Literacy RI.1.2

IntroductionIn 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination 2025. By 2025, 80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready90% of students will graduate on time100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity. In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high quality, College and Career Ready standards-aligned instruction. Acknowledging the need to develop competence in literacy and language as the foundations for all learning, Shelby County Schools developed the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP). The plan ensures a quality balanced literacy approach to instruction that results in high levels of literacy learning for all students and across content areas. Destination 2025, the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan, and TN State Standards establish common goals and expectations for student learning across schools and are the underpinning for the development of the curriculum frameworks/maps.Purpose - This curriculum framework or map is meant to help teachers and their support providers (e.g., coaches, leaders) on their path to effective, college and career ready (CCR) aligned instruction and our pursuit of Destination 2025. It is a resource for organizing instruction around the TN State Standards, which define what to teach and what students need to learn at each grade level. The framework is designed to reinforce the grade/course-specific standards and content—the major work of the grade (scope)—and provides a suggested sequencing and pacing and time frames, aligned resources—including complex texts, sample questions and tasks, and other planning tools. Our hope is that by curating and organizing a variety of standards-aligned resources, teachers will be able to spend less time wondering what to teach and searching for quality materials (though they may both select from and/or supplement those included here) and have more time to plan, teach, assess, and reflect with colleagues to continuously improve practice and best meet the needs of their students.The map is meant to support effective planning and instruction to rigorous standards; it is not meant to replace teacher planning or prescribe pacing or instructional practice. In fact, our goal is not to merely “cover the curriculum,” but rather to “uncover” it by developing students’ deep understanding of the content and mastery of the standards. Teachers who are knowledgeable about and intentionally align the learning target (standards and objectives), topic, text(s), task, topic, and needs (and assessment) of the learners are best positioned to make decisions about how to support student learning toward such mastery. Teachers are therefore expected--with the support of their colleagues, coaches, leaders, and other support providers--to exercise their professional judgment aligned to our shared vision of effective instruction, the Teacher Effectiveness Measure (TEM) and related best practices. However, while the framework allows for flexibility and encourages each teacher/teacher team to make it their own, our expectations for student learning are non-negotiable. We must ensure all of our children have access to rigor—high-quality teaching and learning to grade level specific standards, including purposeful support of literacy and language learning across the content areas. It is essential for students to strategically leverage their literacy skills to comprehend informational texts and explicitly demonstrate competence in thinking, reading, writing, and communicating. Integration of literacy skills is critical for student success in post-secondary education and to prepare students, teachers must regularly engage students with:Regular practice with complex text and vocabulary.Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from texts. Using literacy skills to gain knowledge and demonstrate competence in rigorous activities and tasks.Effective Social Studies instruction should model and teach students to effectively manage and analyze information using literacy skills and strategies. This requires consistent demonstration and practice of how to use literacy skills with Social Studies content. (An example of an effective daily lesson agenda appears at the end of this document.) Document–Based Questions (DBQs) and Text Dependent Questions (TDQs) are included in the suggested activities throughout this document. “Best Practice” requires student to regularly engage with challenging texts and requires students to substantiate their answers using evidence taken from the text/passage. “The implementation of Common Core State Standards is a full-school endeavor, not just a project for math and ELA teachers. The Common Core State Standards, in addition to the English Language Arts (ELA) Standards, includes Literacy (reading and writing) standards for the “specialized disciplines” of history, social studies, science, and technical subjects for grades 6-12. Teachers of all grades and subjects can integrate math and literacy skills and activities into their disciplines in order to harness the power of the Common Core to improve student learning across the board.”Source: support literacy and language learning across the content areas and support deeper knowledge building in the content area, throughout this curriculum map, you will see high-quality texts from both the textbook(s) and external/supplemental texts?to ensure students are reading appropriately complex, worthwhile material. These texts have been evaluated by district staff to ensure that they meet criteria for text complexity--Quantitative, Qualitative, and Reader & Task Factors. ?Lexile Levels are listed on the Curriculum Maps, and additional information is cited, where available.left2258060KeyATOS: ATOS (Renaissance Learning); DRP: Degrees of Reading Power (Questar); FK: Flesch Kincaid (public domain, no mass analyzer tool available); Lexile: Lexile Framework (MetaMetrics); SR: Source Rater (ETS); RM: Pearson Reading Maturity Metric (Pearson Education)00KeyATOS: ATOS (Renaissance Learning); DRP: Degrees of Reading Power (Questar); FK: Flesch Kincaid (public domain, no mass analyzer tool available); Lexile: Lexile Framework (MetaMetrics); SR: Source Rater (ETS); RM: Pearson Reading Maturity Metric (Pearson Education)Using the WIDA MPIsWIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards and example Model Performance Indicator (MPI) strands appear within this document to provide teachers with appropriate scaffolding examples for ELLs and struggling readers. Strands of MPIs related to the domain of Reading are provided and linked to the corresponding set of CCR standards. By referencing the provided MPIs and those MPIs within the given links, teachers can craft "I can" statements that are appropriately leveled for ELLs (and struggling readers) in their classrooms. Additionally, MPIs can be referenced for designing new and/or modifying existing assessments.Framework Contents:Introduction – Purpose, Vision, Best Practices for Instruction and using the framework to plan effective units and lessons. (Note: Effective lesson planning is intentionally situated in larger themes/units to better develop students’ conceptual understanding and development of mastery of standards over time.) Vocabulary – Instructional suggestions to support both explicit vocabulary instruction and reinforce incidental learning.Pacing Guide – A recommended scope, sequence, and pacing of content, including “Big Ideas.”Anchor Texts-Topic-specific complex texts, with Lexile levels indicated as available (Note: Teachers should carefully review texts to understand and plan for the demands/challenges learners might be expect to face, deliberately model specific literacy skills—including reading fluency, leverage student annotations, and carefully sequence text-dependent questions leading to higher order thinking. TN State Recommended Readings/Texts/Passages – Readings recommended by the State. State Standards - Tennessee State Social Studies Standards.Big Ideas, Guiding Questions – Suggestions for lesson focus.Vocabulary – Content Vocabulary (Tier 3) words/concepts that appear in Social Studies Domain and are important to student understanding, Academic Vocabulary (Tier 2), high-leverage words that appear across content domains. Suggested Activities-Suggested Tasks, DBQs, TBQs, and Assignments– Suggestions for use in planning lessons with literacy connections. (Coded in green)Resources – Links to additional resources & Daily Lesson Plan sampleWIDA – Instructional modifications for ESL—in English as a Second Language classrooms, in all classrooms with English language learners, and as needed to support any student with limited language development and/or non-standard English Common Core State Standards: Focus on VocabularyEffective vocabulary development occurs both incidentally and through explicit instruction. It requires daily immersion in word-rich environments, while teaching and modeling word learning strategies—from the use of context clues and concept maps (to connect related ideas) to understanding the nuance of words: origin, root, and/or affixes. In all content areas, terms should be integrated into tasks and reinforced over time and across contexts. Basic Vocabulary (Tier 1) - Words that commonly appear in spoken language and are heard frequently in numerous contexts and with nonverbal communication. Tier 1 words rarely require explicit instruction for native English speakers. (Examples of Tier 1 words are: clock, write, happy and walk.)Academic Vocabulary (Tier 2) - High frequency words used by mature language users across several content areas and may appear of redundant in oral language. Tier 2 words present challenges to students who primarily meet them in print. (Examples of Tier 2 words are: obvious, complex, establish and verify.)Content Vocabulary (Tier 3) - Words that are not frequently used except in specific content areas or domains. Tier 3 words are central to building knowledge and conceptual understanding within the various academic domains and are integral to content instruction. (Examples are: legislative, molecule, and genre.)Explicit instruction of the Tier 2 academic words (typically in the context of the text and not necessarily through pre-teaching) is required in order for students to know and use the words accurately, per the Suggested Activities (3rd column). Multiple exposures and practice using these words are key characteristics of effective vocabulary instruction. Teaching Vocabulary for Mastery…Post the words in your classroom noting their syllabicated forms (ex: Pa-le-on–tol-o-gy) to aid struggling readers.Provide a student-friendly definition of the word.Suggest synonyms or antonyms for the word.Put the new word into a context or connect it to a known concept, morpheme, or root.Use the new word on multiple occasions and in multiple contexts (e.g., sentence starters, games, student writing).Whenever you say the word, run your hand or a pointer under the syllables of the word as you pronounce it, quickly cueing struggling readers to associate your spoken word with the written word on the wall.Use the new words in context of the lesson.Ask questions that contain the new word; so, students must process its meaning in multiple ways.Add the new word to an already existing classroom concept map, or construct a new concept map using the new word as the foundational concept.Expect pairs of students to construct semantic word maps for new vocabulary.Give students extra credit points for hearing or seeing content vocabulary in other contexts.ReferencesMcEwan, E.K. (2007).40 Ways to Support Struggling Readers in Content Classrooms, Grades 6-12. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Reprinted with permission from CorwinPress.WIDAWIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards and example Model Performance Indicator (MPI) strands appear within this document to provide teachers with appropriate scaffolding examples for ELLs and struggling readers. Strands of MPIs related to the domain of Reading are provided and linked to the corresponding set of CCR standards. By referencing the provided MPIs and those MPIs within the given links, teachers have access to “I can” statements that are appropriately leveled for ELLs (and struggling readers) in their classrooms. Additionally, MPIs can be referenced for designing new and/or modifying existing assessments.WIDA is a sample of modifications provided on the WIDA site, feel free to search WIDA for other examples. Example: Reading Grades 1-2 “Artifacts of the PastEntering:Match labeled pictures with illustrated artifacts of the pastBeginning:Sort types of artifacts of the past (e.g., transportation v. communication) described in illustrated phrasesDeveloping:Compare/contrast information about artifacts of the past from illustrated textExpanding:Summarize information about artifacts of the past from illustrated textBridging:Interpret implicit information about artifacts of the past from illustrated textExample: WritingGrades 1-2 "Homes and habitats"Entering:Draw and label pictures of different types of homes or habitats from models (e.g., on bulletin boards)Beginning:Identify different types of homes or habitats from pictures or models using general vocabulary (e.g., "Birds here.")Developing:Describe different types of homes or habitats from pictures using some specific vocabulary (e.g., "Birds live in nests.")Expanding:Compare different types of homes or habitats from illustrated scenes using specific vocabulary (e.g., hives v. caves)Bridging:Produce stories about different types of homes or habitats using grade-level vocabularyGrade 1 Pacing GuideSuggested Time1st QuarterSuggested Time3rd QuarterWeeks 1-4GovernmentRecognize good citizenshipDiscuss the purpose of lawsDistinguish between conflict and cooperationWeeks 1-3HistoryInterpret timelines to show the sequence of eventsUnderstand past, present, and future Weeks 5-7CultureUnderstand and appreciate diversity of human culturesDifferentiate between family traditions and customsWeeks 4-6HistoryRecognize major historical events that shaped our Nation and State Weeks 8-9GovernmentUnderstand the Pledge of Allegiance and patriotic symbols Weeks 7-9HistoryInterpret historical passagesIdentify Tennessee leaders and their contributionsSuggested Time2nd QuarterSuggested Time4th QuarterWeeks 1-4GeographyIdentify Earth’s components: oceans, landforms, ecosystems, climateUse map keys, symbols, and cardinal directions to find locations on a map/globeWeeks 1-3Economics – Global IssuesDistinguish between natural resources, finished products, and goods/servicesRecognize Global and Environmental Issues Weeks 5-7Government – HistoryUnderstand the voting process and electionsIdentify and study current leaders Weeks 4-6Culture – Geography – EconomicsMemphis in May- Locate honorary country on a map Compare and contrast: culture, geographic features, climate, symbols, products, goods/services, and stories Weeks 8-9CultureDifferentiate between Needs and Wants Determine factors that influence a person to use money or save moneyWeeks 7-9Culture – Geography – History – EconomicsRecognize Global and Environmental Issues-Memphis in May. Locate Memphis in May country on a map/globe. Compare and contrast culture, holidays, and national symbols.* Please note these time frames are suggested/estimated times. Actual class instruction may vary due to schedule complications, remediation efforts or other factors.GeographyWeeks 1-4Anchor/Suggested TextsLearn about Maps: (490L)Our President Lives in the White House: (350L)Seven Large Lands (continents): (660L)TN State Social Studies Standards“I Can” Statements, Guiding Questions/VocabularySuggested Tasks, Activities & Resources1.15 Recognize basic map symbols, including references to land, water, cities, and roads. 1.18 Use cardinal directions on maps. 1.16 Define and locate the North and South Poles and the equator. 1.17 Identify the shapes of Tennessee and the United States on maps and globes. 1.19 Locate Washington, D.C. and Nashville on a United States map. 1.20 Distinguish the difference between a continent, mountain, river, lake, and ocean.1.21 Describe how the location of his/her community, climate, and physical surroundings affect the way people live, including their food, clothing, shelter, transportation and recreation. 1.22 Construct a map showing the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Washington D.C., Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Mississippi River, Cumberland River, Tennessee River, Great Smoky Mountains, Rocky Mountains, Center Hill Lake, Norris Lake, Reel foot Lake, and Clingmans Dome. 1.23 Identify the three Grand Divisions of Tennessee on a map and compare and contrast each division’s major physical features. 1.24 Summarize in their own words, that a map is a representation of a space, such as the classroom, the school, the neighborhood, town, city, state, country or world.How do we use map symbols?I can recognize basic map symbols.1.18 How do we use cardinal directions? I can use cardinal directions to find a location on a map.1.16 How would you locate the North and South Poles and the equator using cardinal directions? I can use cardinal directions to locate the North and South Poles and the Equator.1.17 How would you describe the shape of Tennessee and the United States?I can identify the shape of TN and the U.S. on maps and globes.1.19 How could you use a compass rose to when giving directions to Washington D.C. and Nashville? I can locate Washington D.C and Nashville on a U.S. map.1.20 How can we use a map legend to distinguish between land and water?I can read and use a map to locate geographical features.1.21 How does location affect the way people live? I can describe how the places people live affect their lives. 1.22 How can we work together to construct a map of oceans, rivers and specific locations in Tennessee?I can construct a map including specific places and features in TN.1.23 Where are the Grand Divisions of TN located?I can locate the 3 Grand Divisions of TN and tell features from each Division.1.24 Why are maps and globes important for us to use?I can explain the importance of maps and globes.Content Vocabulary (Tier 3):city, continent, state, ocean, country, equator, map key, river , mountains, compass roseAcademic Vocabulary (Tier 2): recognize, locate, Identify, distinguish, constructVocabulary Strategies:See Page 4 of the Curriculum MapTeaching Vocabulary Across the Curriculum Teaching Vocabulary Strategies for Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Building Strategies 1.15 Teacher shows examples of maps, paper or online, and models using the map symbols and map key to find geographic areas. Teacher and students work together to draw a simple map with land, water (lake, river, or ocean), at least one city, and roads. Keep the drawing. Students create a map key with symbols for the map. Student partners locate areas on the map based on their partner’s map keys and symbols. Readworks article: (490L)Literacy RI.1.1Interactive activity using map symbols and map keys, copy and paste into your browser…: Literacy RI.1.41.18 Student can post cardinal directions correctly on the classroom walls. Do the “Cardinal Direction Slide” singing the tune of the “Cha Cha Slide” and moving in the different directions (“To the east, to the east, to the east, to the east. To the west, to the west, to the west, to the west. Now north, north, north, north. Now walk it to the south, walk it to the south.”) Add a compass rose to the map previously made. Ask questions about the directions of geographical landmarks on the class-made map. Create and label a compass rose. Literacy SL.1.5 Handout to create a compass rose: 1.16 As a class, locate the North and South Poles on a globe and the equator on both a world map and a globe. Students touch their heads as the North Pole, their toes as the South Pole, and their waists as the equator. Students begin with their hands on the “equator” and teacher calls out direction of “north pole” or “south pole” and students move and touch the appropriate “pole” or the ”equator.”Link to a world map: Literacy RI.1.W.1.21.17 Teacher will identify the United States of America on a map and will draw an outline around the country border. Students will outline the U.S. on handout. Teacher will identify the state of Tennessee and use a different color to outline the border of the state. Students will locate Tennessee on their handout and outline then color. Keep this map. Students will find the U.S. on a globe. Literacy RI.1.2,31.19 Teacher will show the location of Nashville on the map from the previous lesson. Students will stick a star on their map to indicate Nashville as the capital of Tennessee. Teacher will show location of Washington D.C. on U.S. map. Students will tell the direction to take to travel from Tennessee to Washington D.C. Teacher will tell the importance of Washington D.C. as the country’s capital. Article on Washington D.C.: Literacy RI.1.21.20 Students will distinguish the difference between a continent, mountain, river, lake, and ocean. Readworks article: (660L)Teacher will show an interactive landform map of the U.S. Students will locate continents (land) and oceans on a map of the world. Students will create a map that shows land, mountains, river, and ocean with a map key and symbols for each. Literacy RI.1.41.21 Teacher will lead a class discussion on differences in locales around the world. Class will describe how the location of his/her community, climate, and physical surroundings affect the way people live, including their food, clothing, shelter, transportation and recreation. Teacher will model creating a web graphic organizer with a type of climate in the middle. Class will give details about the way of life in that climate (clothing, shelter, food, transportation, recreation). Teacher will give small groups options of different climates to create their own web graphic organizer: Literacy RI.1.1,2,3 Then the small group will brainstorm the reasons they would/would not want to live in that climate and present to the class. (Journeys literacy connections: informational text, analyze/evaluate, sequence of events, subject/verb agreements, proper nouns.) Literacy SL.1.5 1.22 Students begin creating map of Tennessee following: How to draw a map of Tennessee: Teacher will show Tennessee map and help students locate the following places to include on their maps : Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Mississippi River, Cumberland River, Tennessee River, Great Smoky Mountains, Center Hill Lake, Norris Lake, and Clingman’s Dome. Keep these maps. Literacy SL1.4 1.23 Using the previously drawn map of TN, students will use a marker to designate the three Grand Divisions then identify and list major physical features found in TN. Design a map key for a map of the physical features.Literacy RI.1.5 Video showing pictures from the three Grand Divisions 1.24 Students will write information on what maps are used for and why maps are important. Summaries should be in their own words, that show a map is a representation of a space, such as the classroom, the school, the neighborhood, town, city, state, country or world.Writing will contain at least 3 facts about maps. Literacy RL.1.2 Government – Civics – HistoryWeeks 5-7Anchor & Read Aloud TextsLocal Government (375L) TN Government (400L) Federal Government (450L) The Role of Government (350L) Elections (650L) Communities and Holidays (600L) State Social Studies Standards“I Can” Statements, Guiding Questions/VocabularySuggested Tasks, Activities & Resources1.25 Identify the current city/county Mayor, Governor, and President, and explain their roles in government. 1.32 Recognize that communities in Tennessee have a local government and compare/contrast this to our state and national government. 1.30 Summarize that voting is a way of making choices and decisions. 1.31 With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to produce and publish an informational text on the importance of the voting process using facts and provide a concluding statement. 1.39 Use informational text to help describe the importance of celebrating these national holidays. (H).1.25 Who is the mayor of Memphis; Governor of Tennessee; and the President of the United States? I can identify the Memphis mayor, Tennessee governor and president of the United States.1.32 Who are the leaders of the state of Tennessee?I can recognize communities in TN and compare/contrast the state and national government.1.30 How do people vote for leaders in the United States?I can explain the voting process.1.31 How can we use the computer to make people understand the importance of voting?I can use the computer to promote the voting process.1.39 Why do we celebrate these national holidays: Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, and Thanksgiving Day? I can explain why national holidays are celebrated in the U.S.Content Vocabulary (Tier 3):Governor, mayor, elect, vote, governAcademic Vocabulary (Tier 2): locate, distinguish, construct, produce, describe Vocabulary Strategies:See Page 4 of the Curriculum MapTeaching Vocabulary Across the Curriculum Teaching Vocabulary Strategies for Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Building Strategies 1.25 and 1.32 Teacher will lead a class discussion on qualities of good leaders to Identify: the current city/county Mayor, Governor, and President, and explain their roles in government and compare/contrast this to the state and national government. Memphis Mayor: Tennessee Governor: United States President: and contrast the responsibilities of local and state governments: Responsibilities of national government: Literacy RI.1.1, RI.1.2, RI.1.31.30 Class can summarize that voting is a way of making choices and decisions. Students will decide if they want to run for “Class President of the Day.” Student candidates lead small groups to create a poster about reasons to vote for him/her. Candidates are given a chance to speak to the class and display the poster. Students participate in a secret ballot vote. Small groups join back together to create a flow chart of the voting process.Voting Process: Literacy RI.1.1Civics Project-Based Learning1.31 The entire class uses a variety of digital tools to produce and publish an informational text presentation on the importance of the voting process using facts and provide a concluding statement. Use a variety of Microsoft PAINT to produce signs stating the importance of voting in an election. Use the following links for this class project. PBS Kids Democracy democracyKids Voting Project Vote Smartvote-Take Your Kids to Literacy SL 1.5, RI.1.1, RI.1.2, RI.1.31.39 Create an October and November calendar using words, numbers, and symbols for National holidays. Choose a national holiday and write/draw about why it important to celebrate the holiday. Literacy SL.1.4.EconomicsWeeks 8-9Anchor and Read Aloud Texts:Goods and Services (230L): (Industries) (400L): and Needs (390L): TN State Social Studies Standards“I Can” Statements, Guiding Questions/VocabularySuggested Tasks, Activities & Resources1.8 Give examples of products (goods) that people buy and use. 1.9 Give examples of services (producers) that people provide. 1.10 Explain differences between goods and services and describe how people are consumers and producers of goods and services. 1.11 Describe goods and services that are exchanged worldwide. 1.12 Examine different types of advertisements used to sell goods and services. 1.13 With prompting and support, read informational texts about major products and industries found in Tennessee, to include mining, music, tourism, automobile manufacturing, and agriculture. 1.14 Examine and analyze economic concepts including basic needs vs. wants and the factors that could influence a person to use money. 1.8 What are examples of goods and why do we use them?I can give examples of goods.1.9 What is an example of a service? How do people get services?I can explain how people exchange goods and services.1.10 Can you describe the role of a producer and the role of a consumer?I can compare consumers and producers.1.11 How do we research to find goods and services that are exchanged worldwide?I can research goods and services exchanged worldwide.1.12 How do you learn about new goods and services?I can identify different types of advertisements1.13 What are the major products produced in Tennessee?I can identify major products produced in Tennessee.1.14 How do our wants and needs influence us on the things that we buy?I can explain how wants and needs influence the things we buy.Content Vocabulary (Tier 3):Goods, services, advertisements, industries, mining, tourism, manufacturing, agriculture Academic Vocabulary (Tier 2): Examine, describe, explain, examples, locate Vocabulary Strategies:See Page 4 of the Curriculum MapTeaching Vocabulary Across the Curriculum Teaching Vocabulary Strategies for Vocabulary Development Vocabulary Building Strategies 1.8 Teacher will lead class discussion about going shopping at Wal-Mart/Kroger/Target/etc. talking about what is purchased and why. Teacher will define “goods” as things people buy or use. Students will create 3 drawings with examples of goods. Teacher will define “service” as a job that helps others. Students will create 3 drawings with examples of services. ReadWorks passage on goods and services: (230L)Video: Literacy RI.1.11.9 Students will work with a partner and will sort pictures on a t-chart as a “good” or “service.” (Distinguish between proper and common nouns). Interactive sorting game: Literacy RI.1.31.10 Teacher will define vocabulary words and lead a discussion about the jobs that students’ family members do. Students answer whether the job provides a good or a service. RI.1.21.11 Civics Project-based Assessment: Students work in small groups and decide on a business they want to create. They must provide information on whether the business provides a good or a service, whether they are producers or not, what consumers would they serve. The group illustrates the business on poster board and presents all of the information to the class. Literacy RI.1.2 Goods and Services: Teacher will lead discussion about new toys, games, entertainment places and how we find out about them. Students will cut out newspaper and magazine ads and sort them by goods and services. The class will examine different types of advertisements used to sell goods and services. Name the goods or services in each ad. Discuss cause and effect of different kinds of advertisements. Literacy RI.1.1, RI1.2, RI.1.31.13 Students will explore the major products and industries found in Tennessee, to include mining, music, tourism, automobile manufacturing, and agriculture. Create an advertisement to persuade consumers to purchase a product found in Tennessee.TN products: Literacy RI.1.1, RI.1.2 , RI.1.31.14 Teacher will lead discussion about 3 basic needs (food, clothing, shelter). Students will examine and analyze economic concepts including basic needs vs. wants and the factors that could influence a person to use money. Consumers must make choices about how to spend their money. Students write sentence(s) about 2 wants that a worker may buy for a family member.Readworks article: (390L) Needs and wants video: RI.1.1,2,3Additional Resources The Difference Between Maps and Globes Video about reading map Family Playground: Educational Games Tennessee History for Kids Pearson Instructional Resources Maps 101 Login Tennessee Electronic Library Reading and Study Skills Council for Economic Education The Solution to Reading Comprehension World Books Online: World Book Atlas Smart Exchange SCS Social Studies Curriculum Resources World Books Online: Home Page Constitution Day Lessons Kids Against Bullying Smart Exchange Celebrating Patriotic Holidays Tennessee State Symbols World Book Kids SCS Social Studies Curriculum Resources Rights, Duties, and Obligations Does American Citizenship Entail? Reading and Study Skills: Geography Activities Make Learning Fun 10 Children’s books that teach diversity Social Studies Games and Movies Kid’s Encyclopedia Time for KidsTennessee History for Kids Studies Practice Tests History Atlas: Primary documents, Short Passages, Photos, Timelines: Photos, maps, graphs of Congress: Lesson Plans, Photos, Primary Documents Archives: Lesson Plans, Photos, Primary Documents, Analysis Worksheets Digital Learning (username: shelby / password: county) Works: Social Studies Reading Passages Book Resources (Must Be Purchased) GUIDE TO WRITING A DBQ Based Questions and Constructed Response Questions Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History: The Gilder Lehrman Collection (Primary Documents): Released Test Questions (All Content Areas): Resource Packs Username: Shelby Password: County History Project: Lesson and Primary Documents Grade Practice Test: Document Based Question, Multiple Choice, Constructed Response Document Based and Constructed Response Questions For Elementary Students (DBQ CRQ): 3rd Grade Resources: 4th Grade Resources: 5th Grade Resources ................

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