CPUSH (Unit 5, #2)

Name ___________________________

Date ___________________________

Manifest Destiny


The title of this picture is called America Progress. It was painted by John Gast c.1872 as a representation of Manifest Destiny.

1. Describe the people and items you see in the picture and what they might represent.

2. What does this picture imply about the time period?

3. What is the painter’s opinion about westward expansion?

Westward expansion brought conflict with Indians, such as the ______________________, as trails disrupted hunting grounds and violated previous treaties.

The ___________________________ created a vast _________________________ but was repeatedly ignored by whites expanding West

I. Manifest Destiny & Territorial Expansion in the 1840s

A. In the 1840s, America realized its “_________________________________________” by acquiring all lands to the Pacific Ocean:

1. In ___________________, the USA annexed the independent nation of __________________________

2. In ____________________, the U.S. settled a dispute with England to gain __________________________

3. In __________________, the USA gained new lands in the Southwest by winning the __________________________ American War

B. The Republic of Texas

1. Mexican Independence and Americans in Texas

a. In 1821, Mexico won ________________________________ from ___________________ & the new Mexican gov’t welcomed Americans into Texas by offering cheap _________________

b. ______________________________________________ became one of the wealthiest “Anglos” in Texas

c. Americans refused to accept Mexican _______________: They would not convert to Catholicism, would not accept a ban on ___________________________, and wanted a voice in Mexican ________________________________

2. Texas Revolution & Independence from Mexico (1835-1836)

a. By 1834, Mexican president _________________________________ began to view Anglos as a threat & had Austin arrested

b. In 1835, Texans were in open ________________________________ against the Mexican government

c. Texans lost at the _______________________, but the battle created inspiration: “Remember the Alamo!”

d. The Battle of ______________ was the decisive victory that resulted in the capture of _________ and independence in 1836

3. The Republic of Texas (1836-1845)

a. From 1836 to 1845, Texas was an independent nation; _____________________________ was the first ______________ of the ______________________________________

b. In 1838, Houston invited the USA to _____________________ Texas, but the debate over _______________________ kept America from adding Texas as a state

C. Oregon & Texas

1. Democrat ____________________________ won the election of 1844 & became the “Manifest Destiny” ___________________

a. He urged Congress to make Texas the 28th U.S. ___________________ in 1845

b. He wanted to end __________________________ claims to Oregon

2. Oregon

a. When ___________________________ was admitted into the Union in 1845, it came in as a _____________________ state

b. To make _________________________________ happy, President Polk wanted to add _____________________________ as a free state, but…Oregon was jointly occupied by the USA & Britain

c. Oregon residents & President Polk demanded the entire Oregon territory: “______________________________________!”

d. But, the U.S. & Britain compromised, divided Oregon along __________º parallel, & Oregon became a free territory in 1846

Other Interesting Facts:

D. The Mexican-American War (1846—1848)

1. Reasons for the Mexican-American War

a. When Texas won its independence from Mexico in 1836, the 2 sides disagreed over the territorial _____________________ of the _____________________________________________.

b. When the U.S. ___________________ Texas 9 years later, this _________________________________ was not settled

c. This dispute led to the ____________________________________________________________ from 1846 to 1848.

d. In 1846, President Polk sent General Zachary Taylor across the Rio Grande River which _______________ Mexico into war

e. The U.S. quickly __________________ the Mexican War

2. The Mexican-American War ended with the Treaty of ______________________________________________________ in 1848

a. The USA gained “all” of ______________________ to the Rio Grande River

b. Mexico gave up (ceded) territory in the Southwest, called the ___________________________________________________

c. 5 years later, the U.S. bought the ______________________________ Purchase for $ 10 million to build a southern railroad

E. California

1. The Acquisition of California

a. In the 1830s, Mexico offered _________________________________ to American ranchers & farmers to move to California

b. When the Mexican War broke out in 1846, Californians _____________________________ from Mexican rule & created an independent _____________________

c. The ____________________________________________ was annexed by the USA as part of the Mexican Cession in 1848

2. The California Gold Rush

a. The discovery of gold in _________________________________________ led to a flood of Americans to California in 1849

b. “_____________________________” hoping to strike it rich came from the East, Latin America, Europe, & _____________

c. The California _____________________________ led to a population boom in the West.

Other Interesting Facts:

II. Conclusions—By the end of the 1840s, the USA had achieved its Manifest Destiny

A. America had a “continental” empire from the Atlantic to ___________________________

B. Westward expansion stimulated the ________________________________, spread democracy, & increased U.S. nationalism

C. But as America spread west, _________________________________ issues over slavery grew.

Other Interesting Facts:

Video Facts

The Alamo:

The Mexican/American War:

The Gold Rush:










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