Technology: The Making of a Technology-Rich Classroom

10 Points per Certificate



General Objective

The purpose of this component is to help participants integrate instructional technology into the curriculum, creating lessons and units that integrate technologies that support both standards and curricular goals. Upon successful completion of the component, participants will be able to integrate technology in targeted curriculum areas.

Specific Objectives

Upon successful completion of this component, participants will be able to:

1. Determine available technologies for use in the classroom.

2. Align appropriate technologies to classroom activities and standards.

3. Develop strategies for the appropriate integration of technology into the classroom.

4. Repurpose a lesson for technology-rich experiences.

5. Implement the repurposed lesson.

6. Evaluate the technology-rich lesson.

Description of Activities

Under the direction of qualified consultant(s), participants will receive instruction designed to achieve the specific objectives listed above. Activities may include, but will not be limited to, online experiences, lectures, group discussions, demonstrations, and collaborative and cooperative hands-on activities.

Evaluation of Participants

Evaluation of the specific objectives will be determined by the activity leader or designee through analysis of student performance data affected by training activities, portfolios maintained by the training participant, documented observation by administrators, rubrics developed for special area curriculum, teacher-provided test results/grade books, or curriculum alignment data.

Evaluation of Activity

An online evaluation for this activity will be conducted through the Santa Rosa Professional Growth System.


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