Intensive Aphasia Program

Intensive Aphasia Program

The UCF Communication Disorders Clinic is pleased to offer the Intensive Aphasia Program (IAP) with Dr. Amy E. Engelhoven, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Director of the Aphasia House. The IAP is an innovative and intensive 6-week therapy program for stroke survivors. This life-enhancing program is offered five times a year.

What is aphasia?

Aphasia is the loss of language from some type of neurologic injury, whether it is a stroke, tumor, disease or traumatic brain injury. Aphasia can affect the ability to communicate through speaking, listening, reading, writing and gesturing. There are approximately 400,000 strokes a year in the U.S. and 80,000 stroke survivors have aphasia. Approximately one million people, or one out of every 275 adults in the U.S., have some type of aphasia, according to the National Aphasia Association (NAA).

Why is aphasia a chronic condition?

Aphasia is "life-altering". There is no known cure for aphasia, yet its impact is felt for the rest of a person's life. Because aphasia disrupts communication, it affects every aspect of daily living. According to the NAA, ninety percent of people with aphasia feel isolated. Seventy percent of people surveyed felt others avoided contact with them, because they could not speak well.

Aphasia House Participants

"I couldn't talk at all. I used to never go out to the store or to eat," Uriah Nelson said about the first six months after his stroke in 2006. "People weren't patient. It was embarrassing. Now I go to store. The therapist here, they do good." "It's helped me a lot, I am very grateful," said Dr. Renato Parungao.

How can the Intensive Aphasia Program help?

The IAP is an intensive 6-week program, Monday through Thursday, for 4 hours per day. The goal of the program is to increase communication skills. In total, participants will receive 96 hours of clinical service, with 4 hours designated for pre- and post-evaluation. Participants receive an individualized therapy program based on their assessment performance. Therapy will consist of individual and group sessions under the direction of the IAP clinical educators and assisted by master-level student clinicians. Therapeutic intervention is based on the latest evidence-based practice and will be complimented by assistive technologies and weekly community re-engagement activities.

Who is the Prospective Participant?

Participants must be adults with aphasia, at any level of impairment, that are medically stable as verified by their family physician. They must also be cognitively and physically able to endure the intensity of the program and must not demonstrate behavioral problems indicative of poor motivation or lack of cooperation. Finally, they must be a minimum of 6 months post onset of their neurologic injury.

UCF Communication Disorders Clinic

3280 Progress Dr, Suite 500, Orlando, Florida 32826 Phone: 407-882-0468 Fax: 407-882-0483 Website:

Intensive Aphasia Program Application

General Information Name of Applicant:


Home Phone: E-Mail: Date of Birth:

Cell or Work Phone: Sex: M or F

Emergency Contact:

Phone Number:

Do you live alone? Yes or No If no, whom do you live with? (Name and Relationship)

What was the highest grade level you completed in school? Is English your first language? Yes or No Were you (the applicant) able to complete this form independently? Yes or No If no, who helped you and how much.

Employment History:



Past Occupations: Were you employed at the time of your stroke/accident/illness? Yes or No Are you on a leave of absence? Yes or No How long? Are you retired? Yes or No How long? Are you retired due to your stroke/accident/illness? Yes or No

Medical Information:

What is the nature of your illness? Date of incident

Stroke Accident Other:

Were you unconscious?

Yes or


If yes, how long?

Were you paralyzed? Yes or


If yes, where?

Were you right or left handed before the incident?

Did you have swallowing issues as a result?

Do you have any longstanding health conditions/problems?

Please list any current medications and dosages you are currently taking:




Are you on a special diet? Yes or No If yes, describe

Do you have any allergies? Yes or No If yes, describe

Do you wear glasses? Yes or No Do you wear hearing aids? Yes or No If yes, how long? Are you ambulatory?

Yes or No If no, how far can you go independently?

Do you use a wheelchair? Yes or No If yes, describe type

Do you need assistance with the restroom? Yes or No

Primary Care Physician Name: _______________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________ Fax: _____________________________

Speech-Language Assessment/Therapy Clinician: Facility: Address: Phone: Dates attended: Psychology/Counseling/Social Work Clinician: Facility: Address: Phone: Dates attended: Occupational Clinician: Facility: Address: Phone: Dates attended: Other Health Care Clinician: Facility: Address: Phone: Dates attended:

Language/Communication Skills

To assist us in establishing functional communication goals, please complete the following questions:

1. Rank which ways you are most successful in conveying your message, with 1 being the most successful and 5 being the least successful. You may use N/A for "not applicable" if appropriate.

Speaking Facial Expressions

Writing Drawing


2. Please check all that apply:

Speaks in single words phrases sentences

Formulates questions

Carries on conversations

Comprehends single words yes/no questions wh-questions conversations

Reads single words newspaper novels

Writes name single words sentences

3. List situations where you are most successful in communicating.

Language/Communication Skills (Continued) 4. List situations where you are least successful in communicating.

5. What do you hope to gain from therapy?

6. What activities do you want to be able to do? (For example: play golf, go to the movies, go out to lunch with friends.....)


Client Signature or Representative



Thank you for completing this packet. Please forward to:

UCF Communication Disorders Clinic 3280 Progress Dr, Suite 500, Orlando, Florida 32826

407-882-0468 or 407-882-0483 (fax)

Intensive Aphasia Program

2017 Program Cost and Insurance Reimbursement Notice

The cost of the UCF Intensive Aphasia Program is $7,500.00 This covers individual and group therapy for a total of 96 therapy hours over a period of 6 weeks, along with pre and postevaluations.

Payment is expected as follows: $2,500.00 is expect four weeks prior to the start date of the session. $2,500.00 on the first day of the first week. $2,500.00 on the first day of the fourth week ? less possible insurance reimbursement.

Insurance Reimbursement: The Deficit Reduction Act (DRA) of 2005 limited certain numbers of units for outpatient therapy per day for physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology, to control inappropriate billing. This means that UCF may only bill your insurance for one therapy hour per day or a maximum of $1,920.00. The reimbursement from your insurance will depend on your benefit, coinsurance, and deductibles.

Please sign and return this form with your application packet, to acknowledge that you understand the payment schedule. Should you have further questions, please contact: Joanne Bradburn, Office Manager, at 407-882-0472.

_____________________________________ Signature of Client or Representative

__________________ Date

3280 Progress Dr, Suite 500, Orlando, FL 32826 Telephone (407) 882-0468 Fax (407) 882-0483

An Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Institution

Section I:

Patient Information


Name: ___________________________________________________ Prefer to be called: __________________________

Address: _________________________________________________City:_______________State:______Zip____________

Phone (______) _________________ Work Phone (_____) ________________ Cell Phone (______) ____________________

The best time to contact me is: __________________ A.M. P.M. on my Home phone Work phone Cell phone

Date of Birth: _______________ Last 4 digits of SSN#:__________________________

Check Appropriate Box: Minor Single Married Widowed

If Student, Name of School______________________________ City/State_____________________________ FT PT

Spouse or Parent's Name: ______________________________ Employer___________________ Work Phone____________

Whom may we thank for referring you? ____________________________________________________________________

Person to contact in case of emergency_____________________________________ Phone__________________________

Referring Physician:____________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________ Fax: __________________________________

Section II

Responsible Party

Relationship to Patient: Self Spouse Parent Other ______________________ Name: _____________________________________________________ Address (if different from above): ______________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: __________ Zip: _____________ Phone: (____)_____________________ Employer_________________________ Work Phone (____) __________________ Last 4-digits of SSN#__________________

Section III

Insurance Information

Name of Insured_________________________________DOB_______________Relationship to Patient ________________ Last 4 digits of SSN#:_____________Name of Employer: _______________________ Work Phone: (____)_______________ Address of Employer: ___________________________________City__________________State:________Zip ___________ Insurance Company_____________________________ Grp #______________________ ID#_________________________ Ins. Co. Address: _______________________________________________ Ins. Co. Phone: _____________________________

***DO YOU HAVE ANY ADDIONAL INSURANCE? Yes No IF YES, COMPLETE THE SECTION BELOW*** Name of Insured_________________________________DOB_______________Relationship to Patient ________________ Last 4 digits of SSN#:____________ Name of Employer: _______________________ Work Phone: (____)_______________ Address of Employer: ___________________________________City__________________State:________Zip ___________ Insurance Company_____________________________ Grp #______________________ ID#_________________________ Ins. Co. Address: _______________________________________________ Ins. Co. Phone: _____________________________


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