AP Biology Researcher Poster Presentation: Pathogenic Disease

AP Biology Research Presentation: Pathogenic Disease

Diseases manifest themselves in dfferent ways. For this project, you will research a disease that is transmitted through a viral or bacterial vector and relay your findings in a poster format.

Illness: ______________________________________

• Minimum of 3 sources, 2 of which can be textbooks

• Your presentation must include the following points:

o What type of pathogen causes the disease or disorder?

o How does the pathogen cause the disruption of human health?

o How can the pathogen be contracted?

o How can the pathogen be avoided or treated?

o What other interesting things should people know about this illness?

For your poster:

• You must include 3 visual aids

• For posters:

o Print out disease name in a font size that measures 15-18mm in height

o Print each topic question (and any additional topics) in a font size that measures 6-8mm in height

o Print out responses to topic questions in a font size that measures 4-6mm in height

o Attach visual aids, and references to poster board in such a way that it is easy to read and visually appealing

• For powerpoints:

o Use a maximum of 5 slides to discuss your content, 2 extra slides may be included for pictures

o Font size should not be smaller than 18pt on any part of your presentation

This Presentation is due: THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 2011


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