Carson dellosa math interactive notebook pdf


Carson dellosa math interactive notebook pdf

Turn passive listeners into active note-takers! Introduce interactive notebooks to your students with our series of resource books that include templates and lessons to make the process easy!Turn passive listeners into active note-takers! Introduce interactive notebooks to your students with our series of resource books that include templates and lessons to make the process easy! In Interactive Notebooks: Seasonal for first grade, students will complete hands-on activities about presidents, shades of meaning, place value, shape attributes, prefixes and suffixes, life cycles, and much more. The Interactive Notebook series spans kindergarten to grade 5. Each 96-page book contains a guide for teachers who are new to interactive note- taking, lesson plans and reproducibles for creating notebook pages on a variety of topics, and generic reproducibles for creating even more notebook pages. The books focus on grade-specific math, language arts, science, and social studies skills and are aligned to current state standards. Free shipping with no order minimum required. Restrictions apply. About This ItemWe aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and we have not verified it. Science Resource Book for second-grade is a fun way to teach and reinforce effective note-taking for students. Students become a part of the learning process with activities about plant and animal needs, life cycles, matter, sound, the moon, the water cycle and more. This book will guide you through setting up, creating and maintaining interactive notebooks for skill-retention in the classroom. Students are encouraged to personalize interactive notebooks to fit their specific learning needs by creating fun, colorful pages for each topic. With this note-taking process, students will learn organization, color-coding, summarizing and other important skills while creating personalized portfolios of their individual learning that they can reference throughout the year. Aligned to meet current state standards, the 96-page book offers lesson plans to keep the process focused. Reproducibles are included to create notebook pages on a variety of topics. Carson-Dellosa Grade 2 Science Interactive Notebook Interactive Printed Book Fun, one-of-a-kind learning experience High-interest and hands-on to effectively engage students in learning new concepts Guide to creating interactive notebooks Specifically for 2nd-graders Includes lesson plans and reproducibles proposition 65 reasons:titanium dioxide, other chemicalsNumber of Pages96Manufacturer Part Number104906BrandCarson-DellosaJanuary 26, 2016This notebooking resource is a great addition to my science curriculum! I love that it is grade specific and covers all of the science concepts I teach. I was delighted to discover that not only does it include 33 different science concepts, but it also includes 20+ pages of blank notebooking templates and tabs to customize and create your own content. This made differentiating a snap!Written by a customer.Helpful?February 22, 2016I love this resource for science interactive notebooks. The templates are so easy to use. I like that they require minimal cutting and assembly. That part usually takes so long that the content is forgotten. My favorite notebook templates were for life cycles. I love the variety that is included in the book. I also love the blank templates so I can use them however I wish.Written by a customer.Helpful?September 21, 2020We home school and love using interest I've notebooks to solidify what we've done.Written by a carson- customer.Helpful?June 19, 2016I love the (for lack of a better word) interactivness of notebooking, but often the cutting and gluing procedure takes too long, especially for kids at this age. These templates are simple enough to be done quickly, yet still serve as a great introcution, review, or quick assessment for the kids! FYI-These interactive templates covered all my standards in NC for 2nd gradeWritten by a customer.Helpful?January 31, 2018I like this style of interactive notebooks. Of the several home school science curriculums our family uses, I find the curriculums don't allow for a hands-on approach for my younger children. They prefer to do something versus just listen to me read. This notebook allows them to use their hands and see what I am reading to them. They are able to retain the information better because of cutting, gluing, and coloring. I recommend this to other moms and dads looking for more than just a science reader curriculum. I am a Carson Dellosa Brand Ambassador and have received this product free for review.Written by a customer.Helpful?March 15, 2016This notebook covers all of the second grade standards I need for Florida. I love how it gives explicit instructions for how to complete each page. There are pages specifically for the teacher and then there are the pages for the students to cut out and glue into a notebook. I am using composition books for the Interactive Notebooks this year and all of the activities I have used so far fit in them perfectly. This is a great product and I highly recommend it.Written by a customer.Helpful?March 19, 2021Written by a customer.Helpful?Customer Q&AGet specific details about this product from customers who own it.Walmart Protection PlansMost items come with a limited manufacturer's warranty. The addition of a Walmart Protection Plan adds extra protection from the date of purchase. Walmart Protection Plans cover the total cost of repair, or replacement, for products, as well as covering delivery charges for the exchange.Walmart Protection Plan options and pricing can be found on the product page, as well as in your cart. Go toprotectionto see all the coverage offered for each product. You can view your Walmart Protection Plan after your purchase in the Walmart Protection Plan Hub.Product warranty:See Manufacturer WarrantyAlready purchased your product? A Walmart Protection Plan can be added within 30 days of purchase.Click here to add a Plan. webapp branch Track Order English Language Englishbahasa Indonesia SaveSave for later In Interactive Notebooks: Math for second grade, students will complete handson activities about place value, arrays, addition and subtraction, measurement, time and money, graphing, and more. The Interactive Notebooks series spans kindergarten to grade 5. Each 96-page book contains a guide for teachers who are new to interactive note taking, lesson plans and reproducibles for creating notebook pages on a variety of topics, and generic reproducibles for creating even more notebook pages. The books focus on grade-specific math or language arts skills and are aligned to current state standards.

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