
Les sujets d’expression écrite au baccalauréat 2009

TL :

Métropole septembre 2009 :

Subject 1: Although Mather “ never spoke of the incident to Edward” (line 32), he decided to write a letter. Imagine what he wrote. (250 words)

Subject 2: Family, friends, celebrities... To what extent does one need role models to build one’s own personality? (250 words)

Métropole juin 2009:

Subject 1: “The papers are full of the Armaan – Urvashi break-up”. You are a journalist working for a tabloid. Write the article. (250 words)

Subject 2: More and more blogs on the internet are dedicated to stars. How can you account for that phenomenon? Say what you think about it. (250 words)

Liban 2009:

Subject 1: Changes: are you afraid of them or do you consider they make life more interesting? Give examples to illustrate your point. (250 words)

Subject 2: What makes it difficult or easy to be the newcomer in a group? Illustrate your point of view with examples. (250 words)


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