Unit 19: Working with Children Who Have Additional Needs ...

Scheme of work

This Scheme of work is provided to help you make the most of your planning time. Customise this by adding your own activities/lesson ideas to the ‘Activities’ column.

Guided learning hours (GLH): 60

Number of lessons: 30

Duration of lessons: 2 hours

|Lesson |Unit content* |Activities |Resource checklist |

|Learning aim A: Understand additional needs of children |

|1 |Unit introduction |Teacher presentation (approx. 10 minutes) to introduce the unit: Outline the nature of the learning aims and |Interactive whiteboard |

| |Definition of ‘additional needs’ including |inform learners of the number of assignments they will be expected to complete. |Early years care and education reference |

| |physical, sensory, communication, |Small group activity: Learners discuss and agree a definition of the term ‘additional needs’. |books |

| |behavioural or learning disability, |Small group activity: Ask learners to create a thought shower on the range of additional needs children may | |

| |long-term or life-limiting condition and |have – physical, sensory, communication, behavioural or learning disability, long-term or life-limiting | |

| |emotional health and wellbeing needs that |condition and emotional health and wellbeing needs. Groups to feed back to the rest of the class. | |

| |impact on a child’s daily life. |Teacher input: On the whiteboard, list the range of terms relating to additional needs – physical, sensory, | |

| | |etc. – used in learning aim A. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to agree a definition for each of the terms listed on the board. | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners check definitions using reference books and make any amendments to their | |

| | |definitions. Learners to produce a glossary for personal reference. | |

|2 |Factors that may lead to a child having |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Early years care and education reference |

| |additional needs, including genetic, |Paired activity: Sensory activity on the needs of a child with a visual impairment. Learners to work in |books |

| |developmental and environmental factors and|pairs, one to be blindfolded and the other to lead them around classroom environment and act as their eyes. |Set of blindfolds |

| |accidents. |Once completed, learners to change places. Activity could be extended to encompass the outdoor environment. |Interactive whiteboard |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to reflect on and discuss experiences from previous activity and make notes on| |

| | |how a visual impairment may impact on the child’s daily life. Facilitate feedback. | |

| | |Teacher-led discussion: About factors that may lead to visual impairment and factors leading to other | |

| | |additional needs (genetic, developmental, environmental, accident/illness). | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to revisit their thought showers from session 1 and organise the additional | |

| | |needs according to the factors that may have caused them. | |

|3 |How some children may have emotional health|Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Interactive whiteboard |

| |and wellbeing needs, including mental |Teacher input: Introduce Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. |EYFS Framework and guidance materials |

| |illness. |Paired activity: Learners define emotional health and wellbeing needs with reference to Maslow. |(downloadable from |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to reflect on the impact of additional needs on the emotions of children and |.uk): |

| | |their families and record thoughts. |‘Development matters in the early years |

| | |Teacher-led activity: Learners feedback from their reflection on how some children may have emotional health |foundation stage’ |

| | |and wellbeing needs and examples of ways to meet their needs. | |

| | |Teacher input: Introduce learners to a sample of the EYFS guidance materials (e.g. section on under threes), | |

| | |which gives examples of what adults can do to support children to develop positive relationships. | |

| | |Small group activity: Ask learners to discuss and write down suggestions on what adults can do to promote | |

| | |positive relationships for children from three years. | |

|4 |How some children may have emotional health|Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |EYFS Framework and guidance materials |

| |and wellbeing needs, including mental |Small group activity: Learners to discuss and record how settings support children’s emotional needs, |(downloadable from |

| |illness. |including mental health, confidence, |.uk): |

| | |self-esteem, self-identity, empowerment. Facilitate feedback to whole group. |‘Development matters in the early years |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to consider the following and produce a ‘Good Practice’ guide for a placement |foundation stage’ |

| | |setting to ensure children have the opportunity to develop the following needs: attachments, bonding, |Computers with internet access |

| | |relating to others, friendships, joining in, sharing, relating positively to adults, choice, one-to-one |Early years care and education reference |

| | |attention, having own personal space, nurturing, managing feelings, self-esteem, self-identity. |books |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to research the work of Judy Dunn and make notes for their personal reference |Large planning sheets/pens |

| | |file. | |

|5 |The impact of additional needs on children,|Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Interactive whiteboard |

| |including discrimination, the effect on |Teacher-led activity: Lead an oral questioning activity to explore common attitudes to additional needs, |Assortment of photographs representing |

| |self-esteem and how this might affect |(including negative attitudes, stereotyping, fear, ignorance, lack of understanding, harassment, isolation, |children with additional needs (e.g. |

| |outcomes for the child. |labelling, hostility and discrimination). Include other discriminatory terms you think a child with |child with hearing aids, wheelchair or |

| | |additional needs may experience. Answers to be written on whiteboard and collated for learners. Learners to |walking frame user, child using Makaton) |

| | |receive a copy for reference. |Key terms cards |

| | |Small group activity: On stereotyping – Learners to be given an assortment of pictures of children who have | |

| | |additional needs. Create a case study for each picture that includes the child’s age, family circumstances, | |

| | |name, and the setting they attend. Each group selects and passes on one case study to another group. Learners| |

| | |to discuss and describe the possible stereotyping the child and family in the case study may experience. | |

| | |Groups feed back their ideas to the rest of the class. | |

| | |Individual activity: Place key term labels relating to discrimination (e.g. exclusion, bias, ignorance, | |

| | |harassment, isolation, unfairness) around the room. Learners to visit each key term and give an explanation | |

| | |of it with reference to additional needs and give two examples for each term about how this could affect a | |

| | |child with additional needs. | |

|6 |The impact of additional needs on children,|Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |EYFS Framework and guidance materials |

| |including discrimination, the effect on |Teacher-led discussion: What is needed to create a positive enabling environment for all children to promote |(downloadable from |

| |self-esteem and how this might affect |their self-esteem and better outcomes for the future? |.uk): |

| |outcomes for the child. |Teacher presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, nature of assessment and timeline for |‘Development matters in the early years |

| | |completion/submission. |foundation stage’ |

| |Issue Assignment 1, Task 1 to cover 3A.P1, |Individual activity: Learners to complete assignment independently and submit on agreed date. |Centre-devised assignment or use |

| |3A.P2, 3A.P3 and 3A.M1 | |authorised assignment from Pearson |

| |Use centre-devised assignment. | | |

| |Alternatively, use the authorised | | |

| |assignment from Pearson. | | |

|7 |The impact of additional needs on children,|Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Assortment of popular children’s stories |

| |including discrimination, the effect on |Small group activity: Learners to research a range of children’s books to discover if children with |Computers with internet access and |

| |self-esteem and how this might affect |additional needs are fairly represented. Do the text and images used feature an assortment of children with |printers |

| |outcomes for the child. |different needs? Learners to feed back findings to the rest of the group. | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to write a story of their own that they could read to the children at their | |

| | |placement that features a child with additional needs as the main character. Learners need to make sure they | |

| | |feature the child in a positive light and ensure they use correct terminology. They should type | |

| | |up/word-process their story and include suitable illustrations. The work can be used for a display. | |

|8 |The impact of additional needs of a child |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Any resources that the guest speaker may |

| |on a family, including the need for |Guest speaker: For example, a member of staff from the National Autistic Society. Speaker to describe |need |

| |information, the need for coordinated |experiences of working with families where children have autism and being the parent of a child with autism. |Case study of a child with complex needs |

| |support, the financial impact and the |Speaker to also look at impact on siblings and financial effects. Followed by question and answer session. |(which also describes several members of |

| |effect on siblings. |Paired activity: Give learners a case study describing a child with complex needs and ask learners to discuss|the family) |

| | |and identify the impact on a) the child and b) their family, in terms of discrimination, self-esteem, the |Computers with internet access |

| | |need for information and support, and the financial impact, etc. Learners could also consider the impact on | |

| | |resources and the community. | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to carry out research on sources of information and support for families of | |

| | |children with additional needs. | |

|9 |The impact of additional needs of a child |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Case studies |

| |on a family, including the need for |Small group activity: Produce and hand out to each group a case study about a child with additional needs and|Interactive whiteboard |

| |information, the need for coordinated |their family. Ask learners (in turn) to take on the role of one of the characters (e.g. the father, a sibling|Large sheets of paper and pens |

| |support, the financial impact and the |or a grandparent). Ask other learners in the group to ask the character questions about how the child’s |Computers with internet access |

| |effect on siblings. |additional needs impacts on them. | |

| | |Small group activity: Ask learners to focus on either the needs/support required for siblings or the | |

| | |parent(s) in families where children have additional needs. They should create a thought shower about the | |

| | |needs they discuss. Facilitate feed back to group and collate information on the whiteboard. Learners to | |

| | |receive a copy of collated findings. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to discuss either the support that can be put into place for the siblings or | |

| | |the needs of parents of children with additional needs and share information. | |

|10 |Issue Assignment 1, Task 1 to cover 3A.P1, |Teacher input: Recap previous sessions and introduce aims of this session. |Computers with internet access and |

| |3A.P2, 3A.P3 and 3A.M1 |Teacher input: Check knowledge and understanding so far with short quiz or recap activity. |printers |

| |Use centre-devised assignment. |Individual activity: Learners to complete assignment independently and submit on agreed date. |Recap quiz |

| |Alternatively, use the authorised | |Early years care and education reference |

| |assignment from Pearson | |books |

| | | |Centre-devised assignment or use |

| | | |authorised assignment from Pearson |

|Learning aim B: Understand provision to support children with additional needs in early years settings |

|11 |The impact of the social model of |Teacher input: Recap previous sessions and introduce learning aim B and aims of this session. |Assortment of paper and pens for posters |

| |disability on legislation and provision for|Teacher-led discussion: Lead a discussion about the change of attitudes from the medical model of disability |Computers with internet access |

| |children with additional needs. |to the social model of disability and its impact on legislation and provision for children with additional |Early years care and education reference |

| | |needs in terms of inclusive education. Discuss any tensions in the interpretation and application of needs |books |

| | |under these models, e.g. is autism a social or medical model? |EYFS Framework and guidance materials |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to research and produce a poster to be displayed in classroom that explains |(downloadable from |

| | |the social model of disability. |.uk): |

| | | |‘Development matters in the early years |

| | | |foundation stage’ |

|12 |Legislation, regulations and initiatives |Teacher input: Recap previous sessions and introduce aims of this session. |Computers with internet access, |

| |relating to children with additional needs |Teacher input: Provide guidance on websites from which to obtain information on legislation. |presentation software and word-processing|

| |relevant to the home country. |Small group activity: Learners to research relevant legislation, regulations and initiatives relating to |programmes |

| | |children with additional needs (e.g. Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001, Aiming High for |Early years care and education reference |

| | |Disabled Children programme, Every Child Matters, UN Convention on the rights of the child and the Cambridge |books for research on legislation |

| | |Primary Review). | |

| | |Paired activity: Learners to select one piece of legislation, regulations or initiatives and do a search for | |

| | |it on the internet. Learners to look at the legislation/regulations/initiatives in relation to children with | |

| | |additional needs and produce a short PowerPoint® presentation of the information they have found supported by| |

| | |a handout for the class. | |

|13 |Legislation, regulations and initiatives |Teacher input: Recap previous sessions and introduce aims of this session. |Computers with internet access, |

| |relating to children with additional needs |Whole group activity: Continuation from previous session with learners presenting information about their |presentation software and word-processing|

| |relevant to home country. |chosen legislation, regulation or initiative to the whole group. |programmes |

| | |Whole group activity: Matching exercise to recap previous two sessions. Learners to match title of a piece of|Interactive whiteboard |

| | |legislation, a regulation, piece of guidance to a card containing its explanation. |Two sets of cards for matching activity –|

| | | |one with titles of legislation, |

| | | |regulations and/or guidelines and one set|

| | | |with explanations of key legislation |

| | | |Early years care and education reference |

| | | |books for legislation research |

|14 |The process for identifying and providing |Teacher input: Recap previous sessions and introduce aims of this session. |Interactive whiteboard |

| |support for children with special |Guest speaker: A Special Educational Needs Coordinator to discuss their role within a setting, to explain the|Early years care and education reference |

| |educational needs relevant to home country.|process for early identification of children with additional needs, the legal processes and the support |books |

| | |systems in place. Guest speaker to show and distribute examples of relevant documentation, such as SEN Code |Computers with internet access |

| | |of Practice, Special Educational Needs Statutory Assessment, Individual Education Plan (IEP), the Statement |Any resources needed by guest speaker |

| | |of Special Educational Needs, Early Years Action and Early Years Action Plus. |(e.g. assortment of relevant |

| | |Whole group activity: Follow-up question and answer session. |documentation) |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to respond to following questions to assess learners’ understanding of the | |

| | |process for identifying and supporting children with special educational needs: | |

| | |How does the teacher know what support the child needs? | |

| | |Who will the teacher speak to, to find out about the child’s needs? | |

| | |Why is it important for the teacher to review the progress the child is making? | |

|15 |The process for identifying and providing |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Creative materials, such as paper, felt |

| |support for children with special |Individual activity: Learners to produce a flow chart that describes the process of identifying and providing|pens, scissors, etc. for creating display|

| |educational needs relevant to home country.|support for children with additional needs. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to produce a display that illustrates and gives information on the staged | |

| | |approach to assessing and supporting children with special needs. | |

|16 |The process for identifying and providing |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Information from previous session |

| |support for children with special |Teacher-led discussion: Lead a discussion where learners talk about children with different additional needs |SEN Toolkit (downloadable from |

| |educational needs relevant to home country.|in their placement. Remind learners to respect confidentiality. |.uk) |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to create a case study about a child between four and six years of age who |Computers with internet access |

| | |attends a primary school. The child must have some form of additional need. This could be based on a child |Early years care and education reference |

| | |known to learners but the child must not be identified (observing confidentiality). |books |

| | |Teacher input: Show an exemplar IEP (individual education plan) and discuss each section and the use of SMART| |

| | |targets. | |

| | |Paired activity: Learners to use own case studies of a child with additional needs created earlier in the | |

| | |session and complete an IEP. Learners to add targets, resource requirements, descriptions of activity using | |

| | |SMART targets. Each pair should create two IEPs. | |

|17 |Assignment workshop |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Early years care and education reference |

| |Issue Assignment 1, Task 2 to cover 3B.P4, |Teacher presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, nature of assessment and timeline for |books |

| |3B.P5, 3B.P6, 3B.P7, 3B.M2, 3B.M3 and 3B.D1|completion/submission. |Computers with word-processing software |

| |Use centre-devised assignment. |Individual activity: Learners to complete assignment independently and submit on agreed date. |and internet access |

| |Alternatively, use the authorised | |Centre-devised assignment or use |

| |assignment from Pearson | |authorised assignment from Pearson |

|18 |The importance of involving parents in the |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Early years care and education reference |

| |assessment process, including the |Group activity: Discussion on working with parents in terms of the benefits to the child and setting. |books |

| |recognition of their relationship with |Learners to generate ideas of good practice from placement experience. Collate ideas on the whiteboard. |Interactive whiteboard |

| |their child, their expertise and knowledge |Small group activity: Role-play activity – assessment or review meeting with parents to discuss a child’s |Role-play scenarios of an assessment |

| |of their child. |needs. |meeting to discuss a child’s needs. |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to carry out research to find out information (e.g. what support they offer) | |

| | |about local Parent Partnership Services. | |

|19 |Professionals who may be involved in |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Matching game – set of cards with a list |

| |supporting children in an early years |Teacher-led discussion: About the professionals who may be involved with a child/family when a child has |of professionals for matching game and |

| |setting, including an educational |additional needs. |set of cards with description of service |

| |psychologist, occupational therapist, |Small group activity: Matching exercise – learners to match the professional with a description of the |provided by each of the professionals |

| |speech therapist, physiotherapist, health |service they provide. |Computers with internet access |

| |visitor and portage worker. |Small group activity: Learners to discuss the benefits of a multi-agency approach in terms of: |Booklets from local |

| | |benefit to the child |organisations/services |

| | |benefit to family |Early years care and education reference |

| | |benefit to the setting |books |

| | |benefit of effective communication | |

| | |need for confidentiality. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to research contact information for any services in the local area that may | |

| | |benefit a child or the family of a child with additional needs. Learners should consider a whole range of | |

| | |services (e.g. non-medical services such as a toy library). | |

| 20 |Professionals who may be involved in |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Any resources that guest speaker may need|

| |supporting children in an early years |Guest speaker: For example, a portage worker from local portage service and a health visiting assistant from |Computers with internet access |

| |setting, including an educational |a local health clinic to discuss their role in supporting children in early years settings and explain how |Creative materials, such as paper, felt |

| |psychologist, occupational therapist, |they work with other professionals. Followed by a question and answer session. |pens, scissors, etc. for creating display|

| |speech therapist, physiotherapist, health |Paired activity: Learners to do some research into organisations that support parents and create a poster of | |

| |visitor and portage worker. |their findings. Learners to finish the poster as a homework activity. | |

| |The role of organisations that support |Teacher-led activity: Check knowledge and understanding so far with short quiz or recap activity. | |

| |parents, including voluntary organisations | | |

| |and Parent Partnership Services | | |

|21 |Issue Assignment 1, Task 2 to cover 3B.P4, |Teacher input: Recap previous sessions for learning aim B and introduce aims of this session. |Early years care and education reference |

| |3B.P5, 3B.P6, 3B.P7, 3B.M2, 3B.M3 and 3B.D1|Individual activity: Learners to complete assignment independently and submit on agreed date. |books |

| |Use centre-devised assignment. | |Computers with word-processing software |

| |Alternatively, use the authorised | |and internet access |

| |assignment from Pearson | |Centre-devised assignment or use |

| | | |authorised assignment from Pearson |

|Learning aim C: Understand the role of adults working with children who have additional needs |

|22 |How to support children with additional |Teacher presentation: Introduce learning aim C, the learning aims of the session and key learning points. |Interactive whiteboard |

| |needs in the development of self-esteem, to|Individual activity: Give each learner a scenario about their future. They need to decide what choices to |A set of cards with small scenarios on |

| |include ensuring inclusive provision, |make. Learners to feed back on how it felt to be empowered, to be able to make their own choice and to have |for each learner. |

| |challenging discrimination, empowering |control over what was happening to them. |EYFS Framework and guidance materials |

| |children and building confidence and |Paired activity: Learners work in pairs to plan practical activities for children with additional needs that |(downloadable from |

| |self-image. |will empower them and build their confidence and self-esteem. |.uk): |

| | |Teacher input: Explain/clarify the definition of discrimination. |‘Development matters in the early years |

| | |Small group activity: In small groups, learners to discuss and write a set of good practice principles |foundation stage’. |

| | |entitled: ‘How to challenge discrimination’ that can be used in an early years setting. |Computers with internet access and |

| | |Homework activity: Ask learners to bring with them to the next session activity plans they have used with a |word-processing software |

| | |child or children with additional needs in their placement. | |

|23 |How to meet individual needs, to include |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Computers with and internet access and |

| |assessment and individualised planning |Group activity: Show learners an illustration of the assessment and planning cycle and ask learners to |word-processing software |

| | |discuss and give an example for each stage. |Interactive whiteboard |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to use the activity plans for an activity they have carried out with a child or|Illustration of the assessment and |

| | |children with additional needs in their placement, to review the activity (i.e. why the activity was chosen, |planning cycle |

| | |the child’s interests, whether the activity was successful in meeting the child’s needs, the child’s |Samples of learners’ activity plans and |

| | |progress, who they consulted before and after the activity). |reviews |

| | |Paired activity: Using the activity plans and reviews carried out above individually, learners to produce a | |

| | |plan for each child to promote their development suggesting any referrals that may be required. | |

| | |Whole group activity: Learners to write down two reasons why practitioners need to observe, assess and review| |

| | |progress and share each reason with the whole group. Collate information. | |

|24 |The importance of observing, assessing and |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Computers with internet access and |

| |reviewing progress, including recognising |Individual activity: Learners write a case study that involves a child with additional needs. Learners to |presentation software |

| |and meeting children’s needs and interests,|explain in their case study how old the child is, what their specific needs are and give some general |Interactive whiteboard for learners’ |

| |identifying whether further referrals are |background to the child and their family. |presentations. |

| |required and liaising with other |Small group activity: Learners to give a brief presentation to the small group on their case study. Their |Early years care and education reference |

| |professionals |presentations needs to include the following information: |books |

| | |who – brief description of the child and their additional needs | |

| | |how – how they would observe the child and assess them to find out more information about their specific | |

| | |needs | |

| | |who – who they would speak to find out more about the child | |

| | |who else they should go to for support. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to note down questions to ask the SENCO in their work placement about the ways| |

| | |they work in collaboration with other professionals. Learners to bring this information to the next lesson. | |

|25 |The importance of collaborating with other |Teacher input: Recap previous sessions, including the assessment and planning cycle and introduce aims of |Interactive whiteboard |

| |professionals, including Special |this session. |Case study of child with complex needs |

| |Educational Needs Coordinators (SENCO), in |Teacher led discussion: Using learner findings from last week’s SENCO interview regarding the ways they work |requiring support from the SENCO and |

| |order to ensure best practice and meet |with other professions, ask learners to look at the different aspects of the role to refresh their |other professionals provided by teacher |

| |children’s needs and interests. |understanding of the complexities of the SENCO role. |Computers with internet access |

| | |Individual activity: Give learners a copy of a case study of a child with complex needs requiring support |Early years care and education reference |

| | |from the SENCO and other professionals. Learners to read the case study and complete a mapping activity to |books |

| | |show the possible links between the professionals (and with family) and ways of working together. Learners to| |

| | |then state the importance of each link. | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to select one professional role and research it. They can then write a ‘day in | |

| | |the life of’ article for the selected professional for an early years magazine. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to discuss and respond to questions about collaboration between professionals | |

| | |and parents. | |

|26 |Assignment workshop |Teacher input: Recap sessions for learning aim C so far and introduce aims of this session. |Early years care and education reference |

| |Issue Assignment 1, Task 3 to cover 3C.P8, |Teacher presentation: Overview of assignment requirements, nature of assessment and timeline for |books |

| |3C.P9, 3C.P10, 3C.M4 and 3C.D2 |completion/submission. |Computers with internet access |

| |Use centre-devised assignment. |Individual activity: Learners to complete assignment independently and submit on agreed date. |Centre-devised assignment or use |

| |Alternatively, use the authorised |Homework activity: Ask learners to bring examples of the ‘parents as partners’ policy from their placement |authorised assignment from Pearson |

| |assignment from Pearson |for the next session. | |

|27 |How to work in partnership with parents, |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Interactive whiteboard |

| |including effective communication, |Small group activity: Learners to discuss and agree on the rights and responsibilities of parents. Facilitate|Computers with internet access and |

| |involvement in ongoing assessment and |feedback. |word-processing software |

| |reviews, and providing support. |Small group activity: Learners to create a thought shower on why it is it important to build a successful |‘Parents as partners’ policy from |

| | |partnership with parents. Learners to give examples of good practice from placement of how this has been done|learners’ placements. |

| | |(e.g. a newsletter, open-door policy, etc.) Learners to refer to the ‘parents as partners’ policy from their | |

| | |placement that they have brought in. | |

| | |Teacher-led discussion: Lead a discussion to identify barriers to successful partnerships and suggest how | |

| | |these may be overcome. | |

| | |Individual activity: Learners to devise a set of good practice guidelines for their setting on building and | |

| | |maintaining effective partnerships with parents. Learners can refer to the ‘parents as partners’ policy from | |

| | |their placement. | |

| | |Homework activity: Ask learners to bring in a policy from their placement that addresses meeting the needs of| |

| | |all children for the next session. | |

|28 |The importance of following policies and |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Assortment of policies from different |

| |procedures in the early years setting, as |Individual activity: Learners to make a list of all the policies and procedures a setting may need to |settings |

| |these ensure best practice and compliance |implement to address meeting the needs of all children (e.g. admissions policy, procedures for children with |Interactive whiteboard |

| |with legislation and codes of practice. |special dietary needs, complaints procedure, health and safety policies, etc.) |Sticky notes |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to compare the policies and procedures from different settings (that they have| |

| | |been asked to bring in) and highlight the main points. | |

| | |Whole group activity: Learners to each write down on a sticky note one possible implication/result of not | |

| | |following policies and procedures in an early years setting. Collect ideas and read each one to the group, | |

| | |adding any ideas not raised. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners discuss and list reasons why it is important to follow the policies in | |

| | |everyday working practice. Learners to prioritise reasons in order of importance. Facilitate feedback and | |

| | |collate answers on the whiteboard. | |

|29 |How to provide for personal care, to |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. |Exemplar policies |

| |include sensitivity and privacy, and also |Paired activity: Ask learners to share experiences with a peer where sensitivity and their privacy: a) had |Early years care and education reference |

| |including gaining information about |been respected and b) had not been respected. Ask learners to identify what happened to make the two |books |

| |children’s individual needs, empowering |experiences different (attitudes, knowledge, environment, etc.) | |

| |children, respecting privacy and |Teacher-led discussion: On subject of personal care, the importance of sensitivity and privacy, and gaining | |

| |maintaining hygiene procedures. |information about children’s individual needs, empowering children and hygiene procedures. | |

| | |Small group activity: Learners to create a thought shower about how to provide personal care for children | |

| | |with additional needs. | |

| | |Small group activity: Referring to the exemplar policies learners have brought in with them, ask learners to | |

| | |devise a policy and guidance document for staff in an early years setting that sets out how they must provide| |

| | |personal care for all children, including those with additional needs. The policy must make reference to: | |

| | |respect and dignity | |

| | |privacy | |

| | |meeting children’s individual needs | |

| | |staff training | |

| | |effective communication with children | |

| | |encouraging and valuing independence | |

| | |any specialist equipment needed. | |

| | |hygiene procedures. | |

| | |Learners to feed back to the rest of the group. | |

|30 |Issue Assignment 1, Task 3 to cover 3C.P8, |Teacher input: Recap previous session and introduce aims of this session. Summarise the unit. |Interactive whiteboard |

| |3C.P9, 3C.P10, 3C.M4 and 3C.D2 |Individual activity: Learners to complete assignment independently and submit on agreed date. |Large sheet of display paper and sticky |

| |Use centre-devised assignment. | |notes for activity |

| |Alternatively, use the authorised | |Early years care and education reference |

| |assignment from Pearson | |books |

| | | |Computers with internet access |

| | | |Centre-devised assignment or use |

| | | |authorised assignment from Pearson |

|TOTAL: 60 hours |


BTEC Level 3 National Children's Play, Learning and Development

Teaching and Assessment Pack

Unit X [TITLE]

BTEC National Children's Play, Learning & Development

Unit 19: Working with Children with Additional Needs



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