Dear Participants,

Study visit – SUMMARY (information taken from the group report of the activity)

|Title |Action Anti-Bullying |

|City/period |Ploiesti, Romania |

|DATE |16-20TH OCTOBER 2017 |

1. Three most important things you learned during the visit.

a. How important is cooperation between local authorities, school educators and parents. This topic must be worked along the whole educational pathway of the children. We´ve seen how educators, the families and even the community have to join efforts and to develop different kind of activities in order to involve in a more efficient way, all the principal actors, not only in different educational institutions we have visited, but in all the information sharing among all the participants. In kindergarten, a special experience has been to see how generous could be a person, offering his free time, and a part of his incomes to help children and to see how the sport activities can help preventing violence among peers. Children are also teach about respect, patience and self- control.

b. It was an opportunity to remind us how the issues connected to bullying are the same throughout our countries, to enrich each other about how to deal with this problem in our countries and to get familiar with different approaches and practices from other educational systems. An opportunity for all participants to be aware of the emergency of the anti-bullying policy. The group discussions we had were both interesting and rewarding experience. We have learned about many new approaches. It was an opportunity to be aware how important is social and emotional learning for parents, educators, and pupils. The lecture on the project “Action Anti-Bullying” by Chris Gittins from Northampton Centre for Learning Behaviour (U.K.), was truly inspiring.

c. The study visit was interesting based on the particular practically didactic elements, as well. We have seen the implementation of the art approaches (socio drama, paintings, sculpting), sport (karate), emotional intelligence, posters, role practices, freezing flash mob etc., all efficient to prevent violence in the educational institution.

2. One of the objectives of the study visits programmes is exchange of good practices among the hosts and participants. Romanian National Agency will select examples of good practices and disseminate them to a wider public, including potential partners for future projects.

Describe each of the good practices you learn about during the visit (both from the hosts and from each other) indicating the following:

|title of the |name of the |contact person (if |what features of the project/programme/initiative |

|project/programme/initia|institution that |possible), who presented |make it an example of good practice |

|tive/... |implements it |the programme to the group | |

| |(website) | | |

|Chill out room for |Manuš primary |Davor Špoljar, Agency for |It makes pupils feel better in the school during |

|pupils in the school |school, Split, |Mobility and EU Programmes,|breaks or free time |

| |Croatia |Zagreb, Croatia | |

|Social drama and |Ploiestiori |Ms. Raluca Radu, School |It makes pupils feel how a bullier or a victim could|

|discussion |Comprehensive School|Director, Romania |feel, as they are asked to act as those roles. |

| |Blejoi, Romania | |Social emotional learning/ |

| | | |Individual and reflexive work. |

|Romanian traditional |Magurele Elementary |School Director, Magurele, |Socialization of pupils through traditional music, |

|clothing, school |School, Magurele, |Romania |dances and handcrafts |

|ethnographic collection |Romania | | |

| | | | |

|Martial arts and sport |Mish-Mash |Dr. Mihaela Ionescu, |Teaching of self-control and respect for mates and |

| |Kindergarden, Baicoi|Director of the |rivals |

| | |kindergarten; Romania |Arms as a symbol of cooperation and friendship |

| | |Karate expert- a police | |

| | |officer from local | |

| | |community and kindergarten | |

| | |teachers (for arm | |

| | |modelling) | |

| | | | |

|Freezing flash mob |“Aurel Vlaicu” |Director of the High |Amazing collaboration of the whole school in one |

| |HighSchool, Breaza, |School, Breaza, Romania |project. Everybody feels connected. Easy to |

| |Romania | |organize. |

|Anti-bullying posters |“Aurel Vlaicu” |Director of the High |Encourage students to reflect and be creative about |

| |HighSchool, Breaza |School, Breaza, Romania |bullying |

|Social and Emotional |Northampton Center |Chris Gittins co-director, |Speech to the participants given by some experts |

|Learning |for Learning |U.K. |with a lot of experience |

| |Behavior | | |

|Mute dramatization with |Mish-Mash |Dr. Mihaela Ionescu, |Allows little kids to express without words what |

|bubbles |Kindergarden, Baicoi|Director of the |bullying is and how they should behave |

| | |kindergarten, Romania | |

|Police, school and |Croatian Police |Ivana Canjuga, 6h |Police officers involving in school work on |

|kindergarten cooperation|Forces |elementary school Varaždin,|prevention |

|on bullying prevention | |Croatia | |

| |Psychologist and |Zlatica Kozjak Mikić, |Pupils may anonymously put some information which |

|“Confidence post inbox” |pedagogue in |Zagreb Health School, |helps to see whole situation in school better |

| |Croatian schools |Croatia | |

|Anti-Bullying software |Psychologists in |Marie Helene Gross, |A computer software for reporting the cases of |

| |French schools |Assistant Director, France |bullying |

|Assistance for the |Professionalists |Juana Guillen Caballero, |Providing assistance for the pupils with |

|pupils with difficulties|from Murcia, Spain |Director, Molina de Segura,|difficulties from different schools |

| | |Murcia, Spain | |

|Project “Teachers as |Teacher coaches from|Linda Sikstrom, Daniel |Providing instructions for teachers from different |

|leaders” |Pedagogisk |Prša, Pedagogisk |schools to improve their work with pupils |

| |Inspiration Malmo, |Inspiration Malmo, Sweden | |

| |Sweden | | |

3. The study visit aims to promote and facilitate cooperation among the relevant stakeholders in the field of education and training reason for whom you are invited to describe your findings concerning the following:

1. Common approaches in Bullying

|Awareness of bullying issues in all countries, especially increasing proportion of cyber bullying. Awareness that we need to |

|work with ”how to” instead of just talking about the problem, and that it is possible to use different non-formal activities |

|to improve social and emotional skills, such as arts or sports. |

|Families of children who bully other children often don’t accept the facts and blame the teachers or the school. So it is |

|important to help them to manage the situation, especially to have experts to ask for help if some case is more serious. |

|Work with social and emotional learning (SEL) is necessary for all participants to implement an effective anti-bullying |

|policy. |

2. Common challenges that are faced by all or some countries (both host and participants’) in their effort to implement policies related to the theme of the visit:

|Some teachers don´t want to change their daily practices and are stuck in a traditional vision of the education (don´t accept |

|the idea of including emotional intelligence) and this is a problem. It’s quite difficult to change the practices and the |

|teachers’ points of view (some of them think that teaching is their job, not educating). Value-based work needs to encompass |

|the entire school staff and not just to cover those who are interested. Everyone needs to work for the same value base, |

|regardless to the job position in the educational institution (e.g. a teacher, a cleaner or a principal, etc.). |

| |

|Lack of human resources to manage with a wide problem, that requires activities to prevent, activities to intervene in |

|different fields (curricula, extra school activities, communication …) and with different target groups (families, teachers, |

|other staff, pupils…). |

| |

|Increasing of cyber bullying which is very difficult to control. |

| |

|Left behind children, and inclusion of migrants children in schools. |

3. Effective solutions you have identified that the countries (both host and participants’) apply to meet the challenges you mentioned in question 3.2:

|When a value-based work succeeds, all staff at a school work for the same value base and the students are well-acquainted with|

|the value base and know the consequences of breaking it. |

|To qualify teachers to manage with pupils in classrooms and to cope better with violent situations and bullying. |

|Evaluation of the teachers and regular mentoring during the SEAL’s program |

|To increase the number of experts in schools. Each school has to have, at least few days per week, the presence of an expert |

|in emotional intelligence, psychologist or some similar expert. In some Croatian schools there is so, and in some French |

|schools too, backward one year. |

|To help the children to become aware of what bullying is and how it can affect to their mates is a main objective- so, it´s |

|necessary that teachers change the vision of what is Education. Change attitudes, methodology, introducing emotional |

|intelligence on a daily basis. |

|To provide workshops for parents, teachers, pupils, adapted to their features and needs. It is necesary to grow awareness of |

|this topic on each level, raising awareness, giving information, training for each member of the educative community. |

4. Policies and practices that can be further explored and possibly transferred to other countries:

|In Sweden they have a good system in the initial training of teachers. This makes that teachers have the good attitude and |

|start working with the right concept of education, and they use a large kind of innovative practices into the |

|teaching-learning process. Pupils councils have meetings every week and are truly involved in the school life. |

|Having a pupil in charge, as responsible of each floor. This shared responsibility with teachers help the pupils to feel that |

|they are important and that they can contribute and increase the motivation to behave well. We saw them in High school Aurel |

|Vlaicu in Breaza, which we have visited. |

|Cooperative learning helps pupils to know each other better and to improve their social skills. |

|School without violence- UNICEF project in Croatia |

|SEAL program in UK (presentation by Chris Gittins) |

4. Creating networks of experts, building partnerships for future projects is another important objective of the study visit programme.

Please state whether ideas for future cooperation have evolved during meetings and discussions.

|KA101 Erasmus+ project which includes job shadowing- teaching pupils with difficulties in Spain, cooperative learning in |

|Sweden |

| |

|KA101 Erasmus+ project which includes structural courses about anti- bullying |

| |

|An idea from Sweden: KA201 Erasmus project that involves social skills and value based work with the intellectual outputs |

|(anti- bullying topic) |

| |

|An idea from Spain: KA201 Erasmus+ project with the aim of prevent and intervene in cyber-bullying. |

|To create materials (even a platform with resources) for parents, teachers and students, even for advisers with strategies: to|

|prevent violence in the different steps of the schooling process: materials different for kindergarten, Primary and Secondary |

|school; materials for families, for teachers… firstly to prevent, protocols for developing a good intervention: first steps, |

|activities with the parents of the bullier, with the parents of the victims, and with the “passive” or not passive students, |

|when a teacher needs help of the expert, good questionnaires (and other ways to evaluate the needs) for each school (and that |

|could be used with all the actors); courses for teachers, workshops for parents and curricula with emotional intelligence |

|activities to develop with the pupils. A library with useful materials in several languages and, a list of resources that |

|people who face with this problem can accede (associations, experts centres…) in a local, regional and, if possible, national |

|level. |

| |

|An idea from France: SEAL’s development- to invite a member of SEAL in France to form a team of teachers and psychologists in |

|the primary school. |

| |


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