Position Contract - Central Florida Real Estate Careers

Buyer Specialist Agreement

Agreement made this __________ day of _______________________, 20___, between Andrey Bustamante and ______________________________ Independent Contractor, referred to as the “TEAM MEMBER”.

Andrey Bustamante is the top-producing agent for Bustamante Real Estate, and is recognized as one of the nation’s top REALTORS®. Because of this unique opportunity, ___________________________ (hereby known as “Team Member”) has joined The Bustamante Real Estate Group (hereby known as “The Team”) with the intention of working and training as a Buyer Agent.

The TEAM MEMBER is an Independent Contractor as well as a licensed real estate salesperson and is to work with and train under Andrey Bustamante as a Team Member.

Andrey Bustamante and the TEAM MEMBER agree as follows:


(1) This agreement shall remain in force and effect for a period of twelve (12) months and is automatically renewable for an additional twelve (12) month period.

(2) This agreement can be cancelled by either party with 30 days prior written notice.


(1) The TEAM MEMBER will work exclusively buyers generated by and/or approved by Andrey Bustamante.

(2) TEAM MEMBER will work diligently and employ his or her best efforts to sell real estate on behalf of Andrey Bustamante and conduct themselves in a manner so as to maintain and increase the goodwill and reputation of Andrey Bustamante.

(3) All real estate contracts with which the TEAM MEMBER has worked will include Andrey Bustamante as the primary Realtor/Broker, and Andrey Bustamante as the sales representative.

(4) Andrey Bustamante or designated representative must be included in all agreement negotiations involving any TEAM MEMBER.

(5) TEAM MEMBER must comply with all laws, and rules and regulations governing real estate agents as enacted by the Osceola County Association of Realtors, the Orlando Regional Realtor Association, The Florida Realtors Association and the National Association of Realtors; and the TEAM MEMBER shall pay all applicable fees as may be required to maintain a real estate salesperson’s license and must maintain educational levels consistent with industry standards.

(6) The TEAM MEMBER will maintain automobile insurance with liability coverage of at least $1,000,000; and name Andrey Bustamante to be an additional insured. TEAM MEMBER must have an active Driver’s License with no restrictions.

(7) (a) Any and all information in the data bases, records, and the marketing and advertising materials and systems of Andrey Bustamante are the property of Andrey Bustamante and cannot be used for any purpose other than for conducting business for and/or on behalf of Andrey Bustamante. The TEAM MEMBER shall not at any time divulge to any unauthorized person of corporation information gained by the TEAM MEMBERS from the files or business of Andrey Bustamante. After the termination of this agreement, the TEAM MEMBER shall not use any such information to his or her advantage or to the advantage of any other person or corporation.

(b) In the event TEAM MEMBER shall breach any of the terms of this Agreement, in addition to any and all other remedies available to Andrey Bustamante shall be entitled to recover from the TEAM MEMBER all costs and expenses, including court costs and reasonable attorney’s fees, and any other amounts incurred by Andrey Bustamante in the collection of any amounts due to Andrey Bustamante or incurred by Andrey Bustamante to enforce the terms of this agreement.


Andrey Bustamante shall not be liable for the acts of the TEAM MEMBERS or their servants or agents in the performance by the TEAM MEMBER of their duties, exempt for acts caused directly by Andrey Bustamante or by Andrey Bustamante’s agents or employees.


This agreement shall be considered a binding relationship between the parties and the TEAM MEMBER shall be deemed at all times to be an Independent Contractor.


Any notice request or demand to be given or served there under shall be in writing and shall be delivered personally with a receipt requested therefore or by facsimile or sent by a recognized overnight courier service or by the United States Postal Service registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid and addressed to the parties at their respective addresses set fourth below, and the same shall be effective (a) upon receipt or refusal if delivered personally or by facsimile; (b) one (1) business day after depositing with such a overnight courier service or (c) three (3) business days after deposit in the United States Postal Service mail if mailed. All notices by facsimile shall be subsequently confirmed by regular United States Postal Service Mail.


The waiver of either party hereto of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by either party.


This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their respective heirs, representatives, successors and assigns, and shall not be assignable by either party without the prior written consent of the other party.


This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of this State.


This Agreement shall be deemed to express, embody and supersede all previous understandings, agreements and commitments, whether written or oral, between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof and to fully and finally set forth the entire agreement between the parties hereto. No modifications shall be binding unless stated in writing and signed by both of the parties hereto.


If, for any reason, the Team Member or Andrey Bustamante should decide to terminate this agreement, the following provisions shall prevail:

(a) It is understood that all clients referred to the Team Member are, and always will be, Andrey Bustamante's clients. The team member promises not to solicit these clients after he/she terminates this agreement for a period of 36 months. If for any reason, the Agent solicits any of Andrey Bustamante's clients, a 50% referral fee will be paid to The Team on the close of any of these transactions.

(b) It is further understood that any and all databases developed by Andrey Bustamante or Bustamante Real Estate, or any of their subsidiaries are the sole property of same, and any attempt to use these databases after termination would be considered a violation of copyright infringements under Federal Law.


Team member acknowledges that Andrey Bustamante may disclose confidential information to he/she during the course of this Agreement. Any such information that is or should be reasonably understood to be confidential or proprietary to Andrey Bustamante, including mailing lists, customer and client lists, sales, costs, unpublished financial information, product and business plans, projections, marketing data, computer data, computer programs and supporting documentation, and Andrey Bustamante/Bustamante Real Estate's Office Policy Manual, if any, are considered confidential property of Andrey Bustamante. Team member will take reasonable steps and use due care during the term of this Agreement and for _______ months after its termination to prevent the duplication or disclosure of confidential information, other than by or to Andrey Bustamante's employees, team members or agents who must have access to the information to perform their duties for Andrey Bustamante/Bustamante Real Estate.


At all times during the term of this Agreement, Team Member shall act under a duty of loyalty in support and in furtherance of the Bustamante Real Estate System and Bustamante Real Estate Network and shall maintain a proper attitude toward the public, Andrey Bustamante, and fellow Bustamante Real Estate Team Members. Team Member shall not engage in any acts or activities that disrupt the office or are likely to adversely affect the image of Andrey Bustamante, the Bustamante Network, other Bustamante Real Estate offices or it's Team Members, or that may detract from or tend to undermine the growth of the Bustamante Network, including without limitation, any acts in furtherance of any non-Bustamante real estate business or the establishment of, or acquiring an investment or ownership interest in, any non-Bustamante real estate business or the recruiting of any Bustamante Real Estate Team Members/Agents for any existing or future non-Bustamante real estate business which does or may compete with the Bustamante Network. Any breach of this subparagraph, will constitute a material breach of this agreement.


Team Member shall be solely and exclusively responsible for any fines, penalties, interest, costs, expenses, damages, loss of liability, of any kind or nature, arising out of any demands, suits, actions, proceedings or claims (collectively "Claims") relating to or arising out of team members real estate business endeavors on behalf of Andrey Bustamante or team member's other conduct or activities even if such claims are brought or filed after termination or expiration of this agreement or any renewal of this agreement. Team Member agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold Andrey Bustamante, Bustamante Real Estate Group, and Bustamante Real Estate, Inc., and each of their officers, directors, partners, employees and agents, harmless from and against, and to, reimburse them for, all fines, taxes, penalties, interest, costs, expenses, damages, loss or liability for which any of them are held liable or which they reasonably incur in connection with any claims including, without limitation, the full amount of any errors and omissions insurance deductible, actual and consequential damages, reasonable attorneys fees, court costs, expert witness fees and litigation expenses. Broker reserves the right to select the attorney(s) and the right to settle or defend any claims in any manner or any terms Andrey Bustamante, in his sole discretion, deems appropriate. Team Member agrees to cooperate with Andrey Bustamante, Bustamante Real Estate, in the defense of any claims and agrees not to settle or compromise any claims, without prior written consent of Andrey Bustamante. Maintenance of any insurance required by this agreement shall not relieve team member of indemnification obligations under this paragraph. The obligations of Team Member under the provisions of this paragraph shall survive termination or expiration of this agreement and any renewal of this agreement.


Team member understands and acknowledges that success of contractor in a Bustamante Real Estate service business is speculative and will depend on many factors including, to a large extent, team members independent business ability. Team member has not relied on any warranty or representation, written, printed, or oral, express or implied, as to team members potential success as a member of Bustamante Real Estate, and no one has promised, guaranteed or assured contractor of any level of success or income.

Results Inherent In This Position

To acquire customers through prospecting and/or incoming calls. To assist in all aspects of the sales process. Through communication, consistent follow-up and showing homes, assist customers to find the home of their choice and negotiate a successful agreement. To work in conjunction with office staff to oversee agreement to closing.

Work Inherent In This Position

Tactical Work

1. Turn in Daily Schedule to Client Care Manager by 10:00 am for previous days work:

1. First 30 days with this company

2. Sign off on each day

1. Prospect for new customers:

3. Minimum of 100 contacts made per week after 30 days is completed

4. Follow up on new contacts

5. Contact everyone on your Buyer Instant Notification System (SOAR)

• Once a week or as outlined

2. Provide support to Andrey.

6. Attend Sales meeting every ___________________at _______________ am/pm.

7. Use written report form.

3. Review affirmations and say them aloud

8. Daily

4. Follow your scheduled days:

9. After your completion of your first 30 days

10. Conduct Buyer Presentations

5. Show property to Buyers.

6. Preview properties:

Know your inventory of homes

7. Write contracts:

12. 3 accepted sales contracts per month or as outlined in Buyer Assistant monthly goals

13. Addendum’s as needed

8. Negotiate contracts.

9. Assist with inspections and negotiations thereof as needed.

10. Provide leads for listing department:

Contact For Sale By Owners

Use For Sale By Owner script for Buyer Agents

Contact expired listings

Use Expired script for Buyer Agents

11. Attend seminars, listen to tapes, and read books with the intent of always looking for new and innovative ways to increase production.

12. Study streets, price ranges, subdivisions, floor plans, and new home projects in the community and become familiar with them.

13. Prioritize work with selling functions being the primary focus.

14. Maintain a buyer inventory:

Minimum 15 buyers

Label them A, B, or C buyers

Use scripts and dialogs on sales calls as needed to close the sale

15. Provide staff assistance when necessary.

16. Attend and participate in meetings:

Weekly sales meeting

Monthly brainstorming meetings

Coaching sessions

1. Communicate with clients on a regular basis promoting our services so we can be known as the agents who keep their customers informed through communication.

2. Answer the telephone when assigned:

Scripts and dialogs will be used.

17. Conduct Buyer Presentations:

Individual buyers

Buyer seminars

18. Answer floor calls when designated on floor.

Standard Behavior Inherent In This Position

1. The results of the team will be given the highest priority.

2. All work will be orchestrated and documented.

3. Orchestration means that all work will be performed in a routine, coordinated manner so as to continuously duplicate desired results.

4. Documentation means that all work processes and policies will be recorded.

5. Documentation will be made available as a matter of routine to all employees in the style and content appropriate for each position.

6. All orchestration will be quantified.

7. Quantification means that testing them and measuring their results will validate all work processes.

8. All work will be performed according to the policies and standards of this office.

9. All work will be performed in accordance with all government laws, regulations, ordinances, and court rulings in those jurisdictions in which this office operates.

10. Employees performing the work will be asked for input prior to any work process revision.

11. This office will achieve the highest possible degree of standardization in the work performed.

12. Action Plans will be performed in a routine, coordinated manner so as to continually duplicate desired results.

13. Employees will provide staff assistance as needed per workload.

14. Steps of service, office rules, and office policies will be adhered to in all decisions.

15. Deadlines will be met on the time and day set by the individual.

16. Deadline dates and times will be set for each project being done by the individual doing them.

17. A positive attitude will be maintained at all times while in the office and in working with customers and clients.

18. Techniques of mirroring, pacing, matching, and leading will be used in communications with others.

19. All calls will be returned within two hours by someone who can handle the call.

20. All work will be completed in a timely fashion.

21. I will surround myself with positive people and positive environments at all times.

22. Proof of insurance naming this office as co-insured will be provided.

23. Personal information about clients, customers, employees, staff, etc., is to be kept confidential.

24. Desk will be neatly cleared and organized at the end of the day.

25. The philosophy of Andrey Bustamante will be promoted at all times.

26. The phrase “We’re Selling Homes” shall be used when anyone asks how this office is doing.

27. Business actions will be in conformity with this office’s Team Mission Statement.

28. Dress code policy will be adhered to at all times.

29. Changes in your ideal schedule must be approved in writing by Andrey Bustamante.

30. Clients will be made to feel important in every way.

31. A high standard of integrity shall be maintained.

32. Tracking boards will be used to visualize this office’s goals.

33. Scripts and dialogs of this office will be used.

34. Voicemail will be checked once each hour throughout the day.

35. All reviews and discussions involving personnel will be kept confidential.

36. All reports will be in writing with two copies attached.

37. Calls will be returned as quickly as possible when paged.

38. Cell phone will be carried at all times.

39. Map books will be kept in your car at all times.

40. All plans and checklists will be completed in a timely fashion and all blanks completed.

Commission Structure / Listing Lead Bonus

a) For all sales generated by the TEAM MEMBER in a one (1) month period, he/she shall be paid a commission of 40%, on closed sales, for deals 1-2. 45%, on closed sales for deals 3-4. 50% on closed sales for deals 5+. Every month the commission structure reverts back to the 40% and follows the above stated commission structure.

b) The following bonus schedule will apply to Listings generated by the TEAM MEMBER. This bonus will not be paid for call-in listings to the office or for prospects that have been developed by the Andrey Bustamante team system.

- A 15% referral fee: These Bonuses will be paid only when the Listing has closed.

c) In the event of an agreed to commission reduction by Brokers and/or settlement deducted from the Andrey Bustamante Team, the reduction is taken off of the gross commission and the remainder is based upon the splits outlined in section a.

d) If the real estate commission is reduced because of a referral to be paid on the buying side, the referral fee is taken off of the gross commission and the remainder is based upon the splits outlined in section a.

e) TEAM MEMBER is permitted to sell personal residence or personal rental property and will receive a 75% referral fee on the list side of commission when property closes, if property was listed with Andrey Bustamante when sold. Limited to one transaction per year.

f) In the event TEAM MEMBER shall receive any real estate commission during the term of this Agreement; exempt for a real estate commission related to the purchase or sale of any personal real estate property, or investment real estate property, for themselves or a direct family member (i.e. mother, father, brother, sister or legal children); whether or not Andrey Bustamante was in any way responsible, and provided the real estate agreement for such transaction was executed subsequently to the date of this agreement, TEAM MEMBER shall receive only such amount as provided for in this section.

g) The TEAM MEMBER shall be responsible for the following expenses:

(a) Your yearly and monthly Real Estate Dues and license renewal

(b) Your yearly Errors and Omission fees

(c) Your pager and cellular/car telephones

(d) Your portion of the office fees, if any

Position Contract Agreement

Signing on behalf of the Team Member and agreeing to accept this agreement in its entirety is:

_____________________________________________ ________________________

Signature Date


Name (please print)

Signing on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer and agreeing to accept all of this agreement in its entirety is:

_____________________________________________ ________________________

Signature Date


Name (please print)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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