Arizona State University

ASU 101 Instructor Evaluation Survey

Note: ASU 101 evaluations will be administered online at the end of each session. This document is provided as a preview for instructors.

Instructor evaluations are an essential component of Arizona State University’s instructional programs. Your honest responses to the items on this evaluation will provide useful information about teaching effectiveness. Evaluations are anonymous and will not be available to the instructor until final grades have been submitted for this course.

Please respond to items 1 through 13 using the following scale:


Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree

1. The instructor clearly communicated course goals and learning outcomes at the beginning of the course.

2. The instructor clearly communicated the course requirements and procedures.

3. The instructor presented course topics in a manner that facilitated my learning.

4. The instructor encouraged students to express their own ideas and opinions.

5. The instructor encouraged students to ask questions.

6. The instructor showed respect for students’ opinions and points of view.

7. The instructor started class sessions on time.

8. The instructor was available to assist students outside of class.

9. The instructor expressed interest in my learning.

10. The instructor communicated relevant feedback that contributed to my learning.

11. The instructor communicated feedback in a timely manner.

12. Overall, this instructor contributed to my understanding of the course topics.

13. I would recommend this instructor to other students.


1. What were the strengths of this instructor?

2. What suggestions would you offer this instructor?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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