MKTG 435 - Winthrop University

Winthrop University

College of Business Administration

MKTG 481 001

Promotion Management

Spring 2010

Credit hours: 3



Instructor: Dr. Hemant Patwardhan

Office: Thurmond 435

Phone: 803-323-4802



Class hours: TR 9.30 am to 10.45 am. Room: Thurmond 405

Office hours: TR – 11 am – 12.30 pm; 2.30 pm – 4 pm; W – 3 pm – 5 pm; and by appointment

Prerequisite: Marketing 380 - Principles of Marketing

Text: Shimp, Terence A., Advertising, Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, 8th Edition, Thomson South-Western.

Topics Covered / Course Content: Please see attached course calendar that lists topics and dates.


Exams 3 @ 25% 75%

Homework assignments 25%


94%-100% = A; 90%-93% = A-;

87%-89% = B+; 84%-86% = B; 80%-83% = B-;

77%-79% = C+; 74%-76% = C; 70%-73% = C -;

67%-69% = D+; 64%-66% = D; 60%-63% = D-;

59% or less = F;

Note: Winthrop University policy does not allow faculty members to provide grade information over the telephone or via email. Please do not call or email requesting grade information. Your final grades will be turned in according to the University’s schedule and will be available to you shortly afterward.


Note that your student catalog states that you are expected to attend class and are responsible for the academic consequences of absence. Furthermore, you are responsible for all requirements of the course regardless of absence. The catalog states:

“If your absences total more than 25% in any course, you will receive a grade of N, F or U, whichever is appropriate; if your enrollment in the course continues after the date for withdrawal, with an automatic N, and your level of achievement is equivalent to a D or better, a grade of N will be assigned; otherwise, a grade of F will be assigned.”

For this course, 25% equals 7 absences. Beyond 7 absences, an automatic grade of F will be assigned. Be aware of your absences because this policy will be enforced. Partial attendance will be counted as a complete absence.

February 24th – 8 pm, Carroll Hall, Whitton Auditorium:

AMA is organizing a panel discussion by advertising executives on Social Media. You are expected to attend. Your attendance at this event will earn you extra credit points. You will be asked to write a one page paper on the content of the discussions as a part of your homework assignments.

Students with Disabilities:

Winthrop University is dedicated to providing access to education.  If you have a disability and require specific accommodations to complete this course, contact Services for Students with Disabilities, at 323-3290.  Once you have your official notice of accommodations from Services for Students with Disabilities, please inform me as early as possible in the semester.

Student Conduct Code:

As noted in the Student Conduct Code: “Responsibility for good conduct rests with students as adult individuals.” The policy on student academic misconduct is outlined in the Student Conduct Code Academic Misconduct Policy in the student t handbook online at

Course Goals:

To provide a thorough knowledge of the principles of integrated marketing communication and promotion management both through study of relevant theoretical and practical concepts and through actual development of an integrated marketing communications plan. Students satisfactorily completing this course should be able to be an intelligent buyer/user of marketing communications/promotion supplier services and have a basis upon which he/she may build expertise in the promotion field through relevant professional experience.

Student learning Outcomes:

The learning outcome of this course is to understand how consumers / markets perceive products / brands and using such understanding in reaching consumers using IMC techniques. This is facilitated through lecture, in-class assignments and homeworks.

Learning Activities required in the course:

Student performance will be evaluated on the basis of their exams and homeworks.

Syllabus change policy:

The tentative course calendar is a working document that may change with the needs of the students or the impact of external factors. The rest of the syllabus and particularly the grading policy will not change.

Exact time and date of Final exam:

Given in the course calendar above. All material covered in class, including readings, lectures, discussions, cases, videos, and presentations will be covered on the exam. Please DO NOT schedule trips that will conflict with the final exam period assigned by Winthrop. Winthrop requires all students to attend their final exam periods.

All Exams must be taken on the day and time that they are assigned unless you make arrangements with the instructor at least one week in advance. Failure to take an exam on the scheduled day will result in a grade of zero. Travel plans, work, another exam, etc. are not legitimate reasons for requesting an alternate exam time. If you are in an emergency situation prior to the exam period, please call / email and leave me a message.

Tentative Course Calendar:

|Date |Material from Text |Other Material |

| | | |

|Jan 12 |Chapter 1 – Overview of Marcom | |

|14 |Chapter 1 continued |Marcom Matrix |

|19 |Chapter 2 – Enhancing Brand Equity |Brand Associations Concept Maps |

|21 |Chapter 2 – Enhancing Brand Equity | |

|26 |Chapter 2 – Enhancing Brand Equity |Flanker branding case study (Zocor); |

|28 |Chapter 2 – Enhancing Brand Equity |Personal Branding Exercise |

|Feb 2 | |Qualitative Research Techniques – In-depth Interviews and Focus |

| | |Groups |

|4 | |Qualitative Research Techniques – Laddering, Projective |

| | |Techniques, ZMET (case study) |

|9 |Chapter 4 – Targeting |Cluster Analysis exercise |

|11 |Chapter 4 – Targeting |Cluster Analysis |

|16 |Overflow |Exam 1 Review |

|18 |EXAM 1 | |

|23 |Chapter 5 – Positioning |Multi-Attribute Attitude Model (MAAM) |

| | |Strategy Ready Reckoner (Involvement-Experience matrix) |

|Feb 24 | |8 pm – AMA Event – Panel Discussion on Social Media – Carroll Hall|

|25 |Chapter 5 - Positioning |FCB Grid |

| | |Perceptual Mapping |

|Mar 2 |Chapter 5 - Positioning |BDI / CDI Matrix |

| | |Creative Brief |

|4 |Chapter 6 – Objective Setting and Budgeting | |

|9 |Chapter 3 – Facilitating the success of new brands | |

|11 |Chapter 3 – Facilitating the success of new brands | |



|23 |Overflow |Exam 2 Review |

|25 |EXAM 2 | |

|30 |Chapter 7 – Advertising Management |Account Planning – What is it? What does it do? |

|Apr 1 |Chapter 7 – Advertising Management |Account Planning – What is it? What does it do? |

|6 |Chapter 10 – Message effectiveness | |

|8 |Chapter 10 – Message effectiveness | |

|13 |Chapter 15 – Sales Promotions and the Role of Trade | |

| |Promotions | |

|15 |Chapter 18 – Marketing-oriented PR and WOM Management | |

|20 |Chapter 20 – Signage and POP Communications | |

|22 | |Product Placements – Case Study / Reverse Product Placements |

| | |Exam 3 - Review |

|FINAL EXAM |Wednesday April 28, 8 am |EXAM 3 |

|WEEK | | |


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