English .gov.au

|Core homework tasks |OPTIONAL homework tasks |

|Due each Thursday |Maths Mentals homework book |Life skills |English |Maths |Creative thinking |

|Practise your spelling and |Parents please remember it is | |Use the internet and |Counting |Design a new winter |

|sight word spelling as per |your job to work through the |Learn to tie your |information books to |Practise counting by 2’s, 5’s and |uniform for school. |

|worksheet |Maths Mentals together with |shoelaces. |research Australian |10’s aloud and write in your |Draw it in your |

| |your child including marking | |animals. Write some |homework book. |homework book. |

|[pic] |the work. | |interesting facts about | | |

| |Have fun! | |these animals. |[pic] | |

| |Week 2: Unit 8 Week 3: Unit 9 | | | | |

| |Week 4: Unit 10 Week 5: Unit | | | | |

| |11 Week 6: Unit 12 Week 7: | | | | |

| |Unit 13 Week 8: Unit 14 | | | | |

| |Week 9: Unit 15 | | | | |

| |Week 10: no homework | | | | |

|At least 4 times each week,| | |Find examples of doing |Use your user name and password to |Make a list of 5 |

|read for at least 15 | |Make your bed without being|words (verbs) from your |sign in to |things you would take|

|minutes | |asked to. |home reader, library | |with you to a |

| | | |book or a book you are |Aim for 100% accuracy |deserted island. Why |

|Write the name of the book | |[pic] |reading. Write them into| |would you take these |

|in your reading log and | | |your homework book. | |things? |

|have parents sign. | | |Choose one and | | |

| | | |illustrate it. | | |

|Complete |News topics | |Write some interesting |Money | |

|your |Wks 1 & 2: | |sentences using your |How many different ways can you make| |

|maths |Holidays or Free choice | |spelling words. |$1? Draw the coins you would need to| |

|homework |Wks 3 & 4: | |Underline your spelling |use. | |

|Maths Mentals Book |Tell us about a special outing| |words. | | |

| |with your family. Where did | | | | |

| |you go? What did you do? | | | | |

| |(Student Assessment) | | | | |

| |Wks 5 & 6: | | | | |

| |Tell us about your favourite | | | | |

| |animal. | | | | |

| |Wks 7 & 8: | | | | |

| |Tell us about something that | | | | |

| |changes in our environment. | | | | |

| |Wks 9 & 10: | | | | |

| |Free choice | | | | |

|Prepare your fortnightly | |Do something outside with |READING EGGS | |Create |

|news topic | |your family! | | |your our playground. |

|My news day is on | |Take mum or dad for a jog, |Use your user name and | |What would it look |

| | |ride your bike, or even |password to sign in to | |like? What different |

|______________ | |take the dog for a walk! |and complete lessons/ |3D Shape Hunt |areas would you have?|

|ODD / EVEN weeks | | |activities on |Look for different pictures of 3D |What play equipment |

| | | | |shapes in magazines or newspapers. |would you include? |

| | | | |Cut them out and glue into your |Draw and label your |

| | | | |homework book, labelling each shape |dream playground in |

| | | | |e.g. cube, sphere, cylinder. |your homework book. |


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