Ideas for integrating technologies into the classroom

Ideas for integrating technologies into the classroom

1. Internet Search Strategies

2. Digitizing audio and transferring to iPod (Topic/Subject: ???)

3. Create a 3 - 5 minute digital video and upload to YouTube (Topic/Subject: ???)

4. Create a Podcast (Topic/Subject: ???)

5. Create a WebQuest

6. Create a multimedia Powerpoint Presentation


We bring forth weeds when our quick minds lie still.

- William Shakespeare


Classrooms at Work - Tools at Hand:


Designing Internet Projects:

Education Week: Technology Integration:

Edutopia: Information and Inspiration for Innovative Teaching in K-12:

Engaging Students Through Effective Teaching, Curriculum, and Technology:

Future Kids:

Family Education: Focus on Third Graders:

Geography Warm Ups:

How To Integrate Technology:

Instructional Technology: 21st Century:

Integrating Technology Into the Curriculum:

Integrating Technology Throughout Education:

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE):

Internet For Classrooms:

School Technology Integration:

Suggestions, Tools, and Guidelines for Assessing Technology in Elementary and Secondary Education: Technology for Schools: National Center for Education Statistics:

Teach with Technology:  Success Stories: Kids Speak:  

Teacher Testimony:


Ten Steps to Developing a Lesson Plan:

Training and Guiding Teachers to Integrate Technology:

US Department of Education: Toward A New Golden Age In American Education--How the Internet, the Law and Today's Students Are Revolutionizing Expectations:

What do teachers need... a Master's Thesis:

WebQuest Design Patterns:


Why Can't We Just Get On With It? Forces That Complicate the Integration of Technology:

Free Website Building on the Internet


Useful Resources:

Discoveries Archive:

WebQuests in Education:

Teacher’s Role in Cyberspace:

WebQuests Design Process:

iPods in Education

Videos in Education

When I Grow Up…

Did You Know:

The Math and Physics of Golf:

Top Favorites on Teachertube:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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