Little Falls Community High School

Little Falls Community High School




Calendar of Dates

Camilla Larson,

Director of Choral Music


Welcome to the Little Falls High School choral program! It is an honor and a privilege to become a member of our performing groups. Each student in the LFCHS Choral Department will be challenged to develop his/her abilities to their fullest potential while learning and enjoying quality musical literature and developing personal qualities that grow through our quest for excellence together.

All students are expected to fully participate and work to the best of their ability toward quality, artistry, and mastery. Toward this end, expectations of students are explained in this handbook as well as helpful information about extra-curricular opportunities, grading policies and make-up work procedures, and a host of other topics. Students are expected to return the signature page by the deadline listed.

Women’s Choir: All girls with an interest in choral music.

Men’s Choir: All guys with an interest in choral music.

Concert Choir: 10th-12th graders with advanced skills, audition only

Jubileers: Auditioned group from Concert Choir that performs a variety of popular tunes

Girls Ensemble: Auditioned girls group from Women’s Choir that meets from Dec.-Jan.

before school in preparation for solo/ensemble contest.

Guys Ensemble: Auditioned guys group from Men’s Choir that meets from Dec.-Jan. before

school in preparation for solo/ensemble contest.


1. To emphasize the development of singing and music reading skills necessary to

make an enjoyable contribution to the quality choral organization.

2. To enjoy making music. Music is fun, but there is no fun in mediocrity. To ensure

the success of the group, each student, parent, and director must realize his/her

responsibilities. Each must be willing to sacrifice individual desires for the

betterment of the choir.

3. To have a good attitude about choir. The amount of satisfaction and fun you

receive from your choir will be no greater than the amount of hard work and

enthusiasm you are willing to consistently contribute. Your attitude will have a direct impact on your achievements.

4. To understand the importance of proper conduct, consideration of others, and courtesy as a vital part of the choir.

Rehearsal Routines and Expectations

Self-discipline is an important element of choir rehearsal and performance. Students must

realize that they are a member of a group or team with an excellent reputation. Their

behavior during school classes and at public performances reflects on both Little Falls and

the Choral Department. Please remember the following basic rules:

* Respect yourself and others!

* 100% positive participation will prevent disruptive behavior. Criticizing another

student’s voice or effort is not allowed.

* Be on time in your seat, with your folder and pencil in hand, ready to begin when

the bell rings or at a designated time given by Mrs. Larson. The choir director, not the school bell, dismisses class.

* When we are ready to rehearse – you are quiet and ready.

* Students are expected to leave all food, gum, and drinks outside of the room.

Students may bring a bottle of water into the choir room. Breakfast and lunch should be eaten in the commons. Food is not to be brought down and eaten in the choir room, practice rooms or dungeon.

• No books, gym bags, cell phones, iPads, etc. will be allowed on the carpeted area.

Leave all supplies at the front of the room by the chalkboard. Students are

expected to take all of their belongings with them each day when they leave the

choir room.

* You will be issued your own choir folder and music, and these should not be lost or

damaged. Students will pay for folders and/or music if they are lost or

damaged in any way.

* Students may not play the piano or adjust any sound equipment unless permission is

given by Mrs. Larson. If you are given permission to play the piano, you must

use hand sanitizer first!

* Students are expected to remain actively engaged in the rehearsal at all times. There

is always room for improvement in individual performance. Hard work is

expected, it is not an option.

* Upon receiving music, each student is expected to number all measures, beginning

with the first full measure, using a pencil only. Students should make marks in

their music as instructed by the director. Music marking is an ongoing student

requirement to individually and collectively improve the music making


* Choir students are expected to be model citizens in and out of the choir room.

* Proper concert etiquette will be observed at all performances.

* Daily attendance is expected!


Any student who does not follow the rules listed will receive the following consequences:

* Director/Student conference, possible Choir service

* Parent phone call

* Detention

* Office referral

* Removal from performance based setting and alternative assignments given


The diligent, hard-working members of the Little Falls Choir Department know that being in choir doesn’t necessarily mean an “easy A.” Grades are an important part of choral music education, and it is important for each member to be acquainted with the expectations of the LFCHS Choir Department grading system. Choir is best defined as a co-curricular, performance based class. As a co-curricular class, being in choir requires participation not only in class, but also in events outside of the school day (i.e. concerts). As a performance-based class, the majority of a student’s grade will be based on his or her effort, involvement and improvement in class. This means that the majority of a student’s grade will be earned during class time. Students’ grades will be broken into four categories: Daily Participation/Class Contribution, Performances, and Lessons. The description for these categories is listed below.

Daily Participation/Class Contribution(50%)

* Daily participation, attitude, respect, cooperation, effort, improvement

* Daily attendance

* Sectionals

* Written quizzes

* Singing/Aural tests

* Required extra rehearsals

* Folder/pencil checks

Performances (25%)

* Concert attendance

* Evaluation

* All performances are mandatory. Failure to attend a choral performance may result in

failure of the course for that grading period, if the absence is unexcused. A performance

is considered an examination of the material that has been covered in the singer’s class.

Lessons (15%)

• Freshmen & Sophomores: 2 voice lessons with Mrs. Larson per quarter. (This amounts to

approx. 1/month)

• Juniors: 3 voice lessons per semester.

• Seniors: 1 voice lesson per quarter.

* Lessons should be done individually unless Mrs. Larson has given prior approval for

small group lessons.

* No more than one lesson per week.

* Freshmen/Sophomore students in both band and choir will have one lesson per semester

requirement dropped.

Other (10%)

• Occasional music theory lessons will be assigned through apps on the iPad.

• Singing tests, Quizzes & Sectionals

Hall Passes

Hall passes are for true emergencies only. Please care for personal needs between classes. No one is allowed to walk out of class with a hall/bathroom pass unless Mrs. Larson has given permission.

Attendance Policy

As a member of the LFCHS Choir Department, you have an obligation to your fellow choir members to be at school, at all outside-of-school rehearsals, and at performances on time, prepared, and with all necessary equipment. We are not tolerant of poor daily attendance. Read carefully.

1. All students are expected to have excellent daily attendance at school.

2. Attendance at sectionals, rehearsals, and concerts scheduled outside of the regular

school day is required and graded. Absence from sectionals or outside-of-school

rehearsals can result in a reduction of grade and possible removal from performance


3. Absence from outside-of-class rehearsals and concerts will be excused for the

following reasons:

* Medical emergencies or personal injury

* Death in the family

4. Examples of unexcused absences include but are not limited to:

* Work * Vacation

* Oversleeping * Babysitting

* Transportation

5. You must call or bring in a written note PRIOR to absence if you are going to miss an

outside-of-school rehearsal or performance. (616-2260)

6. Chronic absenteeism from school, unexcused absences from rehearsals or

performances, and tardiness may result in:

* Grade reduction

* Loss of performance status

* Removal from current choir or removal of performance opportunities


1. Three unexcused tardies to class will result in a detention with Mrs. Larson

before school. Every consecutive tardy beyond 3 will result in another detention.

2. An unexcused tardy is defined as failing to be in your seat with your choir folder

by the time the bell rings or by the time given by Mrs. Larson.

Class Supplies

* Pencil – Students should have a sharpened pencil at the beginning of each class. It is a

good idea to leave the pencil in the choir folder. Since choral music is used for many years,

markings in the music must be non-permanent. Erasable pens and highlighters are not


* Choral Music and Folder – Students will be provided with choral music and a music

folder belonging to LFCHS. They are responsible for them, just as they are responsible for

textbooks in other classes. Lost or damaged music or folders must be paid for by the

student. Students are encouraged to take music home for practicing purposes.

• Sight-reading and Supplemental Music – Provided by the school.

• iPad


**Due to the large number of students in choir this year, the uniforms will change for the Women’s & Men’s choir as there will not be enough robes for everyone. ** Concert Choir members will be supplied with a choir robe by the school district. Jubileer members will be required to purchase their outfits at the beginning of the year.

For all choirs wearing robes. Singers should:

• Wear a t-shirt or dress shirt (must wear something with sleeves to prolong the life of the robe

• Men should wear black dress pants, black socks and black shoes (no jeans or gym/tennis shoes)

• Women should wear a dress, skirt, or shorts, natural nylons and black dress shoes that have a closed in toe and heel. (no large heels, buckles or patent leather)

Men’s Choir:

• Wear black dress pants, black socks and black shoes (no jeans or gym/tennis shoes).

• A purple LF tie will be provided for each guy to wear for concerts only.

Women’s Choir:

• Wear a knee length or longer black skirt, black flat dress shoes that have a closed in toe and heel, and a white short sleeve shirt. (No V-neck or low cut shirts allowed)

In addition, all students are encouraged to purchase an LFCHS Choir T-shirt; to be worn at the Spring Concert and other designated times. Cash is accepted, and checks can be made out to

LFCHS Choir with student’s name in the memo. (Cost to be announced)


Participation in all fundraisers is optional: however, we urge all students to participate. Expenses continue to rise (robes, music, entry fees, travel costs, etc.), so we need to have a very successful and prosperous fundraiser to help pay for these costs! Thank you for your support with this very necessary item!!

Examples of fundraisers: Gift/cookie dough sales, Candy Bar Sales, Raffle, Madrigal Dinner, School Wide Talent Show, etc.

Tax-deductible Donations to the Choir

Individuals and businesses are reminded that all donations to the LFCHS Choirs are tax-deductible. If you know someone who would like to donate goods, services, or funding to the choir program at any point in the year, please call Mrs. Larson in the choir office. Let us be one of your favorite charities!

Choir Trip

The Concert Choir partakes in an out of state performing tour every other year. The tour can only be successful when all students participate. Singers are therefore urged to be with us on these important dates. Students in Concert Choir are encouraged to earn the money they need to participate in the trip through fundraising so that cost to students and families is minimal if any. There is no reason your choir trip cannot be FREE for you! Non-traveling choirs may have a separate opportunity to do something special closer to school on an alternate date. Students must have a ‘B’ average in choir, voice lessons completed leading up to the trip, and must be on track to graduate to go on any trip/tour.

Concert Etiquette

Audience members are encouraged to follow some well-established standards for formal concert behavior.

* Refrain from talking during the performance.

* Remain seated for the entire concert if at all possible. If it is absolutely necessary to do so, move

only between selections and exit at the nearest door.

* Wait to re-enter the auditorium until the performing group is finished.

* Applause is the only appropriate form of expressing appreciation. A good rule of thumb is to wait

until the conductor lowers his or her hands to indicated the completion of the selection or work.

* Please eliminate disruptions by turning off pagers, cell phones, and removing small children who

are crying or speaking loudly.

* Students are not permitted to leave until the end of the concert and are expected to observe all

performing groups. This is part of the educational process.

Message/Calendar Center

Please check this area (bulletin board next to choir folder cabinets) as you enter the room as messages are regularly posted for individuals in this area, a monthly calendar of choir events is posted, as well as other important choir announcements. This is also where you post a note to “Music Librarians” if you have a problem of some sort with your folder or music.

Director Office Phone/E-mail

Camilla Larson:

The number for Mrs. Larson and the LFCHS Choir Room is 320-616-2260.

Extra-Curricular Activities

GRC Honor Choir

The Granite Ridge Conference Choral Directors each recommend students based upon musicality, maturity and beauty of vocal tone. From these recommendations, 12 students (3 of each SATB) from each school are chosen to participate in the GRC Honor Choir Performance held in January. Participating students are expected to work diligently to prepare their music fully and are required to attend the Honor Choir rehearsal held the Wednesday before Christmas Break from 9-11am. The Honor Choir Concert will be held on the second Saturday in January.


Each year, MMEA (Minnesota Music Educator’s Association) sponsors three All-State Choirs. They are a Men’s, Women’s and a Mixed Choir. There is a weeklong camp held in the summer on a college campus in order to prepare the choirs for a live performance and also for a recording session. The ensembles perform again in February for the annual MMEA Mid-Winter Clinic and sing at Orchestra Hall, downtown Minneapolis. There is an audition fee. Deadline date is February 1, 2011. Live Auditions are held in March, usually at SCSU. Students who wish to audition must currently be in 10th or 11th grade, must have a solo prepared, and must have the recommendation of their choir director. Strong sight-reading skills are necessary.

2007-2008 All State Women’s Choir – Laura Brutscher

2008-2009 All State Women’s Choir – Meagan Nouis

2009-2010 All State Mixed Choir – Meagan Nouis

2012-2013 All State Mixed Choir – Brennan Norwood

Spring Musical

All students enrolled in any fine arts class are encouraged to audition for the Spring Musical, which will be produced the first week of May. This is an outstanding opportunity for interested students to gain more experience in vocal, choral, dramatic, technical, theater, and dance venues while making many new friends and memories! Listen for announcements and information on the musical and auditions in early February.

Real Men Sing!

This festival takes place in October. (October 4, 2014). All male choir members will be expected to attend. The event is completely free of charge with all music and dinner supplied. In addition to the Festival Chorus of over 200 Singers, the concert also features a high school men's chorus, a college or university men's chorus, and the Staples Area Men's Chorus. The festival has been a resounding success, attracting 200 high school age young men from 15 communities and an appreciative audience that has grown every year as news of the Festival has spread. The Festival provides the opportunity to work under some of the very best choral directors in the state, as well as sessions centered on proper vocal technique and getting the best sound out of every singer's voice. Goals of the event are to convince young men that "yes, real men do sing"; to demonstrate that men from many walks of life and many ages, can come together, build community, create enriching music together, and have a great time doing it.

Private Lessons

Choir students are encouraged to study private voice and piano outside of school. A program of weekly voice, piano, and instrumental lessons are offered at St. Francis.

The Volunteer Spirit

Please volunteer for anything you see that needs fixing, doing, picking up, etc. We welcome all help! It takes ALL of us to get things done in the choir room so pitch in whenever you see a need! Thanks!

The “How To” of Turning In Money

Checks, money orders, and cash will be accepted in payment for any and all fundraising activities, entry fees, uniform deposits, or any other monetary transactions. Any returned check fees charged to the Choir Activity Account will be assessed to the student bringing the check.

Money owed to the choir for various projects can be turned in to Mrs. Larson in her room at times and days she designates. Passes to the first hour will not be given to students turning in money so please plan ahead so you can turn in your money and still make it to class on time. Money will not be accepted at any time other than the times designated. This best insures your personal safety in carrying money, maximum use of class time, and effective money management.

Payment is always turned in a securely closed envelope brought from home. The front side should have your name, the name of your choir, how much money is in the envelope, what it’s for (fund-

raising, music damage fines, etc.) and placed in the hand of Mrs. Larson. Never leave money my school mailbox or in the choir room. Money order forms and canceled checks will serve as their own proof of payment. Written receipts will be provided for all cash transactions.


1. Accepts responsibility

2. Attends all concerts and performances

3. Attends school on a regular basis with minimal absences

4. Avoids confrontation and deals with conflict in a positive manner

5. Completes all worksheets and tests accurately

6. Displays willingness to help out when needed

7. Exhibits leadership qualities

8. Is always cooperative

9. Is punctual to class with materials needed

10. Has excellent work habits

11. Listens attentively

12. Maintains appropriate posture when singing

13. Maintains eye contact with the teacher during rehearsals

14. Possesses knowledge of musical terms

15. Exhibits self-discipline and self-control

16. Shows keen interest by making suggestions for choir projects or performances

17. Shows steady improvement

18. Shows strong desire to succeed

19. Sings with varied and appropriate expression and dynamic level

20. Volunteers without hesitation

Choir Officers

President (2 hours/week)

* Assist Mrs. Larson with warm-ups if needed

* Assist the substitute teacher (run rehearsals) if Mrs. Larson is gone

* Be a positive role model for other choir students to emulate

* Conduct meetings and votes; oversee other officers

* Organize campaigns for recruiting new students into the choral program

* Help with tour planning and take attendance on trips

* Compose 3 articles per year; to be published in community literature

* Voice of students regarding choir affairs

* Large responsibility and will be held to such

Vice-President (2 hours/week)

* Organize social events and activities

* Take pictures/videos of the group throughout the year for the Spring Show Slideshow

* Keep track of choir member birthdays, and send them birthday cards

* Assist in set-up of any special items that are needed for rehearsals.

* Help with fundraisers, etc.

* Maintain a group scrapbook (if desired)

* Assist with warm-ups or with Substitute if President is absent

Librarian (2 hours/week)

* Organize the music in the music library

* Help with filing, numbering, and organization of the choral library

* Copy and create music as needed for rehearsals

* Help enter new choral pieces into a computer data base

* Help with general office work/paper work in the room if needed

* Replace or fix music and folders for singers

Secretary (1 hour/week)

* Keep minutes of every Officer meeting

* Send invitations to administration/teachers/students about performances

* Design posters to advertise upcoming concerts and write school announcements.

* Send letters and thank-you notes (for accompanists, guest conductors, anyone who helped with a

concert, etc.)

* Supervise or head-up alumni correspondence (if desired)

* Type up and handout a choir newsletter 4 times/year (one per quarter)

Robe/Uniform Manager(s)

* Maintain care of robes for concerts

* Help fit choir members for robes before first concert and type up robe number charts

* Help make sure that all robes are returned correctly after each concert/festival

* Keep track of any robe problems (i.e. broken zippers, tears, etc.) and report them to Mrs Larson

* Help with decision making on the outfits for Spring Show

Section Leaders (Concert Choir only)

* Section leaders will be decided on by section votes, with the advisement of Mrs. Larson

* Piano ability is preferred!

* Will lead section during sectionals on specific pieces

* Expected to know notes, rhythms, text and musical phrases well and be able to work on specific

techniques with entire section.

* Will communicate any musical problems or concerns of the section to Mrs. Larson

* Will help section members during ALL rehearsals (if needed)

**All Officers must maintain a ‘B’ average in choir, be in good standing with MSHSL, and represent the Choir positively at all times. If students cannot follow through with their job or expectations, Mrs. Larson reserves the right to remove them from office.

Useful Websites




Little Falls Choir

Commitment Form

Please complete and return this form by Fri., Sept. 5th

Student Name (print)____________________________________Choir_____________________

Parent/Guardian Name(s)______________________________Daytime phone#_________________

Home address_____________________________City_____________________Zip___________

Home phone #_______________________ Cell phone #___________________________

Parent Email Address_________________________________ Choir T-shirt size_______

For Parents/Guardians:

I am interested in assisting with choir activities. Please contact me concerning the following:

_____Chaperone a trip or contest _____Assist with fundraiser(s)

_____ Chaperone a party. _____Assist with uniforms (fix

zippers/sew hems)

_____Provide refreshments _____Parent helper at concert

_____Help with concert advertising _____Other

We have read the schedule of choir events/concerts and the choir handbook on-line and understand what is expected of each student in the LFCHS Choral Department.

STUDENT SIGNATURE___________________________________

PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE__________________________


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