Welcome to Integrated Science

Welcome to Integrated Science

Ms. Davenport


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

Nelson Mandela

Teacher E-mail: rebecca.davenport2@anderson.kyschools.us

Course description: Integrated science is designed to give students an introduction to the processes that have molded the Earth into the planet we know. Students will participate in examining the geology of Earth, Space and the Environment. Topics include Nature of Science, Space, Geology and Earth Structures, Earth’s Atmosphere and Hydrosphere: Weather, Climate, and Environmental issues facing life today.

Materials Needed:

1 Three-ring binder (1 inch or larger)

Notebook paper

Graph paper

Pencils and Pens



Calculation of Final Grades:

1. Homework and Class Work –50% of trimester grade. This includes homework, AOTW, class work and participation, Mini-ZAMs, labs, notebook checks and projects

2. Tests and quizzes– 30% of trimester grade. This includes quizzes, tests and unit exams

3. Final Exam—20% of final grade for the trimester. ACHS School policy dictates that final exams will be 20% of each student’s final grade.

Excused Absences: If you have an excused absence we will follow ACHS policy regarding getting your late work to me. It is you responsibility to get and complete all missing assignments. All assignments will be located on the student shelf – please look there for assignments and directions before you come ask me.

Extra Help: I am your teacher and I am here to HELP you!!!! I am available most days after school. If you want additional assistance, please schedule a time to meet with me. I am here for you and I will help you.

“Extra” Credit: I want to see you be successful in my classroom, and ultimately want you to learn the material. I will allow you to “re-do” almost any assignment except for Mini-ZAMs, the final exam, and AOTWs. If you get a poor grade on an assignment or test, you may submit corrections attached to the additional assignment. On the corrections page, you must include the question number you answered incorrectly, the correct answer, and a brief explanation why that is the correct answer. Corrections will receive up to half the points lost on the assignment. For example: if you miss 40 points on an exam (you received a 60/100) then you can make up 20 points of the exam by completing the corrections.

I also LOVE science jokes, and educational science videos that are interesting. You can submit science comics, and science videos (under 10 minutes) for 5 points of extra credit per submission up to 30 points. They must be school appropriate!

Lastly, if you bring me a pack of pencils, pens, paper, expo markers, folders, hand sanitizer, Kleenex, paper towels, or other school supplies approved in prior by me for the classroom, I will also give you 5 points per item up to 30 points.

Late Work: I do not accept any late work for full credit. Instead if you have chosen to turn in an assignment late, I will remove 5%/per day late. Please be aware that if you consistently choose to turn in late work, you will not be successful in this class! Please make good choices and turn in your work on time. If an emergency arises, come talk to me, and we can arrange for you to turn in missing work. However, if I have already returned the late assignment to the remainder of the class, the highest you will receive is a 50%.

Cheating: I have zero tolerance for cheating. This includes the following:

• Plagiarism

• Copying

• Looking at other people’s tests or assignments.

• Using cheat notes

• Giving others answers or “trading” answers

If caught cheating student will receive a zero for the assignment, parents will be notified and a referral will be sent to the office. There may also be additional consequences, depending on severity and assignment.

Behavior Syllabus

Our Classroom Expectations (No “ifs, ands, or buts”)

1. Be Responsible

2. Show mutual respect for everyone.

3. Appreciate the rights and property of others.

4. Nothing but your best is acceptable.

Our Classroom Rules

1. Be on time and task until excused.

2. Work, participate and learn at all times.

3. Listen and follow instructions immediately.

Consequences for choosing to violate class expectations:

(May not occur in order, depending on the offense)

1st . Verbal or visual warning

2nd Student teacher conference and phone call home

3rd Referral to the office for disciplinary action and phone call home.

4th Parent and teacher conference

Positive consequences:

• Praise and thanks

• Positive Referrals

• Positive Parent phone calls

Class Procedures and Policies


• Bells are for teachers and not for students.

• The late bell means you are in your seat and working.

• Dismissal bell means you are in your seat until dismissed by the teacher.

Bringing materials to class:

• Paper, a writing utensil, a notebook, and a textbook should be brought to class every day unless instructed otherwise by the teacher.

• Beg, borrow and share if you forget anything.

• This room is not a locker… materials left in the room could be thrown away, taken to the lost and found, or even be stolen.


• Starts at the beginning of each class period and is review of previous lessons.

• Should be finished within the first few minutes of class.

• We will peer-grade Mini-ZAMs everyday so that you know if you are missing a major concept

Make-up work:

• Check with the teacher as soon as you return to school. See me BEFORE or AFTER class, during break, or after school to schedule a date to make-up the missed work.

• Labs, quizzes and tests MUST be scheduled within one (1) week from the day you returned to class.

• Check with your classmates to get notes and assignments. Also check on the student shelf for assignments BEFORE asking me.

• Turn in missed work into the turn in tray with the absentee paper attached and no points will be deducted for being late.

• You have 3 days from when you return to school to complete all absent work before it is considered late. In certain circumstances, that time may be extended.

Leaving during class:

• Maximum of five (5) minutes, and only with the hall pass.

• May not leave during a test, quiz, notes or lab activity or the first or last ten minutes of class.

• Students must ask for permission, even in an emergency.

• Hall pass privileges can be taken away for not following class expectations, rules and/ or procedures.

• Students MUST have agenda books to leave class. NO EXCEPTIONS. If you have lost your agenda, they may be purchased in the Main Office.

Getting out of seats:

• Students are not permitted at the lab stations unless instructed!

• Sharpening pencils, throwing away paper, etc… can be done when needed, but NOT while the teacher is instructing.

• Beg, borrow and share until the teacher is finished.

• Always ask permission first!

Laboratory Guidelines and Rules:

1. Use common sense

2. Do not eat, drink, store food or apply cosmetics

3. No horseplay, goofing off or other careless behavior

4. Restrain long hair, loose clothing and/or dangling jewelry

5. Wear closed toed shoes on lab days

6. Safety goggles are required in all experiments in which solutions are used

7. Never leave a heat source unattended

8. Decontaminate work surfaces before and after each lab using a supplied disinfectant

9. Keep all liquids away from the edge of the table

10. Report all spills or accidents immediately to your teacher

11. Use mechanical pipettes; never use mouth pipetting

12. Never work alone in the lab

13. Wash hands before and after lab exercises using soap and warm water

14. Never mistreat live specimen


Failure to abide by the above Laboratory Guidelines and Rules will result in the following consequences: It is imperative that you follow the lab guidelines to assure the safety of you and your classmates. I reserve the right to remove any student acting in an unsafe manner. This will result in a zero for the lab grade and disciplinary action.

At any time you or your parent has any questions feel free to ask. You may also check my website for our assignments and information pertaining to the class.

Integrated Science Course Agreement Contract

Student Section:

I, ___________________________________________, agree that Ms. Davenport thoroughly covered this syllabus in class. In addition I have read this syllabus and reviewed it with my parents/guardians. I understand the requirements for Integrated Science and I understand the consequences of not following the requirements of this class.

Student’s Signature Date

Parent Section:

I have read the above Integrated Science syllabus and my child has explained the policies and procedures for the class. I understand the requirements for the above described course and understand the consequences if my child does not following the requirements.

Parent/Guardian Signature Date Daytime Phone #

E-mail addresses


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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