Mrs. Russo's Class Website

Weekly Vocabulary AssignmentEach week you must use 10 of the vocabulary words from the list of almost 400 SAT Vocabulary words in a creative way. You can write a story, a series of stories, letters, poems, newspaper articles, instructions, plays, scripts, etc.Sometimes, I may change up the assignment to do something besides a writing activity in order teach a different vocabulary skill, such as investigating the etymology of a word.Other creative ideas are welcome with my approval. Written piece requirements:Vocabulary words must be used correctly in a sentence. Use the dictionary/online dictionary to determine correct usage and ask me if you have questions.Underline/bold all vocabulary words.Hand-written work should be at least two pages double-spaced and must be done neatly. (I will not spend extra time trying to read illegible handwriting.) WRITE ON THE FRONT OF THE PAGE ONLY.Typed work should be at least one page double-spaced.Each piece should be checked for spelling and grammar before being submitted. Do not use vocabulary words more than once.Each piece is worth up to 15 points and will be averaged together for one major grade. 9th Grade Vocabulary Word ListWordDefinition/Synonym abatementdecrease, reductionabdicateto give up a position, right, or poweracumensharpness of insightadherentBeliever; supporter; devotee.adjunct1. Attachment; appendage. 2. Subordinate or auxiliary capacity.aestheticpertaining to beauty or artaggrandizeMake more powerful; amplify; increase.allegorysymbolic representationallusionindirect referenceallusivenessquality of making many indirect referencesameliorateMake better; improve.amenableagreeable, cooperativeamoralunprincipled, unethicalamorousstrongly attracted to love; showing loveancillaryaccessory; subordinate; helpingantipathyFeeling of opposition or repugnance: aversion; dislike.antiquatedoutdated, obsoleteantiquityancient times; the quality of being old or ancientantithesisexact opposite or direct contrastapertureGap; opening; orifice.approbationpraise; official approvalarcanesecret, obscure, known only to a fewardorgreat emotion or passionascendancystate of rising, ascending; power or controlascertainto determine, discover, make certain ofassiduousdiligent, persistent, hard-workingassimilationact of blending in, becoming similarattenuateto make thin or slender; weakenaudaciousbold, daring, fearlessauditformal examination of financial recordsaugmentto expand, extendavariceExtreme desire for wealth; greed; acquisitiveness.aversionintense dislikeavouchGuarantee; take responsibility for: affirm.belaborto insist repeatedly or harp onbemuseto confuse, stupefy; plunge deep into thoughtbenefactorsomeone giving aid or moneybeseechto beg, plead, implorebetokento indicate, signify, give evidence ofblanchto pale; take the color out ofblatantglaring, obvious, showyboorishIll-mannered; rude; gauche.brigandbandit, outlawbuffetto toss aboutbuffoonclown or foolbulwarkdefense wall; anything serving as defensebursartreasurerbuttressto reinforce or supportbuttressTruss; foundation; support.cajoleto flatter, coax, persuadecalamitousdisastrous, catastrophiccarnalof the fleshcarouseDrink to excess; live it up.carpto find fault, complain constantlycastigateto punish, chastise, criticize severelycavaliercarefree, happy; with lordly disdaincavortto frolic, friskcertitudeassurance, certaintycessationtemporary or complete haltchampionto defend or supportchastenCastigate; punish; reprove.chastiseto punish, discipline, scoldcherubicSweet; kind; innocent.churlishSelfish; rancorous; surly.circumscribeto encircle; set limits on, confinecitadelfortress or strongholdclandestineFurtive; surreptitious; secret.CoalesceCombine; incorporate; merge.cognitionmental process by which knowledge is acquiredcollateralaccompanyingcommodiousroomy, spaciouscompatriotfellow countrymancompensateto repay or reimbursecomplacentself-satisfied, smugcompunctionfeeling of uneasiness caused by guilt or regretconcedeto yield, admitconceptualizeto envision, imagineconcurto agreeconduittube, pipe, or similar passagecongenialsimilar in tastes and habitsconjecturespeculation, predictionConjugalMatrimonial; nuptial; marital.constrainedforced, compelled; confined, restrainedconstraintsomething that forces or compels; something that restrains or confinesconsummateaccomplished, complete, perfectconsummateto complete, fulfillcontentiousArgumentative; pugnacious; quarrelsome.conundrumMystery; puzzle.conveneto meet, come together, assembleconventionaltypical, customary, commonplacecorrugateto mold in a shape with parallel grooves and ridgescosmographyscience that deals with the nature of the universecredenceacceptance of something as true or realcredulousGullible; unsuspecting; naive.culpableguilty, responsible for wrongcumulativeresulting from gradual increasecynicperson who distrusts the motives of othersdauntto discourage, intimidatedebutanteyoung woman making debut in high societydecapitateto beheaddeferentialrespectful and polite in a submissive waydeflationdecrease, depreciationdemystifyto remove mystery from, clarifydeploreto express or feel disapproval of; regret stronglydeployto spread out strategically over an areaderideto mock, ridicule, make fun ofdestitutevery poor, poverty-strickendiffractto cause to separate into parts, esp. lightdiligentAssiduous: studious; hard-working.dirgefuneral hymndisbarto expel from legal professiondisconcertingbewildering, perplexing, slightly disturbingdisengageddisconnected, disassociateddisheartenDismay; daunt; depress.disinclinedaverse, unwilling, lacking desiredisintermentExhumation; removal of a body from a grave.disobligeSlight or offend.dispassionateImperturbable; unemotional; calm; composed.dissembleDisguise; conceal; mask; camouflage.disseminateto spread far and wideDissensionConflict; disagreement; strife.dissuadeObstruct; hinder; deter.divisivecreating disunity or conflictdogmaticrigidly fixed in opinion, opinionateddowrymoney or property given by a bride to her husbanddrosswaste produced during metal smelting; garbagedubiousIrresolute; uncertain; moot.edificebuildingeffaceCancel; delete: obliterate.efficaciouseffective, efficienteffigy*Mannequin; likeness; image.elucidateinterpret; define; clarify; explain.encipherto translate a message into codeenervateExhaust or weaken; debilitate.engenderGenerate; produce; cause.enigmaticCryptic; baffling; mysterious.ensconceto settle comfortable into a placeenshroudto cover, enclose with a dark coverepigramshort, witty saying or poemepigraphquotation at the beginning of a literary workepithetWord used to describe or characterize a person or thing.eruditelearned, scholarlyeruditionLearning; knowledge; enlightenment.euphonicAgreeable to the ear.euphonypleasant, harmonious soundeuthanasiamercy killing; intentional, easy, and painless deathevinceto show clearly, display, signifyevoketo inspire memories; to produce a reactionexcruciationagonizing, intensely painfulexhortto urge or incite by strong appealsexpatriateSend into exile; renounce one’s own country.expoundto elaborate; to expand or increaseexpungeObliterate; remove; erase; exterminate.extraditeTransfer a person to another jurisdiction for possible prosecution for an alleged offense.extraneousirrelevant, unrelated, unnecessaryfacilitateto aid, assistfacilityaptitude, ease in doing somethingfastidiousMeticulous; exacting.felicitoussuitable, appropriate; well-spokenfelicityGreat happiness; bliss.filchto stealflaccidlimp, flabby, weakflagrantoutrageous, shamelessflamboyantflashy, garish; exciting, dazzlingflounderto falter, waver; to muddle, strugglefloutRidicule; scoff; mock; scorn.forethoughtanticipation, foresightforswearRepudiate; forsake; eschew.fosterto nourish, cultivate, promotefounderto fall helplessly; sinkfreneticwildly frantic, frenzied, hecticfurtiveClandestine; secretive; surreptitious; covert.fusionprocess of merging things into onegarishGaudy; ostentatious; excessive.garnerCollect; receive; attain; acquire.garrulous*very talkativegratisfree, costing nothinggratuitysomething given voluntarily, tipgregariousoutgoing, sociablegrievouscausing grief or sorrow; serious and distressinggrosstotal before deductionsguileWiliness; deceit; cunning.haggleDicker; barter; make a deal.hallowMake holy; consecrate; sanctify.headstrongreckless; insisting on one's own wayheathenpagan; uncivilized and irreligioushemorrhageheavy bleedinghemorrhageto bleed heavilyheraldAnnounce; broadcast; report.hiatusInterruption; pause; gap.hoaryFrosted; grey; grizzled.hyperboleExaggeration; fanciful statement; enhancement.hypochondriaunfounded belief that one is often illillimitablelimitlessimmunologicalrelating to immune systemimpassionedwith passionimpeachto charge with misdeeds in public office; accuseimpecuniousPoor; destitute; penniless.implacableinflexible, incapable of being pleasedimplicitimplied, not directly expressedimportuneto ask repeatedly, begimposingdignified, grandimpromptuMakeshift; spontaneous.improvidentReckless: rash.incarcerateto put in jail; to confineincarcerationimprisonmentincognitoto disguise, concealing one's identityincoherentIllogical; inconsistent.inconsequentialunimportant, trivialindecorousInappropriate; indelicate; unseemly.indictto accuse formally, charge with a crimeindignantangry, incensed, offendedinebriateddrunk, intoxicatedinebriationDrunkenness; intoxication.ineptclumsy, awkwardinevitablecertain, unavoidableinfallibleincapable of making a mistakeinfamyreputation for bad deedsingratiateto bring oneself purposely into another's good gracesinhibitto hold back, prevent, restraininsatiablenever satisfiedinscrutableMysterious; perplexing.insipidDull; banal; tasteless.insolentinsulting and arrogantinsolublenot able to be solved or explainedinsubstantialmodest, insignificantintimationclue, suggestionintransigentuncompromising, refusing to be reconciledintrospectivecontemplating one's own thoughts and feelingsinvectiveverbal abuseinvincibleinvulnerable, unbeatableirascibleTesty; touchy; irritable.jadedtired by excess or overuse; slightly cynicaljollityGaiety; merriment.junctureJoint; seam; intersection; joining.juxtaposePlace side by side.juxtapositionside-by-side placementknaveA dishonest, deceitful person; a rogue.knellsound of a funeral bell; omen of death or failurelamentto deplore, grievelamentationComplaint; moan.lethargyIdleness; listlessness; passivity.licentiousimmoral; unrestrained by societylienright to possess and sell the property of a debtorlionizeto treat as a celebritylissomeeasily flexed, limber, agilelitheFlexible; agile; mobile; bendable.lividdiscolored from a bruise; reddened with angerloatheto abhor, despise, hateloutishClumsy; idiotic; buffoonlike.luminarybright object; celebrity; source of inspirationluminousbright, brilliant, glowingluxurianceelegance, lavishnessmaelstromwhirlpool; turmoil; agitated state of mindmaladyillnessmalefactorevil-doer; culpritmalingerFeign illness to escape work: shirk.manneredartificial or stilted in charactermarto damage, deface; spoilmarredHaving blemishes; damaged; defaced.masqueradedisguise; action that conceals the truthmaudlinOveremotional; mushy.melancholysadness, depressionmirthfrivolity, gaiety, laughtermisanthropeperson who hates human beingsmissivenote or lettermitigateto soften, or make mildermnemonicrelating to memory; designed to assist memorynaiveFoolishly simple; childlike.natalrelating to birthnebulousUnclear; vague; indefinite.nemesisJust punishment; retribution.neutralitydisinterest, impartialityneutralizeto balance, offsetnicetyelegant or delicate feature; minute distinctionnomenclatureterms used in a particular science or disciplinenondescriptlacking interesting or distinctive qualities; dullobliviousunaware, inattentiveobscuredim, unclear; not well knownobscuritya state of being obscureobviateMake unnecessary.odiousDetestable; loathsome: revolting; sickening.ominousmenacing, threatening, indicating misfortuneoracleperson who foresees the future and gives advicepalatiallike a palace, magnificentpaletteboard for mixing paints, range of colorspallidlacking color or livelinessparchto dry or shrivelpareto trimparochialReligious; restricted.parryto ward off or deflectpartisanbiased in favor ofpartisanstrong supporterpathogeniccausing diseasepedantuninspired, boring academicpedimenttriangular gable on a roof or fa?adepejorativeDegrading: derogatory; negative.pensivethoughtfulperfunctorydone in a routine way; indifferentpersonificationact of attributing human qualities to objects or abstract qualitiespervertto cause to change in immoral way; to misusephalanxmassed group of soldiers, people, or thingsphilantrophylove of humanity; generosity to worthy causespiquefleeting feeling of hurt pridepiqueIrritate; miff; offend.plentitudeabundance, plentypluralisticincluding a variety of groupspneumaticrelating to air; worked by compressed airpoliticdiscreet, tactfulportentomenpotentatemonarch or ruler with great powerpremeditateto consider, plan beforehandprogressivefavoring progress or change; moving forward, going step-by-steppungentstrong or sharp in smell or tastepuritanicaladhering to a rigid moral codequeryquestionquiverto shake slightly, tremble, vibrateramificationan implication, outgrowth, or consequencerancorbitter hatredrancorousAntagonistic; hostile; spiteful.ravenousextremely hungryrecapitulateto review by a brief summaryreclusiveshut off from the worldrectifyto correctredundantExcessive; repetitious; unnecessary.refractto deflect sound or lightrefugeescape, shelterrehabilitateto restore to good health or condition; reestablish a person's good reputationrejuvenateto make young again; renewremediablecapable of being correctedremunerationCompensation; wages.renownfame, widespread acclaimrepastmeal or mealtimerepleteabundantly suppliedrepressionact of restraining or holding inreproveto criticize or correctrepudiateRecant; disclaim; reject; disavow.repulserepel, fend off; sicken, disgustrequiteto return or repayresilientElastic; stretchy; rebounding.resonantReverberant; ringing.resonateto echorestitutionact of compensating for loss or damageretortcutting responseretroactiveapplying to an earlier timeretrospectionContemplation of past things.revileto criticize with harsh language, verbally abuserevitalizeto renew; give new energy torhapsodyemotional literary or musical workrisquébordering on being inappropriate or indecentrobuststrong and healthy; hardyrotundround in shape; fatsallowsickly yellow in colorsanctionpermission, support; law; penaltysanctuaryhaven, retreatsanguineruddy; cheerfully optimisticscaleto climb to the top ofscathingharshly critical; painfully hotscenarioplot outline; possible situationscrupulousrestrained; careful and preciseseditionbehavior promoting rebellionsensualsatisfying or gratifying the sensessequelanything that followsservilesubmissive, obedientsolublecapable of being solved or dissolvedsordidfilthy; contemptible and corruptstagnantimmobile, stalestasismotionless state; standstillstipendallowance; fixed amount of money paid regularlystridentDiscordant; harsh; piercing.stringentimposing severe, rigorous standardsstultifyInhibit; make ineffective; cripple.sublimeawe-inspiring; of high spiritual or moral valuesubmissivetending to be meek and submitsubterfugetrick or tactic used to avoid somethingsuperfluousextra, more than necessarysurfeitOverabundance; excess; surplus.tenuousAttenuated; flimsy; thin.tingeto color slightlytingeslight amounttorporLethargy; apathy; dormancy.totteringbarely standingtransmuteto change in appearance or shapetruantIndolent; absent; idle.undulatingmoving in wavesvacillateHedge; waver; fluctuate.vagrantpoor person with no homevestigetrace, remnantvindicateto clear of blame; support a claimvindicationclearance from blame or suspicionvindictivespiteful, vengeful, unforgivingviscousthick, syrupy, and stickyvivaciouslively, spiritedvolitionfree choice, free will; act of choosingvulnerabledefenseless, unprotected; innocent, na?vewinsomecharming, happily engagingwizenedwithered, shriveled, wrinkled ................

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