Compton College

El Camino College Compton CenterInstitutional Effectiveness Committee Meeting NotesOctober 27, 20161:00-2:30 PMBoard RoomAttendees: Trish Bonacic, CalWORKs/SRC; Gloria Hughes, Business Office; Hoa Pham, Child Development; Katherine Marsh, Life Sciences; Jesse Mills, Political Science; Abby Tathlioglu, Math, Elizabeth Martinez, Student icSummaryAction ItemsApproval of MinutesMinutes were reviewed and corrections noted to be distributed to the committee.Hoa Pham clarified her correct email address as she has not been receiving committee emails.Trish suggested that Joshua Meadors also be included on committee correspondence. Trish will make the corrections and find out if there is a designated Administrative Assistant to assist with note taking for this committee.Correction to committee list serve:htpham@elcamino.edujmeadors@elcamino.eduFinalization of Program Review Process/Jesse UpdatesJesse reviewed the document: Program Review Process and Timeline.Jesse is meeting with groups as coordinator and also has regular office hours for individual assistance.Jesse has not started work yet on the website which will include archiving previous program reviews.Jesse will make some revisions based on committee comments and send out to the larger committee for review. Jesse will continue reach out to the campus with this information.Jesse needs training on website development and maintenance. He still needs access to historical or archived Program Reviews from Wanda Morris.Discussion on Proposed RubricsA proposed academic rubric, adapted from Wright State University, was reviewed. The committee did not see alignment with the current academic program review template and made some suggestions.Elizabeth shared the ECC student services program review template and rubric which will be used.It is unknown at this time if an administrative rubric has been identified.One suggestion from the committee was to merge the old rubric with the revised one from Wright State University. Jesse also said he would send out the one used by ECC for committee consideration before the next meeting.The committee expressed support for both student services documents.It was suggested that Felipe submit his PR template, and one or more rubrics for administrative program reviews, for committee review at the next meeting.Finalization of Program Review SchedulesThe Academic and Student Services program review schedules were reviewed.The Administrative program review schedule was not available for review. The committee expressed support for both schedules.It was suggested that Felipe submit a proposal for the administrative program review schedule, which puts this area on a similar staggered timeline as the other two areas, at the next meeting.Finalization of Members on the Four SubcommitteesThis agenda item was skipped as there was no one available to provide an update on progress.It was discussed that an email on the composition of the four subcommittees go out to the committee as soon as possible from Paul and Trish or that the subcommittee members be identified no later than the next meeting. Completion of Program Review HandbookJesse suggested to the committee that the ECC Handbook be considered as a template for the Compton Center. Jesse volunteered to send out the ECC Handbook to the committee for review prior to the next meeting.Process and Timeline for Review of Master PlansTrish announced that she was told that the master plans would be available for review effective November 1st.Discussion occurred regarding how the process might work for review of the master plans by the December deadline.Questions were raised regarding the consultant presentations on the master plans discussed at the last meeting and when those might occur.Either Felipe, Trish or Paul will send these out to committee members as soon as they are received.One suggestion was to divide up the master plans among the four subcommittees and to have reports back to the committee in December, on key informational points distinguishing each plan, and also any identified questions or concerns to be brought forward for further discussion.It was suggested that Felipe schedule the consultants to present at the next committee meeting in November and be in touch with Paul and Trish in this regard.Next meeting day and timeTwo more committee meetings are scheduled before the Christmas break.November 10th – 1:00PMDecember 8th – 1:00PM ................

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