
1. College: College of Business Administration2. Department: Management and Marketing3. Program: MBA4. Course code: MGT6365. Course title: Operations Management and Decisions6. Course credits: 37. Pre-requisites: MGT6308. Lectures Timing & Location: 9. Course web-page: college/reid10. Course coordinator: Dr. Hatem Masri Office no. S1B-130 Office Tel. no. 1743855711. Academic year: 2016/201712. Semester:FirstxSecondSummer13. Textbook(s): Russell, R., and Taylor, B. (2010), Operations Management, 7th edition, John Wiley ,ISBN: 978-0470525906.14. References: Barnes, D. (2008), Operations Management: An International Perspective, Thomson Learning. ISBN: 978-1-84480-534-1.Heizer, J. et al (2013), Operations Management, Pearson, ISBN: 978-1-4479-0296-6.15. Other resources used (e.g. e-Learning, field visits, periodicals, software, etc.):Computer Software Packages:MS ProjectSpreadsheet Modeling16. Course description (from the catalog): Operations strategy; operations planning, design, scheduling, and control; product/service design; process design, analysis, improvement, and reengineering; supply chain design, management and technologies; forecasting; capacity planning; inventory management; project management; resource requirements planning; designing and building decision-making tools, such as decision trees, linear programming, Analytical Hierarchy Process and simulation using spreadsheet modeling approach.17. Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs):CILOsMapping to PILOsabcde1. Demonstrate an understanding of the concepts of operations management and recognize the current trends in operations and project management.XX2. Analyze operations strategies and issues involved in designing products, processes, and services.X3. Design supply chains and recognize the role of information systems in business operations.XX4. Employ decision models and techniques in business operations.XXX18. Course assessment:Assessment TypeDetails/ Explanation of Assessment in relation to CILOsNumberWeightDate(s)Assignments/ Case Studies1,2,3420 %Projects410 %Test11,2115 %Test21,2,3115 %Final1,2,3,4140 %Total100%19. Description of Topics CoveredTopic Title (e.g. chapter/title)DescriptionChapter 1: Introduction to Operations andSupply Chain ManagementSUPPLEMENT:Operational Decision-Making Tools:Decision AnalysisTo learn what this course is about and how it is relevant to the studentTo explore the relationship of operations to other functional areas To place the evolution of operations and supply chain management in perspective To expand the student’s awareness of globalization and competitiveness To appreciate the importance of operations and supply chain management to a firm’s strategy To establish course expectations for student and instructorTo engage the student in the study of operations managementChapter 4: Product DesignTo consider what makes a good design and how to measure design qualityTo appreciate the need to balance structure with creativity in the design processTo learn about rapid prototyping, concurrent design, quality function deployment and other tools and techniques for improving the design processTo explore other considerations in design such as design for environment and design for robustnessChapter 5: Service DesignTo consider the impact of services on jobs and the economy To appreciate and articulate the differences between services and productsTo learn tools for envisioning and designing quality servicesTo develop skills in mapping out service processes and suggesting improvementsTo be able to model waiting lines and evaluate their performance for service improvementChapter 6: Processes and TechnologyTo think about strategic options in process planning, esp. the pros and cons of outsourcingTo differentiate among the different types of production processesTo understand the effect of volume and standardization on process selectionTo appreciate the difficulties in translating a design to a processTo empower students (through the use of simple flowcharting tools) to improve everyday processesTo encourage curiosity about technology and how things are madeChapter 7: Capacity and Facilities DesignSUPPLEMENT 7Operational Decision-Making Tools:Facility Location ModelsTo understand the effects of capacity strategy on operating performanceTo learn about the concepts of economies of scale, best operating level, and cycle time.To explore different approaches to organizing work and when they should be usedTo appreciate and articulate how different layouts affect performance. To develop skill sets in visualizing work flow and using algorithmic problem solving.To think about hybrid solutions to problems.Chapter 9: Project managementProject PlanningGlobal and Diversity Issues in ProjectManagementProject SchedulingProject ControlCPM/PERTProbabalistic Activity TimesCPM/PERT Analysis with OM ToolsMicrosoft ProjectProject Crashing and Time–Cost TradeoffChapter 10: Supply Chain Management Strategyand DesignSupply ChainsThe Management of Supply Chains“Green” Supply ChainsInformation Technology: A Supply Chain EnablerSupply Chain IntegrationSupply Chain Management (SCM) SoftwareMeasuring Supply Chain PerformanceChapter 12: ForecastingThe Strategic Role of Forecasting in Supply Chain ManagementComponents of Forecasting DemandTime Series MethodsForecast AccuracyTime Series Forecasting Using ExcelRegression MethodsChapter 13: Inventory ManagementSUPPLEMENT 13Operational Decision-Making Tools:SimulationThe Role of Inventory in Supply Chain ManagementInventory and Quality Management in the Supply ChainThe Elements of Inventory ManagementInventory Control SystemsEconomic Order Quantity ModelsQuantity DiscountsReorder PointOrder Quantity for a Periodic Inventory SystemMonte Carlo SimulationComputer Simulation with ExcelAreas of Simulation ApplicationChapter 14: Sales andOperations PlanningSUPPLEMENT 13OperationalDecision-MakingTools: LinearProgrammingThe Sales and Operations Planning ProcessStrategies for Adjusting CapacityStrategies for Managing DemandQuantitative Techniques for Aggregate PlanningThe Hierarchical Nature of PlanningAggregate Planning for ServicesModel FormulationSolving Linear Programming Problems with ExcelSensitivity Analysis Chapter 15: Resource PlanningMaterial Requirements Planning (MRP)Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Supply Chain Management (SCM)Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)Connectivity, Integration, and Services20. Course Weekly Breakdown:WeekDateTopics coveredCILOsTeaching MethodAssessment119-23 Feb.Chapter 1: Introduction to Operations andSupply Chain ManagementSUPPLEMENT:Operational Decision-Making Tools:Decision Analysis1ExplainingCollaboratingDemonstratingProjects/ Assignments/Case Studiesand Test 1226 Feb-2 March35-9 MarchChapter 4: Product Design1,2412-16 MarchChapter 5: Service Design519-23 MarchTest 11,2Assignments/ ProjectsCase Studiesand Test 2626-30 MarchChapter 6: Processes and Technology272-6 AprilChapter 7: Capacity and Facilities Design1,389-13 AprilChapter 9: Project management39Mid Semester Break1023-27 AprilTest 21,2,3ExplainingCollaboratingDemonstratingLearning by teachingAssignments/ ProjectsCase Studiesand Final exam1130 April-4 MayChapter 10: Supply Chain Management Strategyand Design3,4127-11 MayChapter 12: Forecasting2,41314-18 MayChapter 13: Inventory ManagementSUPPLEMENT 13Operational Decision- Making Tools:Simulation1,41421-25 MayChapter 14: Sales andOperations PlanningSUPPLEMENT 13OperationalDecision-MakingTools: LinearProgramming3,41528 May-1 JuneChapter 15: Resource Planning3,4164-5 JuneProject Presentation4Prepared by: Dr. Hatem MasriDate: 10/02/2017Approved by the Department Council on: ................

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