Dunnington Church of England Primary School | Growing and ...

Year 6 – Thursday 1st October 2020

|Maths |Complete the addition and subtraction worksheet – missing numbers in written methods. Please upload your work to Seesaw. |

|English/ |Thomas Edison Research |

|Science |Create an A4 information page about the very famous inventor: Thomas Edison. You could organise your work into sections, |

| |e.g. Early Life, Life and Career, Inventions and Interesting Facts. You could add photographs and diagrams. We will |

| |share your work in class through Seesaw. |

|Spelling – Spelling homework will be sent each Monday. This will include an activity which relates to the ‘spelling rule’ of the week and a list |

|of words to learn. The children will be tested on their spellings each Friday. Currently, we are not using spelling books – your child will |

|bring home a hard copy and the task will be displayed on the website. |

|Thank you for your support with this. |


Submission date: 6.10.20


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