Exploring the Style of Plays

Due on Monday, April 27

Name _________________________________ Exploring the Style of Plays

Directions: Look at the cover of the books and answer the questions.

1. What is the genre of this book? What are the characteristics of this type of genre?

2. What is the title?

3. Who is the author?

4. Who is the story about?

5. What is a miracle?

6. Why do you think the title of this story is The Miracle Worker?

Directions: Use the pages below to answer the questions that follow.

7. What are three character’s names?

8. Look at the page on the right. Find the italicized words. What is the purpose of the italicized words? You actually have to read some of the words to figure out their purpose.

9. Look at the page on the right. What do the characters’ names written in capital letters located on the left side of the page indicate?

Example: DOCTOR: or KELLER: or KATE:

10. What is the purpose of the word(s) in a bracket [ ] usually after a character’s name?

Example: DOCTOR [AIMIABLY] (Clue: amiably means friendly or kindly)

Directions: Read the article about Annie Sullivan and then answer the questions that follow. This will be graded.

A Story about Annie Sullivan

By Marfe Delano

Dr. Frank Mayfield was touring Tewksbury Institute when, on his way out, he accidentally collided with an elderly floor maid.

To cover the awkward moment Dr. Mayfield started asking questions, "How long have you worked here?"

"I've worked here almost since the place opened," the maid replied.

"What can you tell me about the history of this place?" he asked.

"I don't think I can tell you anything, but I could show you something."

With that, she took his hand and led him down to the basement under the oldest section of the building. She pointed to one of what looked like small prison cells, their iron bars rusted with age, and said, "That's the cage where they used to keep Annie."

"Who's Annie?" the doctor asked.

"Annie was a young girl who was brought in here because she was incorrigible - which means nobody could do anything with her. She'd bite and scream and throw her food at people. The doctors and nurses couldn't even examine her or anything. I'd see them trying with her spitting and scratching at them. I was only a few years younger than her myself and I used to think, 'I sure would hate to be locked up in a cage like that.' I wanted to help her, but I didn't have any idea what I could do. I mean, if the doctors and nurses couldn't help her, what could someone like me do?

"I didn't know what else to do, so I just baked her some brownies one night after work. The next day I brought them in. I walked carefully to her cage and said, 'Annie I baked these brownies just for you. I'll put them right here on the floor and you can come and get them if you want.' Then I got out of there just as fast as I could because I was afraid she might throw them at me. But she didn't. She actually took the brownies and ate them.

"After that, she was just a little bit nicer to me when I was around. And sometimes I'd talk to her. Once, I even got her laughing. One of the nurses noticed this and she told the doctor. They asked me if I'd help them with Annie. I said I would if I could.

So that's how it came about that every time they wanted to see Annie or examine her, I went into the cage first and explained and calmed her down and held her hand. Which is how they discovered that Annie was almost blind."

After they'd been working with her for about a year - and it was tough sledding with Annie - the Perkins institute for the Blind opened its doors. They were able to help her and she went on to study and became a teacher herself.

Annie came back to the Tewksbury Institute to visit, and to see what she could do to help out. At first, the Director didn't say anything and then he thought about a letter he'd just received. A man had written to him about his daughter. She was absolutely unruly - almost like an animal.

He'd been told she was blind and deaf as well as 'deranged.' He was at his wit's end, but he didn't want to put her in an asylum. So he wrote here to ask if we knew of anyone-any teacher-who would come to his house and work with his daughter.

And that is how Annie Sullivan became the lifelong companion and teacher of Helen Keller.

When Helen Keller received the Nobel Prize, she was asked who had the greatest impact on her life and she said, "Annie Sullivan." But Annie said, "No Helen. The woman who had the greatest influence on both our lives was a floor maid at the Tewksbury Institute."

Annie Sullivan Answer Sheet: Only send me a picture of the answer sheet. I don’t need a picture of the article. Read the directions. This will be graded. If you had in the assignments late, points will be deducted.

Directions: This will be graded and following these directions will be part of the grade.

• Answer the questions that follow about the article.

• If there are key words with the question, you must use the key words in your answer. You may change the endings of the words and you may use as many sentences as you need to use the key words in your answers.

• Underline each key word in your answer

• Read the chart below and then use it to help you answer some of the questions.

|Qualities[1] |

|intelligent |joyful |loving |plain |respectful |

|selfish |lazy |mean |pleasing |responsible |

|serious |lovable |messy |poor |rich |

|smart |stubborn |mischievous |quiet |rude |

|strong |thoughtful |wild |violent |sad |

1. What is the definition of quality and state one synonym of the word quality?

(2 points)

2. What is the name of the institution that Annie was kept in and why was she kept here? (2 points)

3. What is one quality that Annie Sullivan had while she was living in the institution? (You may use the chart above to help you, but you do not have to use one of those words).

• Make a claim by restating the question and making a claim. Prove the claim by writing an explanation sentence that refers to the claim using synonyms and includes a text detail from the article that is not a direct quote.

(5 points)

Claim: ____________________________________________________________________________


Explanation: (One sentence) ______________________________________________________



4. Describe Annie’s living conditions. Be sure your answer is accurate account of the article. (Key Words – basement, small, iron bars, cage) You must use all the key words in your answer and you may change the endings of the key words. Be sure to underline each key word in your answer. (2 points).

5. What is one quality that the elderly floor maid had in this article? (You may use the chart to help you, but you do not have to use one of those words).

• Make a claim by restating the question and making a claim. Prove the claim by writing TWO explanation sentences that refer to the claim using synonyms and includes text detail(s) from the article that is not a direct quote. (8 points)

Claim: ____________________________________________________________________________


1st Explanation: (One sentence) ___________________________________________________



2nd Explanation: (One sentence)_________________________________________________



6. Read the claim below and then introduce the quote and write a direct quote correctly and accurately that supports the claim on the lines and be sure to cite correctly. (3 points)

Claim: The Perkin’s Institute was significant[2] in Annie Sullivan’s life.

Direct Quote that supports the claim: ____________________________________________




7. Read the lines that follow from the last four paragraphs of the passage and then answer the question that follows.

A man had written to him about his daughter. She was absolutely unruly - almost like an animal.

He'd been told she was blind and deaf as well as 'deranged.' He was at his wit's end, but he didn't want to put her in an asylum. So he wrote here to ask if we knew of anyone-any teacher-who would come to his house and work with his daughter.

• Who is being described by her father as “absolutely unruly - almost like an animal” and “deranged”? (1 point)

• Who ends up becoming his daughter’s teacher? (1 point)

8. Why does Annie say the woman who had the greatest influence on both (Helen and Annie’s) our lives was a floor maid at the Tewksbury Institute? (1 Point)

Keep Going

Notice and Wonder

Directions: Read the phrases from the novel. Think about what this novel might be about. Be sure to use the footnotes to help you.

-Kate Keller: “She (Helen) can’t see!...She (Helen) can’t hear you!”

-Kate Keller: (I’m prepared to have my heart be broken by the doctors who can’t help Helen) “Any number of times…As long as there is a chance for her (Helen) to see. Or hear,…”

-Captain Keller: “I’ve done as much as I can bear (for Helen), I can’t give my whole life to it! The house is at sixes and seven (The Keller’s home life is always in a state of confusion) from morning till night over the child (Helen), it’s time some attention was paid to Mildred (Helen’s little sister) here instead!”

-James Keller: Helen will… “Never learn with everyone letting her do anything she takes it into her mind to do.”

-Said About Annie Sullivan: “…Annie, and you do lack some-by some I mean all-what tact or talent to bend. To others.”

-Said about Helen Keller: Helen is a deaf, blind, mute[3] -who knows (if Helen is smart)? She is like a little safe, locked, that no one can open. Perhaps there is a treasure inside... Maybe it’s empty, too”

Directions Pre-reading Wonder:

Based on the phrases and lines from the opening pages of the novel, what do you wonder about this novel? You should have something written about Captain Keller, Kate Keller, James Keller, Helen Keller, and Annie Sullivan that is a wonder based on the evidence. Look at the example done for you. You still have to complete an answer for Kate Keller.

|Kate Keller -MODEL – your answer should look like this… You have to complete your own response for Kate in the next box. |

|Kate Keller discovers that Helen can’t see or hear. (Look at the first quote about Kate.) I wonder if Kate is Helen’s mom, because she is willing to keep |

|helping Helen even if it breaks her heart to hear that no one can help Helen. |

|Kate Keller __________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|___________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Captain Keller __________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|___________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Helen Keller __________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|___________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|James Keller __________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|___________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|Annie Sullivan __________________________________________________________________________________________ |

|___________________________________________________________________________________________ |

-Keep Going

The Miracle Worker: Act 1 Questions

Directions: Please answer the questions that follow about Act 1. If there are key words with the questions, you must use them in your answer. You may change the endings of the key words and write as many sentences as you need to include the key words. Underline / bold each key word in you answer. This will be graded. Use this as a study guide for the test. You must use text details to answer each question.

Every student has been given a copy of the play in Google Classroom

Reading Directions: Read pages 253-259 and stop on page 259 in the first column in the first column at “The lights dim out, except the one on KATE and HELEN. Be sure to read every word. You have to read the stage directions which are in italics and each part.

1. What is the setting of the play? (Key Words: 1880’s, Tuscumbia, Alabama, Perkins Institution for the Blind, Boston, Keller Homestead)

2. Read the following line and then answer the question that follows.

Keller: “I’ve brought up two of them, but this is my wife’s first, she isn’t battled-scarred

yet” (253).

2a. What does Keller mean when he says I’ve brought up two of them?

2b. What does Keller mean when he says she isn’t battled-scarred yet?

3. How do we know that Helen is a very active and strong-willed child? (Key Words: knocking down fences, the child’s a Keller)

4. On page 254, Kate discovers Helen is blind. How does Kate discover that Helen is blind and deaf? (Key Words: moves hand quickly, next call is directly in the baby’s ears)

5. Who is Belle?

6. Who are Martha and Percy?

7. What causes Helen to become so frustrated in the scene with Martha and Percy on pages 255? Why does she attack Martha with the scissors?

8. Who is James?

9. Please read the line that follows and then answer the question.

James: “She only dug Martha’s eyes out. Almost dug. It’s always almost, no point

worrying till it happens, is there? (255).

Explain how the lines above prove that James is sarcastic and angry?

10. What does Keller mean when he says to Kate how many times can you let them break your heart? Who is “them” and how are they “breaking her heart?”

11. Aunt Ev says of Helen, “This child has more sense than all these men Kellers, if there’s every any way to reach that mind of hers.” What evidence on pages 257-258 suggests that Helen is very intelligent? (Key Words: doll, eyes, buttons)

12. What does Helen do to the baby in the cradle? How does this action show that Helen is intelligent? Why do Helen’s mother and father refuse to discipline her?


[1] Quality: a characteristic of someone or something. Synonyms: trait

[2] Significant: meaningful and important

[3] Mute: unable to speak


One of the most beautiful and terrifying dramas of our time – the inspiring story of Helen Keller

a play by William Gibson

Italicized words

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Page 2


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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