAGEREF _Toc328126029 \h 13Inserting a Trigger PAGEREF _Toc328126030 \h 13Configuring a Trigger PAGEREF _Toc328126031 \h 14Configuring Triggers for Grid Fields PAGEREF _Toc328126032 \h 17F.A.Q. PAGEREF _Toc328126033 \h 20IntroductionWelcome to the Bridge Document Configuration Quick Reference Guide. This document is intended to provide a functional overview of how to leverage the Mail Merge functionality within MS Word, using the Oceanwide Word Ribbon, to create dynamic document templates from data input into, or generated by, Bridge.System RequirementsIn order to use the Oceanwide Word Ribbon for Bridge you will need to have MS Word 2010 or later installed on your computer.GuideClick a link to jump to the desired section.Getting StartedProvides a description of Mail Merge and details how to install and populate the Oceanwide Word Ribbon.Inserting FieldsExplains how to insert Field reference data from Bridge using the Oceanwide Word Ribbon and Mail Merge functionality.Inserting TriggersExplains how to insert and configure Trigger reference data from Bridge using the Oceanwide Word Ribbon and Mail Merge functionality. FAQFrequently Asked QuestionsGetting StartedThe following section describes how to install and populate the Oceanwide Word Ribbon. This step must be completed before you can begin to create dynamic document templates for use in Bridge.About Mail Merge SyntaxMail Merge is an extremely versatile software function describing the production of multiple (and potentially large numbers of) documents from a single template form (i.e. quote, policy, endorsement, etc…) and a structured data source (i.e. Bridge).Bridge Mail Merge Fields that are embedded in a document template are replaced with the actual data fields from Bridge when the document is generated.Installing the Oceanwide Word RibbonBefore you can begin you will need to install the latest release of Oceanwide’s Word Ribbon plug-in for MS Word 2010.*IMPORTANT*If a previous release of the Oceanwide Word Ribbon is already installed on your computer you will need to uninstall it before installing the latest release.To remove a currently installed version of the Oceanwide Word Ribbon:Navigate to your computer’s Control Panel.Select Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features (Windows 7).Locate the item Oceanwide Word Ribbon and either double click it, or right click + click uninstall, to remove the plug-in.212598017556130After any previous versions have been removed you are ready to install the latest release of the Oceanwide Word Ribbon.37211005334000The setup.exe application along with the necessary supporting files will be provided to you by your account representative.4030345539277Once you have located the Word Ribbon installation folder, open it and double click the setup.exe file from within the folder and follow the on screen prompts.After the Oceanwide Word Ribbon is successfully installed you will see an Oceanwide tab within Microsoft Word.Populating the Oceanwide Word RibbonOnce you have the Oceanwide Word Ribbon installed, you will need to populate it with the source data from the desired product within Bridge.Login to BridgeSelect Product Design >> Export/Import from the left navigation menuClick Download in the Download Word Ribbon panel.When prompted, save the XML file (i.e. do not “open” it) to a location on your computer where you can easily find it again later.353266712388850Return to MS Word and select the Oceanwide tab.Click Select Workflow File…Locate the XML file on your computer that you previously saved and open it.Congratulations, your Oceanwide Word Ribbon is now ready to use!FieldsThe following section describes how to insert Field reference data from Bridge into a document template using Mail Merge and the Oceanwide Word Ribbon.Within Bridge, Fields are grouped within Panels, and Panels can be formatted either as a Form or as a Grid. It is important that you know what Field data you wish to leverage in your document template and then refer to the appropriate section below.Inserting Fields from Form PanelsForm Panels contain a series of individual Fields for which there can be only one (1) entry for any given Field.The following image shows a Form Panel with four (4) Fields – Property Street Address, Country, Region, and Postal Code.To insert a Field from a Form Panel into your document template:Place the cursor at the desired location in the document where you would like the Field to appear. Ensure that the correct Workflow is selected from the drop down menu within the Oceanwide tab.Use the Select Fields drop down menu to:Locate the associated Panel Name for that Field in the primary menu that appears, and place your cursor over it to highlight it.Locate the desired Field Name in the Panel sub menu that appears, and click on it to select and insert it at the location of your cursor.Once inserted, a referenced Field will be identified in the document template as the “FieldName” shown between two (2) chevrons.Apply any desired formatting to the newly inserted content. Mail Merge supports all standard formatting currently offered within MS Word (for more information see the FAQ section of this document).Inserting Fields from Grid PanelsGrid Panels contain a series of individual Fields in a grid/table format for which a user can add multiple entries for any given Field/column.The following image shows a Grid Panel with Four (4) Fields – Year, Marin Premium, Paid Losses & Outstanding, and Loss Ratio; and three (3) entries – PastYear1, PastYear2, and PastYear3.Since a user can add multiple entries for any given Field/column, it is recommended that you utilize a table format within MS Word to represent the data; however, this is not the only option. The images following the below instructions will illustrate two examples using the Fields/columns in the above image.To insert a Field from a Grid Panel into your document:Place the cursor at the desired location in the document where you would like the Field to appear. Ensure that the correct Workflow is selected from the drop down menu within the Oceanwide tab.Use the Select Fields drop down menu to:Locate the associated Panel Name for that Field in the primary menu that appears and place your cursor over it to highlight it.Select the Table Start option from within the associated Panel sub menu that appears and click on it to select and insert it at the location of your cursor.Now locate the desired Field Name in the Panel sub menu and click on it to select and insert it at the location of your cursor. Repeat this step for all Grid Fields desired to be inserted into the document.Once all the desired Fields/columns have been inserted select the Table End option from within the associated Panel sub menu and click on it to select and insert it at the location of your cursor.580515536078920Example 1:The following Example illustrates how to insert the four (4) Fields/columns in the Grid Panel into a document, each on a separate line and each highlighted a different color:3830793552450004857750526859500Example 2:The following Example illustrates how it would look if the same four (4) Fields/columns in the Grid Panel were inserted into a document, each on a separate line, each highlighted a different colour, but in a Table.2898140317500TriggersThe following section describes how to insert Trigger reference data from Bridge into a document template using Mail Merge and the Oceanwide Word Ribbon.Triggers are created in Bridge to impose conditional behavior on a variety of functional elements. The Triggers created in Bridge can be leveraged using the Oceanwide Word Ribbon to similarly impose conditional behavior within a document template.Inserting a TriggerTo insert a Trigger into your document:Place the cursor at the desired location in the document where you would like the Trigger to appear. Ensure that the correct Product: is selected from the drop down menu within the Oceanwide tab.Use the Select Fields: drop down menu to:Locate the Document Triggers option in the primary menu that appears and place your cursor over it to highlight it.Locate the desired Trigger Name in the sub menu that appears and click on it to select and insert it at the location of your cursor.Once inserted, a referenced Trigger will be shown in the document as follows:Congratulations, your trigger has been inserted into your document template and is ready to be configured!Configuring a TriggerOnce a Trigger is successfully inserted into your document (see Inserting a Trigger), you will need to configure the behavior of the Trigger in order to determine what how it will behave within the document template when the Trigger is resolved.In order to configure the Trigger content you will first need to enter “edit mode” by pressing ALT+F9; at which time the complete Mail Merge Syntax for the Trigger will be displayed.Ignoring the OW_TRIGGER_START and OW_TRIGGER_END, this function would logically read:IF “Trigger A” = “False” then “False Text” otherwise “True Text”Where:Trigger A = Alcohol Spirits and LiquorFalse = InvalidFalse Text = (blank)True Text = Please Insert Your Content Here*IMPORTANT*The only parts of the syntax expression that a user can edit are the “False Text” (blank by default) and “True Text” (denoted by the “Please Insert Your Content Here”)!Do Not change anything else or you will break the Mail Merge reference and it will not populate upon document generation.To configure the Trigger content:Select the Please Insert Your Content Here portion of the expression, making sure not to select the open and close quotation signs.Replace the Please Insert Your Content Here default text by the desired content to be displayed when the Trigger resolves to “True”. The versatility of Mail Merge allows you to insert virtually any type of content, for example:TextField(s) from the Word Ribbon (see Inserting Fields)Image(s)Object(s)Tables(s)Graphs(s)Etc…Tip: Any characters that are not within the trigger will be left in the document whether the trigger evaluates as true or false, including hidden characters such as returns (?). This could cause blank lines within the document. To ensure proper formatting in the final generated document, returns may need to be included within the trigger.Example: In this example, two paragraphs are linked to triggers. A return is entered at the end of the first paragraph within the quotes, causing the trigger to end on the next line. The next trigger begins immediately after the first ends, with no space or return. This may seem counter-intuitive, but if the first trigger evaluates as false there will be no blank line before the second paragraph. In fact, two returns can be entered at the end of the first paragraph text, so that the text will skip a line before the next paragraph.To make it easier to track special characters, you can use the Show/Hide option in Microsoft Word. In the Paragraph section of the Word Ribbon, click the Show/Hide icon.All special characters will be displayed, allowing you to verify the position of the returns (?). The above example is shown below, with the return characters displayed.Apply any desired formatting to the newly inserted content. Mail Merge supports all standard formatting currently offered within Word.Place the cursor within the grey section of the syntax, right click the mouse, and select Update Field.*IMPORTANT*If you do not “Update Field” all of your Trigger configuration will be lost as the Mail Merge Syntax will revert to default values when you save your document without first updating the field(s).Press ALT+F9 to exit “edit mode”. At this point the Trigger start and end, as well as the “True Text” are displayed in the document.*NOTE*By default the “False Text” is blank (denoted by the “” after “Invalid”); meaning that if the Trigger is not resolved nothing will be input into the document. You can add content to the “False Text” section of the syntax in the same manner as described for the “TrueText” above.Configuring Triggers for Grid FieldsWhile a standard document trigger can determine whether content will be displayed or not, it will not function for fields within a grid. To filter the contents of a table using a trigger, a Repeater Trigger must be used.Once the repeating section of the document has been set up, either as a table or as text, the trigger can be added anywhere between the beginning and end of the table markers.For example, the repeater for a grid named “Table1” containing the fields “Field1”, “Field2”, and “Field3” would show as follows (no formatting is included):<<TableStart:Table1>> <<Field1>> <<Field2>> <<Field3>> <<TableEnd:Table1>>The values of each of the three fields would be displayed for each entry in the table.To add a trigger:place the cursor at some point between the TableStart and TableEnd markers, although not within a field marker.Under the Select Fields menu of the Word Ribbon, select Repeater Triggers.Select the trigger to be used for the table.The trigger marker will be inserted at the cursor location, and will be identified as a Repeater Trigger.For example:<<TableStart:Table1>> <<Field1>> <<Field2>> <<Field3>> <<RepeaterTrigger_Trigger1>> <<TableEnd:Table1>>With this configuration, when the document is generated the system will move through the table one record at a time, checking the trigger for each row. Only records that meet the requirements of the trigger (where the trigger evaluates as True) will be included in the document.Notes: A nested trigger can be used, meaning a trigger that includes other triggers within its conditions.Only one trigger can be used for each grid, within the same document. There are two options for resolving this limitation:- Creating two identical grids with different names, but containing the same fields. Each grid could be used for one table within the same document.- Create two or more linked documents that will be merged when generated. Each of the documents can have one instance of a grid with different triggers.F.A.Q.The following are frequently asked questions regarding document configuration using the Oceanwide Word Ribbon.Q: Can I apply number formats (i.e. $0.00, 1,000, etc…) to my inserted Field contents?A: Yes, the versatility of the Mail Merge functionality allows for all standard number formats currently supported by MS Word. The following steps describe how to apply some common number formats to Mail Merge fields.Make sure you are in “edit mode”, ALT+F9Immediately after the FieldName insert one (1) space followed by the desired number format syntax from the table below.Place the cursor within the grey section of the syntax, right click the mouse, and select Update Field.*IMPORTANT*If you do not “Update Field” all of your Trigger configuration will be lost as the Mail Merge Syntax will revert to default values when you save your document without first updating the field(s).Q:Is it possible to apply date formats to my inserted Field contents?A: Yes, if the data source being pulled into the document is a date format, you can apply any of the standard date formats currently supported by MS Word to that content. The following steps describe how to apply some common number formats to Mail Merge fields.Make sure you are in “edit mode”, ALT+F9Immediately after the FieldName insert one (1) space followed by the desired date format syntax from the table below.Place the cursor within the grey section of the syntax, right click the mouse, and select Update Field.*IMPORTANT*If you do not “Update Field” all of your Trigger configuration will be lost as the Mail Merge Syntax will revert to default values when you save your document without first updating the field(s). ................

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