Integrated Chemistry/Physics - Weebly

Integrated Chemistry/Physics

School Phone: 838-4356 best time to reach me (7:30-8 or 1:30-3:15)

My voicemail is 833-5978

I have a webpage on the High School’s website. It will have a weekly syllabus, lessons, worksheets and discussions along with possible extra credit chances and/or related materials.


Home phone: 838-2306 (6-9 pm)

Welcome! I hope you will enjoy this class.

Here is a brief synopsis of the work that you will do in here and your grading scale.

Homework: Usually worksheets and reading assignments 5-20 pts. You will usually have one assignment per week. Lab work: In groups that are assigned or by choice 20-50 pts. You must participate in labs and work collaboratively. Each 9 weeks project: various selections 50-75 pts.

Quizzes: Usually one per chapter 10-20 pts. Tests: Usually 40-50 pts.

Semester I

Science skills, Forces and Motion, Waves and Sound, Electricity, Magnetism

Semester II

Properties of Matter, Atomic Structure, Periodic Table, Chemical Bonds, Chemical Reactions, Organic

Grading Scale

A= 91 - 100 A- = 90

B+= 88-89 B= 81-87 B-= 80

C+= 78-79 C= 72-77 C-= 70-71

D= 65-69

U= a grade % lower than 65

*Extra Credit Chances are posted on Mr. Quinzer’s website

Go to the high school website and find the faculty link, find Mr. Q and click on webpage.

**I will accept late work. Depending on length of lateness depends on how much credit you receive. I will not accept work once an assignment (one that can be copied) has been graded and returned to the class.

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Please take this home for your parents. Have them sign the sheet below and bring only this section back to me. The top is for you and your parent/guardian. If you do this, I will give you 10 points extra to start out your semester.

_______________________________ ________________ ______________________

Parent Signature Date Student’s Name

Thank you, Mr. Paul Quinzer


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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