Underwater Exploration vs. Space Exploration

Underwater Exploration vs. Space Exploration

Which one will benefit us more and why?

"Most of space is empty, at least to our eyes. So far we haven't found another living thing out there. The ocean, on the other hand, literally teems with life of almost unimaginable beauty and variety," quoted James Beck, the Ceo of Sunburst Sensors, a technology provider and strong supporter for further underwater exploration.

Underwater exploration is very important and should be given more attention than space exploration at this period in time.

One tremendous reason this is true is because space exploration need lots of advanced rockets, suits, and other expensive technology, and therefore is very costly. Researchers behind show us that this is definitely true.

On their site they say that a new analysis shows that NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) spends $1.5 million dollars for a lifetime cost per flight. They also reveal to us that their researchers say that at the end of the 2010 the space agency had spent more than $192 billion on their fleet since 1971. That kind of money doesn't grow on trees!

GDP in 2004

Percent spent on space


11.8 trillion



11.7 trillion

0.03% (not inc. individual agencies)


3.7 trillion



7.3 trillion



1.4 trillion




3.3 trillion This is a chart made by astronomers at Cornell University


Underwater exploration definitely does not cost as much as space exploration and is much more easily accessible than space, for the mesmerizing ocean is located on our very own

beloved Earth. Another gigantic reason that underwater exploration is more useful than space exploration is that we are more probable to discover more beneficial data through underwater

exploration. Researchers behind the governmental agency of Natural Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say that the ocean supports a great diversity of life and ecosystems. They also say that the 70% of the Earth is made up of ocean. This means that there is probably a lot of new species, and other wonders in the ocean that we have not explored yet. This is very true when compared to space exploration: Not only does it cost money, but they do not find new discoveries very often. There is probably more in deeper space, but it is not easily accessible and requires lots of different technology which humans do not yet possess, also putting astronauts at more risk than ever before. From their research, we can tell that NOAA strongly supports the fact that we find more beneficial data underwater than in space. They say that the ocean is a major influence on our climate and weather, which means that the more we know about ocean exploration, the more we can understand the weather on Earth and might be able to predict weather more accurately, ultimately keeping people more knowledgeable, safe, and prepared than before. Researchers from NOAA also tell us that the ocean and the life it contains helps shape the features of the Earth. This fact may contain more information than we realize. If we look into some landmarks and landscapes we might understand more about the ocean and also the history of these landmarks, and landscapes, and more on how they were formed, essentially opening up countless opportunities for exploration everywhere. These are all very interesting facts, but one of the most surprising things to know that the ocean is that not only is the ocean the center of all life, but NOAA also claimed that most of the oxygen in the atmosphere originally came from the activities of photosynthetic organisms from the ocean! Amazing, right! In conclusion, although space exploration is still important and should not be stopped, more time, money, and work should be put into space exploration, because like Shakespeare once said:

"To unpathed waters, undreamed shores!"


Ocean life is beautiful, amazing, and just as mesmerizing!

Today's links on the latest in undersea exploration and space exploration:

Keep Exploring!

Article written and organized by Kira Sidhu Note: For more information on the topics in the article, look at the links above, search the internet, communicate with experts on these topics, and keep exploring!

4 There are many amazing destinations in space that we all should wish to see!


There are many interesting layers in the ocean to see, understand, and discover.


Ocean or Outer Space?

This is a chart that shows how much money NASA has spent for space exploration.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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