NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services – Office of ...

NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services – Office of Forensic Services

Course Critique Form

Course Title:      

Instructor(s):       Date:      

Course Content: Score each question using:

1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly Agree

5 = Not Applicable

1. The objectives were identified at the beginning of the course.      

2. The presentation was clearly and logically organized.      

3. The presentation met all the course objectives.      

4. The time allocated to this section was adequate to meet the

established objectives (if not, please comment on next page)      

5. Course content and objectives were applicable to the needs

of my job.      

6. Students questions and issues were responded to adequately.      

Instructor / Presentation:

7. When used, training aids (videos, overheads, etc.) fully supported

major teaching points and contributed to the achievement of

course objectives.      

8. The instructor(s) demonstrated adequate knowledge of the

subject matter.      

9. The instructor(s) showed interest in the material and in teaching.      

10. The content of the course was appropriate to my experience level.      

11. (If applicable) The practical exercise / exam was beneficial

and reinforced classroom instruction.      

12. (If applicable) The handouts were helpful and supported the

major teaching points.      

NYS DCJS Course Critique Form Page 2

Instructor / Presentation (cont):

13. In general I would rate this course (check one): Excellent




Training Site: Score each question using:

1 = Strongly Disagree 2 = Disagree 3 = Agree 4 = Strongly Agree

5 = Not Applicable

14. Was the training site / facility adequate for holding this course?      

15. Would you like future courses to be held at this site?      

16. (If food is provided) In general how would you rate the breaks/lunches?

Check one. Excellent




Additional Comments (Course Content, Instructor/Presentation, and/or Training Site):      

Future Courses:

If there are any future courses you would like to see held, please note them below. Include instructors / companies if known.

Course Instructor(s)





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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