Syllabus - Barbara Kehr's Web Site


EDG 530: Investigating Language: Instructional Strategies for

Teaching Phonics

Semester: Summer II

Credits: 3 Graduate Credits

Meeting times: 8:30 – 5:00

Place: York Suburban High School

Instructor: Dr. Barbara Kehr

Office Hours: By appointment

Phone Number: 717-439-0656

Email: bkehr@

Cabrini College Mission

Education of the Heart 

Cabrini College is a Catholic institution of higher education dedicated to academic excellence, leadership development, and a commitment to social justice. The College welcomes learners of all faiths, cultures, and backgrounds and prepares them to become engaged citizens of the world. 

Cabrini College Core Values

As the principal component of graduate offerings at Cabrini, the graduate program reflects fundamental elements of the College mission, most specifically the shared core values of

• Respect—Consistent demonstration of integrity, honesty, respect and trust;

• Community—Demonstration of concern for the personal and professional well-being of others;

• Vision—Willingness to take risks for the sake of the College and, especially, the students, and willingness to be open, stand up for one’s beliefs, challenge others, admit mistakes, assume responsibility, and change one’s own behavior when necessary; and

• Dedication to Excellence—Commitment to a performance based work culture characterized by a shared expectation of proficiency, effectiveness and hard work and by proficiency in interpersonal communication, teamwork and organization. (Cabrini College, Graduate Programs, 2010-2011 Catalog, p. 5)

Graduate and Professional Studies Vision

From a programmatic perspective, the graduate curriculum is designed to imbue these program values through instruction that assists students to

• gain competence in their chosen field of study or subject matter area;

• establish methods of inquiry, research and problem solving;

• gain confidence as a leader in their profession; and

• serve others, having received an “education of the heart.” (Cabrini College, Graduate Programs, 2010-2011 Catalog, p. 5)

Program Mission Statement

Cabrini College’s Reading Specialist, K-12 certification program is grounded in seminal theory

research from educational psychology, cognitive psychology, linguistics, socio-cultural

perspectives, communities of practice, and classroom-based qualitative methodologies. Its goal

is to provide candidates with the theoretical foundation, fieldwork and opportunities for

embedded practice need to a) gain competence as literacy professionals, b) acquire the skills

needed to engage in inquiry, research and data-based problem-solving and c) demonstrate the

capacity to serve as an educator, colleague and mentor with the Cabrinian spirit of demonstrating

special concern for those children, youth, and persons who are in need.

Course Description:

This course presents integrated research-based strategies for investigating phonic. Participants will be exposed to perspectives on children’s acquisition of phonic and word analysis skills, published programs, as well as multiple instructional strategies for integrating explicit skill instruction with children’s literature.

Learner Outcomes

Graduate Goal: Gain competence in teaching Reading and the Language Arts

|Learner Outcome |Alignment with PDE Standards |Alignment with (IRA) Standards |

|1.Analyze and critique the range of theoretical perspectives |I.A., I.B., I.C., II.A., II.B., II.C., |1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |

|about word study. |III.A., III. B. III.C. | |

|2.Understand the stages of word knowledge and the processes |I.A., I.B., I.C., II.A., II.B., II.C., |1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |

|through which learners develop productive decoding and encoding|II.D | |

|strategies. | | |

|3.Develop the skills to identify the stages that a student is | | |

|currently utilizing to process within classroom settings. | | |

| |II.B., II.D. |1.1, 1.2, 1.3 |

|4.Identify and employ instructional strategies to support | | |

|learners through the development of the stages; employ | | |

|differentiation of instruction to meet the needs of all | | |

|learners. |II.A., II.B., II.C. |2.1, 2.2, 2.3 |

| | | |

|5.Model how to effectively organize a word study system within | | |

|the classroom environment. | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |II.A, II.B, II.C. |2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 4.1, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, |

| | |5.3, 5.4 |

Graduate Goal: Establish methods of inquiry, research and problem-solving

|Learner Outcome |Alignment with PDE Standards |Alignment with (IRA) Standards |

|6. Develop mastery of and positive dispositions toward |III.A., III.B., III.C., III.D. |6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 |

|personal and collegial inquiry | | |

Graduate Goal: Gain confidence as a leader in the profession

|Learner Outcome |Alignment with PDE Standards |Alignment with (IRA) Standards |

|7. Strengthen and enhance effective dialogic and written |III.A., III.B., III.C., III.D |6.2 |

|communication skills, including communication through digital | | |

|venues | | |

| | | |

|8. Reflect upon best practices in phonics and word analysis |I.A., I.B., II.A., II.B., II.C., III.A., |6..3, 6.4 |

|as members of a collaborative professional learning community |III.B., III.C., III.D. | |

| | | |

Graduate Goal: Serve others, having received an “education of the heart.”

|Learner Outcome |Alignment with PDE Standards |Alignment with (IRA) Standards |

|9. Demonstrate the capacity to serve as a colleague, mentor,|III.B., III.C., III.D. |1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2,|

|and educator with the Cabrinian spirit demonstrating a | |4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 6.2 |

|special concern for those children, youth, and persons who | | |

|are in need. | | |

PDE Standards Addressed by this Course:

Standards addressed by EDG 530 Instructional Strategies for Teaching Phonics are attached as an Addendum at the end of this syllabus.

Instructional Approach/Format:

An inquiry-based approach to learning will be modeled as the main source of instruction in this course. Information will be presented in several literary forms—textbook, literary frameworks, and PA CC academic standards. Using information and data from these readings and research, students will be directed through the process of making connections to their prior knowledge, creating individual inquiries for learning, designing ways to implement their new thoughts, and revising explanations as they learn. We will investigate/research current practices that are utilized to promote student growth in the area of reading. The research will be embedded into our writing and our dialogue in order to instill a solid foundation of the skills required to effectively teach students to read and write effectively. Throughout our course students will communicate with colleagues in a professional manner that will offer them the opportunity to orally present the content. In addition, students will practice personal research strategies through reflective journal writing and autonomous research. Evidence of this will be visible via student writing.

Student Responsibilities:

1. Drop/Add/Withdrawal Policy: Once a student is registered, it is his/her responsibility to attend the course, drop the course, or withdrawal from the course. Dropping a course is a distinct action that impacts your course enrollment status. A form from the Registrar’s Office, with signatures, is required to change course enrollment status. There are billing consequences and academic record impacts during this process; therefore, the student must attend to the proper procedure when dropping a course. Please refer to the College’s drop/add/withdrawal policy. The student must obtain the appropriate form from the Registrar’s Office and secure the required signatures within the prescribed time limitations. Students are to refer to the College’s Drop/Add/Withdrawal Policy.

2. Attendance: Attendance and full class participation is of utmost importance for success in this graduate level course. Students are expected to attend all classes unless a reasonable absence is warranted. All absences are to be communicated to the instructor immediately upon the student realizing that he/she will not attend a class. All students are fully responsible for ALL content shared during the class missed.

3. . Cell Phones and Text Messaging: If you are expecting an emergency phone call or text, put your phone on vibrate and immediately leave the classroom, if necessary to respond.

4. Academic Honesty Policy: Cabrini College is committed to a learning environment that embraces academic honesty. Faculty, students, and administrators share responsibility for maintaining this environment of academic honest and integrity, accepting individual responsibility for all actions, personal and academic. Each member of our community is expected to read, understand, and uphold the values identified and described in our “Academic Polices, Procedures and Regulations.”

5. Americans with Disability Act: Persons with documented learning disabilities who require accommodations, have emergency medical information, or require special arrangements for building evacuation should contact the instructor within the first week of class. Verification of any special arrangements needs to be made through the Coordinator of Disability Services (610-902-8572). Such disclosure is voluntary and is kept in confidence.

6. Financial Obligations: Students who do not satisfy financial obligations to Cabrini College are not entitled to a grade by the instructor or the College. 

7. Cheating and Plagiarism: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated; they show a lack of respect for yourself, your peers, and your chosen profession. With the amount of internet material you will be accessing for this course, the temptation and ease of plagiarizing, even unintentionally, makes it important to be conscious of this issue.

Course Materials: Please bring texts to class each day; we will utilize both texts every class.

• Bear, D. Invernizzi, M, Templeton, S, & Johnston, F. (2012). Words Their Way 5th Edition. Boston: Pearson.

• Rycik, M.T. & J.A. (2007). Phonics and word identification: Instruction and Intervention, K-8. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Use of APA Style Formatting

All texts submitted throughout the course should conform to formatting issues, as posted by the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2nd printing). Please refer to these guidelines when establishing parameters for texts to be submitted, unless they are clearly specified as being working texts.

For more information go to Holy Spirit Library’s webpage devoted to APA Style Formatting, found at .


These assignments are designed to help build a community of practice. Below is a detailed explanation of each assignment; rubrics are attached at the end of the syllabus.

Hot Spots

In order to effectively reflect upon the text, you will be required to find areas of interest or “hot spots” that catch your attention during your reading of Rycik’s text, Phonics and Word Identification: Instruction and Intervention. Your task will be to identify three areas of interest or “hot spots” and respond with appropriate reflections and connections that will build upon your prior and current coursework and fieldwork. For each hotspot, submit a one-page typed response. The first paragraph should summarize the content of the hot spot, the reason it was relevant and meaningful to you, and how it impacts students. In the second paragraph, reflect on the issue by connecting it to course content and current best practices in teaching and learning. In the final paragraph, explain and describe how this hot spot has changed your perspective and how it will impact or change your teaching practice. (15 points)

Scenario Responses

‘Scenario Responses’ are descriptions of real world classroom situations that you may face in a classroom setting. When processing the scenarios it is important to consider all the facts of a particular situation and come up with a plan of action. We will start selected classes with Scenario Responses; you will read the scenario provided at the start of class, engage in meaningful dialogue with colleagues, and then respond to the scenario with your thoughts. Upon completion you will discuss your response with a partner adding any key ideas discussed to your response; you will have the opportunity to add any pertinent information that your partner may have provided. Your grade will be derived from your active participation in the written response and the oral discussion. These assignments will only be completed in class and are essential for creating and strengthening a community of practice. (15 points)

Words Their Way Presentation

Principals sometimes call upon the building reading specialist to model strategies and present to the faculty or to parents on new curriculum initiatives. Your task will be to work with a partner to plan a one-hour presentation for the class on one stage of development based on Words Their Way in which you explain, share, and model sample strategies. You will give your presentation to the class with other class members acting in the role of the students or parents. (15 points)

Word Study Practicum

Practicum Hours: Five hours of fieldwork are required for this course.  Because these hours cannot be implemented in your own classroom setting, you will need to select an individual student with whom to work. You will begin by assessing the student using the appropriate Words Their Way assessment from appendix A and other other assessments that you feel will provide you with useful information for planning instruction. After analyzing the assessment(s) and determining the student’s strengths, weaknesses, and developmental level, plan appropriate word study activities, including, but not limited to word sorts, making words, and reading selected text. A log format will be provided to you for use during the observations. (15 points)

ReCAP /Word Study Assessment

For the Reading Certification Action Plan you will need to (1) analyze the word study curriculum currently being used in your own classroom setting; (2) give your students the assessment found in Words Their Way in Appendix A; (3) analyze their performance, determining the stage at which each student is currently performing; and (4) develop a plan for providing and/or improving instruction for your students. The plan should be supported by samples of the types of student materials needed to effectively deliver instruction. You will need to consider what could be done to differentiate instruction, specifically for the students that do not necessarily fit into your current curriculum plan.

In doing your write-up for this project, be sure to answer these guiding questions:

General information about the students (1 paragraph)

What grade level was assessment given?

How many students are in the class?

What is the ethnic background of your students?

What are the learning styles of your students?

Assessment procedures (1 paragraph)

What process did you use to give the inventory?

What level did you choose to give your class?

Did you give the entire inventory or stop? Why? Where did you stop?

Did you use the same list for the class or multiple lists? Why?

Analysis of assessment results (1 paragraph)

What was the process used to analyze your results?

How did you use the spelling feature guide?

Findings from the assessment (1 paragraph)

How many different groups did you form?

What are their stages?

Action plans for the class as a whole and for each group (one paragraph for the class as a whole and one paragraph for each group)

What plan do you have for each group?

What activities are included in each plan?

What learning styles have been included in your plan?

Reflection (3 paragraphs)

What is your plan to improve phonics/word study instruction?

What activities discussed in class have you included in the plan?

What have you learned in this course that will be beneficial to your students?

We will have two presentation points during the week:

• Presentation Point 1- Describe your classroom setting and explain the literacy curriculum currently being used with an emphasis on the Word Study curriculum.

• Presentation Point 2- Highlight your findings from the analysis and offer a detailed plan of action regarding the next steps you would take to support successful word study development in your classroom for all learners. Visuals and curriculum samples are expected. During your presentation, you should pose open-ended questions to the class that will facilitate your thinking and help you to think through the word study adaptations that you plan to apply.

The College and Graduate Center grading system is as follows:

A 4.0 B+ 3.33 C+ 2.33 D+ 1.33

A- 3.67 B 3.0 C 2.0 D 1.0

B- 2.67 C- 1.67 F 0.0

Other grades without quality points may be given for special situations; consult the graduate catalog for these grades. If the student warrants an incomplete (I) grade, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure he/she meets the College and Instructor criteria and deadlines for requesting this grade and ensuring the change of grade in a timely manner.

Course Requirements:

|Requirement |Learning outcome Assessed |Points |Due Date |

|Hot Spots |LO. 1 |15 (5 pts. each) |On going |

| |LO. 2 | | |

|Scenario Responses |LO. 1 |15 (5 pts. each) |On going |

| |LO. 2 | | |

|Word Study Practicum |LO. 1 |15 |July 17 |

| |LO. 2 | | |

| |LO. 8 | | |

|Words Their Way Presentation |LO.1 |15 |Wednesday or Thursday |

| |LO. 2 | | |

| |LO. 4 - | | |

|RECAP/ Word Study Assessment |LO.1-4 |40 |July 17 |

| |LO.8 | | |

Course Outline:

|Class |Readings |Focus |Assignments Due |

| #1 |Words Their Way Overview and|Syllabus review & course overview |Bring spelling inventories |

|June 22 |Introduction of Chapter 1 |Personal Reading History with Phonics | |

| | |Common Core Foundation Skills |Select a student with whom to |

| |Rycik Chapter 1 |IRA Position Papers |work this week |

| | |Reading Wars | |

| | |Vocabulary of Phonics | |

| | |The Literacy Braid | |

| | |Developmental Word knowledge – The Stages of Learners | |

| | |Getting Started: The Assessment of Orthographic Development | |

| | |Selection of developmental stages presentations and partners | |

|#2 |Words Their Way Chapters 2,|Presentation #1 of current literacy curriculum |Bring a blank copy of the feature|

|June 23 |4 |Scenario Discussion and Response #1 |guide for each student in your |

| | |Spelling Stages – review and another point of view |class. |

| |Rycik chapter 2,3, 4 |Spelling Inventory Analysis | |

| | |Work individually and in partners to analyze your Word Study | |

| | |Assessment | |

| | |Phonics generalizations |ReCAP Introduction |

| | |Research on phonics instruction |Presentation #1 of current |

| | |Introduction to Word Sorts |literacy curriculum |

| | |Whole class lessons and games | |

| | |Making Words | |

| | |Word Study for Learners in the Emergent Stage | |

|# 3 |Words Their Way Chapter 3, |Scenario Discussion and Response #2 Share word study assessment |Complete word study assessments. |

|June 24 |5, 6 |results |Staple Feature Guide to each |

| | |Phonics and word identification in reading instruction |student’s spelling test. |

| |Rycik Chapter 5, |Grouping students | |

| | |Managing and scheduling word study |Bring two blank copies of the |

| | |Making Words |class composite |

| | |Word Study for Beginners in the Letter Name-Alphabetic Stage | |

| | |Word Study for Transitional Learners in the Within Word Pattern Stage|Chapters 5 and 6 Presentations |

| | | |Hot Spot #1 due |

|#4 |Words Their Way Chapter 7,8 |Scenario Discussion and Response #3 |Chapter 7 and 8 Presentations |

|June 25 | |Discussion of grouping plans |Review ReCAP draft with group |

| |Rycik Chapter 6, 7 |Word Study in the Classroom video |members |

| | |Word Study for Intermediate Readers and Writers: The Syllables and |Hot Spot #2 due |

| | |Affixes Stage | |

| | |Word Study for Advanced Readers and Writers: Derivational Relations | |

| | |Stage | |

| | |Work to ensure support with the completion of the ReCAP | |

|#6 |Rycik Chapter 8 |Evaluating commercial phonics programs and phonics resources |Scenario Response #3- in class |

|June 26 | |Presentations of ReCAP |Hot Spot #3 due |

| | |Discussion of practicum | |

The student acknowledges receipt of this syllabus and the information herein contained by signing the attendance sheet circulated by the instructor or continuing to attend classes. The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus if circumstances warrant such change.

Assessment Rubric: Hot Spots Responses

|Objective |Performance Indicators |

|Criteria | |

| |Need Improvement |Meet Expectations |Exceptional |

|Focus |(0 points) |(1/2 point) |(1 point) |

| |Focus is on self-centered concerns. |Focus is on students and student |Focus is on personal |

| |Issues addressed concentrate on |learning. Assessment and |involvement with |

| |concerns such as planning, time |interactions with students are used to |pedagogical, ethical, |

| |management, workload, classroom |interpret ways in which students are |moral, cultural, or |

| |management, or gaining recognition |learning. |historical concerns, and how these concerns |

| |for personal success. Situations are | |impact students and others. |

| |described, but there is no connection| | |

| |between events and student learning. | | |

|Connection to Course |(0 points) |(1 point) |(2 points) |

| |There is no evidence of connecting |There is some evidence of connecting |There is clear evidence connecting university |

| |university course content to |university course content to classroom |course content to classroom observations, |

| |classroom observations and |observations and reflections. |reflections, and current thinking about teaching|

| |reflections. | |and learning. |

|Working Toward Change |(0 points) |(1/2 point) |(1 point) |

| |Analysis includes no personal |Analysis includes a personal response, |Analysis includes personal insights about |

| |response or change in practice. |but the situation does not lead to a |strengths or weaknesses of teaching and learning|

| | |change in perspective or practice. |and includes an explanation of how the student |

| | | |will change perspective or change practice |

|Clarity and Mechanics |(0 points) |(1/2 point) |(1 point) |

| |Entries are not clear. Entries |Entries are somewhat clear. |Entries are clearly written. |

| |contain more than five errors in |Entries contain between one and four |Entries are free of errors in spelling and |

| |spelling and punctuation. |errors in spelling and punctuation. |punctuation. |

|Comments: |

| |

| |

|Out of 5 |

Assessment Rubric: Scenario Responses

|Criteria |Does Not Meet Expectations |Approaching |Meets |

| | |Expectations |Expectations |

| |(0 Points) |(1 Point) |(2 Points) |

| |Rarely cites relevant points from class |Occasionally cites relevant points from |Often cites relevant points from class |

|Substance, Frequency and|readings to support or extend class |class readings to support or extend class |readings to support or extend class |

|Professional |discussion |discussion |discussion |

|Dispositions |Rarely extends discussion by responding to|Occasionally enriches and extends |Frequently enriches and extends discussion|

|Evidenced by |ideas expressed by others |discussion by responding to ideas |by responding to ideas expressed by others|

|Participation |Is unprepared for class discussion as |expressed by others | |

| |evidenced by text markings and is |Demonstrates preparation for class |Demonstrates thorough preparation for |

| |sometimes disrespectful of other’s |discussion as evidenced by text markings |class discussion as evidenced by text |

| |experiences and opinions |and is usually respectful and mindful of |markings and is always respectful and |

| | |others’ experiences and opinions |mindful of other’s experiences and |

| | | |opinions |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Reflection |(0 Points) |(1 Point) |(2 Points) |

| |A superficial summary and/or vague |A summary and/ or reflection on what you |A clear, detailed summary and reflection |

| |reflection of what you learned in this |learned in this course, changes you will |on the scenario, incorporating ideas from |

| |course, changes you will implement in |implement in teaching phonics/word study, |your own point of view, the views of |

| |teaching phonics/word study, and how it |and how it will impact your students in |others in the class, and how the |

| |will impact your students in the future. |the future. |discussion will impact your students in |

| | | |the future. |

|Writing/ |(0 Points) |(1/2 Point) |(1 Point) |

|Conventions |Choppy transitions with three or more |Awkward transition in text with a one or |Smooth, natural transition in text with no|

| |grammar and spelling errors |two grammar and/or spelling errors |grammar and/or spelling errors |

|Comments: |

| |

|Out of 5 |

Assessment Rubric: Word Study Practicum

| |Needs Improvement |Approaching Expectations |Meets Expectations |

| |(3 points each) |(4 points each) |(5 points each) |

|Hours documented |Fewer than 3 hours are documented. |3 or 4 hours are documented |A total of 5 hours are documented |

|Documentation of use of time |In more than 2 entries, statements of|In 1 or 2 entries statements of use of|Log clearly reflects how time was |

| |use of time are vague or unclear. |time are vague or unclear. |spent. Assessment, word activities, |

| |Assessment, word activities, or |Assessment, word activities, or parent|and parent meeting are documented. |

| |parent meeting are not documented. |meeting are not documented. | |

|Reflections on use of time |Log shows less than thorough analysis|Log shows less than thorough analysis |Log shows student’s thorough and |

| |and reflection for more than one |and reflection for 1 entry of the log.|thoughtful analysis and reflection on|

| |entry of the log. | |activities/learning for each entry in|

| | | |the log |

|Comments: |

|Out of 15 |

Assessment Rubric: Words Their Way Presentation

|Objective/Criteria |Performance Indicators |

| |Need Improvement |Meet Expectations |Exceptional |

|Planning and Preparation |(1 point) |(2 point) |(3 points) |

| |The presentation lacks |The presentation is planned and |The presentation is planned with |

| |organization and a written plan |organized, although the written |thoughtfulness and a carefully |

| |of what they will be doing. The |plan lacks detail. Visuals and/or |considered sequence. The |

| |presenters refer the participants|a one-page handout have been |presenters have a detailed, |

| |to pages in the text rather than |created to supplement the |written plan for the presentation.|

| |developing supplemental visuals |presentation. The presentation |Visuals and a one-page handout |

| |and/or handouts. The presentation|lasts less than 50 minutes or runs |have been created to enhance the |

| |lasts less than 40 minutes or |over an hour. |presentation. The presentation |

| |runs over an hour. | |lasts 50-60 minutes. |

|Explanation of the |(1 point) |(2 points) | (3 points) |

|Developmental Stage |The developmental stage is |The developmental stage is |The developmental stage is |

| |vaguely explained. The |explained. An example is shared |thoroughly explained. Several |

| |presenters refer participants to |of what reading and writing look |examples are shared of what |

| |their texts to see examples of |like at this stage. |reading and writing look like at |

| |reading and writing. | |this stage. |

|Explanation and Modeling of |(1 point) |(2 points) |(3 points) |

|Reading Activities |The presenters list appropriate |The presenters share at least one |The presenters share and explain |

| |reading activities at this |appropriate reading activity at |appropriate reading activities at |

| |developmental stage. They |this developmental stage. They |this developmental stage. They |

| |explain, but do not model at |model at least one of these |model at least two of these |

| |least one of these activities for|activities for the group. |activities for the group. |

| |the group. | | |

|Explanation and Modeling of |(1 point) |(2 points) |(3 points) |

|Writing Activities |The presenters list appropriate |The presenters share and explain |The presenters share and explain |

| |writing activities for this |several appropriate writing |appropriate writing activities for|

| |developmental stage, but do not |activities for this developmental |this developmental stage and |

| |explain them in any detail. |stage, but do not have the |include at least one activity in |

| | |participants experience at least |which the participants engage. |

| | |one activity appropriate for |The participants prepare all |

| | |students at this stage. |materials for the activity in |

| | |. |advance for use. |

|Support for English Language |(1 point) |(2 points) |(3 points) |

|Learners |The presenters share and discuss |The presenters share and discuss at|The presenters share and discuss |

| |one adaptation for assisting |least two adaptations for assisting|at least three adaptations for |

| |English Language Learners at this|English Language Learners at this |assisting English Language |

| |stage of development. |stage of development. |Learners at this stage of |

| | | |development. |

|Comments: |

|out of 15 |

Rubric: ReCap/ Word Study Assessment

|Objective/Criteria |Performance Indicators |

| |Need Improvement |Meet Expectations |Exceptional |

|Analysis of Current Word Study |(1-2 Points) |(3-4 Points) |(5 points) |

|Curriculum |A vague description of classroom|A description of classroom |A clear, detailed description of the |

| |program including what it is, |program including what it is, |current word study curriculum and how it |

| |how it has been implemented, and|how it has been implemented, |fits into the overall ELA curriculum of the|

| |strengths and weaknesses. |and strengths and weaknesses. |district, school, and classroom |

|Background Information: Grade |(1 point) |(2 points) |(3 points) |

|Level, number of students, |More than two components of |Inclusion of requested |Additional background information beyond |

|background of students |background information are |background information. |what has been requested has been clearly |

| |missing | |stated |

|Process: Inventory given, number |(1 points) |(2 points) |(3 points) |

|of words, stopping point, |A vague description of process |A clear description of process |A clear, detailed description of process |

|explanation of decisions |used. |used with the elimination of |used. |

| | |some details. | |

|Analyzing: method used, results, |(1 point) |(2 points) |(3 points) |

|general weaknesses |A vague description of the |A description of how students |A clear, detailed description of how |

| |analysis. |were analyzed, results, general|students were analyzed, results, and |

| | |weaknesses, and group in which |general patterns of weakness |

| | |they were placed. | |

|Presentations of Findings |(1 point) |(2 points) |(3 points) |

| |A vague presentation of your |A description of your findings |A clear, detailed description of your |

| |findings is presented to the |is presented to the class that |findings is presented and demonstrates a |

| |class that demonstrates a lack |demonstrates a moderate |deep understanding of the data. |

| |of understanding of how to |understanding of the data. | |

| |effectively use the data. | | |

|Plan: Spelling stages of groups, |(1-4 points) |(5-6 points) |(7-8 points) |

|activities within each stage |A vague description of the plan.|A description of the focused |A clear, detailed description of the |

| | |spelling stages and activities |focused spelling stages and activities |

| | |presented to students in each |presented to the class as a whole and to |

| | |group. |the students in each group. |

|Reflection |(1-2 Points) |(3-4 Points) |(5 Points) |

| |A vague reflection on what you |A reflection on what you |A clear, detailed reflection on what you |

| |learned in this course, and how |learned in this course, changes|learned in this course, changes you would |

| |it may impact your students in |you would consider in teaching |hope to implement in teaching phonics/word |

| |the future. |phonics/word study |study, and how it will impact your students|

| | | |in the future. |

| | | | |

|Writing Style/ Grammar |(1-2 points) |(3-4 points) |(5 points) |

| |Choppy transitions with many |Awkward transition in text with|Smooth, natural transition in text with no |

| |grammar and spelling errors. |several grammar and/or spelling|grammar and/or spelling errors. |

| | |errors. | |

|Presentation |(0 points) |(3-4 point) |(5 points) |

| |Presentations were vague, |The presentations included the |The presentations were organized, clear and|

| |lacking organization, examples |required elements, but lacked |engaging for all students. Specific |

| |and the necessary preparation |specific examples or were |examples of materials that would be used |

| |audience |missing some other |with each group and the class as a whole |

| | |component(s). The presentations|were selected based on the assessment |

| | |are somewhat professional in |results and shared. Your presentations are |

| | |style. |done in a professional and confident |

| | | |manner. |

|Comments: |

| |

| |

|out of 40 |


Pennsylvania Department of Education

Standards for Reading Specialist K-12 Certification met through EDG 530

(Note: Notations in green denote significant emphases.)

I. Content Knowledge

A. Historical perspective, methodologies and theories of language and

reading acquisition and development.

1. Literacy at all levels, preschool through adults, and across all content


2. Emergent literacy and the experiences and environments that support it

3. Process reading and writing

4. Developmental spelling and the ability to abstract phonetic

information and assessment

6. Alignment of various goals, standards, instruction, assessment

7. Variety of goals, standards, instruction and assessment

B. Phonemic, morphemic, syntactic, and pragmatic systems of language and their relation to the reading and writing process

1. Interrelationships of reading, writing, speaking, and listening

2. The role of metacognition in reading, writing, speaking and listening

3. Linguistic differences and styles of language use as they relate to

the sociocultural environment

C. Classic and contemporary literature, textbooks, and curriculum

materials that are appropriate for various age levels and mediums.

II. Performances

A. Managing the instructional environment

1. Creating a literate environment that fosters interest and growth in all aspects of learning.

2. Establishing and maintaining rapport with all students.

3. Communicating high learning expectations to all students

4. Establishing and maintaining fair and consistent standards of classroom behavior

5. Creating a safe physical environment that is conducive to learning.

B. Planning of instruction in collaboration with other professionals

at a variety of instructional levels.

1. Pennsylvania Academic Standards

2. Addressing reading as the process of constructing meaning

through the interaction of the reader’s existing knowledge, the

information suggested by the written language, and the content of

the reading situation.

3. Addressing the strengths and needs of learners at all proficiency levels

in reading, writing, speaking and listening.

4. Techniques, strategies for vocabulary acquisition and

comprehension, including self-monitoring

5. Word identification and definition through the use of syntactic,

semantic, and graphophonemic cues and context

6. Student knowledge of letter/sound correspondence (phonics) in the

construction of meaning

7. Students’ refinement of their spelling knowledge through reading

and writing

8. Spelling patterns in the English language, as an aid to word


9. Students’ development of strategies for effective writing

C. Selecting, implementing and adapting effective instructional

Strategies, curriculum resources and technologies in collaboration with other educators to meet the needs of diverse learners.

3. Using texts, trade books and technology to increase interest,

appreciation, motivation and growth in reading and writing

4. Providing opportunities for learners to select from a variety of written materials, to read for many purposes and to read extended texts

6. Providing opportunities for creative and personal responses to literature.

D. Selecting, implementing and adapting effective instructional

Strategies, curriculum resources and technologies in collaboration with other educators to meet the needs of diverse learners.

1. Norm-referenced tests, criterion-referenced tests, formal and informal inventories, constructed response measures, portfolio-based assessments, student self-evaluations, work/performance samples, observations, anecdotal records, journals and other indicators of student progress.

2. Communication with students about their strengths, areas needing improvement, and ways to achieve improvement

3. Individual educational plans (IEP) for students with severe learning problems related to literacy

4. Components and procedures adopted by the PDE System of School Assessment (PSSA)

III. Professionalism

A. Reading local, state, national, and international publications and

belonging to professional organizations.

B. Collaborating with other educators, allied professionals, and the

wider community, as well as serving as a resource to teachers,

administrators, community and allied professionals

C. Communicating with parents to make them effective partners

in the literacy development of their children.

D. Integrity and ethical behavior, professional conduct as stated

in Pennsylvania’s Code of Professional Practice and Conduct for Educators, and local, state and federal laws and regulations.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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