The Intensive Rehabilita.on (ICCR) Program for ...

The Intensive Rehabilita.on (ICCR) Program for Young

Adults with Acquired Brain Injury

Presented at the 46th Annual Clinical Aphasiology Conference

June 3, 2017

Katrina Ross, M.S. CF-SLP, Natalie Ross, M.S., Natalie Gilmore, M.S. CCC-SLP, Carrie Des Roches, B.A., and Swathi Kiran, Ph.D. CCC-SLP Rehabilita.on and ABI

? Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), due to stroke or TBI, typically results in impairments of:

? Language - e.g., speaking, listening, reading, wriSng ? Cogni*on - e.g., aTenSon, memory, execuSve funcSoning

(Chapey, 2008; Cicerone et al., 2011; Kennedy et al., 2008; Sohlberg & Mateer, 1989)

? Deficits are o]en chronic (i.e., >6 months post onset; Cicerone et al., 2011; Kennedy & Coehlo, 2005)

? TBI called a "chronic condiSon" and a "disease process" (Corrigan & Hammond, 2013; Masel & DeWiT, 2010)

? Young adults are a frequently affected and growing populaSon within ABI ("TBI: Get the Facts," 2017; "Young Stroke Survivors," 2016) ? This age-group would typically be involved in higher educaSon, but that is o]en precluded by injury

? CogniSve RehabilitaSon (CR) is a therapeuSc program designed to target cogniSvelinguisSc deficits (Cicerone et al., 2000) that may be impairment-based, funcSonal, or a combinaSon of the two


Impairment-Based and CR

? Impairment-based approaches seek to strengthen cogniSve-linguisSc skills at

the precise level of breakdown to maximize neurological gains (Kleim & Jones, 2008;

Laatsch & Krisky, 2008; Lesniak, Polanowska, Seniow, & Czlonkowska, 2014)


? ATenSon Process Training (APT; Sohlberg, McLaughlin, Pavese,

Heidrich, & Posner, 2000)

? Visual scanning training to remediate hemispaSal neglect (Cicerone et al., 2011)

? CategorizaSon Program (CP; ConstanSnidou, Thomas, & Robinson, 2008) for problem solving

? MulS-step sequence training for problem solving and execuSve funcSon (Ehlhardt, et al., 2008)


? SemanSc Feature Analysis (SFA; Boyle, 2004; Wambaugh, Mauszycki,

Cameron, Wright, & Nessler, 2013)

? Phonological Components Analysis (PCA; Leonard, Rochon, &

Laird, 2007)

? Verb Network Strengthening Treatment (VNeST; Edmonds,

Mammino, & Ojeda, 2014)

? Melodic IntonaSon Therapy (MIT; van der Meulen, et al., 2012)


Func.onal and Compensatory CR

? FuncSonal approaches support cogniSve-linguisSc improvements in everyday, personally meaningful contexts (Elman & Bernstein-Ellis, 1999; Johnson, Hough, King, Vos, & Jeffs, 2008;

Kagan, 2011)

? Compensatory approaches help individuals adapt to their ABI


? Memory books, automaSc electronic reminders, and other external aids (Cicerone et al., 2011; SIGN, 2013)

? MetacogniSve strategy training, e.g., Time Pressure Management (Fasom, Kovacs, Eling, & Brouwer, 2000), Brain BudgeSng (Mayer, Mitchinson, & Murray, 2016), and TEACH-M

(Ehlhardt, Sohlberg, Glang, & Albin, 2004)

? Errorless learning techniques (Bertens, Fasom, Boelen, & Kessels,


? Caregiver training and environmental adaptaSons

(Cicerone et al., 2011; SIGN, 2013)


? AcSvity-level training, e.g. pracSce reading a menu

(Simmons-Mackie & Kagan, 2007)

? PromoSng Aphasics' CommunicaSve EffecSveness (PACE; Davis, 2005) and Oral Reading for Language in Aphasia (ORLA;

Cherney, 2010)

? Script Training (Cherney, Kaye, & van Vuuren, 2014) ? Constraint Induced Language Therapy (CILT; Allen et al., 2012) ? ConversaSon Partner Training (Simmons-Mackie et al., 2010) and

environmental adaptaSons


Comprehensive CR

? The gold-standard CR combines these approaches in order to provide comprehensive, holisSc, integrated treatment (Cicerone et al., 2011)



? To maximize outcomes, CR should also account for principles of neural plasScity

: (Kleim & Jones, 2008)

Intensity RepeSSon

Specificity Salience



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