Abbreviations/Acronyms - Construction


|1178 |Project Cost Estimate Worksheet AF Form 1178 |

|1354 |Transfer And Acceptance Of Military Real Property DD Form 1354 |

|1391 |Military Construction Project Data DD Form 1391 |

|2807 |Congressional Notification For A-E Services, 10 USC 2807 |

|AAFES |Army And Air Force Exchange Service |

|AC |Air Conditioning |

|ACASS |Architect-Engineer Contract Administration Support System |

|ACG |Architectural Compatibility Guidelines |

|ACQ |Acquisition |

|ADAL |Addition/Alteration |

|ADEQ |Adequate |

|ADP |Area Development Plan |

|ADV |Advertise |

|A-E |Architectural/Engineering Firm Or Designer |

|AF |Air Force |

|AF/ILEC |Air Force, Office Of Civil Engineers, Construction (MILCON) Division |

|AFAPG |Air Force Automated Pricing Guide |

|AFBCIF |Air Force Base Capital Improvement Fund |

|AFCEE |Air Force Center For Environmental Excellence |

|AFCESA |Air Force Civil Engineering Support Agency |

|AFCR |Air Force Change Request |

|AFFARS |Air Force FAR Supplement |

|AFI |Air Force Instruction |

|AFMAN |Air Force Manual |

|AFMR |Air Force Management Reserve |

|AFMWRAB |Air Force MWR Advisory Board |

|AFMWRB |Air Force Moral, Welfare, Recreation Board |

|AFPAM |Air Force Pamphlet |

|AFPC |Air Force Personnel Center |

|AFSVA |Air Force Services Agency |

|AFWL |Air Force Weapons Laboratory |

|AGC |Associated General Contractors of America |

|AIA |Air Force Intelligence Agency or American Institute of Architects |

|AMPRS |Automated Military Progress Reporting System (COE System) |

|AMT |Amount |

|APF |Appropriated Funds |

|ASD(P&L) |Assistant Secretary Of Defense (Production & Logistics) |

|ASHRAE |American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers |

|ASTM |American Society for Testing and Materials |

|AWD |Award |

|BAAN |Budget Authorization Account Number |

|BAFO |Budget Authorization Finance Office(r) or Best and Final Offer |

|Base |USAF Base |

|BCE |Base Civil Engineer |

|BCO |Base Contracting Office |

|BEAMS |Base Engineer Automated Management System |

|BES |Budget Estimate Submission |

|BOD |Beneficial Occupancy Date or Bid Opening Date |

|CA |Construction Agent |

|CAC |Construction Agent Change |

|CADD |Computer Aided Drafting and Design |

|CAR |Construction Agent Change Request |

|CATEX |Categorical |

|CBD |Commerce Business Daily Publication |

|CCASS |Construction Contract Appraisal Support System |

|CCB |Construction Criteria Base |

|CCTV |Closed Circuit Television |

|CDRL |Contract Data Requirements List |

|CECORS |Civil Engineer Contract Reporting System |

|CERCLA |Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation And Liability Act |

|CET |Contract Evaluation Team |

|CFE/CI |Contractor Furnished Equipment And Contractor Installed |

|CFY |Current Fiscal Year |

|CI |Contractor Installed |

|CID |Comprehensive Interior Design |

|CINC |Commander In Chief |

|CM |Construction Manager |

|CMP |Construction Management Plan |

|CO |Contracting Officer |

|COCESS |Contractor Operated Civil Engineering Supply System |

|COE |Army Corps Of Engineers |

|Constr |Construction |

|CONUS |Continental United States |

|CPAF |Cost Plus Award Fee |

|CPFF |Cost Plus Fixed Fee |

|CPIF |Cost Plus Incentive Fee |

|CPM |Critical Path Method |

|CQC |Contractor Quality Control |

|CR |Clarification Requests |

|CRC |Criteria Review Conference |

|CSI |Construction Specifications Institute |

|CT |Cash Transfer |

|CWA |Clean Water Act |

|CWE |Current Working Estimate |

|CY |Calendar Year |

|D |Delete |

|D&F |Determination And Finding |

|DA |Design Agent |

|D-B |Design Build |

|D-B-B |Design Bid Build |

|DBOF |Defense Business Operation Fund |

|DCAA |Defense Contracting Audit Agency |

|DCS |Deputy Chief Of Staff |

|DD FORM 1391 |FY__ Construction Project Data - Military Construction Project Data DD Form 1391 |

|DECA |Defense Commissary Agency |

|DFARS |Department of Defense Supplement to FAR |

|DFCY |Deficiency |

|DFRP |Deficiency Replacement |

|DI |Design Instruction |

|DM |Design Manager |

|DoD |Department Of Defense |

|DR |Deficiency Reports |

|DRMD |Defense Reutilization And Marketing Office |

|DSN |Design |

|E&D |Engineering And Design |

|ECIP |Energy Conservation Investment Project |

|EEIC |Element of Expense Investment Code |

|EEP |Engineering And Environmental Planning |

|EIAD |Equipment Authorization Inventory Data |

|EIAP |Environmental Impact Analysis Process |

|EMCS |Energy Monitoring And Control System |

|EMP |Electromagnetic Pulse |

|ENR |Engineering News Record |

|EPA |Environmental Protection Agency |

|ERG |Executive Review Group |

|ESB |Emerging Small Business |

|ETL |Engineering Technical Letter |

|FAA |Federal Aviation Administration |

|FAC |Real Property Facility Code |

|FAR |Federal Acquisition Regulation |

|FARS |Federal Acquisition Regulations Supplement |

|FAST |Functional Analysis System Techniques |

|FB |Facilities Board |

|FC |Financial Completion |

|FFP |Firm Fixed Price |

|FIFRA |Federal Insecticide, Fungicide And Rodenticide Act |

|FM |Funds Manager |

|FMB |Financial Management Board |

|FONSI |Finding No Significant Impact |

|FOUD |For Official Use Only |

|FP |Fixed Price |

|FOA |Field Operating Agency |

|FPAF |Fixed Price Award Fee |

|FPEPA |Fixed Price With Economic Price Adjustment |

|FPIF |Fixed Price Incentive Fee |

|FY |Fiscal Year |

|FYDP |Five Year Defense Plan |

|G&A |General And Administrative |

|GAO |General Accounting Office |

|GFE |Government Furnished Equipment |

|GFE/CI |Government Furnished Equipment, Contractor Installed |

|GFE/GI |Government Furnished Equipment, Government Installed |

|GFM |Government Furnished Material |

|GIS |Geographic Information Systems |

|GSBCA |General Services Board Of Contract Appeals |

|HAC |House Of Representatives Appropriations Committee |

|HASC |House Of Representatives Armed Service Committee |

|HFO |Health Facilities Office |

|HL |Hired Labor |

|HQ |Headquarters |

|HQ AFSUA |Headquarters Air Force Services Agency |

|HQ USAF |Headquarters, United States Air Force |

|HSWA |Hazardous And Solid Waste Amendments To RCRA |

|HVAC |Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning |

|IAW |In Accordance With |

|IDIQ |Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity |

|IFB |Invitation For Bids |

|ILEC |Military Construction Directorate, Engineering Division |

|ILECP |Military Construction Program Development Division |

|ILECR |Military Construction Requirement And Oversight Division |

|INAD |Inadequate |

|INVS |Internal Needs Validation Study |

|IRP |Installation Restoration Program |

|JOA |Joint Occupancy Agreement |

|LAN |Local Area Network Communications |

|LCCA |Life Cycle Cost Analysis |

|LD |Liquidated Damages |

|LL |Legislative Liaison |

|LRA |Listing of Required Actions |

|LRCIP |Long Range Capital Improvement Plan |

|Ltr |Letter |

|M |Million |

|MAJCOM |Major Command |

|MARS |Military Affiliated Radio Station |

|MC |Minor Construction |

|MCACES |Micro Computer Aided Cost Engineering System |

|MCP |Military Construction Project |

|MEP |Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing |

|MFH |Military Family Housing |

|MILCON |Military Construction Project |

|MIPR |Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request |

|M&R |Maintenance And Repair |

|MPC |Military Personnel Center |

|MWR |Morale Welfare And Recreation |

|NACSI |National Comsec Instruction |

|NAF |Non-Appropriated Funds |

|NAFAO |NAF Accounting Officer |

|NAFI |Non-Appropriated Fund Instrument |

|NAS |Needs Assessment Study |

|NCO |Noncommissioned Officer |

|NAVFAC |Naval Facilities Engineering Command |

|NEC |National Electric Code |

|NEPA |National Environmental Policy Act |

|NFPA |National Fire Protection Association |

|NIBS |National Institute of Building Sciences |

|NPDES |National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |

|NTP |Notice To Proceed |

|O&M |Operations And Maintenance |

|OCONUS |Outside Continental United States |

|OCR |Office Of Collateral Responsibility |

|ODS |Ozone Depleting Substances |

|OMB |Office Of Management And Budget |

|OPR |Office Of Primary Responsibility |

|OSD |Office Of The Secretary Of Defense |

|OSHA |Occupational Safety And Health Act |

|PA |Programmed Amount |

|PACES |Parametric Cost Estimating System |

|PAR |Proposal Analysis Report |

|PAT |Planning Assistance Team |

|PCS |Permanent Change Of Station |

|PD |Project Definition |

|PDC |Program, Design And Construction (Computerized Management Information System) |

|PERT |Performance Evaluation And Review Technique |

|PI |Planning Instruction |

|Pkg |Package |

|PM |Project Manager |

|PMIG |Project Management Integration Group |

|PMP |Project Management Plan |

|POE |Post Occupancy Evaluation |

|POL |Petroleum, Oil And Lubricant |

|POTW |Publicly Owned Treatment Works |

|PR |Purchase Request |

|PRAG |Performance Risk Analysis Group |

|Q/D |Quantity/Distance |

|QA |Quality Assurance |

|QAE |Quality Assurance Evaluator |

|QAP |Quality Assurance Plan |

|QBS |Qualifications Based Selection |

|QC |Quality Control |

|RCS |Report Control Symbol |

|R&D |Research And Development |

|RAMP |Requirements And Management Plan |

|RD |Requirements Document |

|RED HORSE |Rapid Engineer Deployable Heavy Operational Repair Squadron, Engineer |

|Ref |Reference |

|REPR |Repair |

|RFI |Request For Information |

|RFP |Request For Proposal |

|RFTP |Request For Technical Proposal |

|RMC |Requiring Major Command |

|RMC DI |Requiring Majcom Design Instruction |

|ROD |Record Of Decisions |

|ROR |Rate of Return |

|RP |Real Property |

|RPIE |Real Property Installed Equipment |

|RPMT |Replacement |

|RTA |Ready To Advertise |

|S&A |Supervision & Administration |

|SABER |Simplified Acquisition of Base Engineering Requirements |

|SAC |Senate Appropriations Committee |

|SADBU |Small And Disadvantaged Business Utilization |

|SAF |Secretary of The Air Force |

|SAF/FM |Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Financial Management) |

|SAF/FMBIC |Secretary of the Air Force Budget Investment Directorate for Military Construction |

|SAF/LL |Secretary of The Air Force/Legislative Liaison |

|SAF/MII |Deputy Assistant Secretary Of The Air Force/Installations |

|SAF/MIQ |Secretary of The Air Force/ |

|SARA |Superfund Amendments And Reauthorization Act |

|SASC |Senate Armed Services Committee |

|SB |Small Business |

|SBA |Small Business Administration |

|SCIF |Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility |

|SCIP |Strategic Capital Improvement Plan |

|SDB |Small Disadvantaged Business |

|SDWA |Safe Drinking Water Act |

|SERG |Senior Executive Review Group |

|SF |Standard Form, Square Foot or Security Forces |

|SF 1420 |Performance Evaluation (Construction Contracts) |

|SF 1421 |Performance Evaluation (Architect-Engineer) |

|SF 254 & 255 |A-E Qualification Forms |

|SHPO |State Historical Preservation Office |

|SID |Structural Interior Design |

|SIOH |Supervision, Inspection and Overhead |

|SMART |Structural Maintenance and Repair Team |

|SOW |Statement of Work |

|SPDES |State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System |

|SPECS |Specifications |

|SPI |Schedule Performance Index |

|SSA |Source Selection Authority |

|SSET |Source Selection Evaluation Team |

|SSP |Source Selection Plan |

|SV |Services |

|SVFB |Office Symbol for HQ AFSUA, Chief, Cash Management Division |

|T |Technical |

|Temp |Temperature |

|TEMPEST |Compromising Electromagnetic Emanations – See Definitions EMP/TEMPEST |

|SVXF |Office Symbol for HQ AFSUA, Chief, Facilities Division |

|TET |Technical Evaluation Team |

|TF |Total Float |

|TLF |Temporary Living Facility or Temporary Lodging Facility |

|TO |Technical Order |

|TSCA |Toxic Substances Control Act |

|UFAS |Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards |

|UNIFORMAT |Uniform Contract Format |

|US |United States |

|USACE |US Army Corps of Engineers |

|USAF |United States Air Force |

|UBC |Uniform Building Code |

|USC |United States Code |

|User |Using Agency For The Facility |

|UST |Underground Storage Tank |

|VE |Value Engineering |

|VECP |Value Engineering Change Proposals |

|VEP |Value Engineering Proposal |

|WBS |Work Breakdown Structure |

|WIP |Work In Place |

|W/O |Work Order (AF Form 327) |

|W/R |Work Request (AF Form 332) |


Project Manager’s Guide

June 1, 2000

Abbreviations/Aconyms - 1


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