Photo Short Story

Photo Short Story

Objective: To create a fictional short story with a recognizable beginning, middle, and end using a series of photographs for inspiration.

Photos: You need to choose a series of four photographs before you begin writing. Here are the four types of photographs:

❑ 2 character photos; find intriguing, interesting pictures of people that seem to have a story attached to them. Find photos of real individuals that will serve as the basis for the characters in your story.

❑ 1 setting photos: find a photograph of a setting that is intriguing or interesting for you; a landscape or picture of a house or city that will inspire the setting of your story

❑ 1 item photo: a photograph of an object or item that will eventually play a key role in the story you write.

All photos need to be school appropriate.

Photos to Avoid: Avoid any/all photographs of famous persons--celebrities, historical figures (presidents, ect). Avoid photos displaying famous events, ect.

Directions: Find and print or copy your photos on Day 1. You will use the library for this--use books of photography that are in the library as well as the internet. Look for older, professional photos. Begin to brainstorm some ideas for a fictional story that would tell the story of these photographs. Bring your photos tomorrow to begin working on classroom activities (brainstorming, ect) to get your stories started.

Photo Short Story

Objective: To create a fictional short story with a recognizable beginning, middle, and end using a series of photographs for inspiration.

Photos: You need to choose a series of four photographs before you begin writing. Here are the four types of photographs:

❑ 2 character photos; find intriguing, interesting pictures of people that seem to have a story attached to them. Find photos of real individuals that will serve as the basis for the characters in your story.

❑ 1 setting photos: find a photograph of a setting that is intriguing or interesting for you; a landscape or picture of a house or city that will inspire the setting of your story

❑ 1 item photo: a photograph of an object or item that will eventually play a key role in the story you write.

All photos need to be school appropriate.

Photos to Avoid: Avoid any/all photographs of famous persons--celebrities, historical figures (presidents, ect). Avoid photos displaying famous events, ect.

Directions: Find and print or copy your photos on Day 1. You will use the library for this--use books of photography that are in the library as well as the internet. Look for older, professional photos. Begin to brainstorm some ideas for a fictional story that would tell the story of these photographs. Bring your photos tomorrow to begin working on classroom activities (brainstorming, ect) to get your stories started.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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