Create your own PowerPoint on Religions of the World

Create your own PowerPoint on Religions of the World!!

You will work in partners to create a PowerPoint in the computer lab Thursday, Friday, and part of next Monday. This PowerPoint will summarize five of the major religions of the world, with a particular focus on Christianity, Islam.

1. For Christianity, you will need to include in the PowerPoint: Essential beliefs and tenets, monotheistic/polytheistic, holy text, founding prophet, denominations, holiday, a picture of a holy site, 2 additional pictures. Also include your choice of two of the following: What are some worship practices? What is the history and origin of Christianity? What is the difference between Catholicism and Protestantism? What areas of the world do Christians live in today? Give me three interesting facts about Christianity.

2. For Islam, you will need to include in the PowerPoint: Essential beliefs including the Five Pillars of Islam, tenets, monotheistic/polytheistic, holy text, founding prophet, denominations, holiday, a picture of a holy site, 2 additional pictures. Also include your choice of two of the following: What is the Dome of the Rock? What are some worship practices? What is the history and origin of Islam? What areas of the world do Muslims live in today? Give me three interesting facts about Islam.

3. On one slide, you will need to compare and contrast the Islam and Christianity. I will need 3 ways they are different and three ways they are similar.

Then choose from one of the following to do:

4. Judaism: Essential beliefs, monotheistic/polytheistic, holy text, founding prophet, denominations, holiday, a picture of a holy site, 2 additional pictures. Also include your choice of two of the following: What are some worship practices? What is the history and origin of Judaism? Why do they wear those little hats on top of their heads? What areas of the world do Jews live in today? Give me three interesting facts about Judaism.

5. Hinduism: Essential beliefs, holy text, founding prophet, god, monotheistic/polytheistic, denominations, holiday, a picture of a holy site, 2 additional pictures. Also include your choice of two of the following: What are some worship practices? What is the history and origin of Hinduism? What’s the deal with all the crazy looking gods? What are the denominations of Hinduism? What areas of the world do Hindus live in today? Give me three interesting facts about Hinduism.

6. Buddhism: Essential beliefs including the four noble truths, holy text, worship practices, history, origin, founding prophet, picture of a holy site, 2 more photos. Also include your choice of two of the following: What is the Middle Way? What is the cycle of Samsara? What are some worship practices? What is the history and origin of Buddhism? What are the different denominations of Buddhism? What areas of the world do Buddhists live in today? Give me three interesting facts about Buddhism.

This PowerPoint must be AT LEAST 6 slides, including a title page slide and a slide with your bibliographical information on it. You have to include a bibliography with at least 3 books, 4 websites, and one other source on it. This bibliography must be in the proper format:


|Author’s last name, first name. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher, copyright year. |

|example: |

|Fogle, Bruce. Training Your Dog. New York: DK Publishing, 2001. |

|If you only used part of a book: |

|Fogle, Bruce. Training Your Dog. New York: DK Publishing, 2001, pp. 50-55. |


|Article author’s last name, first name. "Title of article." Name of encyclopedia. Copyright year. Volume number, page(s). |

|example: |

|Clark, William W. "Gothic Art." World Book Encyclopedia. 2002. |

|     Volume 8, pp. 277-278. |


|"Title of article." Name of encyclopedia. Copyright year. Volume number, page(s). |

|example: |

|"Golden Retriever." World Book Encyclopedia. 1999. Volume 8, p.255. |


|Article author’s last name, first name. "Title or headline of article." Name of magazine or newspaper. Date of magazine or |

|newspaper, page(s). |

|example: |

|McGill, Kristy. "A Baltic Scramble." Faces. May, 2003, p. 27. |


|Author’s last name, first name. "Title of item." [Online] Available  |

|, date of document or download. |

|example: |

|DiStefano, Vince. "Guidelines for Better Writing." [Online] Available |

|     , October 5, 2002. |

|This example of how to cite an INTERNET source was downloaded from this online source. |


|Title of material. Type of material. Place of publication: Publisher, copyright date. |

|example: |

|Bizet’s Dream. Videotape. New York: Sony Wonder, 1998. |

Religions Worksheet Name: _______________ Class: ______

1. What are some beliefs of Christianity?

2. Is Christianity monotheistic or polytheistic?

3. What is the holy text of Christianity?

4. Who is a founding prophet of Christianity?

5. What are three main denominations of Christianity?

6. What are some worship practices of Christianity?

7. What are three differences between Catholic and Protestant Christianity?

8. Where in the world do Christians live?

9. What are two interesting facts about Christianity?

10. What are some beliefs of Islam?

11. What is the holy text of Islam?

12. Is Islam monotheistic or polytheistic?

13. What are the two main denominations of Islam?

14. What is a holy site in Islam?

15. What is the Dome of the Rock?

16. What are three worship practices of Muslims?

17. Where do Muslims live in the world?

18. What are three interesting facts about Islam?

19. List and briefly describe the five pillars of Islam.

20. 3 differences between Islam and Christianity:




21. Three similarities between Islam and Christianity:





In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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