5-14-2018 DRAFT 2 New County Emergency Action Plan 4-24 ...

5-14-2018 DRAFT


New County Emergency Action Plan 4-24-2018


Amend Traffic Code 7.14 ATV UTV Trails and Routes


Waupaca County Legislative, Judicial, Ethics, Safety & Security Committee

May 14, 2018 - Minutes

Chair Kussmann called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. and gave the open meeting statement.

Roll call: Chair Kussmann, Supr. Mary Kay Poehlman, Kevin Will and Fred Zaug. Supr. Terry Murphy was excused. A quorum was established. Others present: Jill Lodewegen, Diane Meulemans, Terrie Tews and Ryan Brown.

Agenda: Motion: Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Poehlman seconded the motion to approve the agenda. The motion was carried without a negative vote.

Approve minutes: Motion: Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Poehlman seconded to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion carried without a negative vote.

Public Comment ? No comments.

Reports of LJES&S Depts. Judicial ? No report.

District Attorney ? No report.

Clerk of Courts: ? Ms. Tews let the committee know that when the e-filing became mandatory, there were a few case types that were not required to be e-filed, which included liens. She has taken on the efile of lien cases as a pilot program here at Waupaca County and reported that the process is going very well and expects that those case types will be required to be e-filed in the next couple of months. She also reported that collections for 2018 year to date totals $245,733 noting that tax intercept, state collections and a collection agency are used to collect unpaid fines.

Corporation Counsel Diane Meulemans: Ms. Meulemans gave an update on the activity for civil action, and let the committee know that two new CHIPS cases had been filed and one TPR case. She also noted that the updated IT Policy was completed and had been approved.

In addition, she provided the committee with the monthly performance report for child support for April 2018, and informed the committee of a staff retirement and reevaluation of the position which includes wage evaluation.

In May, her staff began the process of transitioning to digital files, which will also require IT to build an infrastructure to house the digital files, noting that it is different than the Clerk of Courts, whose system was developed and deployed by the State. She ended her report with a brief overview of the Directors' Dialogue Conference she had attended.

Resolutions: Planning and Zoning Director Ryan Brown explained Res #7 (2018-19) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, Town of Mukwa. Motion: Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Will seconded the motion to approve Res #7 (2018-19) Comprehensive Plan Map Amendment, Town of Mukwa and forward to the full county board. Motion carried without a negative vote.

Review next meeting date. The next meeting date is on Monday June 11, 2018 at 1 p.m.

Adjourn: Motion: Supr. Zaug moved and Supr. Will seconded the motion to adjourn at 10:50 a.m. The motion carried without a negative vote. The meeting was adjourned.

Jill Lodewegen County Clerk

These minutes will be posted to the website prior to approval from the committee and are considered to be in draft form until approved at the next scheduled meeting.



Revised J 2017 1


The purpose of the emergency procedures outlined in this program is to protect lives, property and operations through the effective use of community, county and state resources. This program has been developed to provide an organizational and procedural framework for the management of emergency situations. The program also provides for the coordination between Waupaca County and other government and emergency units. Additionally, the program has been assigned to provide a basic contingency manual for administration of Waupaca County in order to plan for emergencies. This program will not cover every conceivable situation; however it does supply the basic administrative guidelines necessary to cope with most expected emergencies.


- Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1910.38 - WI Department of Safety and Professional Services (SPS 332) - Chapter 323 of the Wisconsin Statutes


This plan applies to all employees, board members, and visitors and encompasses all buildings and grounds owned and operated by Waupaca County. Exception: the Corrections Department has their own procedures and plans as required by the State of Wisconsin.


The development of this Emergency Action Plan will be the responsibility of the Emergency Management Department. Also, Department Heads and Supervisors will be responsible for complying with and implementing this program which will include ensuring that training is conducted for their employees.


The following definitions of an emergency are provided as guidelines in determining the appropriate response:

A. Minor Emergency ? Any incident that will not seriously affect the overall functional capacity of a building such as an inoperative elevator.

B. Major Emergency ? An incident which affects the entire building or buildings, and which will disrupt the overall operations of the County. Examples might be a building fire or a chemical spill. Outside emergency services will probably be required.

C. Disaster: Any event or occurrence that has taken place and has seriously impaired or halted the operations of county business. In some cases, mass casualties and severe property damage may be sustained.

The Waupaca County Continuity of Government plan would be enacted based upon the decision from the County Administrative Coordinator and Emergency Management. A coordinated effort of all countywide resources is required to effectively control the situation. Outside emergency services will be essential.


Types of Emergencies ? The type of emergencies covered in this program are:

Fire Bomb Threat

Explosion Terrorism Power Outages

Severe Weather /Tornado Hazardous Material / Chemical Spill

Gas Leak Suicide Attempt / Hostile Behavior

Active Shooter

Winter Storms Medical Emergency Violent or Criminal Behavior Handling Suspicious Mail


A. All Employees ? In case of an emergency, all employees SHALL follow the procedures found in this Emergency Action Plan. Phone usage during an emergency should be limited to official use only. Your personal safety is of utmost concern. All employees are responsible for taking precautions to assure their personal safety.

B. Department Heads and Supervisors - Every department head and supervisor has the following general responsibilities prior to and during any emergency:

1. Emergency Preparedness ? Understand and disseminate emergency procedures and information as outlined in this program to employees. Each supervisor is responsible for maintaining their department's emergency plans and conducting any training of their personnel.

2. Emergency Situations a. Inform employees and clients under their direction of the emergency condition. b. Take appropriate action. This may include ceasing operations and initiating proper emergency response.

3. Arrange informational meetings, as necessary, with the Emergency Management and the Administrative Coordinator to review plans and answer questions.

C. Emergency Management

1. Serve as the reference point for changes, suggestions and recommendations in the emergency action program.

2. Revise this plan as significant changes occur and review contents and make suggestions for changes on a periodic basis.

3. Provide technical and safety assistance to reduce hazards prior to and during emergency or disastrous conditions.

D. Maintenance Department (where applicable)

1. To organize and coordinate the following during an emergency: a. Building and utility services. b. Supplies and equipment.

2. Assure that damaged utility services are repaired, secured or shut off. 3. Maintain fire alarm systems and fire suppression equipment. 4. Conduct damage assessments and emergency repairs, as needed. 5. Provide equipment and supplies to emergency personnel, if needed.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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